View Full Version : Rochelle Anti-2nd and Taran Tac

01-30-18, 14:00
Rochelle, 28

From: California and Hawaii
Occupation: Flight attendant

Why do you have a gun?
I was originally given a gun as a gift. I went out shooting once, and I happened to be naturally good at it. I was 20 at the time. I’ve done sporadic competitive shooting. I have a lot more fun with it—I’m in it more for fun than competing.

What do you say to people who question the value of a private citizen owning a gun?
I think that if there were less guns, there would be less shootings, period. If the government came in and decided to take the guns away, I wouldn’t be mad about it. I think it’s important to be able to feel safe in your home, but you don’t need more than three guns. You don’t need to own a semiautomatic weapon or a silencer.

When mass shootings or school shootings happen—like the one this week—does it ever make you rethink your position?
Going to the Second Amendment, I don’t think they had AK-47s and everything else in mind [when they imagined] the right to bear arms and protecting yourself. At SHOT show, you can kind of see how much it’s evolved into thousands and thousands of people dumping millions and millions of dollars into the industry…. I guess I’d say it’s almost unfortunate people think that they need so much.

Taran Tac has dropped her.


Excited to see this conversation.

Glad they dropped her like a ton of hot potatoes faster than two tweakers scratchin.

Is it really that surprising with her home states listed? All I can think is the excitement that must have been in that Glamour reporter's head after getting that interview and statements. Controversy is dollas.

01-30-18, 14:06
Why does anyone care?

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01-30-18, 14:08
Taran Tac has dropped her.

Excited to see this conversation.

Glad they dropped her like a ton of hot potatoes faster than two tweakers scratchin.

Is it really that surprising with her home states listed? All I can think is the excitement that must have been in that Glamour reporter's head after getting that interview and statements. Controversy is dollas.

hope at all events every single person should turn their back on her

but again like I say just because someone is something like owns a gun does not make them OK anymore

like that teacher thread they have done their job for the most part seems the majority under 30 are anti US anti gun do not know history and think whites are bad everyone who is white is racist and bad and so many other idiocies

and those under 25 the numbers are even higher

01-30-18, 14:13
Why does anyone care?

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I dunno if anyone does.

I just thought it would make for a good General Discussion on a topic that hits close to the industry that, the majority here, sponsor and advocate for in their day to day lives.

Fair enough, nonetheless.

hope at all events every single person should turn their back on her

but again like I say just because someone is something like owns a gun does not make them OK anymore

like that teacher thread they have done their job for the most part seems the majority under 30 are anti US anti gun do not know history and think whites are bad everyone who is white is racist and bad and so many other idiocies

and those under 25 the numbers are even higher

Sadly, I don't doubt that you are very accurate in these statements.

01-30-18, 14:18
Oh look, one of Taran Butler's gun bunnies said something stupid. It was just a matter of time before that happened.

01-30-18, 14:22
It's astonishing that someone in the "industry" could be so ignorant regarding the 2nd Amendment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect hers [read not agree], but clearly you are not entitled to a job. Darwin award given for voicing "anti-gun" opinion while working at a gun company...giving an anti-gun interview at the largest pro-gun gathering in the world.

01-30-18, 14:37
I don't know why, but for some stupid reason it amazes me that there are citizens of this country who still don't understand the purpose of the second amendment. Of course the founding fathers had no idea that we would one day have AK-47's, but even if they did know it still wouldn't have changed the purpose or wording of the second amendment.

01-30-18, 14:45
It's astonishing that someone in the "industry" could be so ignorant regarding the 2nd Amendment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect hers [read not agree], but clearly you are not entitled to a job. Darwin award given for voicing "anti-gun" opinion while working at a gun company...giving an anti-gun interview at the largest pro-gun gathering in the world.

You mean her current employment has anything to do with something other than her looks? Hired eye candy is just that.

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01-30-18, 14:55
You mean her current employment has anything to do with something other than her looks? Hired eye candy is just that.

