View Full Version : Jordan Peterson “debates” a feminist

01-29-18, 21:40
If you haven’t seen this or heard of Peterson you should give it a watch, it is fantastic. Peterson is one of the smartest guys I’ve ever heard and he demolishes every one of her arguments. If you want to hear more of his stuff his podcast is really interesting but it can be pretty heavy as it is mostly his lectures, his appearances on The Jocko Podcast and The Joe Rogan Experience are a bit more casual but just as interesting. If anyone else is a fan an knows of other good podcasts he has been on I’d definitely be interested in finding some more to listen to.


01-29-18, 22:03
"Clean your room!!"

Meh, I never had a problem with "feminists". Deep down a lot know they are killjoys and chill out once they hit a certain age and outgrow college lesbianism.

Been going on since Bible days.

I would almost take today's milquetoadt feminists over the Tenperance movement or the Suffragettes. Both are why you can't drink coca cola with real cocaine or buy full auto over the counter wity no questions asked anymore.

Dist. Expert 26
01-29-18, 22:48
That dude is seriously level headed. No matter how hard she tried to trip him up he was cool as a cucumber. I'm gonna have to watch more of his stuff.

01-29-18, 22:48
I listen to Peterson all the time.

01-29-18, 22:54
That dude is seriously level headed. No matter how hard she tried to trip him up he was cool as a cucumber. I'm gonna have to watch more of his stuff.

He is fascinating and really has an interesting way of looking at things, there is a reason he has gained a huge following recently. Every time I hear him talk I learn something new.

01-29-18, 23:11
Wow, guy is sharp. Thanks for sharing. Ill have to check out more of his stuff. I love the finality with which he makes his argument.

26 Inf
01-29-18, 23:45
Thanks for posting that. Under my radar. Just ordered his book, I plan on reading it and then, if it is something that I think they'd read, getting my daughters each a copy.

01-29-18, 23:47
Such clarity and logic, truly amazing. I’ve watching him for awhile.

I think they will be showing that clip for a generation in journalism classes.

01-30-18, 00:32
when it came out a bit ago the blow back that he violated her and was all kinds of things he was not to her was going all over the place

and of course she was the victim to an abusive male etc...

the left is freaking nuts I say :)

watched a good vid of him talking about the exchange :)

01-30-18, 02:34
That is the kind of specific, eloquent and reasoned logic I aspire to possess one day.

01-30-18, 07:58
Great interview. I will have to check out his other stuff.

She maybe gave one of the more ridiculous interviews I have ever seen. "So your saying that......"

01-30-18, 08:05
I saw his 90 minute talk and social Marxism the other day. Great stuff.

Super sharp dude. Calm and collected

Big A
01-30-18, 08:12
Dr. Peterson is awesome. I saw that interview in it's entirety and it was just fantastic. The way he shuts down these bullshit SJW arguments are awe inspiring.

Just a friendly reminder folks, there are only two genders....

01-30-18, 08:30
Thanks for posting that. Under my radar. Just ordered his book, I plan on reading it and then, if it is something that I think they'd read, getting my daughters each a copy.

Please post a review after you read it, I plan on getting it myself but I have a rather large backlog I need to get through before I order another book.

01-30-18, 08:43
Just ordered his book from Amazon. Look forward to reading it.

01-30-18, 09:03
That is the kind of specific, eloquent and reasoned logic I aspire to possess one day.

Amen to that.

Even I was rolling my eyes at her. I even hit a point where I wished he would of said: "Could you stop doing the whole: 'So, you're saying...?' No, I said what I said." She tried putting so many words into his mouth it was a joke. Glad he held it together far better than I could have.

01-30-18, 09:09
Amen to that.

Even I was rolling my eyes at her. I even hit a point where I wished he would of said: "Could you stop doing the whole: 'So, you're saying...?' No, I said what I said." She tried putting so many words into his mouth it was a joke. Glad he held it together far better than I could have.

Not only did he hold it together but he used the statements she made that were putting words in his mouth to turn it back on her. Basically, no I didn’t say that and here is why you are still wrong. It was basically mental judo.

01-30-18, 09:41
I hate the "So you're saying..." schtick.

It's a verbal mad lib.

Society is so neurotic that you can't even say "Boy what a nice day it is" without flowcharts, footnotes, asterisks, appendices, and fine print because some no-life asshole will come back with

"How can you say it is a nice day?! Some puppy dog in Timbuktu got run over by a semi! HATE CRIMES!!!!"

So I just tell folks "I got 99 pronlems...."

01-30-18, 09:41
I especially like the “top position” portion. “Why not make businesses feminine?” The fact anyone thinks that way (or is it not thinking at all) is mind blowing.

01-30-18, 10:16
I hate the "So you're saying..." schtick.

It's a verbal mad lib.

Society is so neurotic that you can't even say "Boy what a nice day it is" without flowcharts, footnotes, asterisks, appendices, and fine print because some no-life asshole will come back with

"How can you say it is a nice day?! Some puppy dog in Timbuktu got run over by a semi! HATE CRIMES!!!!"

So I just tell folks "I got 99 pronlems...."

Thanks, Flyman.

Think I just got my next response for when that exact situation roles itself up.

01-30-18, 10:58
Peterson has offered to have round 2 to do a post-mortem in their first encounter....

