View Full Version : FL Governor Scott undecided on whether or not to sign SB 7026.

03-08-18, 11:09
Everyone can do this and make sure you mention SB7026 in the email or phone call. The governor must sign or veto legislation within 15 days of transmittal, or it becomes law without his signature.
Contact the governor and tell him not to sign:

(850) 488-7146


ETA: HE HAS TO VETO THE BILL. If he simply doesn't sign it, it still becomes law.

Dist. Expert 26
03-08-18, 11:19
Good luck. It would seem that Florida is officially the Yankee South.

03-08-18, 11:24
Good luck. It would seem that Florida is officially the Yankee South.

Those were the thoughts I had. Seeing that most of the provisions are Governor Scott's ideas it does not look good for the law abiding gun owning residents of Florida.

As someone who is not a resident there; I'm curious what the provisions are regarding the current owners of bump stocks, and if they will be able to legally sell them down the road? It appears once again that law abiding citizens will be made criminals overnight for nothing other than owning something that was previously legal. The older I get, the more distrust and animosity I have toward any type of centralized government.

Dist. Expert 26
03-08-18, 11:40
As someone who is not a resident there; I'm curious what the provisions are regarding the current owners of bump stocks, and if they will be able to legally sell them down the road? It appears once again that law abiding citizens will be made criminals overnight for nothing other than owning something that was previously legal.

That's how I read it too. I expect you'll see an extremely low rate of compliance as a result.

03-08-18, 12:08
What I sent:

Hello Governor. I'm writing in RE SB7026

This bill as it now exists is a worthless bill that will have no impact on future events and is feel good at best, and per usual, punishing the law abiding citizen. One reason I moved from the NE to FL was to escape the UnConstitutional gun laws of the region, laws, which as you well know, either have no impact on crime or raise it, and this bill will have no impact at all. What you should do is launch a full investigation as to how that young man came to posses that particular gun (I suspect existing FL law should have allowed LE to make him a non permissible person) and how everyone along the chain failed that young man and how that can be prevented in the future. 30+ visits by local LE (the same PD who failed to to their job on every level of that event...) and no charges made that would have prevented him from owing that firearm? That's what you need to get to the bottom of first before passing new bills.

Remember, he didn't use a bump stock, nor high cap, mags, etc. I have yet to even see pictures of that firearm to see if it was indeed even an AR15, though I assume you have? Lets not forget, VT tech, 33 dead with a handgun, and of course 80+ dead and 200+ injured with an "assault" truck in France not long ago, to name just a few.

To that end, you must have a full investigation of the PD and see if there is not legit reasons for negligence of duty charges from the top down, if not criminal negligence in the case of those who gave the orders to not go in the school, etc. They must be held accountable in this, or anything else you do simply of no value to those dead kids and those who pay 700m + in taxes for that PD and the salaries of the Sheriff et al. I have worked with police, been published in a number of police focused magazines, etc, and know many an officer, and not one can figure out why they they failed to follow their own SOP for an active shooter.

Per usual, passing feel good bills before waiting for all the facts to come in, avoiding the true blame of those involved, and going after tools used vs tool users, accomplishes nothing but a continuation of an erosion of Const Rights and Liberty, while failing to prevent such events.

Thank for your time sir.

03-08-18, 15:15
Damn good letter Will.

03-08-18, 15:30
That's how I read it too. I expect you'll see an extremely low rate of compliance as a result.

Well, I’m sure some of our fellow forum members will gladly oblige to blow the whistle on one another for the sake of their feelings.

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Dist. Expert 26
03-08-18, 15:58
Well, I’m sure some of our fellow forum members will gladly oblige to blow the whistle on one another for the sake of their feelings.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I see what you did there...

03-08-18, 16:06
Damn good letter Will.

Thanx man.

03-08-18, 16:11
FL Governor Scott undecided on whether or not to sign SB 7026.

Why is he undecided? Didn't he ask for this?

03-08-18, 16:43
So he can be against it before he is for it.

Is he running for senate or something?

Alex V
03-08-18, 17:59
From what I understand he is against the 21 year old portion of the law.

03-08-18, 19:48
Why is he undecided? Didn't he ask for this?

I don't believe for one second that Governor Scott won't sign that bill.

26 Inf
03-08-18, 20:07
Good luck. It would seem that Florida is officially the Yankee South.

I think Kansas is pretty Yankee. We have Constitutional Carry and can hunt with suppressors to protect our hearing. Sell it elsewhere, please.

