View Full Version : Outback asks uniformed officer to leave because he was armed

02-06-18, 17:53
Unbelievable. If this would have been NYC or Chicago, maybe. But here? I have eaten at that particular Outback before, but never again.


PREVIOUS STORY: A Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency officer was asked to leave the Outback Steakhouse in Cleveland Friday night because he had his service weapon on him.

In a public post on Facebook, Andrew Ward shared about the experience. He said he was asked by a manager to remove his weapon and put it in his vehicle. He explained that he had to have it on his person because he was in uniform.

According to the post, the manager made a phone call, then asked the officer to leave citing company policy that makes Outback a gun free zone.

02-06-18, 18:08
That's beyond idiotic.

Another patron was "in fear for her life"?

Like Officers just randomly go on shooting sprees while on duty?

I'm sure the Luby's Massacre people wished there were a few police that day when a real murderer showed up.

LE can be a soul crushing job and when a few guys can get a break and eat together it can really help out psychologically.

Nobody needs the police until they need the police.

But, hey, I'm sure the complaining patron just accomplished soooo very much in their precious little life.

02-06-18, 18:12
Hey, Outback, that flushing sound you just heard? My business going down the drain. Buh-bye, buttheads...

02-06-18, 18:41
Never again,

I always preferred other places to theirs for steak.

But I was just getting into their Down Under drinks with the added frozen prosecco.

02-06-18, 18:47
I remember talking to one officer who was on a meal break, in uniform, when some woman at another table stood up, pointed and began shouting "OMG....He's got a gun."

Too bad in this case he was just a Wildlife Resource Officer, would love to see somebody pull that stunt with a regular police officer. At any rate, here is the update.

"We’ve always allowed uniformed law enforcement officers to carry their sidearms while dining with us. A manager made a mistake. We have contacted the guest personally and apologized."

The manager should have asked the other party to leave, obviously they have a mental condition and pose a significant risk to everyone around them.

02-06-18, 19:26
"She said police are shooting people, and she could have gotten shot in the parking lot, and the manager had to walked her and her husband to their vehicle," Ward wrote in one of three posts he published about the incident.

Having served my time as... well, a server, I can almost guarantee it was a move on the part of the "distressed lady" to get a free meal out of the management over nothing. If the uniformed officer wasn't present, it would have been a faked allergy, complaint about the sharpness of the knives, or a complaint about not being seated within five minutes during the 30min wait for dinner rush.

Bubba FAL
02-06-18, 19:38
Holy crap, that psycho woman better stay out of the Ozarks. Not only do LEOs go armed in public around here, so do regular citizens.

02-06-18, 19:42
That's about 45 min from my house. I've eaten at that location before too but it's not an area I go to often. I'm guessing the issue was the other guest being stupid and trying to start something. I can't remember being in Outback without carrying in the last 15 years... I'd say that manager got some strong coaching or a chance to find another gig.

02-06-18, 21:06
Having served my time as... well, a server, I can almost guarantee it was a move on the part of the "distressed lady" to get a free meal out of the management over nothing. If the uniformed officer wasn't present, it would have been a faked allergy, complaint about the sharpness of the knives, or a complaint about not being seated within five minutes during the 30min wait for dinner rush.

ditto this e person wanted a free lunch so find something that distressed them

I think also the moment I read the manger and that SHE acted out I was like lib manager maybe got the job cause you know she was the best for the job that happens so much these days and had no idea how to handle it !
kicking out the lady would have been so so so much the better move :) hahahahah

so so so so so sick of the victim PC that is happening in this country

02-06-18, 21:31
Interesting how the perception changes based on location. We occasionally eat at an Outback near home because while my wife was in college she worked there and is still friendly with some of the waitresses. Manager wanted to comp our meal once (family of 5) because I (off-duty) broke up a domestic that erupted in the restaurant. Usually rural areas are very respectful and appreciative of LEO’s, very surprised/saddened to see this kind of attitude in TN.

02-06-18, 22:04
Manager made a mistake and kicked the wrong patron out.