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Sad but true. I can think of several chicks who can shoot, are hotter, hells of a lot smarter, who could fill the roll. One though might try to take the company over since her goal, last I knew was working for the NRA.

01-30-18, 15:02
Hope it was worth it.

I get burned out on guns and "gun people" too and I imagine being eye candy on top of that breeds some airheadedness but I am not OK with The Man taking my stuff and if Gen. Washington had access to beltfeds and ARs; he couldn't get enough. So the whole "duh they only had muskets" bit is super naive.

Puckle Guns were a thing and the Framers would consider anything worthwhile as a weapon.

Meh, she'll turn up on Brazzers. And not the "premium" Brazzers

Alex V
01-30-18, 15:15
Seems like gun people put foot in mouth often. Wonder what gives?

You mean her current employment has anything to do with something other than her looks? Hired eye candy is just that.

She isn't even that good looking.

01-30-18, 15:22
I think TT handled it very well, terminating her. The super tryhard youtube social media gun guys are trying to call them out like Taran can control what his employees say, and that he's soft on them and all this other BS.

Sex sells, and some of his employees can actually do pretty well at the range. I just don't care for the "I'm more patriot than you kill her and F Taran tactical!" internet hardasses out there. Oh well.

01-30-18, 15:33
You mean her current employment has anything to do with something other than her looks? Hired eye candy is just that.

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From the picture in the OP I would be hard pressed to call that eye candy, doesn’t seem to have much for brains either

01-30-18, 15:44
Funny thing is, I bet she doesn't understand the backlash and why all the controversy.

Before long someone well have her on their show to talk about how she was victimized by the evil gun community. She'll be used as a poster child for the anti crowd, "See folks even this pro shooter is for common sense gun control".

01-30-18, 15:53
Why does anyone care?

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I care because the anti-gun media searches out these airheads to use to attack MY rights. If you don't care, that's on you. :(

01-30-18, 15:58
From the picture in the OP I would be hard pressed to call that eye candy, doesn’t seem to have much for brains either

She is more 'eye kale'. Doesn't look that good and is tough to get to go down.

Chicks at the range get an instant 2 point bump. I don't know what it is. I think being at the range lets them embrace their animal side a bit more, and we can pick up on that. She was at SHOT, so she didn't get the bump.

She's a 'flight attendant' which is what they have to call them since 'stewardess' has too many, to me, positive connotations. 'Air Troll' is too descriptive. Millenial Flight attendants are the worst. Really DGAF about people as they jet from city to city. The older ones are just pissed off, I swear I had one recently that was so old she joined the 100 foot club with Wilbur AND Orville. But I digress.

The chicks in Taran's video's are hot, but that is when he is hanging with Keanu.

Stupid chicks say stupid things.

Ask her if the founding fathers had twitter in mind for freedom of speech.


One out of all of them. I'm sure that they felt that they had to include one person with a contrarian view.

01-30-18, 19:42
I went to the Glamour link. Lots of articulate comments that reflect well on those interviewed. It started out as a hit piece but the interviews were positive.

Ditto on the kale analogy.

01-30-18, 20:07
Eye kale. That is amazing, going to have to use that one sometime.

01-30-18, 20:21
Brings up tech from colonial times, doesnt realize that repeating firearms existed.

You want to play that game, give me my cannon.

“Eye kale” is the best thing ive read all week.

01-30-18, 20:41
I'm glad to see the rest of the women interviewed have their shit squared away. Hell, even that convention employee gets it.

01-30-18, 20:53
Sort of funny...

01-30-18, 21:04
You mean her current employment has anything to do with something other than her looks? Hired eye candy is just that.
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01-30-18, 21:16
I smell Taran as being accused as the next #metoo perp...

01-30-18, 21:20
He buddies up to a LOT of celebs on his channel....

So yeah I figure someone will flash the #MeToo card.

Before you think pro shooters are immune there was some....unpleasantness.... afoot at Team Glock that Yoko Ono'd just about the whole shooting team. But it wasn't mere accusation but I wont go there here.

