View Full Version : Watching the Special Snowflake Melt Down Over Gun Control

Doc Safari
02-26-18, 17:27

Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg says he will not return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School until more gun control is passed.
Hogg made the comments Sunday during a gun control rally held at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey.

The New York Daily News reports that Hogg said, “I’m not going back to school on Wednesday until one bill is passed.” He did not specify which law he wants most, only that he is not going back until at least one law garners the support of lawmakers.

He said, “Literally any legislation at this point would be a success. Considering the fact that so few legislators in Florida met with us and they want the people to forget, that’s disgusting. The fact that they want people to forget about this and elect them again as the child murderers they are, that’s unacceptable and we’re not going to let that happen.”

My take: Go ahead and skip school. The world needs ditch diggers too, kid.

02-26-18, 17:39

My take: Go ahead and skip school. The world needs ditch diggers too, kid. The problem is their snow flakes, and with saying that, they don't have what it takes to be ditch diggers. Your dealing with an entitled crowd that wants to whine to get their own way. They don't realize they are selling away their own freedom, and they certainly don't have what it takes to work a shovel.

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Doc Safari
02-26-18, 17:41
The problem is their snow flakes, and with saying that, they don't have what it takes to be ditch diggers. Your dealing with an entitled crowd that wants to whine to get their own way. They don't realize they are selling away their own freedom, and they certainly don't have what it takes to work a shovel.

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He's being used by the left like so many before him. When they're done with him they will toss him aside like Cindy Sheehan.

02-26-18, 17:47
He is of the same ilk that did the same failed marches on Wall Street from a few years ago. You know the type, don't want to work but wants free tuition, free medical care, a free i-phone, a free Prius, etc....

02-26-18, 17:57
He's being used by the left like so many before him. When they're done with him they will toss him aside like Cindy Sheehan.Unfortunately we live in a world of Lemming like followers. The sad thing is they will take us off the cliff with them...

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Dist. Expert 26
02-26-18, 18:00
I guess he'll be getting a visit from the truancy officer. But given BSO's reputation for professionalism, probably not.

Silver lining though- if he actually follows through he'll miss so much school he gets held back.

02-26-18, 18:11
Maybe he should be focused on the guys that had the guns and did nothing, except let kids die.

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02-26-18, 18:38
Maybe he should be focused on the guys that had the guns and did nothing, except let kids die.

Like his dad, the FBI agent - who passed on investigating the shooter? :eek:

02-26-18, 18:51
I can't wait until people stop calling other people snowflakes. It's up there with the term "Gun nut" and "Libturd"

02-26-18, 18:59
Wow, I'm surprised you could find that story... All I see all over every news channel, E!, Twitter, Facebook is that the Stoneman Douglas Hockey team won the State Championship.

I mean I know I've seen, oh jeeze, I don't know, at least 10 seconds of coverage on this. How did you find a story about one single student?!


Ok, so maybe 10 seconds is a bit of a stretch....

Looked like a bunch of happy safe kids doing what kids do... but then again, I only got a glimpse of what happened. We don't what to see normal happy people on the Liberal TV networks now do we?

Yes, that was sarcasm for anyone that has any doubt.

Did any of you hear the real story of the kid that met with Trump and said he heard about a guy that bought an AR with expired drivers license? If it hasn't been covered. what he did was go to a store, get good service. Talked up the deal, then when they ready to do the paper work, he backed out. So the "5 minute buy" was really a "5 minute lie" where he was totally BSing the shop owners. Then before they could actually process anything he split. But... now we have a kid crying in the White house that he bought an AR in 5 minutes with expired license.

What does a Liberal do when caught in a lie? Develop a bigger lie.

Links to GOA to contact your representatives.

02-26-18, 19:22

My take: Go ahead and skip school. The world needs ditch diggers too, kid.


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Alex V
02-26-18, 19:31
Wow. A gun control rally at Livingstein NJ. As a Jew and a NJ resident I'm appalled. I'm glad I'm drinking myself retarded in the Dominican Republic right now otherwise I may have gone there and gotten arrested.

02-26-18, 19:36
Look, I'm a father. I have a kid one year older than David Hogg. I realize that it was scary as shit, but dude you were over 100' from the shooting in another damn building.


02-26-18, 20:09
Look, I'm a father. I have a kid one year older than David Hogg. I realize that it was scary as shit, but dude you were over 100' from the shooting in another damn building.


Yes, but this way he can drop out of school and pick up starry eyed hippy liberal chicks as he marches through the streets demanding justice. And make mommy and daddy proud, too. Or something like that.

