View Full Version : What magazines will be worth the most after a ban?

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-16-08, 19:02

If you wanted to stock up on mags, and wanted to get the ones that will likely be worth the most vs cost to obtain now, what would you get? I am fairly confident we will see a new magazine ban, so I want to stock up.

OR, do you think AR receivers might be a better investment?

Glock 17? XD? AR? AK?

10-16-08, 19:14

If you wanted to stock up on mags, and wanted to get the ones that will likely be worth the most vs cost to obtain now, what would you get? I am fairly confident we will see a new magazine ban, so I want to stock up.

OR, do you think AR receivers might be a better investment?

Glock 17? XD? AR? AK?

You know where I stand but folks come on and VOTE!!!!! :(

10-16-08, 20:14
I guess the question are you trying to stock up to resell later to people ?

if so I think the glut of people doing this prices wont do what they did before and also the unknown ban ? if it happens we dont know what it will do to sales especially private sales
yes you can do them under the table but then what if the ban makes it illegal to sell any of your parts you have ! do you break the law ?

now my personal thoughts
I guess my thought is have what you want and will use for yourself

I would rather have complete rifles than a ton of lowers and mags !

my thought is buy complete kits

lets say you buy decent ammo at $400 a case and have say 10 cases ($4,000)
2 good rifles at say $1500 each
and about $1500 support for each in parts mags and optics
total ($6,000)

so for $10,000 I would rather have the above than say 40 lowers and 500 mags

if I was to stock up on anything it would be ammo as I can use that if a ban keeps me from selling anything

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-16-08, 20:21
I have plenty for myself. I understand there are risks.

Anybody else have any thoughts?

I think Glock mags are probably the best bet. They remain the universal handgun, despite some inroads by other guns. AR mags are probably not so good, since they never go that high during the previous ban.

10-16-08, 20:32
My guess, any gun or AR magazine over 10 rounds will be going for top dollar and beyond, just like the last AWB. The higher the capacity, the more coin it will cost you. Even gunstore owners were taking your extra high cap mag out of the gun case and selling them on the side, saying the manufacturers only shipped guns with one mag. These dishonest shit bag types will rise again.


If you wanted to stock up on mags, and wanted to get the ones that will likely be worth the most vs cost to obtain now, what would you get? I am fairly confident we will see a new magazine ban, so I want to stock up.

OR, do you think AR receivers might be a better investment?

Glock 17? XD? AR? AK?

10-16-08, 20:33
They won't be worth anything, because any new ban will likely have no grandfather clause and will make possession illegal...

10-16-08, 20:38
They won't be worth anything, because any new ban will likely have no grandfather clause and will make possession illegal...

That's wonderful...Thanks for cheering me up Doc.:( Now I'm thinking rural areas and cache sites. Of course, all internet gun forums will be banned as well.

Dan Goodwin
10-16-08, 20:40
To arms! To arms!

Can I get a whoop-whoop?:mad:

10-16-08, 20:52
They won't be worth anything, because any new ban will likely have no grandfather clause and will make possession illegal...

That would truly suck... Would that represent the first time the government has actually outlawed a lawfully possessed item outside of prohibition?

Actually, that brings up another question. If I had a silencer, legally under NFA guidelines, and they changed the laws--I wonder if I'd have to destroy it. Transfer would be illegal and possession would be illegal.

10-16-08, 20:58
I'm sure if Obamination gets into office, he, Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and the like will be more than happy to accomodate you by sending the Justice Dept and the ATF to knock down your door and relieve you of your naughty items. They would love to save you the trouble of having to go surrender them to a local agency for destruction. :mad:

10-16-08, 21:07
If you brought me a sum of money and told me to put it in gun related gear for investment purposes, I'd probably buy the following:

50% in Glock Magazines

20% in AR Magazines

10% in AR Lowers

20% In G18 & Beta mags

First of all, you want things that will appreciate in value in case no ban comes. Glock mags will never get any cheaper while AR lowers have actually dropped a little from what I've seen. (A lot more sub-$100 lowers available nowadays)

If bought in bulk, you could buy AR magazines cheaply enough that you could probably turn a profit if resold today, but NIB QUALITY magazines will NEVER be worth less then the $10 a pop you might pay for them (same with $15 Glock mags). Then there's the wildcard, G18 & betamags, that's your high-risk/high-return investment. If a ban comes they'll probably appreciate the most, but if it doesn't the betas may be hard to unload.