01-30-18, 22:02
Why does anyone care?
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Because it's a good reminder that just because someone works in the industry, doesn't necessarily mean they're "one of us".
Double for girls at the range. It don't mean shit.

I don't know why, but for some stupid reason it amazes me that there are citizens of this country who still don't understand the purpose of the second amendment. Of course the founding fathers had no idea that we would one day have AK-47's, but even if they did know it still wouldn't have changed the purpose or wording of the second amendment.

If Washington had seen an AR there probably would have been an expressly written amendment requiring every home to own one....
People forget that firearms tech was moving along even back then...the famed "American Rifleman" of redcoat officer sniping yore are famous specifically for using some of the latest and greatest of the time firearms tech...
I think there was a good reason for them leaving the wording at "arms". The people that wrote that bit of paper weren't stupid, and worded it to ensure it encompassed *anything* that fits that term then or in the future.
But that's just, like, my opinion man...

I think TT handled it very well, terminating her. The super tryhard youtube social media gun guys are trying to call them out like Taran can control what his employees say, and that he's soft on them and all this other BS.

Sex sells, and some of his employees can actually do pretty well at the range. I just don't care for the "I'm more patriot than you kill her and F Taran tactical!" internet hardasses out there. Oh well.

Well said.
Lesson learned, everyone move on.

01-31-18, 04:29
Saying that the Second Amendment doesn't apply to ak47's is like saying the First does not apply to radio, television and internet. You know, because none of them existed when the Founders wrote the Constitution.

01-31-18, 10:00
Saying that the Second Amendment doesn't apply to ak47's is like saying the First does not apply to radio, television and internet. You know, because none of them existed when the Founders wrote the Constitution.

You know what did exist when they were ratifying the constituion and creating the bill of rights?

A 20 round Magazine fed repeating rifle, near silent, that had already been in service with the Austrian Army for five or ten years.

They were well aware of this.

The literally equivalent of your suppressed 300 blackout existed then.

Plus I could hire my own sailors/marines, buy a ship with a bunch of cannons, build a fort with cannons to live in.
, etc.

01-31-18, 14:39
She represents a larger section of gun owners than I like to think about.

Taran Tactical doesn't deserve the hate over this. They reacted accordingly when it was brought to their attention.

01-31-18, 15:24
Before you think pro shooters are immune there was some....unpleasantness.... afoot at Team Glock that Yoko Ono'd just about the whole shooting team. But it wasn't mere accusation but I wont go there here.

Purple hair and all. :eek:

When I was heavy in the gun games, I avoided that stuff like the plague. Just too much drama. :(

Ned Christiansen
01-31-18, 15:47
Agreed that TT is in the clear on this.

Eye kale. There should be no translating our chagrin at the young lady's views into commentary on how she looks.


Good Lord, it's still January and as far as I'm concerned, FMCDHand has already won funniest post of the year.

01-31-18, 16:25
You don’t need to own a semiautomatic weapon

Uh, then why do you have one in your hand?

01-31-18, 19:28
I've only ordered one small thing from them and I've tried to watch some of their YouTube videos but I get turned off by them cheering and prancing around in a sports bra after shooting. Having some hotties around your booth is one thing but if you are making a shooting video, I'd rather see someone wear proper attire and it be focused on the skill. But that's just me...

And I'm glad they dropped her, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. And you should really know what the Second Amendment means if you are working for a niche company... Crazy. Good on 'em tho!

01-31-18, 19:50
And I'm glad they dropped her, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. And you should really know what the Second Amendment means if you are working for a niche company... Crazy. Good on 'em tho!

On the other side of the coin, when you're interviewing... well, Taran could screen candidates better, maybe a quick "Explain in X words what the Second Amendment means to you" essay as part of the application. If I were in the industry, I'd be requiring that from even the janitors... one has no business plying their trade in an industry they don't fully support.

01-31-18, 20:05
On the other side of the coin, when you're interviewing... well, Taran could screen candidates better, maybe a quick "Explain in X words what the Second Amendment means to you" essay as part of the application. If I were in the industry, I'd be requiring that from even the janitors... one has no business plying their trade in an industry they don't fully support.