Dist. Expert 26
03-08-18, 20:33
I think Kansas is pretty Yankee. We have Constitutional Carry and can hunt with suppressors to protect our hearing. Sell it elsewhere, please.

Yankee as in half your population consists of retirees from the northeast? That's awful!

03-08-18, 21:34
East Coast of FL.....New England. West coast of FL.....Chicago, Wisconsin, Minneapolis.
This is in terms of retirees and where they retire from/to. Good luck FL.

03-08-18, 22:24
East Coast of FL.....New England. West coast of FL.....Chicago, Wisconsin, Minneapolis.
This is in terms of retirees and where they retire from/to. Good luck FL.
50 miles south of Tampa is Sarasota County. They used to call that local "Little Ohio". Lots of Mennonites and upper midwest folks moved there in the late 50's and into the 60's.

03-08-18, 23:42
Of all the interviews after the recent Florida shooting, I don't think I heard one southern accent.

Big A
03-09-18, 07:14
Why is he undecided? Didn't he ask for this?

My understanding is he is against the part that allows teachers to be armed.

So he can be against it before he is for it.

Is he running for senate or something?

There is strong motivation for him to run against that idiot Bill Nelson.

From what I understand he is against the 21 year old portion of the law.

Sadly that was some of the first shit he spewed out his mouth after this latest incident.

Big A
03-09-18, 07:20
Of all the interviews after the recent Florida shooting, I don't think I heard one southern accent.

The further south you go in Florida, the further north you are in terms of population demographics. Every county below I4 is full of northern liberal transplants and they are sadly spreading north of I4

03-09-18, 12:41
The further south you go in Florida, the further north you are in terms of population demographics. Every county below I4 is full of northern liberal transplants and they are sadly spreading north of I4

Further evidence that progressives/liberals/leftists are like a cancer that destroys anything healthy wherever they spread.

We know that every cancerous cell must be destroyed to save healthy tissue and have any hope of preserving life.

03-09-18, 12:43
I'm a native Floridian but don't live there so it's doubtful the good governor would give a letter from me the time of day.

My mother lives in the Ocala area though, so I'll get her on it.

03-09-18, 14:21
And its been signed.

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03-09-18, 14:40
Yep he did it! Wow.

Alex V
03-09-18, 14:47
Yep he did it! Wow.

Wow indeed... we are loosing big gentlemen...

03-09-18, 14:56
Wow indeed... we are loosing big gentlemen...

Rubio was just on CBS This Morning today saying the Florida bill should be the national standard and considered on the Federal level :-(

03-09-18, 15:45
And its been signed.

I fully expected him too. Lots of feel good stuff that gets the heat off, does not impact enough gun owners to get real kick back. Maybe some parts will get challenged:

"risk protection orders will keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them"

What does that even mean? One more step toward ignoring due process and the Const.

03-09-18, 15:49
Rubio was just on CBS This Morning today saying the Florida bill should be the national standard and considered on the Federal level :-(

It's coming to Delaware next, but with the ban on those scary black rifles as well. My wife is from Florida and I've lived and spent a lot of time there in the past. We were planning on moving back sooner or later, might have to reconsider that.

http://https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/08/delaware-house-passes-bump-stock-ban-harsher-penalty-straw-purchases/406420002/ (https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/08/delaware-house-passes-bump-stock-ban-harsher-penalty-straw-purchases/406420002/)

A proposed ban on bump stocks and a bill to enact stronger penalties for so-called "straw" purchases of firearms passed the Delaware House of Representatives on Thursday.


Democratic legislators in Delaware are looking to block teens from buying rifles, shotguns and other weapons, the latest in a series of gun control bills now working their way through the General Assembly.


Gov. John Carney is calling for a ban on assault weapon sales in Delaware, an announcement sure to put the state at the center of a national debate over gun control that has intensified following a mass shooting at a Florida high school earlier this month.

I know Delaware is small and not on anyone's radar, but this is the next State to fall. This is how they're going to win; slowly state by state by state.

Alex V
03-09-18, 15:50
I fully expected him too.

What are we doing wrong? Why are the hysterics of the Left being heard more than out voices? Ugh... How do 57 republicans vote for a bill limiting rights?

03-09-18, 15:53
What are we doing wrong? Why are the hysterics of the Left being heard more than out voices? Ugh... How do 57 republicans vote for a bill limiting rights?

My opinion: We are too disorganized. They are a lot better organized than we are, with clearer goals. Just the past couple weeks I've been back on this site I've seen us disagree with each other (which is to be expected to some degree) but we also seem unable to decided on a clear goal to rally behind and be heard on.