Corporate got wind of it and corrected the mistake as best they could. I consider them redeemed.

Either way their food is mediocre. The last two times I ate there it was because someone gave me a gift card. The bloomin' onions are good, but the steaks are sub par.

Coal Dragger
02-06-18, 22:07
Frankly the manager did that fine officer a favor. If he’d stayed he would have overpaid for a mediocre piece of meat, prepared indifferently, and served by an imbecile. All of us were done a favor in knowing to not eat at Outback in the future.

Instead they encouraged him, albeit foolishly, to seek better food elsewhere. I’m sure this officer will now enjoy eating in the finest steakhouse in the area, probably for free, on multiple occasions.

02-06-18, 22:19
Having thought about it some more, I would have been a smart ass and told the manager "Please tell your guest to call 911 if she feels threatened so".

The self-awareness, if any, would have been priceless.

02-06-18, 22:40
Having served my time as... well, a server, I can almost guarantee it was a move on the part of the "distressed lady" to get a free meal out of the management over nothing. If the uniformed officer wasn't present, it would have been a faked allergy, complaint about the sharpness of the knives, or a complaint about not being seated within five minutes during the 30min wait for dinner rush.

Could be...but having served my time in FL...she could be legit crazy person with beliefs that cops routinely shoot people (especially minorities or other special group) because they have nothing better to do and nobody ever gets fired, investigated or jailed for engaging in such activity.

02-06-18, 22:45
Having thought about it some more, I would have been a smart ass and told the manager "Please tell your guest to call 911 if she feels threatened so".

The self-awareness, if any, would have been priceless.

When I was leaving FL I had just used a paint sprayer to put a fresh coat on my house. I was in my backyard cleaning my paint sprayer with a hose running through the pump and I had water running off onto the slab which happened to run under the fence and into the yard behind me.

The recent arrival who was a renter started complaining that I was getting water on her yard (I wonder who she complained to when it rained) and threatened to call the police if I didn't stop getting her yard wet. I begged her to please call the police with that complaint and I'm pretty sure she actually called 911.

I would have LOVED to have heard the dispatcher when they understood the nature of the complaint. I actually waited around the house an extra half hour before going to lunch just in case there was an actual call out. Obviously it didn't happen.

02-06-18, 23:11
I believe it. People call the police for some dumbass reasons and act like it is the Lindbergh baby all over again.

Its usually white trash or rich people with, again, zero self-awareness who know The Mayor/Governor/Chief/Senator/God's Secretary/etc.

One time I flat out said "Why didnt you call them instead?"

'Oh, well I didn't want to bother anybody...'

If it's crap, I just give them a blank testimony sheet. Then they dont want to fill it out, so I say "Then write 'Refused to give statement' sign and date"

"Well that all seems so official..."

"Yes. It does. It is."

When people have to write and do their own paperwork; attitudes change.

Which is why I like abject hell-holes. Nobody deigns call 911 unless someone is dead or dying.

Again, so many accomplished people in the world with so much to show for themselves...

02-06-18, 23:17
The person who asked him to leave or put his gun in his truck was an ass. Was he on duty? It doesn’t sound like it. If he was on duty he should not have been eating at Outback with his wife. That sound like a date. How long would that meal take? An hour?

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02-06-18, 23:48
I wonder what this person would do if they realized people can carry CONCEALED!!!!! in public.

True, story, was helping out my Mom's church when a random dude showed up for an event, basically for the free food not because he ever came around before that I had seen. Pretty much pegged my dirt bag-o-meter, or at least creep-o-meter and I was eyeing him hard until he decided that maybe he should leave. Anyway, after the event because he did creep out a bunch of old ladies one of them made the comment to the effect that she wished someone had a gun on them. When my Mom pointed out that not only was someone carrying, but I was very much armed the little old lady paled like three shades whiter death not sure how to take that revelation. I found it amusing in that twisted sort of way I am prone to.

02-07-18, 00:51
Which is why I like abject hell-holes. Nobody deigns call 911 unless someone is dead or dying.