That would be like slapping someone and getting seconds on the return stroke. Not, gonna, happen.

That lady isn't going to use the words, So; what; you; are; and saying. Ever again.

Can we please get him on tour with Rachel Maddow/Chris Hayes, Piers Morgan, Cuomo and Tapper.

01-30-18, 10:58
I’ve watched some of his videos on You Tube. He and Camille Paglia did a long video on how crazy things have gotten. Paglia is a lefty feminist, but an outspoken thinker and smart as a whip. They had an actual adult discussion that was a delight to behold—a tour de force. It was the exact opposite of the BBC fiasco.

Peterson is the real deal—a TEACHER.

01-30-18, 18:24
I don’t think she listened to one word he actually said. She literally spent the entire interview attempting to put words in his mouth and frankly she came off as a complete idiot.

Looking forward to listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast with him tomorrow while I’m at work.

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01-30-18, 21:24
Holy crap, that was hard to watch.

I had a cultural anthropology professor in college who acted and spoke much the same way as Jordan, although my professor was clearly a lefty. He was very adept at controlling the language of the discussion and calling out his opponent for rhetorical and emotional tricks.

01-30-18, 21:36

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01-30-18, 23:44

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That probably sums it up better than any text description possibly could.

01-31-18, 08:23
Listened to him on the Joe Rogan podcast a couple of times. Super smart and well spoken.

Explained male feminists and sjw pukes very well in those interviews. A voice a reason in all this crazy.

01-31-18, 09:55
Holy crap, that was hard to watch.

I had a cultural anthropology professor in college who acted and spoke much the same way as Jordan, although my professor was clearly a lefty. He was very adept at controlling the language of the discussion and calling out his opponent for rhetorical and emotional tricks.

In another interview, he says that he gets very little, like literally can count on one hand, the number of nasty emails he gets. I think it is because of hos measured, even and logical viewpoints. It's hard to get an 'edge' on him to exploit.

I think I'll read his book. I hope all the fame doesn't ruin him. I'm definitely more interested in Jung, Peterson seems to invoke him a lot.


I may be oversimplifying, but the concept that we all have a dark side and it is how we control it that is the key is really interesting. How do you keep your 'beast mode' in control, but have it as a tool for when that tool is needed. To me that is the quintessential human question and one that seems core to the American Western movies.

He alluded in one class that I saw about how we are no different than the greatest 'villians' in history- and that by denying that, we make it more likely for those horrors to be reborn.

02-01-18, 06:40
What a magnificent guy! I aspire to be able to cooly convey my thoughts like that some day! I wish I could meet him on my best day and spend 4 hours speaking with him on a few topics.

Can you imagine what university could be like if professors were all the caliber of that man?!

02-01-18, 06:55

Thank you for sharing that. I've never seen the man before and I may actually have a hero again!

02-01-18, 08:36
Here is another interview conducted yesterday by Dave Rubin with Peterson and Shapiro. It's long, and gets into a view different subjects, but worth watching if you have the time.


02-01-18, 09:19
Here is another interview conducted yesterday by Dave Rubin with Peterson and Shapiro. It's long, and gets into a view different subjects, but worth watching if you have the time.

Just came here to post this. My moment of Zen.

02-01-18, 10:27
Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege.


It's two and a half hours, but like Jordan Peterson stuff its worth it.

02-01-18, 13:11
Fantastic video, thanks for turning me onto him. His interviews with Joe Rogan have been quite enlightening.

02-01-18, 13:21
Fantastic video, thanks for turning me onto him. His interviews with Joe Rogan have been quite enlightening.

I like where Rubin jokes that Rogan and Shapiro aren’t even in the same species... Talk about two incredibly different backgrounds leading to very similar views on the world.

Peterson is one of the few people that the more I listen to, the smarter he sounds. Unlike Degrasse-Tyson, Klugman and Nye. He’s like an unimpossing looking well that you throw a stone into and never hear it hit bottom. What I think is interesting is that he is obviously wicked smart, but unlike Sam Harris, Peterson has a bit of an animal animus that he keeps neatly controlled- but you know he could be wickedly evil if he wanted to be. Peterson is playing full-spectrum intellectual engagement- and he knows your brain/thoughts better than you do.

02-01-18, 15:23
I thoroughly enjoyed that!

02-01-18, 20:38
Yep, I have watched several of his videos.....the one where he suggests there really is only TWO genders is a good one. College students freakadelic.......

02-01-18, 21:22
Meh I dont care that much

02-01-18, 22:19
Meh I dont care that much

In reference to what?

02-01-18, 23:05
In reference to what?

I wrote up this long winded post about how lame people wanting there to be more than two genders are, and thought better of it.

People been living the Boy-Girl life for thousands of years. Why do people suddenly think it is a hot idea to mess with it?

02-01-18, 23:47
I wrote up this long winded post about how lame people wanting there to be more than two genders are, and thought better of it.

People been living the Boy-Girl life for thousands of years. Why do people suddenly think it is a hot idea to mess with it?

Sometimes I feel like there are two social sciences professors from some elite university and they had a bet for $1 that one of them could so bamboozle our mass culture to believe the craziest thing. And the contra position proff chose as the challenge for the other to defy the two-genders paradigm..... and here we are.