As always, DIVERSIFY.

I'd also recommend ammo but between all the other commodities (and the dollar) right now, I don't know if ammo prices know whether to wind their butt or scratch their watch. I'd be banking on them holding their own or coming down in the coming years but that's only my (completely) uneducated opinion.

So there's my $.02.

Robb Jensen
10-16-08, 21:09
What magazines will be worth the most after a ban?

The ones you don't have.

Be sure to VOTE!

10-16-08, 21:09
I'm thinking along the lines of Doc, but, remember the last 'AWB'...All the gun owners got their collective 'stuff' together and voted alot of the banners out!!!

If another AWB is voted on, and passed...big IF...then we would probably have grandfather clauses for the current owners, but any and all sales would be illegal for the transfer of any items in the current bill. This would put a clamp on people doing just what the OP is wanting to do...profit. Remember, the liberals want to spread the wealth around, not let anyone make money!!! Socialism all the way!!!

One other item about the fictional ban...THERE WON'T BE ANY SUNSET CLAUSE!!!!!!!

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-16-08, 21:30
I am 100 percent convinced there will be a new AWB. I doubt, however, there will be a ban on ownership. More likely just a ban on manufacture.

10-16-08, 22:09
What exactly do you mean? I just spent money building my AR and now you're telling me I will be breaking the law by owning it? What they heck am I supposed to do with it? I won't even be able to use it? That's like throwing money down the drain! This is a crock!

If I lock it in my safe am I still breaking the law?

Also, if a no sunset clause was written into any such *%$#@! ban, couldn't it be repealed in the future?

Woah zippy, everyone's talking from their ass, nobody knows what any new ban would contain. Calm down amigo. Your blood pressure will thank you.

10-16-08, 22:14

10-16-08, 22:42
The ones you don't have.

Be sure to VOTE!

Bingo!!!! Hit the nail on the head.

10-16-08, 23:08
Also, if a no sunset clause was written into any such *%$#@! ban, couldn't it be repealed in the future?

Just curious........Once a law is passed, how often is it repealed???

ALMOST NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-17-08, 00:52
No kidding. How long have they been talking about legalizing pot? Of course, they did repeal prohibition, but only after creating organized crime and getting the NFA passed.

30 cal slut
10-17-08, 07:44
i just ordered another 100 p-mags.

10-17-08, 11:38
Why would I even want to profit after a ban? What the hell would I spend my money on?

10-17-08, 11:57
Why would I even want to profit after a ban? What the hell would I spend my money on?

insane high taxes :) not that you would want to !

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-17-08, 12:58
powder and ball for my Hawken rifle

10-17-08, 18:00
i just ordered another 100 p-mags.


10-17-08, 20:23

If you wanted to stock up on mags, and wanted to get the ones that will likely be worth the most vs cost to obtain now, what would you get? I am fairly confident we will see a new magazine ban, so I want to stock up.

OR, do you think AR receivers might be a better investment?

Glock 17? XD? AR? AK?

You tell me the language of this ban you speak of, and I will tell you what mags will be worth...

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-17-08, 20:36
I am planning for a renewal of the 94 with no sunset. I understand that this may not come to pass.

10-19-08, 20:09
So far its still in subcommittee. Cross your fingers it gets shut down.

10-19-08, 20:45
I heard that Obama not only wants to ban high-caps, but ban the transfer of them from person to person, just like the firearms. So you can own them, but you can't buy or sell them period. I may just be talking out of my ass, but from what I understand that is the plan.

