View Full Version : School shooting threats from brothers, results in their arrests plus their father

02-22-18, 12:00
We will never know if they were just spouting off or really planned on a school attack. I personally believe they were just talking shit.

According to the concerned citizen, the two teens, ages 15 and 16, were overheard talking on the school bus about bringing guns to school. Their comments included how their tactical experience would result in a higher death toll than the recent school shooting in Parkland, FL and how they were “too smart to be caught.”

The news reports doesn't list specifics about the illegal transfer. As for the counts of "reckless endangerment" MD law states The child has a certificate of firearm and hunter safety it is legal for them to have unrestricted access. As a FFL one would have thought he would have been much smarter.

the father of the suspect, was arrested and charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, one count of access to a firearm by a minor and one count of illegal transfer of a firearm.

Later that same day, deputies returned to the Leonardtown home where the 15 year old suspect lives with a search and seizure warrant. Inside the home, investigators found 39 unsecured firearms, including handguns in the nightstands of both the 15 year old suspect and his 14 year old brother. David William Fairfax, the father of the suspect, was arrested and charged with two counts of reckless endangerment, one count of access to a firearm by a minor and one count of illegal transfer of a firearm.


02-22-18, 12:08
We will never know if they were just spouting off or really planned on a school attack. I personally believe they were just talking shit.

Who in the hell would ever talk shit by saying they were going to plan a school attack? That's down right asinine!

I was a dumb ass hot head punk when I was a teenager, but I never threatened to kill my fellow school mates. Anyone who would just say it and threaten to do that is suspect. That's just not something you walk around spouting off at the mouth about. EVER!!!

Doc Safari
02-22-18, 13:55
Their comments included ... how they were “too smart to be caught.”

I guess that one's been disproved.

Hey, rocket scientists, I got a catch phrase for ya, "Prisons are full of stupid criminals."

02-22-18, 14:39
Who in the hell would ever talk shit by saying they were going to plan a school attack? That's down right asinine!

I was a dumb ass hot head punk when I was a teenager, but I never threatened to kill my fellow school mates. Anyone who would just say it and threaten to do that is suspect. That's just not something you walk around spouting off at the mouth about. EVER!!!

My son just started the teenage years. Nothing is below their stupidity- and my kid is a great kid. Holy crap, I didn't realize how bat-crap irrational teenage boys are.

A handgun in a 14 YO nightstand? Ugh. I know lots of us had access to firearms when we were kids, and I don't think in normal families things have changed that much, but I wouldn't give unfettered access to a handgun to my 14yo. And my kid is awesome. We were out to dinner the other night and my kids were so polite and well mannered, the manager waiting on us shook my hand for raising them so well. Kid. You. Not. My first thought was how bad other kids are that my kids seem that good.

02-22-18, 14:55
My son just started the teenage years. Nothing is below their stupidity- and my kid is a great kid. Holy crap, I didn't realize how bat-crap irrational teenage boys are.

A handgun in a 14 YO nightstand? Ugh. I know lots of us had access to firearms when we were kids, and I don't think in normal families things have changed that much, but I wouldn't give unfettered access to a handgun to my 14yo. And my kid is awesome. We were out to dinner the other night and my kids were so polite and well mannered, the manager waiting on us shook my hand for raising them so well. Kid. You. Not. My first thought was how bad other kids are that my kids seem that good.

I'm 46, so I can still (somewhat ;) ) remember my irrational 13 and 14 year old self. :D I know I was irrational, but most of that was girl/puberty related. I had access to all manner of firearms with permission from my parents and grandparents of course. I would often take my shotgun to school and lock it in my locker in junior high and high school as the school bordered my great grandfathers farm that way I could go squirrel and rabbit hunting right away after school.

I don't recall ever hearing anyone wanting to kill a classmate or shoot up a school. Of course we had our share of school yard fights, but once we got our asses busted, and the principle made us shake hands it was over.

Things sure are different today though. Even to the point that teachers save food to send home with kids over the weekend because their parents don't feed or take care of them. Parents and students can't hold themselves accountable though, they want to blame us gun owners or the NRA for something that happens that is out of their control, and something that local and federal law enforcement totally dropped the ball on.

02-22-18, 16:09
Who in the hell would ever talk shit by saying they were going to plan a school attack? That's down right asinine!

Well the 02 thief in FL did. Attention is something these types seek, whether they know it or not they crave negative attention just as much if not more so than they do positive.

Now they will get it in spades and probably be on a DoJ/DHS list for the rest of their lives. Not that it would prevent them from pulling off a school shooting mind you.

As for the father, this brings up a whole other ball of wax, access to your firearms by your minor children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews.

I had access to all manner of firearms with permission from my parents and grandparents of course. I would often take my shotgun to school and lock it in my locker in junior high and high school as the school bordered my great grandfathers farm that way I could go squirrel and rabbit hunting right away after school.

I don't recall ever hearing anyone wanting to kill a classmate or shoot up a school. Of course we had our share of school yard fights, but once we got our asses busted, and the principle made us shake hands it was over.

