View Full Version : Is that Kevin Hart trying to get on the winners platform?

02-04-18, 21:40
1. It looks like him.
2. Whoever it is- they are super short like Hart.

Is it?? Just curious.. lol


02-04-18, 22:03
What a tool.

02-04-18, 22:34
I get he was born and raised in Philly, but so were a lot of other famous people. I didn’t see Bradly Cooper trying to whine his way up.

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02-05-18, 00:58
I can hear his annoying little voice from here..

02-05-18, 01:39
It will end up being a funny bit. The bouncer for the platform even made the NFL guys look small. He was a beast.

"None shall pass......"

02-05-18, 01:58
Too bad we didn’t see Kevin Hart fly.
For your viewing pleasure...

It will end up being a funny bit. The bouncer for the platform even made the NFL guys look small. He was a beast.

"None shall pass......"

02-05-18, 06:18
Is that the guy from the Ride Along movies?

No disrespect to the bouncer but he looks bigger than the football player. He is why shotguns were invented. And I don't say that about most people....

02-05-18, 07:29
Is that the guy from the Ride Along movies?

No disrespect to the bouncer but he looks bigger than the football player. He is why shotguns were invented. And I don't say that about most people....

He almost didn't get the part. He wasn't tall or heavy enough to ride in the front seat.

02-05-18, 08:57
He got invited up to one of the news platforms. Was drunk as hell. Dropped a F-bomb on live tv then ran off. Hilarious.

02-05-18, 09:00
Compared to how people in Philly behaved what he did doesn't even register

Looting, destruction, stealing police horses, setting fires, fighting, eating horse shit.....etc..

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02-05-18, 10:00
Kevin Got Wasted (http://www.tmz.com/2018/02/05/kevin-hart-drunk-nfl-network-super-bowl/)

Yep, twas him.

You can hear the people around him even knowing he's too effed up.


02-05-18, 13:00
At least he didn't eat horse shit:


I guess in lieu of a Philly Cheese Steak, he decided on horse shit.

02-05-18, 13:43
I just. Don't. Get. It.

Am I from the generation or group of people that just doesn't do this shite?

I just don't see any benefit to destroying your own city and making super big damn fools of yourselves... Because, "Your Team" won.

First of all, the only thing those Team Owners and Players care about you for is the money. Not your "Loyal Fanship" or "Fandom", but your dollars.

Then, even if "your team" did win, you all lose because you eff yourselves up so bad in these "Celebrations" which are no more than a cover up for rioting and looting.

Only reason they're the "Philadelphia" Eagles is because Philly is, apparently, filled with enough morons to keep filling up the stadiums. Seems like 90%+ of the fans are just trashy. I know it's not just limited to Philly, or Football, just look at L.A. in the years past.

02-05-18, 13:48
Sorry Kevin, Superbowl platforms are for winners. :)

02-05-18, 16:23
I just. Don't. Get. It.

Am I from the generation or group of people that just doesn't do this shite?

I just don't see any benefit to destroying your own city and making super big damn fools of yourselves... Because, "Your Team" won.

First of all, the only thing those Team Owners and Players care about you for is the money. Not your "Loyal Fanship" or "Fandom", but your dollars.

Then, even if "your team" did win, you all lose because you eff yourselves up so bad in these "Celebrations" which are no more than a cover up for rioting and looting.

Only reason they're the "Philadelphia" Eagles is because Philly is, apparently, filled with enough morons to keep filling up the stadiums. Seems like 90%+ of the fans are just trashy. I know it's not just limited to Philly, or Football, just look at L.A. in the years past.

So much this.

I outgrew sports as a teenager. The only sport I will watch is Women's Beach Volleyball. Even then I'm not invested in it.

I have seen adult males get upset because their college ball team lost.

Like someone shot their puppy or something. I think its all pretty lame.

But hey, whatever keeps people from thinking for themselves

02-05-18, 18:16
I just. Don't. Get. It.

Am I from the generation or group of people that just doesn't do this shite?

I just don't see any benefit to destroying your own city and making super big damn fools of yourselves... Because, "Your Team" won.

First of all, the only thing those Team Owners and Players care about you for is the money. Not your "Loyal Fanship" or "Fandom", but your dollars.

Then, even if "your team" did win, you all lose because you eff yourselves up so bad in these "Celebrations" which are no more than a cover up for rioting and looting.

Only reason they're the "Philadelphia" Eagles is because Philly is, apparently, filled with enough morons to keep filling up the stadiums. Seems like 90%+ of the fans are just trashy. I know it's not just limited to Philly, or Football, just look at L.A. in the years past.

Actually it probably has very little to do with the Eagles winning and more to do with the local thug population having an excuse to loot, riot and burn.

02-05-18, 22:35
If you're spending thousands of dollars a year for seats, flying to away games, painting your face and wearing a costume to games, you're just really, really gay.
If you're burning down the neighborhood you're just a part of a failed culture.
My brother played in college and my step brother played for the Seahawks and Saints, you know what?
They're both asshol+s.

02-05-18, 23:02
If you're spending thousands of dollars a year for seats, flying to away games, painting your face and wearing a costume to games, you're just really, really gay.
If you're burning down the neighborhood you're just a part of a failed culture.
My brother played in college and my step brother played for the Seahawks and Saints, you know what?
They're both asshol+s.

I think if you enjoy the sport (I do not) then by all means. Some people spend thousands of dollars on ammo and guns, others spend it on sports. There are worse things to spend money on. Thousands of Philly fans watched the game and went to bed happy their team won.

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02-06-18, 00:26
I had to fly out of Minneapolis this morning at 8 am. The airport was a zoo. They said the busiest travel day in the history of that airport. The place was awash with Eagles jerseys. On the way to my gate, I passed another gate with a flight for Boston getting ready to board...pretty dejected group. The thing I couldn’t help noticing was the ... er...”boisterous” demeanor of the Eagles fans (as in “assholes”). Definite clash of cultures there in Minneapolis.