View Full Version : Dumbass US Spies (Obozo's) Wasted $100K on Russian Looking For Dirt on Trump

30 cal slut
02-10-18, 09:12

Russian offering info on Trump bilked U.S. spies out of money: NY Times

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Russian who offered stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons and compromising information on President Donald Trump bilked U.S. spies out of $100,000 last year, The New York Times reported on Friday, citing U.S. and European security officials.

The money was delivered to a Berlin hotel room in September and was intended as the first installment of a $1 million reward, according to U.S. officials, the Russian and communications reviewed by the Times, the newspaper reported.

The theft of the secret hacking tools was very damaging to the NSA, which was trying to determine exactly what was missing, the Times said.

Several U.S. intelligence officials told the paper they said they did not want the Trump information from the Russian, who was suspected of having ties to Russian intelligence and Eastern European cybercriminals.

He claimed it would link the president and his associates to Russia, the Times said, citing the officials. But instead of providing the hacking tools, the Russian produced unverified and possibly fabricated material involving Trump and others, including bank records, emails and purported Russian intelligence data, the paper cited the officials as saying.

The U.S. intelligence officials halted the deal out of concern it could entangle them in a Russian operation to create discord inside the U.S. government, and potential fallout in Washington from the perception that they were trying to buy compromising material on Trump, the Times reported.

The Central Intelligence Agency declined to comment on the negotiations with the Russian seller, the Times said.

The NSA, which produced the bulk of the hacking tools that the Americans sought to recover, said only that “all N.S.A. employees have a lifetime obligation to protect classified information,” the Times reported.

The CIA did not respond to a request by Reuters for comment, while NSA officials were not available out of regular business hours for comment.

Reporting by Eric Walsh; Editing by Leslie Adler

30 cal slut
02-10-18, 09:12
Much more comprehensive NY Times article here.

Lots of derp and it sounds like they're trying to protect Obozo pre-emptively.


02-10-18, 09:18
They only lost 10%, they saved us nearly a million dollars. What a win... :blink:

02-10-18, 09:23
Apparently there is is Judge doing FISA warrants that would be willing to issue a warrant for a wiretap on"The Big Bad Wolf" for the murder of three little pigs.
I mean the evidence is right here in the book after all.

02-10-18, 09:31
Remember when spies were cool and intelligent?

Pepperidge Farms remembers

02-10-18, 10:42
As much as I hate to say it, none of this means a thing until some people start doing perp walks, I'm getting tired of investigation after investigation, and finding evidence, often damning evidence, and yet, no one is charged, and everybody goes on their merry way..I WANNA SEE SOME OF THESE BASTARDS PUT IN PRISON FOR LIFE, OR BETTER YET, STOOD UP IN FRONT OF A FIRING SQUAD!!!!!

02-11-18, 02:00
I don't remember James Bond handing briefcases full of cash over to SPECTRE. Obviously our intelligence community is not so good at sizing people up. A fisherman always sees another fisherman from afar! So far, to this day, there has been absolutely no evidence that points to Donald J Trump having any ties with Russia nor colluding with Russia during his campaign or presidency. What we have discovers so far is that President Obama, Hillary Clinton, DNC, Fusion GPS, Perkins/Coie, FBI agents, and some wannabe 007 agent named Christopher Steele laundered money through the DNC to manufacture a classified memo, known as the "Dossier", 17 independent memos that gave false information and contained allegations of misconduct and conspiracy to make outsiders believe that Donald Trump had ties to Russian operatives and Russian intelligence agents that helped his secure a White House victory.

Those memos were used to acquire FISA warrants to then spy on Donald Trump and after all of this, NOT ONE THING HAS CAME OUT ABOUT TRUMP! God knows congress has spent at least $5 Million trying to get to the bottom of this.

It is time to start indicting Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Loretta Lynch, John Podesta, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein and James Come and put them on trial for corruption, treason, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified information, attempted election rigging, issuing warrants without probable cause etc.

As ralph said: Firing Squad baby!!

02-11-18, 02:32
I really don't get why Trump doesn't come out and say, yes the Russians tried to influence our election by releasing the truth about the Dems and spreading lies about me. In addition there were social media campaigns that riled up extremes on the right and left. Get ahead of this thing for once.

Just like he should have been saying for the last 6 months that if his agenda wasn't passed, the economy would suffer and if that doesn't work the FED will raise interest rates to slow down the economy just as regular people start to actually recover from 2008. The money men made all their cash on zero interest rates and QE, but when it is time for everyone to get some pie, the FED is going to pull it away.

02-11-18, 07:44
As much as I hate to say it, none of this means a thing until some people start doing perp walks, I'm getting tired of investigation after investigation, and finding evidence, often damning evidence, and yet, no one is charged, and everybody goes on their merry way..I WANNA SEE SOME OF THESE BASTARDS PUT IN PRISON FOR LIFE, OR BETTER YET, STOOD UP IN FRONT OF A FIRING SQUAD!!!!!

Yes, all the useless Congressional hearings and grandstanding Senators mean absolutely nothing unless someone goes to jail. The most that we will probably see is a contempt of Congress because someone's statement didn't match an illegally taped phone conversation from two years ago. I do hope to see the Clinton Crime Family and Obozo do the long walk. But I doubt it.

02-11-18, 08:09
What needs to happen is the ones who signed off on the crap need to be duck walked to Fed prison. To include the politicians and "judges" that have signed the orders for this corruption. To the point of the ones that refuse to answer to "We the People" and our representatives "Congress" need to be locked up for contempt and kept there intil they answer. Without pay. The only way to fix some organizations is to disbanded them. So what needs to happen is a number agencies need disbanded due to corruption and incompetence, The U.S. Marshall's need to get busy in D.C. The oath of office for Federal Employees has the same requirement as the Military Oath. Uphold the Constitution, not a political party or view.
A hot place will freeze over before we see this fixed.

30 cal slut
02-11-18, 09:05
Forgive me for being a bit snarky about this, but the firing squad is for soldiers.

This crime (sedition) merits hanging, which is what criminals get.

If I had my way, it would be a ****ing woodchipper. Feet first.