View Full Version : The Phony Baloney "I destroyed my gun" #OneLess Movement

Doc Safari
02-22-18, 16:47

Only a week after the heinous incident that left 17 dead, the legacy media has been mobilized to decry and demonize guns – using the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as their own political pawns. However, on Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News took the effort to vilify firearms to an entirely new level with the #OneLess movement.

In the NBC report, they highlight Scott Pappalardo – a gun-owner who uploaded a Facebook video showcasing him destroying his AR-15 and igniting the “viral” movement. In the video, as he destroys the gun, Pappalardo can be heard saying:

I’m going to make sure this weapon will never be able to take a life. Now, there’s one less.

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie even talks up the #OneLess movement at the beginning of the report, boasting that the movement is “going viral” – even though mainstream media can only find four confirmed cases of firearm owners actually destroying their weapons (which they have broadcasted repeatedly as evidence of the “viralness” of #oneless).

For the most part, the #OneLess hashtag has been an exercise in trolling and/or virtue-signaling.
For instance, we have one user claiming to have “destroyed” his AR-15 when in reality, it’s just disassembled:

Another user virtue-signals (or trolls) by showing a handgun that’s supposedly been “destroyed” but has only been field-stripped

(Another example followed this one).

Perusing the #OneLess hashtag, it’s obvious that – amongst the sole few who actually did destroy their guns – the rest are in it for the notoriety and retweets. Even with the 17 million views amassed by Pappalardo’s original video, #OneLess has far more trolls than it does destroyed firearms.

A couple very major facts have been omitted by not just mainstream media, but by firearms writers/bloggers, who have rightfully pointed out that Pappalardo improperly dismantled his firearm, and may have illegally created an SBR in the process.

Pappalardo’s rifle clearly has an “A1” grip that is common of the earliest AR-15s produced in the Vietnam War era. Unless Pappalardo’s rifle was a collector’s item or a pre-ban Class III full-auto, he was destroying a very old AR iteration that likely had very little (if any) resale value.

The stunt is even more suspect when you consider that Pappalardo lives in New York State. Under the NY SAFE Act, all new AND existing “assault weapons” had to have been registered with the state no later than April 15th, 2014. Pappalardo’s rifle clearly has a pistol grip and a muzzle brake (or flash hider, barrel shroud, or compensator, if you want to be specific), making it a “banned” item. New York State’s rate of compliance with the SAFE Act is about 4%, making the odds very high that Pappalardo was illegally owning and possessing his rifle in the first place.

If he wanted to get rid of this old weapon because he was owning it illegally, this would be one novel way to do so without facing risk of prosecution. That is, if he didn’t dismantle it illegally in the first place.

My take: all you need is sincerity, and once you can fake that you've got it made.

Don't these people have enough brain cells to realize that a phony baloney stunt like this does nothing but hurt their credibility at being shocked, saddened, and horrified by the school shootings?

P.T. Barnum probably couldn't have thought of this one.

02-22-18, 17:10

A man who is desperate for acceptance, approval, and affection from women. This desperation has led to the compromise of his beliefs and values, the desecration of his dignity and self-worth, and his inability to stand up for himself and what he deserves as a human being, eg. loyalty, fidelity, and honesty in a romantic relationship.

02-22-18, 17:16
Can't wait till someone points out that people destroying guns only makes things safer if those particular gun owners were an actual dangerous person and planned on killing a bunch of innocent people.

Be pretty funny to spin it to "I know I'm capable of killing a bunch of innocent people so I disarmed myself."

02-22-18, 18:41
anyone so stupid as to do that to their own property most likely was stupid enough to be a danger so guess it fits they did save someone form themselves

02-22-18, 19:08
What a caboose the AR is probably the most produced non military rifle in firearms history. The man made a fool out of him self

02-22-18, 23:16
Yeah, I didn't buy it for a second. Gun owners who would saw an AR in half "for the kids" are the fudd-types who wouldn't buy an AR to begin with.
Utter bullshit. In the same way that I don't buy for second the idea that these "student led" protests and walkouts are truly grassroots. George "Palpatine" Soros and friends are no doubt behind all that, and no doubt already had it planned well before this all took place. I could barely get enough people for a 5 man intramural basketball team when I was in high school. We could barely get kids to shut the **** up for a 30 second moment of silence after 9/11. Yet tens of thousands of kids from all across the nation were mobilized and ready to march on their state capitals and Washington DC in less than a week? I don't buy it.