02-26-18, 20:46
I realize that it was scary as shit, but dude you were over 100' from the shooting in another damn building.

Damn, is that kid captain of the drama team or what? He is super concerned about getting his lines. I wonder who the producer is off to his left? He's clearly not showing grief. That's "red light" nerves. He wants to get it in one take an cant because he's on camera. A completely emotionless performance. If he's going to be a film maker, I hope he learns to put the talent in front of the camera next time. Otherwise he needs to learn to rehearse his lines.

He really needs to get on Youtube and check out Elija Coles-Brown.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb257oDOalM Watch it... if you can't watch it all... check the kid for a few minutes.. then skip to 20:00 where his mother speaks of her older son... his brother.

Obama was nothing more than a proof of concept.

02-26-18, 21:27
He said, “Literally any legislation at this point would be a success.

It would be worth it to pass the armed teachers bill and watch his bobble head explode.

Media Hogg.

02-26-18, 21:44
I can't wait until people stop calling other people snowflakes. It's up there with the term "Gun nut" and "Libturd"

Might be here a while... ;)


02-27-18, 09:53
This particular breed of snowflakes are in it for fame and fortune. If you look closely at their eyeballs should be, you will see $$$$ instead.

02-27-18, 10:13
Was there a actually video of this kid speaking? I cant see it in origional link

02-27-18, 11:16

My take: Go ahead and skip school. The world needs ditch diggers too, kid.

I expect the leftist media to deify him and get him a scholarship to the Columbia School of "Journalism". Coward County schools will probably give him an honorary diploma, so he can get on with his mission of leftist propaganda production and dissemination. That kid has a bright future ahead of him, much to the detriment of the country.

02-27-18, 20:54
Nah, this kid will be cast aside like a used rag when the time for chimpscreaming is over... He’ll go on to be some local news reporter covering Aunt Sally’s famous bramble jam as he’s clearly developed a taste for liberal bullshit (and if the press doesn’t have that cornered) and time in front of the camera. But he’ll always have his claim to fame, as morbid as it is.

02-27-18, 21:00
Nah, this kid will be cast aside like a used rag when the time for chimpscreaming is over... He’ll go on to be some local news reporter covering Aunt Sally’s famous bramble jam as he’s clearly developed a taste for liberal bullshit (and if the press doesn’t have that cornered) and time in front of the camera. But he’ll always have his claim to fame, as morbid as it is.

In his desperation to stay within the circles of leftist politics, he'll probably end up as a fluffer for select democrat representatives and their special donors during "pre-game" events in some pizza parlor basement.

02-28-18, 12:18
In his desperation to stay within the circles of leftist politics, he'll probably end up as a fluffer for select democrat representatives and their special donors during "pre-game" events in some pizza parlor basement.

I have no love for the dude but you put the pedal to the floor and never let off as you drove over the cliff on that one bro.

02-28-18, 14:21
Damn, is that kid captain of the drama team or what? He is super concerned about getting his lines. I wonder who the producer is off to his left? He's clearly not showing grief. That's "red light" nerves. He wants to get it in one take an cant because he's on camera. A completely emotionless performance. If he's going to be a film maker, I hope he learns to put the talent in front of the camera next time. Otherwise he needs to learn to rehearse his lines.

He really needs to get on Youtube and check out Elija Coles-Brown.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb257oDOalM Watch it... if you can't watch it all... check the kid for a few minutes.. then skip to 20:00 where his mother speaks of her older son... his brother.

Obama was nothing more than a proof of concept.
Apparently (allegedly I guess) I read somewhere Hogg is on the Drama Team. At least the school newspaper.

02-28-18, 23:54

03-01-18, 02:47
As I snarked over at RedState yesterday...

"There are reasons we don't let children make policy, and for the same reasons we shouldn't take policy advice from Snotty Hipsterdouche Millennial adults-in-age-only no matter what banner they fly* either. As usual, the Hippies and Yippies had it all backward: never trust anyone UNDER forty!"
*A veiled barb directly aimed at Redstate editor Caleb Howe and the clique of snotty #NeverTrumpSuicideCult millennials he's rebuilt a onetime standard-bearer of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy around.

03-01-18, 06:21
He's being used by the left like so many before him. When they're done with him they will toss him aside like Cindy Sheehan.

They're utilizing a new means to silence opposition by using children and teenagers as the mouth piece to present their policy and legislative goals. Then, when anybody offers comments or counterpoints, they demonize them for attacking children.