View Full Version : At Last: A President with the Guts to "Shut It Down"

Doc Safari
02-06-18, 14:28

speaking live from the White House on Tuesday, President Donald Trump told reporters that "I'd love to see a shutdown" if Democratic leaders refuse to back his immigration proposals - specifically his push to tighten illegal immigration laws to make it more difficult for immigrants to sponsor relatives - a phenomenon Trump has called "chain migration."

As Reuters reported, Trump said during a meeting with law enforcement officials that focused on gang violence, adding that his ultimate goal is to change immigration laws to stem the flow of dangerous MS-13 gang members into the US.

He also reiterated his demands that funding for the border wall be a part of a hoped-for immigration deal. Last month, the White House submitted a proposal for $18 billion in funding to start construction on the first 700 miles of the wall.

"If they don't want to take care of our military then shut it down," Trump said.

"We need much better border mechanisms and much better border security. We need the wall. We're going to get the wall," Trump said. "If we don't have the wall, we're never going to solve this problem."

He also said he'd welcome a shutdown if Congress can't pass a plan - demanding by Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows - to separate out defense spending from the continuing resolution in order to make an appropriation that would cover the remainder of he year.

Trump's insistence on border wall funding will probably dismay GOP Senate leaders including Texas Sen. John Thune, who said yesterday that Republicans would prefer to push the immigration debate until after the continuing resolution has passed. That sentiment was echoed by GOP Senator Mitch McConnell Tuesday afternoon, once again setting the president at odds with his Congressional leadership.

Earlier today, Trump tweeted a Daily Caller story claiming that the majority of Americans support a DACA compromise that would fully strengthen the border and include changes to legal immigration laws.

Polling shows nearly 7 in 10 Americans support an immigration reform package that includes DACA, fully secures the border, ends chain migration & cancels the visa lottery. If D’s oppose this deal, they aren’t serious about DACA-they just want open borders. https://t.co/XDMcDOr9vM

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 6, 2018

My take: Greatest....President....Since....Reagan

02-06-18, 14:34
Maybe if he legalized MS-13 hunting like Duterte....

02-06-18, 14:54
To quote Public Enemy: "Shut em, down"

02-06-18, 15:00
That wasn't helpful. It may be true, it may be what is going to happen, but the first rule of govt shutdowns is to make the other side pay a higher price than you. With this statement, if the govt does shut down, Trump will take more of the blame. The line you play is "The Dems are willing to shut down the govt which makes illegal aliens more important than US citizens."

You can cheer what Trump said, but at the very least it weakens his position a bit and will cost us something in the negotiation.

Outlander Systems
02-06-18, 15:27
No compromise.

Shut it down. Shut it down forever.


Doc Safari
02-06-18, 15:44
That wasn't helpful. It may be true, it may be what is going to happen, but the first rule of govt shutdowns is to make the other side pay a higher price than you. With this statement, if the govt does shut down, Trump will take more of the blame. The line you play is "The Dems are willing to shut down the govt which makes illegal aliens more important than US citizens."

You can cheer what Trump said, but at the very least it weakens his position a bit and will cost us something in the negotiation.

Frankly, I have this wet dream of a totally psycho president who will barricade himself in the Oval Office with belt fed MG's and gun crews guarding the doors and windows. This president lets the government shut down for so long that "non-essential" jobs just end up self-purging, leaving us with a honed-down, more efficient government.

I know, you can start laughing now. But hey, i can dream.

02-06-18, 16:18
Seeing as it's been 32 years since the last farcial effort to control illegal immigration (1986 amnesty) I no longer care HOW it gets done. As a guy named Hobbes once pointed out, chaos really sucks--as in life being nasty, brutish, and short.

I want to see Schumer chased down Pennsylvania Avenue by a howling mob.

02-06-18, 16:35
I like that mental image.

I still don't see why everybody else gets to have a country but us.

Lessay some folks took over Mexico Rhodesia style and put it under Anglo rule and started turning a profit and turning it around. The people rushing BACK to Mexico would make your head spin and they would claim Mexico's "identity" had become "tainted".

If we all pillared south of the border and radically changed the demographics (Educated, English Speaking, Protestant/Irreligious Christian Deist) it would be a race between America and Mexico to see who could shut us down first.

Nobody looks at it that way.

No votes in it. Wherever there is prosperity, there are leeches.