02-23-18, 00:32
I'd like to suggest a counter: #TwoMORE.

As in, for every one we see destroyed with the #OneLess tag, we build two more to replace it! Bonus, this is an ideal protest for us 80% builders...

02-23-18, 00:37
I'd like to suggest a counter: #TwoMORE.

As in, for every one we see destroyed with the #OneLess tag, we build two more to replace it! Bonus, this is an ideal protest for us 80% builders...

Ok so I'm covered for 212, so I'm pretty good.

02-23-18, 02:11
I'd like to suggest a counter: #TwoMORE.

As in, for every one we see destroyed with the #OneLess tag, we build two more to replace it! Bonus, this is an ideal protest for us 80% builders...

My son was born this weekend, and my plan is to build an AR with him when he gets old enough. So I'll being doing just this in the next few days likely!

02-23-18, 08:32
Yeah, I didn't buy it for a second. Gun owners who would saw an AR in half "for the kids" are the fudd-types who wouldn't buy an AR to begin with.

I believe it. There's levels of FUDD. This topic comes up on other forums from time to time. Guy's contemplating why they bought such and such a rifle or handgun during the Sandy Hook panic. Or guys who bought an AR 30 years ago and only shot it once the day they got it.

Congrats on the kid!

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

02-23-18, 09:15
I’m just sitting here sipping on a cup of coffee, knowing I’ve made the world a safer place by locking my guns up in a steel box so they can’t go out on their own and start killing. #smugashell

The major donors behind all of these “grassroots” protest movements are getting shockingly little press. As far as the kids, these lazy little sh*ts mostly want a day away from school where admins wouldn’t dream of marking the absence unexcused. I give some sixteen year olds opinion of firearms about the same value as a vegans opinion about steak sauce.

02-23-18, 09:50
And here I was hoping for a wave of self-castrations from these idiots to show support for the #metoo movement.

02-23-18, 11:42
More power to them. The fewer seemed liberal dolts the safer the world is. Aren’t the majority of these mass murderers liberals. Aside from the Jihadi assholes that is.

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02-23-18, 14:43
Per the gun smashing/gun turn-in twatwaffles and the “will to act”.
The people that do this have/had no business owning a gun in the first place, because they’ve decided that their 15 minutes of internet fame with their cute little “civic duty” publicity stunt is worth more to them than their life or the potential lives of others that they could possibly have saved with those same guns at some point in the future. They’ve willingly relinquished one of their most basic rights, let alone responsibilities as citizens, to a second party, which means they had no understanding of “why” they owned the guns in the first place without which the "will" to use them effectively would never be there anyway, and frankly without those two basic understandings, the rest of the gun community is better off without them.
#oneless indeed. On less asshat.
"...go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms..."

Yeah, I didn't buy it for a second. Gun owners who would saw an AR in half "for the kids" are the fudd-types who wouldn't buy an AR to begin with.
Utter bullshit. In the same way that I don't buy for second the idea that these "student led" protests and walkouts are truly grassroots. George "Palpatine" Soros and friends are no doubt behind all that, and no doubt already had it planned well before this all took place. I could barely get enough people for a 5 man intramural basketball team when I was in high school. We could barely get kids to shut the **** up for a 30 second moment of silence after 9/11. Yet tens of thousands of kids from all across the nation were mobilized and ready to march on their state capitals and Washington DC in less than a week? I don't buy it.

I would guesstimate this is actually a teacher/school faculty led event, just with "student involvement"- ie, everything has already been planned, set up, etc. by the school organization backing the event, they've just told the kids "we're going to protest today" and handed one of them a speech to read...
And that isn't just me being a bandwagon doubter of intent- I've been there/done that in both school and religious settings, and not being so old yet that I'm far enough removed from that age group where I've forgotten what the mentality of most therein is like.
Ok, sure... you've probably got a couple of the more zealous students behind it as well. But at that age and monetary funding level... even the most zealous kids can't do anything on this level. So yeah, it's all paid for by an entity other than the "grassroots" and if it's paid for then it's pre-planned. The students are just along for the ride as figureheads, whether they see it that way or not.
Also- never doubt the power of teacher/authority-figure-led faux-mobilization by peer pressure.....

02-23-18, 15:52
My son was born this weekend, and my plan is to build an AR with him when he gets old enough. So I'll being doing just this in the next few days likely!

Congrats proud dad!