I'd say the interview went like this:

1. Smoking hot? Check.
2. Knows which end the bullet comes out? Check.


01-31-18, 20:11
I'd say the interview went like this:

1. Smoking hot? Check.
2. Knows which end the bullet comes out? Check.


You forgot possible 3. "Casting Couch." Not saying it DID happen, just that it's a possibility.

01-31-18, 20:39
I just want to chime in and say that while I havent had time to do IPSC lately, almost 100% of the females who shoot are not only not bimbos but are pretty sharp and pro 2nd Am. As in, for them, 2nd Am issues are non-negotiable. From the 13 year olds in the juniors to the adults who range from military vets to police to just plain wife/mom/college girl who picked it up as a sport.

This person in the article is just a bit to immature and probably was more of a hang around.

I knew twentysomething girls who kept data books and loaded their own rounds. They may not have been "gun people" but they knew their gun and their stuff.

The biggest problem I have is the "booth babe" mentality that leads to leg humping and turns women off in a major way. In the shooting sports, you are only as good as your time and target. It's the most egalitarian sport out there and for everyone who takes it seriously (Julie Golob, Athena Lee, Maggie Reese) there are the sports bra yoga pants types who make it seem right up there with dubstep and Xbox.

Part of the fun of competitive shooting is having "no minds". You do the course of fire and forget about your week, sorry ass life, etc because you are in the moment.

Her wishy washy sophomoric interview was just not good and she probably is against guns but I doubt she was ever really for them but liked getting the attention. Male or otherwise.

That's what sorta grinds my gears

01-31-18, 20:51
Damn, Fly, you're getting creepy with how alike we think sometimes. :) Reminds me of something The Ex used to do when we were shooting just the two of us... she'd always try to put me off my game with taunts about "get ready to get BEATEN BY A GIRL!" and I'd always come back about "On the range, the only thing that counts is pure score, not gender, nor size nor anything else." Though it was kinda fun watching the Bubbas get Butthurt when they stepped to her and she turned that attitude on them... :)

Part of me still misses that girl... even though us ending badly was never a question of "if," only "when," and even though in the years since I think I've traded WAY up.

01-31-18, 23:14
I have to admit,
At the local matches when they were still going, all the women I saw were married to an Operator and got into with him and the sons, were already into guns and starting going to matches with their boyfriend from third group, or daughters so similar.
All very normal.

One girl that did a couple of courses with my son was actually really good. But even though her dad was my age he was real overweight and starting having bad medical problems with diabetes and stuff and stopped coming. Like so overweight you could tell she would end up with psyc problems of love, sadness, and resentment and stuff. But started out as a normal, happy kid.

They all seemed like a bunch of women that had grown up rural with plenty of brothers and boy cousins and were used to chores, guys, and shooting. Very different I suspect than models trained to be shooting eye candy.

02-01-18, 00:57
I don't wish this on anyone, but it wouldn't make me sad if she was a victim of a home invasion and raped and stabbed before she could get to her state mandated security container that contained her (three) firearms which were required to be unloaded while the ammunition was locked in a different security container.

And if in those moments when she tried to fight off three violent offenders with a swiffer stick that for a brief second the thought "this wouldn't be happening to me if I had a fcking AK-47 and standby mags ready to roll" right before she was forced down to the ground and a windex saturated cleaning rag was shoved in her mouth, I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for her.

02-01-18, 02:51
I don't wish this on anyone, but it wouldn't make me sad if she was a victim of a home invasion and raped and stabbed before she could get to her state mandated security container that contained her (three) firearms which were required to be unloaded while the ammunition was locked in a different security container.

And if in those moments when she tried to fight off three violent offenders with a swiffer stick that for a brief second the thought "this wouldn't be happening to me if I had a fcking AK-47 and standby mags ready to roll" right before she was forced down to the ground and a windex saturated cleaning rag was shoved in her mouth, I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for her.

thank goodness I did not have a gun in my house or I would be dead today ! cause these people would have used it on me

chances are she would blame something else anyway?

