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10-16-08, 16:38
This was from Gary Bauer's daily email newsletter (I don't know how I got on it actually but it is interesting to read so I have stayed on it)


You Are The Target

In recent weeks, there has been a concerted attempt by the Obama campaign and the leftwing media to demoralize you and, thus, suppress the conservative vote. Don’t fall for it. Yes, Senator McCain is the underdog, but this race is far from over.

For example, I’m sure you’ve seen the polls showing Senator McCain down by double-digits. Maybe you saw a recent headline suggesting that Democrats can capture a filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats in the Senate. That would be a nightmare scenario if it happened, but it would happen only if conservatives don’t vote on Election Day, and that is exactly why the media are desperately trying to convince you that the election is already over!

Much of the polling data that is being spun by the liberal media are polls of adults or registered voters, neither of which is a good predictor of elections. But, even worse, the media are “over-sampling” Democrats when they conduct these polls. A political science professor recently dissected one major media poll that had Senator McCain trailing by double-digits. Here’s what he found:

The first thing he noticed was that Senator McCain was actually winning Independent voters. So how could he be down by 11 points? Upon further examination, he found that the poll’s voter sample included 40% Democrats, 33% Independents and just 27% Republicans. In short, the poll “over-sampled” Democrats by 13 points. That might be an accurate poll if the entire country looked like Massachusetts, but, thankfully, it does not.

Then the professor attempted to correct the poll by “weighting” the sample based on the actual turnout in a recent election. Instead of assuming that 40% of the voters who show up to the polls will be Democrats, he used the turnout figures from the 2006 election -- a bad year for the GOP. After “weighting” the sample of voters based on real turnout figures, Obama’s lead dropped to just two points. Confirming the professor’s findings, one of the most accurate polls in 2004 just released a new survey that had Senator McCain down three points.

We can win this, my friends, but it will be up to you! You must vote, and to counter the efforts of ACORN, you must persuade as many friends and family members as possible, with the information we are providing, to support Senator McCain and Governor Palin in the 19 days remaining in this campaign.

10-16-08, 16:47
I think that the poll weighting is tied to local registration figures and self-identification by political party. On the one hand, it sorta makes sense, but it clearly produces some suspect results.

I do agree with the notion that poll data is central to the MSM meme that McCain is dead in the water. The news cycle-polling cycle-news cycle circle has been employed in every national election for at least the past 16 years or so.

Drives me nuts.:(

10-16-08, 16:48
I will be there bright and early. I just worry about the key states in the electoral map Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, Florida and Colorado. Some key red states are not looking as red as we need them to be.

10-16-08, 17:23
I tried to post this on SigForum, and it didn't allow the thread because it triggered some KEY WORDS, and it must be ok'd by the MOD.:confused:

WTF is up over there. They aren't turning Commie are they?

10-16-08, 18:08
Let the obamists keep thinking that he's ahead and that he's got this election in his handbag. Then maybe more of them won't even bother to show up to vote!! :D


10-16-08, 18:53
Why bother with having campaigns and elections, just let the "polls" pick the next president.:mad:

10-16-08, 18:55
Tried posting it on DefensiveCarry.com

They removed it too and my other Obama thread about the link to terrorist. I guess this site is the only one who really cares about what is really happening.:(

10-17-08, 05:30
The spin is in! This is all designed to make us think that McCain is a lost cause and convince us that voting will be a waste of our time since Nobama has already won. The exit polls are another phsyop strategy, make everyone in the western states think it's over before it really is. These tactics almost worked in 2000 for Al Gore. If you think back the corrupt Chicago political machine was running his campaign too.

10-17-08, 07:27
It is over, and all Obammy supporters should stay home and celebrate their victory. No need for them to waste their time going out to vote. ;)

10-17-08, 11:02
You'd have to be crazy to believe Obama is up 14pts in some of these polls. I dont know a soul that has been polled either.

The press is trying their best to declare a winner to make opposition seem pointless.


10-17-08, 11:35
"We surveyed 900 likely Obama supporters and found that Obama leads McCain by more than 14 points."

10-17-08, 14:56
there has been a ban on political threads over at Sigforum for the last 6 months or so.

That just makes M4C all that much more interesting and worthwhile, IMO.;)

10-23-08, 19:05
More on polls


Jay Cunningham
10-23-08, 19:32