True story.

Enough that after 23 years I don't have any or even remember hearing any entertainingly stupid 911 call stories in the area I work.

Firefly making me realize what I miss as always...

On topic, aside from the BLMey whiner, it's really a sad example of how the anti-2A movement can pervade mainstream thinking even in TN.


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02-07-18, 03:16
I was in an Outback here Monday night and watched a random lady buy two Metro officers their dinner anonymously. Definitely a cool gesture and was amusing watching the reaction of the officer when the server explained what happened. Anyway, enough of my lighthearted interjection...

02-07-18, 05:16
Holy crap, that psycho woman better stay out of the Ozarks. Not only do LEOs go armed in public around here, so do regular citizens.

The manager probably would have keeled over had she known how many patrons were carrying concealed in her restaurant. The majority of people I know have a permit and carry regularly.

02-07-18, 08:15
There's a ton of stupid people out there and not all of them are millennials. Having worked restaurants before I've seen people who really should stay at home and eat. Some do try to get a free meal but many just have to complain. There's no way you can please them. If something had a spec of salt it would be too salty, if it didn't there would be a complaint about not enough salt despite the fact that there's a salt shaker on the table. Too hot or not hot enough. Steak is too rare but if kept on the stove for 1/10 of a second longer too well done!
When I was leaving FL I had just used a paint sprayer to put a fresh coat on my house. I was in my backyard cleaning my paint sprayer with a hose running through the pump and I had water running off onto the slab which happened to run under the fence and into the yard behind me.

The recent arrival who was a renter started complaining that I was getting water on her yard (I wonder who she complained to when it rained) and threatened to call the police if I didn't stop getting her yard wet. I begged her to please call the police with that complaint and I'm pretty sure she actually called 911.

I would have LOVED to have heard the dispatcher when they understood the nature of the complaint. I actually waited around the house an extra half hour before going to lunch just in case there was an actual call out. Obviously it didn't happen.As a kid I had a neighbor who would bitch when my mom or dad parked anywhere near her side of the street parking. Forget the fact that it's street parking and doesn't belong to any resident. There was a tree growing in the middle and if my dad's bumper was on her side of the tree she'd leave nasty letters on the windshield.

This is the tree. We lived on the right. If my dad parked like this black SUV the lady would throw a shit fit. Then she'd have her two little dogs shit on our front yard when no one was lookinghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180207/5eafc21db7a92e18bb775e56bdfd3919.jpg

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02-07-18, 08:44
I was at a local gun shop yesterday, and saw the PERFECT lower, for the triggered special snowflakes out there. Carry this ANYWHERE, and it will instantly put the snowflakes at ease! :laugh:


02-08-18, 01:22
Asking a uniformed LEO to remove his sidearm is so incredibly illogical. What's even more sad, is the fact that this stuff doesn't even surprise me in the least anymore.

However, on the other side of the business spectrum. I worked at chick fill a going through college. We offered a police discount (50% off everything) but the officers had to have a visible badge and gun to get it. Why a symbiotic relationship like that isn't encouraged in every business is beyond me. The police frequent the business because they feel appreciated and get a good deal, and the business essentially gets cheap security and a theft deterrent.

02-08-18, 10:45
As an individual, I will not frequent any business that would ask a uniform police officer to leave their service pistol in their vehicle. If they feel that way about on duty LEO, how do they view the rest of us who carry a concealed firearm for protection?

02-09-18, 07:41
Having thought about it some more, I would have been a smart ass and told the manager "Please tell your guest to call 911 if she feels threatened so".

Eff that. Then a report will have to be written.

Which is why I like abject hell-holes. Nobody deigns call 911 unless someone is dead or dying.

Me too!

The person who asked him to leave or put his gun in his truck was an ass. Was he on duty? It doesn’t sound like it. If he was on duty he should not have been eating at Outback with his wife. That sound like a date. How long would that meal take? An hour?

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If he is on duty, when the radio goes off, he’ll respond to the call and his wife will take care of the check/leftovers. I don’t see an issue.
Might just be coming off shift, though.

