View Full Version : Stay with the vehicle or get out & dodge vehicles?

02-07-18, 20:15
It takes a while, but keep watching the traffic moving to the right. HOLY SHIT As stated in the Title, what action should you take?

Time lapse video of multi-vehicle accident in Iowa



02-07-18, 20:33
Ya' GOTTA love the brain-frozen sorts, who think running around on an INTERSTATE... in a BLIZZARD... as vehicles are still WRECKING... is a GREAT idea! :fie:

02-07-18, 20:40
Holy shit!

The advise I was always given was to stay in the vehicle, but I think that was more to prevent people from trying to dodge traffic by running across a highway. Personally, I would rather take my chances outside the vehicle, where I can spot traffic coming and (hopefully) move out of the way, all while I am making my way to what I hope to be a safe area way off the road. I wouldn't want to be sitting in my car and get rear ended by a semi doing 80.

02-07-18, 20:43
Neither is great but you're safer IN the vehicle. People get into car crashes all the time and survive (obviously not 100%). Not many people survive getting hit by a car

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02-07-18, 20:45
This is in Iowa where winter can be severe and they are brain dead, running way over for conditions, amazes there are not 50 dead.

02-07-18, 21:46
Stay in car... Jesus, there is a warmish metal shell around you vs cold air and other metal shells hurtling at you at high rates of speed, some of which are not in control. Easy answer to that one.

02-07-18, 21:56
Buckle up, hold on, and steer into the grass if possible. Getting hit in the rear is not as bad as getting run over at 30-40 mph trying to outrun V6s

02-07-18, 23:00
Get as far to the right as possible keep as much distance between you and the car in front of you, stay n the vehicle and take in out of gear.

26 Inf
02-07-18, 23:05
Once you are wrecked in a pile up like that, I'd stay in the vehicle - unless I was the last vehicle and couldn't drive off the roadway. I*f you have a couple cars behind you they kind of cushion the blow.

02-07-18, 23:18
Michigan has one of these every winter it seems, sometimes 2-3, mostly on I-94. People drive like idiots, much like you see in the video. I haven't been in a pile-up, but I've been in this exact driving condition probably 100 times, and stopped traffic in heavy snow at least a dozen times.

Anyway, if traffic is light and you can get outside the freeway fence before a vehicle hits you, you get out and run your a$$ off, because if your stopped car gets crunched between a stopped semi and a 70mph semi you're dead. OTOH if the pile-up has a stopped semi behind you, or a large number of stopped cars behind you, then you can probably stay in your car in relative safety, and may be better off doing so because at that point in the pile-up chain a lot of the cars arriving to the crash skid off on both sides of the road at speed. Most of our interstates have either a very wide median (c. 100-200 feet, and sometimes upwards of 500) or some kind of barrier down the middle, so the chances of having something skid into you from the opposite direction of the freeway are smaller than in many states where the median is narrow and has no physical barrier. If you're stopped on a freeway where the median is 30 feet wide and opposite direction traffic is still going 70 when it shouldn't be, that's another reason to think about leaving the car and going over the perimeter fence.

Like most safety and "what would you do?" questions, it depends on the exact facts. Observe and react accordingly.

02-07-18, 23:53
Buckle up, hold on, and steer into the grass if possible. Getting hit in the rear is not as bad as getting run over at 30-40 mph trying to outrun V6s

That is what I'd attempt. Things would have to be really, really bad for me to do otherwise.

I use "ejection seat" rules, when you are more afraid of staying in the plane than you are of shooting yourself out into the sky and hoping the parachute works, then it's time to eject.

02-08-18, 00:54
I lived through one of these in Snoqualmie pass in Washington by bailing out of my car and jumping over the guard rail. Traffic had stopped just on the other side of the crest of a hill. The right lane, of the two east bound lanes, still had 2' of snow in it. I had my head on a swivel and I saw the stacks of a semi cresting the hill behind me in my rear view mirror. My car was behind a pickup full of firewood. I jumped out of my car, over the guard rail, and started hustling towards the truck coming at me. Because of this the wreck carried away from me. That semi bowling pinned about 15 cars before coming to a stop. The steering wheel of my car was against the back of my seat. No way I would have been here today if I'd stayed put.

Some smart dude in the west bound lanes pulled over just on the other side of that hill and started lobbing flares from his side across the median into the east bound lanes behind us. He probably threw a dozen. I think that guy saved a bunch of lives with his smart thinking.

Surprisingly there were no fatalities in that wreck. I probably would have been the only one.

02-08-18, 01:16
I was in the tail end of this(not crunched)...lol, it sucked..peeps were driving way too fast for the conditions..that stretch of interstate is 70 mph...& there were people doing it...well, until their abrupt stops!!

02-08-18, 08:09
I was in the tail end of this(not crunched)...lol, it sucked..peeps were driving way too fast for the conditions..that stretch of interstate is 70 mph...& there were people doing it...well, until their abrupt stops!!

Holy crap, you were in this event? !! Any damage to your vehicle and anyone seriously hurt? Based on what you saw, was it wise for those drivers to exit their vehicle?

Glad you weren't hurt.

02-08-18, 10:00
Stay in or get out and go to safety? Depends on the individual circumstances of each incident. I don't have a blanket one-size-fits-all policy.

Mr. Goodtimes
02-08-18, 11:20
I’d say get out and dodge.

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02-08-18, 12:16
There were 8 fatalities that day on Iowa roads, one of which was in the wreck in the video. One of the guys that investigated that wreck got hit in his squad not long after they re-opened the road.

02-08-18, 20:59
Stay in or get out and go to safety? Depends on the individual circumstances of each incident. I don't have a blanket one-size-fits-all policy.

This, if the rear view mirror says it’s time to bounce, do it.

Big A
02-09-18, 06:22
I'm just glad I live in Florida and don't have to worry about this shit every winter...

02-09-18, 06:35
I'm just glad I live in Florida and don't have to worry about this shit every winter...
Correct, Florida has soo many other more interesting ways to die.

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Big A
02-09-18, 06:44
Correct, Florida has soo many other more interesting ways to die.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

It's an exciting adventure every minute!

02-09-18, 06:46
Here's one where getting out of the car was a good idea:


02-09-18, 07:18
Deleted due to low knowledge base.

02-09-18, 10:37
Stay in the vehicle. Many years ago my wife was in a pile-up on I-25 north of Denver. She went into the median and stopped perpendicular to the interstate. As she was sitting there she swears she heard the voice of God telling her to back up. She threw her Ford Escort into reverse and managed to move back just enough as a jack knifed semi blew by leaving the cardboard used to keep the engine warm resting on her hood.
She would most likely have been seriously injured or killed if she hadn't moved. Any protection is better than no protection imo.

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02-09-18, 12:39
Correct, Florida has soo many other more interesting ways to die.

True dat.