If the government subsidized moving to Mexico under the auspices of American Lebensraum; I would go. Fix the water, tend field, farm, etc.

But what I make or build; I keep.

Otherwise, yeah maybe we need them walls after all.

Doc Safari
02-06-18, 16:58


“Frankly, I’ll go a step further, if we don’t change the legislation, if we don’t get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come into our country … if we don’t change it let’s have a shutdown, we’ll do a shutdown,” Trump said. “It’s worth it for our country.”

“I’m going to go through hell to get this stuff approved,” Trump said. “We have no choice.”

My take: Sound the charge, Bugler! No prisoners!

02-06-18, 17:03


My take: Sound the charge, Bugler! No prisoners!

I like it.

02-06-18, 18:44
That wasn't helpful. It may be true, it may be what is going to happen, but the first rule of govt shutdowns is to make the other side pay a higher price than you. With this statement, if the govt does shut down, Trump will take more of the blame. The line you play is "The Dems are willing to shut down the govt which makes illegal aliens more important than US citizens."

You can cheer what Trump said, but at the very least it weakens his position a bit and will cost us something in the negotiation.

LOL, the Republicans ALWAYS get the blame. And then they cave. Trump is the honey badger.

02-06-18, 18:47
Why do welfare benefits continue to get paid but soldiers don't get paid during a shutdown?

Seems like bullshit to me.

02-06-18, 18:54
Why do welfare benefits continue to get paid but soldiers don't get paid during a shutdown?

Seems like bullshit to me.

I dont mind seeing Felecia and the kids "go hongry" as long as Joe gets paid on time.

A lot are fat. They can go 28 days with no food.

I believe in them.

Doc Safari
02-06-18, 19:45
Why do welfare benefits continue to get paid but soldiers don't get paid during a shutdown?

Seems like bullshit to me.

It IS bullshit. It's because the liberals hate the military that this is the case.

02-06-18, 22:30
There is this also,

Trump's DACA Proposal is the 'Worst Deal in the History of Deals ...
4 days ago - It is, but for America, I am sad to say that it is one of the worst deals in the history of deals—maybe ever. ... First, Trump's proposed DACA amnesty will create an enormous incentive for people to enter America illegally. ... Spencer P. Morrison

02-07-18, 00:03
Why do welfare benefits continue to get paid but soldiers don't get paid during a shutdown?

Seems like bullshit to me. They do get paid...as long as the shutdown isn't on pay date. Same goes for essential government employees.. Notice how the weekend and one day shutdown that just happened, happened to not fall on either government employee or military pay days.

02-07-18, 00:49
They do get paid...as long as the shutdown isn't on pay date. Same goes for essential government employees.. Notice how the weekend and one day shutdown that just happened, happened to not fall on either government employee or military pay days.

Not if it lasts long enough to go over one of those pay dates though. Though we just had was a big wake up call for a lot of people, and it’s still screwing with a lot of training.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-07-18, 02:10
Trump's DACA proposal was bait.
They will look as stupid as they did last time.

02-07-18, 12:33
The house agreed to a 2-year plan with spike in defense spending. Don't know if (if any) immigration was attached as a rider. We'll see what the senate and POTUS do.

02-07-18, 12:40
Trumps DACA proposal may be bait but the compromise they will make with the Demoncrats will be the
Republics poison pill.

02-07-18, 12:52
I want to see Schumer chased down Pennsylvania Avenue by a howling mob.

With torches, and pitchforks and a tar, and feather bath at the end.

02-07-18, 14:29
Trumps DACA proposal may be bait but the compromise they will make with the Demoncrats will be the
Republics poison pill.

Well we're on the cusp of a second shutdown, if it goes the way of the first one,the Dems will fold.

02-08-18, 01:03
The house agreed to a 2-year plan with spike in defense spending. Don't know if (if any) immigration was attached as a rider. We'll see what the senate and POTUS do.

Other way around... Senate came up with a 2 yr. plan. It's off to the House now.

Straight Shooter
02-08-18, 05:08
Frankly, I have this wet dream of a totally psycho president who will barricade himself in the Oval Office with belt fed MG's and gun crews guarding the doors and windows. This president lets the government shut down for so long that "non-essential" jobs just end up self-purging, leaving us with a honed-down, more efficient government.

I know, you can start laughing now. But hey, i can dream.