02-01-18, 11:50
I don't wish this on anyone, but it wouldn't make me sad if she was a victim of a home invasion and raped and stabbed before she could get to her state mandated security container that contained her (three) firearms which were required to be unloaded while the ammunition was locked in a different security container.

And if in those moments when she tried to fight off three violent offenders with a swiffer stick that for a brief second the thought "this wouldn't be happening to me if I had a fcking AK-47 and standby mags ready to roll" right before she was forced down to the ground and a windex saturated cleaning rag was shoved in her mouth, I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for her.

Took it to a level it probably never should have been taken to, I see your point.

02-01-18, 12:13
When I encounter such people, I always pray for them to have a Wakeup Call Moment that'll be scary in that instant, but no bodily harm or lasting damage done to anyone. Maybe I'm just a soft and weak civilian, but... well, "everybody goes their separate ways with no more holes than they had coming in" is always my preferred end-state.

02-02-18, 11:08
I don't wish this on anyone, but it wouldn't make me sad if she was a victim of a home invasion and raped and stabbed before she could get to her state mandated security container that contained her (three) firearms which were required to be unloaded while the ammunition was locked in a different security container.

And if in those moments when she tried to fight off three violent offenders with a swiffer stick that for a brief second the thought "this wouldn't be happening to me if I had a fcking AK-47 and standby mags ready to roll" right before she was forced down to the ground and a windex saturated cleaning rag was shoved in her mouth, I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for her.

I realize you prefaced with I wouldn’t wish.... but still you wouldn’t mind??

Maybe she a dumb bimbo, maybe she is just young and ignorant, but she is someone’s daughter. Rape is quite the punishment for differing views I think.

02-02-18, 11:34
Yeah I kind of agree. I would maybe said "I hope she gets more maturity and education"

I dont think everyone in the world needs to be "yay guns!" as long as they understand it is my inalienable right which must be respected as such.

Lots of stuff I dont like that I'm not into but other folks can have right at it.

02-02-18, 16:17
I realize you prefaced with I wouldn’t wish.... but still you wouldn’t mind??

Maybe she a dumb bimbo, maybe she is just young and ignorant, but she is someone’s daughter. Rape is quite the punishment for differing views I think.

I said "I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for her." After all if it was up to her should would consign everyone to a similar fate by denying them a means of personal defense.

Her words "If the government came in and decided to take the guns away, I wouldn’t be mad about it." So if somebody has to be a victim of disarmament, let it be her first. Pelosi is also somebody's daughter, Hitler had a mom so the whole "people care about her" stuff is meaningless.

And she just doesn't have differing views, she is fine with a complete ban on personal firearms for everyone. Now if all she said was "she" doesn't want an AK or "she" didn't feel the need to own guns for personal defense, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

02-02-18, 16:26
She is more 'eye kale'. Doesn't look that good and is tough to get to go down.

Chicks at the range get an instant 2 point bump. I don't know what it is. I think being at the range lets them embrace their animal side a bit more, and we can pick up on that. She was at SHOT, so she didn't get the bump.

She's a 'flight attendant' which is what they have to call them since 'stewardess' has too many, to me, positive connotations. 'Air Troll' is too descriptive. Millenial Flight attendants are the worst. Really DGAF about people as they jet from city to city. The older ones are just pissed off, I swear I had one recently that was so old she joined the 100 foot club with Wilbur AND Orville. But I digress.

The chicks in Taran's video's are hot, but that is when he is hanging with Keanu.

Stupid chicks say stupid things.

Ask her if the founding fathers had twitter in mind for freedom of speech.


One out of all of them. I'm sure that they felt that they had to include one person with a contrarian view.
Ok - typically I don’t approve of insults on line but “eye kale” is just brilliant. You win the whitty internet slam of the day award.

02-02-18, 17:08
I said "I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for her." After all if it was up to her should would consign everyone to a similar fate by denying them a means of personal defense.