10-19-08, 20:49
I heard that Obama not only wants to ban high-caps, but ban the transfer of them from person to person, just like the firearms. So you can own them, but you can't buy or sell them period. I may just be talking out of my ass, but from what I understand that is the plan.

Obama can support whatever he wants, but he cant create new legislation. So technically obama doesn't have the power to ban high cap mags. If that was incorporated into a bill, like the 2008 AWB, then he could sign it.

10-19-08, 21:34
They won't be worth anything, because any new ban will likely have no grandfather clause and will make possession illegal...

With the precarious times we're facing I'm sure that no grandfather clause will be in store. With a Global "Recession"/Depression I fear that they won't bother with going through the Republican form of gov't process.

It's "now or never" for the Republic. Write both candidates.

10-19-08, 22:00
It's ironic, look at the co-sponsors of the bill linked above.

With the precarious times we're facing I'm sure that no grandfather clause will be in store. With a Global "Recession"/Depression I fear that they won't bother with going through the Republican form of gov't process.

It's "now or never" for the Republic. Write both candidates.

10-19-08, 22:04
Get them, keep them, and if they want you to register them, "get rid" of them.

10-20-08, 09:04
I guess the question are you trying to stock up to resell later to people ?

Do you have something against parasites who exploit fellow gun owners? :eek:

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-20-08, 09:52
Hey, I fuel my gun habit by trading. If I find a good deal I take it. That used to be as American as apple pie. These days it seems like everybody has a copy of the Communist Manifesto in their back pocket.

10-20-08, 11:06
Do you have something against parasites who exploit fellow gun owners? :eek:

Ought those who plan ahead and commit scarce resources today subsidize those who don't?

Ever read Aesop's The Ant and the Grasshopper, grasshopper?;)

10-20-08, 12:01
It's ironic, look at the co-sponsors of the bill linked above.

I'll be damned. Five R's. F*$^ those republicans. In fact it was nothing but republicans involved with sponsoring that pos. I wrote my representative John Culberson about it.

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-20-08, 14:27
Remember, it isn't about Republican and Democrat. My local rep, Jim Marshall, is staunchly pro-gun and pro-military. All the Republicans are around here too. Unfortunately though, gun control is a part of the Dem party platform. You vote for a dem and you are voting for their anti-gun leadership.

The Republicans are half-assed, but at least they have helped us. We are the only democracy that has managed to slow gun control, and 90% percent of those in the Gov who have helped us have been Republicans.

10-20-08, 14:59
Do you have something against parasites who exploit fellow gun owners? :eek:

;) hehehehehhe not as long as I know where they live ?

back in the early 80s my survival course instructors said plan for your own be self sufficient but also know who has supplies incase you need to restock :eek:

10-20-08, 18:18

If you wanted to stock up on mags, and wanted to get the ones that will likely be worth the most ?

The only valuable ones will have bullets in them;)

10-20-08, 18:34
It's ironic, look at the co-sponsors of the bill linked above.
Yes, they are all reared and raised to be Globalists. If you aren't a Globalist it is exceedingly difficult to get where they are: not impossible but very, very difficult.

It's not about "party" as "they are all" followers of International Socialism. International Socialism/Globalism/NWO will not tolerate the public-at-large being armed as they may rise up in resistance and become a cause of concern in regions of "their" 'global plantation'.

As soon as America realizes this we can drop the "race", "party" and other divisive non-issues and get with the task at hand: the Constitution & Bill of Rights. It's stil the law of the land. Once it's suspended/destroyed it's over.

May God bless the Republic!

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-20-08, 21:28
hehehehehhe not as long as I know where they live ?

Good luck with that. You are going to need it.

10-21-08, 02:06
Good luck with that. You are going to need it.

heheheh you do know I was joking ? I hope ;)

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-21-08, 08:50
Of course. I will be in a super secret location with Dick Cheeny anyway.:)