Outlander Systems
03-09-18, 15:56


My opinion: We are too disorganized. They are a lot better organized than we are, with clearer goals. Just the past couple weeks I've been back on this site I've seen us disagree with each other (which is to be expected to some degree) but we also seem unable to decided on a clear goal to rally behind and be heard on.

03-09-18, 15:57


I agree. I'm just saying not all of us agree tho, and I think that is part of why our voices aren't heard as loudly as the Left.

Dist. Expert 26
03-09-18, 16:05
I agree. I'm just saying not all of us agree tho, and I think that is part of why our voices aren't heard as loudly as the Left.

Because on the left they accept the party line and just go with it. On our side you get a lot of people who think they know better and refuse to get on board unless their ideas are put forward.

There's also the fact that we have literally no media support while the left has all of it.

03-09-18, 16:15
My opinion: We are too disorganized. They are a lot better organized than we are, with clearer goals. Just the past couple weeks I've been back on this site I've seen us disagree with each other (which is to be expected to some degree) but we also seem unable to decided on a clear goal to rally behind and be heard on.

It is just simpler that they push in a general direction and take what they can get and start to push again. From their side, that they didn't get an AWB ban is a major loss. How there aren't uni BGCs surely chaps them. But they got something and will now instantly push for something else. We are defending both is rights and in the area of perception. What we need to do is counter their attack on the NRA with an attack on their values and morals- make them out to be immoral for ignoring suicides, gang violence and lack of protection. Blood on their hands for ignoring all the other violence, they are the 'phobic' ones (hoplophobia), and their 'something' or 'anything' instead of the right thing are the key factors.

'Common Sense' is nothing more than mob rule.

The NRA is trying to do it, but the MSM will have no part in getting that message out. Frankly, you need people at the local level shouting down these Progressive pols, throwing red paint on them and highlighting that they give two craps about minority lives lost to violence.

To do that you actually need to have something that addresses those issues:

On gang violence- increased sentences for violence and illegal possession of guns.
On suicides- if you don't want the PoPo showing up for your guns, NGOs like the NRA or GOA should start programs around a buddy-system.
Gun safety- it would CHAP the left's asses if we could get gun safety and shooting classes in the classrooms. I know they have evidence against it, but just like knowledge of sex and giving out condoms doesn't lead to promiscuity, gun safety instruction and handing out boxes of 22lr shouldn't either ;)

Frankly, the military is one of the highest regarded institutions with and using vets as spokespeople is important. Look how far "full-semiauto" general got.

Cast the other side as evil, ineffective and hyprocritical. All we seem to do is chest pound and sceam "My rights". No ones give a flying fig about others rights- hell, most don't respect their own rights.

Outlander Systems
03-09-18, 17:04
Selfish soysuckers with the attitude of, "I got mine" or who think ceding ground in a retreat is "winning" need to quit being milquetoast little bitches and sack up.

We either hang together or we'll hang separately.

I agree. I'm just saying not all of us agree tho, and I think that is part of why our voices aren't heard as loudly as the Left.

03-09-18, 18:06
I proudly voted for Rick Scott twice, I will now proudly vote against him in the primary, he screwed up big time today.

03-09-18, 18:41
I proudly voted for Rick Scott twice, I will now proudly vote against him in the primary, he screwed up big time today.

You might want to rethink that, this is all divisive politics to insure a Democrat takes over. The left brought their A game, we didn't, he signed and now there are lawsuits already being filed as these bills clearly violate several Constitutional rights. This then sets a precedence for further legislation if they are successfully repealed. The Supreme Court is nearly ripe to flip to our side so it's now a matter of getting active.

03-09-18, 20:54
You might want to rethink that, this is all divisive politics to insure a Democrat takes over. The left brought their A game, we didn't, he signed and now there are lawsuits already being filed as these bills clearly violate several Constitutional rights. This then sets a precedence for further legislation if they are successfully repealed. The Supreme Court is nearly ripe to flip to our side so it's now a matter of getting active.

What would be nice to see is in the next primary strict constitutionalists run against all the traitorous Republicans who voted for this mess, and win. That will open their eyes since all the politicians care about is re-election to keep the gravy train going.

03-09-18, 21:01


That's what my tape measure reads. Shall NOT be infringed.

Outlander Systems
03-09-18, 21:07

Betray your base, lose your job.

What would be nice to see is in the next primary strict constitutionalists run against all the traitorous Republicans who voted for this mess, and win. That will open their eyes since all the politicians care about is re-election to keep the gravy train going.