Her words "If the government came in and decided to take the guns away, I wouldn’t be mad about it." So if somebody has to be a victim of disarmament, let it be her first. Pelosi is also somebody's daughter, Hitler had a mom so the whole "people care about her" stuff is meaningless.

And she just doesn't have differing views, she is fine with a complete ban on personal firearms for everyone. Now if all she said was "she" doesn't want an AK or "she" didn't feel the need to own guns for personal defense, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I’m not pretending to care about her, but I’m quite sure her parents do.
So everyone who isn’t inline with the Bill of Rights should be skull ****ed?
That’s sounds more like the way the extreme left reacts to disagreement to me.
I have kids, so I just don’t get your take on it... but I’m not gonna wish Florida butt rape on you because of it.

02-02-18, 17:14
Why not!? Can you imagine the possibilities of what "florida butt rape" might entail? Im saying bath salts are definitely involved

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02-02-18, 17:25
I’m not pretending to care about her, but I’m quite sure her parents do.
So everyone who isn’t inline with the Bill of Rights should be skull ****ed?
That’s sounds more like the way the extreme left reacts to disagreement to me.
I have kids, so I just don’t get your take on it... but I’m not gonna wish Florida butt rape on you because of it.

Let me see if I can get you there.

Everyone is free to believe anything they want, BUT if you believe in actual communism, I wouldn't object to some divine cosmic justice that made you instantly trade places with students of Tienanmen Square the night their government rolled on them for having a desire to be freer. It's not that I think anyone who genuinely believes in actual communism should DIE for their beliefs, it's simply a matter of having a greater concern for those who suffer under those beliefs through no fault of their own.

In this country, there are people who are victims of their own zip code. People who cannot legally carry a firearm for personal defense, people who cannot own certain kinds of firearms that are better suited to home defense and some of these people are victimized as a result of having no means to adequately defend themselves. And again if there was some kind of divine, cosmic justice I would have these people trade places so that those who wish to have a means to protect themselves and their families can actually do so, and so that those who think it is right that they should be disarmed or have their freedoms limited should be in front of the line to experience what that is actually like.

I think Americans should pretty much be free to believe just about anything, regardless of how offensive or hateful it is. Communists, Nazi's, Racists...whatever...believe as you like. But again if some divine, cosmic justice transported members of Aryan Nations back to Treblinka, I probably wouldn't care.

I believe everyone should be completely free to think, act and do as they like so long as it doesn't infringe upon the personal freedoms of another. And if some kind of divine, cosmic justice made me live in a world where I am subject to the consequences of my own beliefs, then that is fine.

Also I realize I'm using extreme examples to make my point, but that is just so we don't have to waste time going back and forth on the relativity spectrum. Extremes aside, she's probably a nice girl who thinks stupid things and says them without even contemplating what she is advocating, and I wouldn't even want to see her get a pie in the face for saying and believing stupid things. But I'd still swap her out with any victim who died wishing they had a means to defend themselves, something this girl not only takes for granted, but actually "doesn't care" that people already are routinely victimized because their government has already disarmed them.

02-02-18, 17:40
Keep in mind that like Rochelle's comments, this thread and your voice herein represent the firearms community at large and M4C specifically. Let's clean it up a bit, and elevate the low-brow discourse. Only warning for this thread.

02-02-18, 17:54
I still don’t get why people care???? TT contracted her, she said something stupid, they fired her for it???

Sooooooo whattttttttt

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02-02-18, 17:56
Seeeeeeeeew buttons

02-02-18, 18:29
I still don’t get why people care???? TT contracted her, she said something stupid, they fired her for it???

Sooooooo whattttttttt

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It's a zumbo thing, if she's been fired (didn't know that) then sounds like it's resolved.

02-02-18, 18:37
It's a zumbo thing, if she's been fired (didn't know that) then sounds like it's resolved.

You didn’t see the first post in this thread?

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02-02-18, 18:52
You didn’t see the first post in this thread?

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I missed the update when I originally posted.