View Full Version : Delta Airlines and my responce to Delta

02-26-18, 08:46
As I am sure everyone here knows Delta airlines as well as other companies have broken ties with the NRA.

I am a business traveler and Delta was my favorite airline, to the point I have miles like crazy.

I went to Delta's web page and filed a complaint using my membership number as a reference point and wrote the following to them;

I want to inform you that you have gone from my favorite airline, to the airline I will never fly with again ever.

You have broken your relationship with the NRA, which means you no longer stand for the Constitution and our freedom.

As tragic as a school shooting is, it pales in comparison to freedom lot.

Please correct your stance and apologize to the NRA and it's members, for I am the NRA. So I can continue using your once great airline.

02-26-18, 08:57
Bravo sir.

Delta used to be my go to carrier since it's a local company. But I've since switched away from them due to their increasing fare, mediocre to poor service and the availability of other carriers. I haven't flown them in 5 years and will do my best not to use them. But some people may not have a choice if Delta is the only carrier that is available for their route.

02-26-18, 09:01
Good job Yoni. We all need to do this with all of the coward companies that joined in the anti-NRA crowd. It is always worth a shot against those that f with our RKBA and the organizations that we support.

(The power of social media: one Kardashian tweet cost Snapchat $1.3B in lost stock value)

-your AZ MERF/Mini UZI friend

02-26-18, 09:08
I wrote them a letter of complaint too, but I'm too hooked into their infrastructure and depend on their regional connections to abandon them. I did dump my FNB Omaha Visa card that I've had since 1974.

Dist. Expert 26
02-26-18, 09:48
I think, by and large, the harder the left pushes the more folks on our side dig in their heels.

Nobody likes being dictated to by an annoying child who's only claim to fame is attending a school where a shooting happened.

02-26-18, 10:02
I too am stuck with them as corporate has a long standing deal with them and corporate arranges and pays for all my flights. I don't have any say in the matter.

They will receive a well worded letter of discontent this morning, and they don't know that I, my friends, and family, can't switch airlines.

Evel Baldgui
02-26-18, 12:06
Netjets....avoid the major carriers altogether

02-26-18, 12:15
DELTA: Dosen't Ever Leave The Airport.

02-26-18, 12:29
Well done Yoni.
Unfortunately like some of the others, my wife and I are stuck with United due to her work, Delta being the other option. To make matters worse, Allegiant is the smaller local option and they suck out loud.

The bigger question I have is, with the airlines having given an FU to the NRA, does anyone see them dropping the ban hammer on traveling with firearms?

02-26-18, 12:39
Well done Yoni. As said before we all need to stand our ground against any company that does this crap, even it is is slightly inconvenient for us. That is where we usually falter...we like a product/company/convenience. Not this time!

02-26-18, 12:39
Netjets....avoid the major carriers altogether

Haha, once I bought enough airline tickets to fill a gulfstream with people. I got a quote from them and it worked out to about $15k per seat.

02-26-18, 13:21
Netjets....avoid the major carriers altogether
That would be sweet, but is in no way a practical solution for me.

02-26-18, 14:03
We can only do what we can. Avoid Delta and United when possible. Drive if the destination is close enough.

02-26-18, 14:13
That would be sweet, but is in no way a practical solution for me.

or for most people that do not have a net worth of 20+ million.

02-26-18, 14:17
Tweets Tweets, current page. Tweets & replies Media

Casey Cagle
‏Verified account @CaseyCagle
1h1 hour ago

I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA. Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.

Lt. Gov of GA fires back at Delta with a much bigger gun than my frequent flyer miles

02-26-18, 14:59
Nice. Glad he's stepping up.

When Enterprise dropped the NRA, I booked with Hertz. Unfortunately they pulled the same shit the next day. We are pretty much left with no national car rental companies that support the NRA discount. I'll just hold my nose and not do business with Enterprise since they were the first to jump ship. I've had HORRIBLE experiences renting cars from non-national companies, to that really isn't an option for me.