I put 6720's back for the future generations and a case of mags but I fear I'll loose them on our boat. There are SO may boating accidents these days.

Bubba FAL
02-23-18, 21:10
Boating is so dangerous these days! Maybe there should be restrictions on who can own or operate one. That will make everything better.

02-23-18, 21:18
My son was born this weekend, and my plan is to build an AR with him when he gets old enough. So I'll being doing just this in the next few days likely!

Where in Eastern PA? I owe you a beer. Congrats!

I've been waging my person jihad against fudds in my AO this this past weekend. Probably burned a few bridges and lost a few "friends" calling fudds traitors, libtards, and telling them straight to their face that they don't have a ****ing clue about what they are talking about and no you can't buy FA AR15 at the gunstore and shove that bullshit up their assholes. Yeah, I just said in another thread to be calm and collected, but with other gun owners who claim to be pro gun who start talking about no one needing a semi auto for anything ever my inner asshole comes out and I start calling a fudds cuckold libtard cocksuckers.

02-24-18, 09:54
I saw the video Scott Pappalardo made. He didn't truly destroy the firearm. He didn't cut the lower receiver in half, which actually would have been easier for him to do and would have rendered it completely useless as a firearm forever.

What he did was cut the barrel. Unless I'm mistaken, and unless he had filed paperwork with ATF and received his stamp prior to doing it; he created an illegal SBR. Albeit one that would only fire a single shot since he also eliminated most of the gas system.

I believe he should be prosecuted for doing so. I don't think there is an exemption in the NFA for doing what he did.

02-24-18, 16:41
If dude doesn’t want his rifle anymore then let’s perform a legal transfer and I’ll take it off his hands. What a coward.

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02-24-18, 17:02
Duped LoboTBL...

02-24-18, 17:03
I saw the video Scott Pappalardo made. He didn't truly destroy the firearm. He didn't cut the lower receiver in half, which actually would have been easier for him to do and would have rendered it completely useless as a firearm forever.

What he did was cut the barrel. Unless I'm mistaken, and unless he had filed paperwork with ATF and received his stamp prior to doing it; he created an illegal SBR. Albeit one that would only fire a single shot since he also eliminated most of the gas system.

I believe he should be prosecuted for doing so. I don't think there is an exemption in the NFA for doing what he did.

If still attached to a complete rifle receiver, he manufactured a SBR. Gas system is irrelevant. Unless manufactured as a handgun, a short barrel on a stripped receiver is an SBR.

02-24-18, 17:09
If still attached to a complete rifle receiver, he manufactured a SBR. Gas system is irrelevant. Unless manufactured as a handgun, a short barrel on a stripped receiver is an SBR.

He took the fully assembled rifle to the saw, cut it a couple inches in front of the chamber, and then displays his new, fully assembled, unregistered SBR to the "audience".

02-25-18, 10:06
He took the fully assembled rifle to the saw, cut it a couple inches in front of the chamber, and then displays his new, fully assembled, unregistered SBR to the "audience".
Yeah, I’m unaware as to why he’s not being prosecuted. He broke the law and advertised it to everyone.

02-25-18, 11:41
Reminds me of the reporter several years ago that held up a 30 rd AR mag during his live report. He was in a jurisdiction where 30 rd mags were illegal to possess. Not sure where, possibly DC or NY. He didn't get prosecuted either.

02-25-18, 13:27
I FIXED his meme - feel free to repost. ;)


02-25-18, 13:58
Reminds me of the reporter several years ago that held up a 30 rd AR mag during his live report. He was in a jurisdiction where 30 rd mags were illegal to possess. Not sure where, possibly DC or NY. He didn't get prosecuted either.It was DC. There was an investigation and he wasn't charged because he it was used to show... educate...and not for actual use. I'm paraphrasing but basically that

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02-25-18, 18:21
Can't wait till someone points out that people destroying guns only makes things safer if those particular gun owners were an actual dangerous person and planned on killing a bunch of innocent people.

Be pretty funny to spin it to "I know I'm capable of killing a bunch of innocent people so I disarmed myself."

I work in the media, whenever co-workers get anti-gun with me I tell them they have my sympathy for not valuing their lives enough to defend it themselves. So far a few of them have actually paused to think about what I said and have had actual honest, level-headed discussions as a response.

02-25-18, 18:23
I'd like to suggest a counter: #TwoMORE.

As in, for every one we see destroyed with the #OneLess tag, we build two more to replace it! Bonus, this is an ideal protest for us 80% builders...