Sounds like amazing asshattery going on in that joint.

02-09-18, 08:06
Eff that. Then a report will have to be written.

Me too!

If he is on duty, when the radio goes off, he’ll respond to the call and his wife will take care of the check/leftovers. I don’t see an issue.
Might just be coming off shift, though.

Sounds like amazing asshattery going on in that joint.

I stopped at Denny’s with my partner last night after during long shift. We dropped our prisoner back at jail and still had a 90 min drive to get back to the office. We didn’t get lunch because we were at Court. We picked the prisoner up at 0830. It was after 6:00 when we stopped for a quick dinner. We were in and out if there in thirty min or less. Going to a place like Outback on duty seems odd to me. Especially if you’re eating with your spouse. How long does dinner at Outback take, an hour? That’s not reasonable for a dinner while at work. If he was off the clock then he should not have been in uniform at a restaurant. The manager was a douche. If he works somewhere where you take your meals off the clock then that would change my criticism a little. The article also mentions his truck not his cruiser so it sounds like he is off duty to me.

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02-09-18, 08:18
Deleted due to low knowledge base.

02-09-18, 08:55
I stopped at Denny’s with my partner last night after during long shift. We dropped our prisoner back at jail and still had a 90 min drive to get back to the office. We didn’t get lunch because we were at Court. We picked the prisoner up at 0830. It was after 6:00 when we stopped for a quick dinner. We were in and out if there in thirty min or less. Going to a place like Outback on duty seems odd to me. Especially if you’re eating with your spouse. How long does dinner at Outback take, an hour? That’s not reasonable for a dinner while at work. If he was off the clock then he should not have been in uniform at a restaurant. The manager was a douche. If he works somewhere where you take your meals off the clock then that would change my criticism a little. The article also mentions his truck not his cruiser so it sounds like he is off duty to me.

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I agree that eating at an Outback on duty, for us patrol officers, seems strange. However, it looks like he is a DOW or Fish and Game officer so his hours and calls for service must be vastly different. Plus, most wildlife officers that I know drive trucks, not cruisers (cruisers in the sense of Crown Vics, Chargers, Explorers, etc).

Before I was a police officer, I spent 5 years a Deputy Sheriff working transports/extraditions. If I spent the day running a truckload of prisoners to Wyoming or South Dakota, I was damn sure going to get a good, county-paid, meal somewhere before I picked up the next load and made the 4-6 hour drive back. We ate in uniform, on duty, and as long as our meal was under $25, we could eat anywhere but a bar/strip club.

02-09-18, 09:16
I agree that eating at an Outback on duty, for us patrol officers, seems strange. However, it looks like he is a DOW or Fish and Game officer so his hours and calls for service must be vastly different. Plus, most wildlife officers that I know drive trucks, not cruisers (cruisers in the sense of Crown Vics, Chargers, Explorers, etc).

Before I was a police officer, I spent 5 years a Deputy Sheriff working transports/extraditions. If I spent the day running a truckload of prisoners to Wyoming or South Dakota, I was damn sure going to get a good, county-paid, meal somewhere before I picked up the next load and made the 4-6 hour drive back. We ate in uniform, on duty, and as long as our meal was under $25, we could eat anywhere but a bar/strip club.

That makes more sense. That was me yesterday. Our office is an hour from the jail then we went to court a few hours south of jail and back. When I worked nights we would often stop at Denny’s after dropping a prisoner off in the middle of the night. It’s a block from the jail. The meals are always on us though.

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02-09-18, 09:25
I didnt see it in article but if he was off duty in uniform with his woman then that is lame and inappropriate.

Sometimes, squads will kinda "cover" for each other to have a squad meal. Not everyday or even every month but it can be a great morale booster to get 45 mins to break bread as a group once in a while.

That said, I personally don't like eating at work. I remember having to leave an uneaten meal I paid for because it was an "Oh Shit, All hands on deck" call and that broke me as a younger man. A sammich or some power bars is good enough.