02-26-18, 15:06
Tweets Tweets, current page. Tweets & replies Media

Casey Cagle
‏Verified account @CaseyCagle
1h1 hour ago

I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA. Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.

Lt. Gov of GA fires back at Delta with a much bigger gun than my frequent flyer miles


BTW, all those years that Delta was offering discount to NRA members, I never used the discount. Even with the discount, they were higher than Southwest.

02-26-18, 16:45
Netjets....avoid the major carriers altogether

Dude, I WISH my family had the money for Netjets, or even just little Cessna/Beech GA.


Doc Safari
02-26-18, 17:20


Update: Following Georgia Lt. Governor's threats earlier in the day, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the Georgia Senate has effectively blocked a lucrative tax break bill on Monday that would benefit Delta Air Lines.

Delta has angled for years to restore the tax break, which would save the company about $40 million annually. It was first adopted in the mid-2000s when the company was struggling, but lawmakers nixed it in 2015 when Delta officials got on the wrong side of lawmakers looking for extra cash for infrastructure improvements.

But the measure is now effectively grounded after Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle said he wouldn’t support the $50 million jet fuel sales tax exemption unless the Atlanta-based airline reverses its decision to end discounted rates for NRA members. He joined a chorus of conservatives who opposed the measure after Delta announced its decision Saturday.

My take: You want some Vaseline with that?

Doc Safari
02-26-18, 17:24
And in related news, Fedex refuses to bow to efforts to punish NRA members:


FedEx said that while it "opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians" and that it "views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused" therefore supporting "restricting them to the military", it added that since it is a common carrier and "does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views" it will not end its discounted rate with the NRA which "is one of hundreds of organizations in our alliances/association Marketing program" as "FedEx has never set or changed rates for any of our millions of customers around the world in response to their politics, beliefs or positions on issues."

The Fedex statement was met with anger by anti-gun advocates, taking a lead from David Hogg, who earlier in the day urged his followed to "Sell FedEx stock! If they wanna stick with NRA we'll stick with @usps or @UPS"

My take: well, they didn't exactly support the right to keep and bear arms, just refused to jump on the Bullshit Bandwagon. We'll take it. For now.

02-26-18, 17:31


My take: You want some Vaseline with that?

I'd rather give 'em the highest Scoville-rated blisters-your-fingers stuff I can find as the only lube they're gonna get.

02-26-18, 17:31
FedEx gets a lot of business from FFL shipments. Not sure if they want to lose that. Their main base is also in a Red state like Delta.

Funny. I’ve been a NRA member since 1993 and I never really knew about or used the discounts.

I LAUGH at these myopic companies cutting ties and will just make sure they never get my business now.

02-26-18, 17:47
Just a back story, Casey Cagel is running for governor, he is the current Lt. Governor. The Gov. Nathan Deal said he still supports the tax break for Delta. Nothing changes yet.

03-02-18, 12:02
I can't believe it but the Governor Nathan Deal just signed the new tax cut law that DID NOT include a tax break for Delta. It is a done Deal.


Big A
03-02-18, 13:18
I can't believe it but the Governor Nathan Deal just signed the new tax cut law that DID NOT include a tax break for Delta. It is a done Deal.



Outlander Systems
03-02-18, 13:38
As Georgians, my wife and I had some disagreements over the rat-****ing of Delta by the State.

She was vehemently against it.

I, on the other hand, believe that if your values can be bought and sold, you have no values.

I applaud the State Tax plan. Delta getting a gargantuan tax cut would be crony capitalism at it's finest.

03-02-18, 14:45
Georgia keeps getting higher on my list of places I'd like to live.

03-02-18, 16:17
That governor is standing tall. Imagine, a politician with integrity when it would be so easy to step aside or cave in. From the great PNW to the State of Georgia: hoorah, sir!!

03-02-18, 16:36
I believe I read Delta is "reevaluating their response."

03-02-18, 19:54

A whole 13 tickets were ever sold with the NRA discount

03-02-18, 20:35
Delta CEO's response to Georgia: "Our values are not for sale."

O'Really? LOL The irony is utterly epic! :D