I just have to ask, and only partially in jest, would an 80% with hopes of being useful qualify as an "undocumented dreamer"?

02-26-18, 15:41
Another misguided person who is not truly a 2nd amendment supporter.

Pappalardo showed his true idiocy not just by destroying his firearm, but destroying it incorrectly.

He could've turned it over to LE to destroy, or sold it legally for cash.

Dist. Expert 26
02-26-18, 15:56
My brother's substation got a bunch of antique guns turned in today to be "destroyed". Muzzleloaders, lever action rifles, revolvers, etc.

So now he's got a new .25 ACP boot gun.

Doc Safari
02-26-18, 16:03
My brother's substation got a bunch of antique guns turned in today to be "destroyed". Muzzleloaders, lever action rifles, revolvers, etc.

So now he's got a new .25 ACP boot gun.

LOL. I remember the vaunted days of the legendary gun buybacks. I took a rifle that wasn't worth fixing to one of them and got $50 for it. You never saw such a motley collection of broken, rusted, obsolete, and incomplete junk in your life. I'm not lying when I say the NICEST firearm was a Jennings pistol.

03-11-18, 08:54
Update on this one ATF investigating:


03-11-18, 11:07
It was DC. There was an investigation and he wasn't charged because he it was used to show... educate...and not for actual use. I'm paraphrasing but basically that

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I doubt that argument would fly with an unregistered SBR or any other NFA item.

The language of the law didn't specify what the magazine was used for, it banned possession.

The reporter wasn't charged and prosecuted because it wouldn't have served the mission of getting other things banned; all it did was highlight the stupidity of the law.

03-11-18, 12:24
Update on this one ATF investigating:


Well, it looks like she posted a video of her making an ileagle SBR.

How can that not be a crime?

03-11-18, 12:50
We used to be a Nation of rugged individualists. We explored, we built, we farmed and we ranched. We were a Nation of stoic individuals who bit the damned bullet and rode on in because it really meant something to be a Man.
Now it would appear that times have changed and although this is a broad generalization and isn't everyone, but;
We've turned in to a Nation of pussies. We cry, we moan, we've become feminized skinny jean wear cuckolds because it would appear to be fashionable and we hope it will get us laid. We've got too much time and too many electronic devices on our hands and unfortunately, we've just got to show the world our "Feelings" and how Pious we are.
We would be a lot better off with fewer cell phones, you tube video's and girly men opinions, it's getting F'ing embarrassing.

03-11-18, 13:16
Ok so I'm covered for 212, so I'm pretty good.

Ill stand behind you in full support! #twomore!!

03-11-18, 14:52
Well, it looks like she posted a video of her making an ileagle SBR.

How can that not be a crime?

You know, some animals are more equal than others and all that.

03-11-18, 23:15
Here's one for you guys to pass around and take viral courtesy of 4chan:

03-12-18, 02:26
You know, some animals are more equal than others and all that.

Can Randy Weaver get his wife back now that it is OK to chop off barrels willynilly? His was only a quarter inch short.

Calling all Career Professionals!

03-12-18, 02:39
Can Randy Weaver get his wife back now that it is OK to chop off barrels willynilly? His was only a quarter inch short.

Calling all Career Professionals!

Silly Rightwinger, Free Passes are only for DEMOCRATS! :P

03-12-18, 08:41
Here's one for you guys to pass around and take viral courtesy of 4chan:

404 Not Found

03-12-18, 13:31
404 Not Found
Yeah, just noticed that last night. Looks like you'll have to download from here and re-host, they seem to have taken it down. :(

03-12-18, 16:48

03-13-18, 13:51
We used to be a Nation of rugged individualists. We explored, we built, we farmed and we ranched. We were a Nation of stoic individuals who bit the damned bullet and rode on in because it really meant something to be a Man.
Now it would appear that times have changed and although this is a broad generalization and isn't everyone, but;
We've turned in to a Nation of pussies. We cry, we moan, we've become feminized skinny jean wear cuckolds because it would appear to be fashionable and we hope it will get us laid. We've got too much time and too many electronic devices on our hands and unfortunately, we've just got to show the world our "Feelings" and how Pious we are.
We would be a lot better off with fewer cell phones, you tube video's and girly men opinions, it's getting F'ing embarrassing.