Outlander Systems
03-09-18, 21:11

Anyone who voted Yay in Florida needs to lose their job in the mid-terms this year. Period.

That's what my tape measure reads. Shall NOT be infringed.

03-09-18, 21:22
What would be nice to see is in the next primary strict constitutionalists run against all the traitorous Republicans who voted for this mess, and win. That will open their eyes since all the politicians care about is re-election to keep the gravy train going.

Well that's the problem, there isn't enough of us left especially in Florida where they imported millions of migrants.

03-09-18, 22:03
Well that's the problem, there isn't enough of us left especially in Florida where they imported millions of migrants.

Yup. That’s the plan. Slowly US is descending into what your elites wants.

They used US power to undermine a lot of civilian armed nations, now its the US turn.

Not good.

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03-10-18, 06:17
You might want to rethink that, this is all divisive politics to insure a Democrat takes over. The left brought their A game, we didn't, he signed and now there are lawsuits already being filed as these bills clearly violate several Constitutional rights. This then sets a precedence for further legislation if they are successfully repealed. The Supreme Court is nearly ripe to flip to our side so it's now a matter of getting active.

If it’s Scott vs. Nelson I will hold my nose, that said the guy broke my heart. Deep down I know he’s a good person, but somehow he was brainwashed into thinking this was a good decision. He just pissed off his base, no way he beats Nelson now and sadly he would have won easy prior to this. I don’t get it, the left was well organized after this shooting, it’s a brilliant plan. Convince republicans they need to piss off their base with weak gun control, watch the republicans lose, take over and then pass draconian gun control.

At the end of the day, doesn’t matter how I vote, I will vote for the lesser of 2 evils, many others won’t and to be honest, I cannot really blame them and to be clear, most who won’t vote for Scott know what storm is potentially coming if the left gains full control.

03-10-18, 07:04
What are we doing wrong? Why are the hysterics of the Left being heard more than out voices? Ugh... How do 57 republicans vote for a bill limiting rights?

The anti-gun people were ready with a plan that only needed dead children to implement. They learned from their mistakes while we became complacent. There is no way high school kids organized any of this. In a matter of days, children were all over the news, had hundreds of thousands of dollars and on national TV. In just a few weeks the Florida Governor was throwing gun owners under the bus. The antis took their heads out their asses and we sat on ours. If we don't counter this and do it fast the reaction in Florida is just the first of a major curtailing of gun rights in this nation. We snoozed; we lost. This is a wakeup call.

Dist. Expert 26
03-10-18, 07:21
The anti-gun people were ready with a plan that only needed dead children to implement. They learned from their mistakes while we became complacent. There is no way high school kids organized any of this. In a matter of days, children were all over the news, had hundreds of thousands of dollars and on national TV. In just a few weeks the Florida Governor was throwing gun owners under the bus. The antis took their heads out their asses and we sat on ours. If we don't counter this and do it fast the reaction in Florida is just the first of a major curtailing of gun rights in this nation. We snoozed; we lost. This is a wakeup call.

Unless our various lobbying organizations step up to the plate we're screwed. We can't get media coverage anywhere near the extent the left does. It doesn't matter how organized we are if nobody knows about it.

03-10-18, 07:30
I would expect NRA membership and guns sales will balloon in FL and elsewhere over this.

03-10-18, 09:12
Good to see Brownells hasn't caved. For those who don't get them, Brownells sent out an email today pointing out if you are 18 you are old enough to vote, enlist, defend freedom, and buy a rifle from them.

03-10-18, 09:52
The anti-gun people were ready with a plan that only needed dead children to implement.

There is a political cartoon there. A slick looking box labelled "Virtue Signaling, rights violating gun grabbing plan for common sense gun control to do 'something' or 'anything'. " With a big starburst medallion up in the corner that says "Just add dead children!!!".

“Females between the ages of 18 and 21 pose a relatively slight risk of perpetrating a school shooting such as the one that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, or, for that matter, a violent crime of any kind.”

That is a good attack angle. That is what I use against grabbers when they say that the police won't be restricted by mag limits. Well then, there is some acknowledgement the person plays a role. Then how about women? How many mass shooters are women? Shouldn't we allow them to posses them? And don't tell me that won't work because a man will just take it away. One, she'll have the gun. The other is that does that mean we shouldn't have wage equality because a man will just take the cash away from her?

The complaint also says the law violates the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause by banning adults between 18 and 21 from buying guns but does not apply such a ban to adults 21 and over.

Ugh, that is a fix the banners would love to fix, the wrong way.