View Full Version : Proud dad

03-04-18, 14:06
When your recently turned 4 year old asks you for a week to go to Walmart to get this toy he has seen. You go there and this is what he has been wanting so badly #prouddad #thatsmyboy




He thinks the vest is body armor like I have, says " you need it so you don't get dead" LMAO!

03-04-18, 14:22
Could you throw a cheap red dot on that rail? How awesome would it be to have an actual “dot” on that rifle?

03-04-18, 14:37
Lol nah, that rail isn't close to being in spec.

03-04-18, 14:56
Lol nah, that rail isn't close to being in spec.

That’s too bad. Go grab a M&P 22 rifle while you still have a chance for him. The graboids are stirring again.

03-04-18, 15:19
My son has the same toy, love the noise it makes when you change the mag.

Dist. Expert 26
03-04-18, 15:29
I'm surprised Walmart would sell such a scary looking toy.

I've got a few years before my son is old enough to actually play with stuff like that but I'm looking forward to it.

03-04-18, 15:56
Awesome. Reminds me of a squirt gun i had when i was a kid. My older brother painted it black for me. I probably played with it way past the age i should have, haha.

03-04-18, 15:59
Very nice! What quad rail is that?


03-04-18, 17:42
Cool toys. I would have killed for something like that when I was a kid (born in 1965 for perspective).

I had one of these:


and one of these:


But dammit, I never had one of these (and I had an M14 fetish as a kid):


03-04-18, 19:35
I had that same 16!

03-04-18, 21:46
Nice! That's a cool AR!

03-04-18, 22:46
and one of these:


My mom regretted getting me that at the K-mart before we left the store, I was working that trigger for the firing sound so much. It didn't get any better for her from there.

Great pics of the boy. From there to Nerf, to 22 bolt guns and my man sized 13yo son ran his AR this weekend at a USPSA rifle match where he beat a bunch of grown men, but luckily not his Dad ;), yet. It goes by fast.

03-05-18, 01:21
OP, good on you! It's obvious you are doing a good job on raising that young man. :cool:

I have horror stories of people that I know that are doing their damnedest to demasculinize their little boys.

When my son was born I went out and bought that very play set from Walmart, he's only two but it is in his closet waiting for him along with a Nerf blaster that looks like it's out of Aliens.

03-05-18, 08:29
My son is an absolute brute. Roughest little dude I’ve ever encountered. He makes his 8 and 11 year old cousins cry wrestling.