My deal is if you want to see whomever after work then bring a change of clothes.

Like nobody cares if you are the police.

But that said, if you have worked over or did some work and you still got a ways to go before you get off service; you are entitled to get something quick and hot to eat in peace. But not a full on restaurant with servers. Like in and out in 30 minutes is reasonable (and policy for some places) or if you got to travel a bit, some outfits even give you a pass to get something to eat.

Like, I had to do an extradition that took me out of state and once I got ol buddy turned over; me and other guy got a pizza. It was a long drive and dude was unpleasant and we just wanted something to cheer us up because we had stuff we still had to do. It had been a long day of just driving stopping only for gas and to piss. Had to be in like Class As too. No polos or utilities (which I would have preferred. The other state's jail staff wouldnt have cared) but it worked out.

02-09-18, 09:32
As an individual, I will not frequent any business that would ask a uniform police officer to leave their service pistol in their vehicle. If they feel that way about on duty LEO, how do they view the rest of us who carry a concealed firearm for protection?

I don't think this is corporate policy. I think the manager was an idiot that misinterpreted the policy. They may just be against civilian OC, which is IMHO just as bad. I don't go to Outback as I think their food sucks, and is too expensive for what you get. If they are against OC, that's just another reason NOT to go, and I am a CC'er.

02-09-18, 10:13
I don't think this is corporate policy. I think the manager was an idiot that misinterpreted the policy. They may just be against civilian OC, which is IMHO just as bad. I don't go to Outback as I think their food sucks, and is too expensive for what you get. If they are against OC, that's just another reason NOT to go, and I am a CC'er.

Outback actually apologized. It's not their policy to turn away armed/uniformed police. I agree their food sucks. I've been twice. It's way too processed and salty. Like most chains. I usually brown bag it. I thought we would be done around noon. I had a water bottle and an apple with me and a good book! Give Me Tomorrow. I never cracked it but it's good to have one with you. .

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02-09-18, 15:50
With all the hate out there for LEO's I think I would skip eating out in uniform.

02-09-18, 16:14
With all the hate out there for LEO's I think I would skip eating out in uniform.

It's an officer safety concern and not relaxing eating in uniform in public.

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02-09-18, 16:23
It's an officer safety concern and not relaxing eating in uniform in public.

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I live in a pretty nice neighborhood. I make a point to say "thanks" when the Police cruise our neighborhood.
I couldn't do the job, honestly.
I just read an article about a family that took a homeless guy in. This scumbag impregnated all three of their teenage daughters, the oldest was 14.
I would have executed him.

02-09-18, 16:24
With all the hate out there for LEO's I think I would skip eating out in uniform.
Absolutely. For every idiot waiter that openly expresses his hatred for the police, you have to wonder how many keep quiet and just spit in your food. Or worse.

02-09-18, 16:33
Absolutely. For every idiot waiter that openly expresses his hatred for the police, you have to wonder how many keep quiet and just spit in your food. Or worse.

I think most of us try to eat at places where we can see our food being made: Subway, Qdoba/Chipotle/etc. Honestly, it was the eating out EVERYDAY on the job that made me a fat cop. It wasn't until I decided to start meal prepping and stop eating out that I started to get in shape.

I can't tell you how many times I have been out with the family, off duty, and had a cashier or cook/server recognize me, especially when I used to work corrections. It's one where you just really hope your food is clean...ish.

02-09-18, 16:42
Outback sucks.

Their bloom'n onion only carries them so far.

Oh, and they are way over priced for what you get.

To think people actually believe you can get a decent cut of cow at that place....

BBTT, yeah retarded.

02-09-18, 16:49
Continuing the OT thread...

I did a mini ride along with the Hong Kong Police and they all eat together in their own canteen at the beginning of each shift as they are not allowed to eat out on duty. They believe it creates the appearance of favoritism or impropriety or something... However a team meal every shift really does foster a strong group dynamic.

The sadder part was that I carry more ammo on duty on my person than all 3 HK cops in the van plus their long gun (MP5 carbine)

Back OT...