Have you visited the handgun sub-forum on this very site? We have members here who fret over what other people think about their choice of a CCW and bitch about how they can't conceal an RMR equipped compact Glock with suppressor sights under tight fitting pastel knit shirts.

Here's one for you guys to pass around and take viral courtesy of 4chan:

That is pure gold! :lol:

03-13-18, 15:15
Have you visited the handgun sub-forum on this very site? We have members here who fret over what other people think about their choice of a CCW and bitch about how they can't conceal an RMR equipped compact Glock with suppressor sights under tight fitting pastel knit shirts.

That is pure gold! :lol:

And yet the gent in question can likely outshoot 98% of the collective fudds on here

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Dist. Expert 26
03-13-18, 15:41
And yet the gent in question can likely outshoot 98% of the collective fudds on here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're probably right, but I have to make the point that shooting ability doesn't correlate with the capacity or willingness to commit violence.

I've met a lot of phenomenonal shooters I would never even consider taking into combat, and some pretty sub par shooters that I'd roll out with any day of the week.

03-13-18, 15:51
You're probably right, but I have to make the point that shooting ability doesn't correlate with the capacity or willingness to commit violence.

I've met a lot of phenomenonal shooters I would never even consider taking into combat, and some pretty sub par shooters that I'd roll out with any day of the week.

Sounds like an Ike-ism, about "it's not the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog."

03-13-18, 16:03
You're probably right, but I have to make the point that shooting ability doesn't correlate with the capacity or willingness to commit violence.

I've met a lot of phenomenonal shooters I would never even consider taking into combat, and some pretty sub par shooters that I'd roll out with any day of the week.

There's a ridiculous amount of truth in this post.

03-13-18, 16:21
You're probably right, but I have to make the point that shooting ability doesn't correlate with the capacity or willingness to commit violence.

I've met a lot of phenomenonal shooters I would never even consider taking into combat, and some pretty sub par shooters that I'd roll out with any day of the week.

If we're talking about the person I think we're talking about, I'd have no problem with him watching my six.

03-13-18, 16:35
You're probably right, but I have to make the point that shooting ability doesn't correlate with the capacity or willingness to commit violence.

I've met a lot of phenomenonal shooters I would never even consider taking into combat, and some pretty sub par shooters that I'd roll out with any day of the week.

While true, in this case, the person they’re referring to is a multi-tour Iraq vet Marine.

Dist. Expert 26
03-13-18, 17:20
While true, in this case, the person they’re referring to is a multi-tour Iraq vet Marine.

I honestly had no idea who they were specifically referring to, my observation was of the general sort.

03-13-18, 20:41
And yet the gent in question can likely outshoot 98% of the collective fudds on here
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And he wears rather stylish clothes....
Who knows?
He might do such a great job covering your six that both of you end up on the cover of GQ.

Big A
03-14-18, 09:03
If we're talking about the person I think we're talking about, I'd have no problem with him watching my six.

While true, in this case, the person they’re referring to is a multi-tour Iraq vet Marine.

Yeah, if shit went real sideways domestically I'd have no problem following him into hell and back.

03-14-18, 18:33
Agreed, this is stupid movement- why destroy your personal property.

03-18-18, 02:32
Loosely related:


03-18-18, 03:43
Loosely related:


I do wonder how many were stolen :)

clicking onto the twitter though the comments are funny

OH YEAH our streets are safer tonight and other idiocy like that :) hahahahahahaha

03-18-18, 09:52
Loosely related:


“Off the streets”. Like they are just laying there, waiting for kids to play with them. I wish i saw guns laying in the street.

On a side note. These “one less”ers: do they throw their lowers away?

03-18-18, 10:47
clicking onto the twitter though the comments are funny

OH YEAH our streets are safer tonight and other idiocy like that :) hahahahahahaha

Another great comment. - "Only 319,999,862 more to go... Way to unring that bell."

That picture is of course (intentionally) misleading.

A whopping 7 evil rifles placed right in front of the garbage making up the balance of the long guns.

That's 5% of the total

On the handgun table, maybe 10-15% are actual pistols, while the rest appear to be wheel guns.

There is one lone MAC-11 there...

03-18-18, 13:59
Another great comment. - "Only 319,999,862 more to go... Way to unring that bell."

That picture is of course (intentionally) misleading.

A whopping 7 evil rifles placed right in front of the garbage making up the balance of the long guns.

That's 5% of the total

On the handgun table, maybe 10-15% are actual pistols, while the rest appear to be wheel guns.