Growing up in the 80's I knew where all my dad's firearms, mags, and ammo were. No gun safe/RSC. I don't think anyone had them back then in homes just gun shops. Both my mom and dad carried wheel guns on or about their person during the whole of my childhood. Never did I think to get one and use it on someone who hurt my feelings or that didn't give me a grade that I thought I deserved.

My dad was in high school during the 50's and use to tell me how when two boys went all fisticuffs the coach would go and get two pair of boxing gloves from his office and let them duke it out. After the winner helped the loser off the ground, they shook hands, and normally became close friends afterwards. Fast forward to the 70's when his youngest brother finished high school and gangs appeared on the scene. My uncle witnessed a kid get stabbed by a gang banger with a steel hair pick. I was in high school in the 90's and I had already graduated when Columbine happened and I remember thinking to myself "who in the **** would do something like that?!" it's a different world now to say the least.

02-22-18, 17:18
We will never know if they were just spouting off or really planned on a school attack. I personally believe they were just talking shit.

Probably, but we are now at the point where it's like making jokes about bombs at the airport. It is probably something that now needs to be part of firearm and hunter safety courses, that you can't make jokes about shooting up your school.

02-22-18, 17:20
My son just started the teenage years. Nothing is below their stupidity- and my kid is a great kid. Holy crap, I didn't realize how bat-crap irrational teenage boys are.

A handgun in a 14 YO nightstand? Ugh. I know lots of us had access to firearms when we were kids, and I don't think in normal families things have changed that much, but I wouldn't give unfettered access to a handgun to my 14yo. And my kid is awesome. We were out to dinner the other night and my kids were so polite and well mannered, the manager waiting on us shook my hand for raising them so well. Kid. You. Not. My first thought was how bad other kids are that my kids seem that good.

I was 10. Handguns, ammo and cleaning supplies in a gun cabinet in my bedroom.

02-22-18, 18:04
I was 10. Handguns, ammo and cleaning supplies in a gun cabinet in my bedroom.

Grew up in the 50's, my brother & I had all kind of firearms in our room. Due to overcrowding our HS was split shifts, 10th through 12th grade done by 1100 and off we go hunting & or shooting. It was just part of the culture of small town USA.

02-22-18, 18:07
do reckon these are the yeah I see youtube idiot videos that are popular I need to do something to go viral !

sadly this is the mentality of many not just kids these days :) then again a 30 year old that thinks this way is a kid :)

02-24-18, 12:46
A 16 year old girl is in the joint with a felony charge for joking about the Florida incident and telling her classmates that she was going to do the same thing to the school district where my son attends. No evidence she had the means to carry out the act or that she actually intended to. The kids reported her and our local PD reacted immediately. Mom and dad are cooperating with them. Terribly poor joke with no sense of just how serious this sh!t is seems to be the order of the day.

02-24-18, 14:16
A 16 year old girl is in the joint with a felony charge for joking about the Florida incident and telling her classmates that she was going to do the same thing to the school district where my son attends. No evidence she had the means to carry out the act or that she actually intended to. The kids reported her and our local PD reacted immediately. Mom and dad are cooperating with them. Terribly poor joke with no sense of just how serious this sh!t is seems to be the order of the day.

And we are back to getting suspended for point chicken fingers at people.

02-24-18, 14:17
We have a society completely devoid of personal responsibility or accountability. Words have consequences yet everyone seems to think you can say whatever you want and walk away from it with oh it was a joke or the Clinton defense of I didn’t mean it. Who’s policies do you think spawned that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-24-18, 16:32
I was wondering if our small town news would hit this forum. Yes we are in Maryland but we are a red county.

We are not hearing much about the boys. What I can say is the dad started up his own company here which sells boutique ARs in the $1700-2000 range and 308/Creedmoors for $3k. I imagine they are going to throw the book at him based on that article. You would think in a town of 4000 I would have heard about a local AR company before today. I would *almost* buy a stripped lower ($205) just for the hometown rollmark.

I can link his website or not.

02-24-18, 16:42
I was 10. Handguns, ammo and cleaning supplies in a gun cabinet in my bedroom.

At 12, my Grandfather. a retired detective, gave me his S&W .38 Special service revolver, a .32 S&W Service revolver, the Walther PP my Dad brought back from Germany, and a Winchester .22 rifle. I had all of them, and ammo for them at that age.

02-24-18, 19:42
And we are back to getting suspended for point chicken fingers at people.

I know, it is lousy deal but what is the LEO supposed to do in that situation? Wouldn't want to let it go and have it turn out that it was a serious threat.

02-24-18, 19:49
I know, it is lousy deal but what is the LEO supposed to do in that situation? Wouldn't want to let it go and have it turn out that it was a serious threat.

Seems they ignored it just fine in Broward. I get what you are saying, but unlike the Parkland shooter apparently she didn't have access to weapons. Definitely warrants an investigation and putting the school in question on notice that she is a "possible" threat and things like that, but not sure it constitutes enough for a felony arrest unless she has a history of past indicators that suggest otherwise.