I think the bigger issue here is that a restaurant manager who deals with doofus stupidity all day every day was likely emboldened/brainwashed enough by mainstream media to think that this was a good idea. I think these types of incidents will get worse before it gets better.

That said I love eating on duty with my fellow officers! Although my patrol days are long gone and I had more than a few interrupted meals.


02-10-18, 02:55
Outback sucks.

Their bloom'n onion only carries them so far.

Oh, and they are way over priced for what you get.

To think people actually believe you can get a decent cut of cow at that place....

BBTT, yeah retarded.

I disagree. Among all the chain, lower end steakhouses, I think Outback has some decent steaks. Their bone-in ribeye is actually pretty tasty. However, aside from the onion bloom, most of their sides and other dishes are meh. I don't go that often, but I've usually been satisfied with my meals there.

It's got "steakhouse" in the title, but really, it's just a family restaurant chain. It's more Applebees or TGI Fridays than it is Peter Luger or Barclay Prime. Because of that, I don't expect a mind-blowing cut of beef.

But I agree, they are a bit overpriced.

02-10-18, 04:53
got a $50 gift for them :) hahahaha

have not been in like 15 years or something ? but back then the coconut shrimp were good ?

02-10-18, 15:26
With all the hate out there for LEO's I think I would skip eating out in uniform.

For a small mom 'n pop restaurant known to LEO working in the area this may or may not apply. For most chain restaurants, this is a darn good idea.

02-10-18, 16:34
I ate at a Texas Roadhouse in Penrith, Australia. It was just as meh there as Outback is here. Funny thing was the locals there felt Texas Roadhouse was just as bad there as we're thinking Outback is here. The waitresses there really liked me because I was "a Yank with a cute accent".

02-10-18, 17:04
A bit OT but that's an interesting story soulezoo.

IIRC Australia has like one Outback for the whole country.

FWIW, I have eaten at Outback one time in the 90s and wasn't impressed.

02-10-18, 20:47
A bit OT but that's an interesting story soulezoo.

IIRC Australia has like one Outback for the whole country.

FWIW, I have eaten at Outback one time in the 90s and wasn't impressed.

If you didn't like it in the 90s, you really wouldn't be impressed lately.

I can remember early 90s waiting 45 minutes for a table. Steaks were "ok to decent" for the price. Bloomin Onion was amazing but for the last 10 years was just a soggy mess and probably had the best salads of any chain. I used to really enjoy eating there.

Then they changed the prime rib to some kind of "fire grilled" nonsense that tastes like crap and raised their prices on everything else. Today they are the Olive Garden / Red Lobster of steak places, you only eat there if you live someplace that has nothing else.

02-10-18, 21:22
Three words: "Top Secret Recipes." If you crave Bloomin' Onion, Todd Wilbur has the hookup to make yer own at home, and lots of other tasty favorites some of which you can't get anymore. :)

I can testify to this re the quality of Wilbur's clones: in one of my college Business classes when my final paper was on confectioner Brown & Haley, I brought in both TSR homebrew and B&H genuine-article samples, the class did a blind taste test and couldn't tell the difference.

02-11-18, 14:42
Three words: "Top Secret Recipes." If you crave Bloomin' Onion...

I've made a few before. Best if you're making more than one at a time given the hassle, but work great for potlucks or BBQs at other people's houses. Essentially what I followed (and yes, it's just as good as OutBack, but not having to spend $9)


02-11-18, 14:57
I usually use TSR for a type of dinner I call "Grub Crawl"--because if you weren't cloning you'd be going to a different restaurant every course, which gets expensive fast. (Like a Pub Crawl, but food instead of drinks.) Or when I have someone really worth impressing, like trying to engineer a no-gluten Big Mac so the girlfriend can have one again without her Celiac disease acting up...

02-11-18, 16:43
I applaud for the manager attempting to apply the rules to everyone.

02-11-18, 16:59
I wish they sold their ranch dressing in stores like Olive Garden does. I'm too lazy to make it...lol