There is one lone MAC-11 there...
That’s Tony Montana’s MAC-11...

03-18-18, 14:09
It's probably not even a MAC-11, it's probably a Master Piece Arms.

03-19-18, 11:51
I do wonder how many were stolen :)

clicking onto the twitter though the comments are funny

OH YEAH our streets are safer tonight and other idiocy like that :) hahahahahahaha

“Off the streets”. Like they are just laying there, waiting for kids to play with them. I wish i saw guns laying in the street.

On a side note. These “one less”ers: do they throw their lowers away?

Well here are two of the three.


03-19-18, 13:52
Well here are two of the three.


Gotta love the look on the face of the T-1000, if I didn't know any better I might say this was a staged publicity stunt.

03-19-18, 15:28
Well here are two of the three.


That was painful to read. All consistent with the misinformation campaign.

My favorite: he said these are no march against tanks and machine guns.

Pray tell how are they “assault rifles” and “weapons of war” when he said they are no match to weapons of war and assault rifles?

03-19-18, 15:37
That was painful to read. All consistent with the misinformation campaign.

My favorite: he said these are no march against tanks and machine guns.

Pray tell how are they “assault rifles” and “weapons of war” when he said they are no match to weapons of war and assault rifles?

There were so many lies and false choices presented, i think it killed half my brain cells just reading that.
Too weak to hunt deer (like thats the only hunting that exists), but too powerful for free men to handle? And the walls thing- cmon man, its 2018.

How do these people look at the way police handled they Fl situation and say, “i dont want options, these guys will be there for me.” I still wouldn’t understand it, even if they did everything right, but especially they way things played out.

Again, hes free to do what he wants- let me do the same. Dont force me to live out your delusions.

03-19-18, 16:31
Loosely related:


Anyone notice something funny about that pic?

Four out of the five ARs up front are the same make and model. And look like you just took them out of the box from the factory.

In fact, most of the weapons appear to be in pretty darn good shape. Like never used...

ETA: I shoulda read the Twitter comments.

03-24-18, 22:11

Bubba FAL
03-25-18, 10:52
Yeah we're all about saving the children now aren't we? Except when they're in utero, that is - how many millions of our tax dollars just went to Planned Parenthood in that ridiculous spending bill which was passed this week? How many children are going to die as a result of that? F'n lying bastards...

04-26-18, 10:10
Local guy has a ranch in Texas and destroyed an AR15 & AR10. For sure the guy is a WACK'O and proves everyone shouldn't own a firearm.

Video of why he destroyed only need to watch 60 seconds to realize he has issues.


This AM, he made it below the fold on local paper. He lives in MD and has a ranch in Texas.

Newspaper article and heading: Motivated by Parkland shooting, Crownsville man crushes his AR-15, AR-10 on video

04-26-18, 11:31
Im all about saving the kids......

thats why mine are gonna learn how to shoot. Save yourself.

04-26-18, 14:59
His reply in the comment section to a post.

oldMan Slickville I got no problem with long guns. Just bought a 30-30 lever action and it works great! I love it! It’s awesome. Do u have a problem with a drone that uses a GPS guided laser to target for a small mortar (from a mile away) that detonates 10 feet overhead and kills everything within 100 foot radius? Is that an “arm” as defined by 2nd amendment?? It would awesome for hog control here at my ranch and I can afford it! It’s coming!! Doesn’t mean we should allow for their mass production and marketing at Bass Pro Shops. We gotta draw the line somewhere and we do! I’m sure you would agree with that? Right???

Bubba FAL
04-26-18, 19:42
Local guy has a ranch in Texas and destroyed an AR15 & AR10. For sure the guy is a WACK'O and proves everyone shouldn't own a firearm.

Video of why he destroyed only need to watch 60 seconds to realize he has issues.


This AM, he made it below the fold on local paper. He lives in MD and has a ranch in Texas.

Newspaper article and heading: Motivated by Parkland shooting, Crownsville man crushes his AR-15, AR-10 on video

Bunch of blather from a virtue signaling tool.
Want to really do something? Sell those rifles to someone who would appreciate them and give the proceeds to a local charity. What a choad...

04-26-18, 20:46
I dumped all my guns in the lake. Yeah, that’s what happened.

04-28-18, 14:14
This just struck me.....

In the past a DA or judge or jury might not be impressed by the "I destroyed my gun, thats why you can't find it argument". Thank the internet for setting this precedences.