03-09-18, 11:20
War memorial crosses may be removed from grave sites after atheist group argues the crosses give the wrong impression. This may also include sites such as Arlington in the future. The next step, Supreme Court. Desecrate any veterans resting place with this liberal nonsense. The people behind this have surely never fought at the Meuse-Argonne, or stormed on to Guadalcanal or into Germany, lost toes and fingers at the Chosin Reservoir, lost limbs in and around Da Nang or Iraq or Afghanistan. For me, personally, this is where I draw the line.

These kids who died horribly painful and lingering deaths sometimes had crosses linked through their dog tag chains, that is what some of them thought of up to their last dying breaths. Take that from them after they gave their lives for their country and you are taking the country they died for away from them. God forbid this happens. It's a 90 year old memorial at the Arlington national cemetery. It's not some cross in a public park. Being that it's at a cemetery, it seems appropriate. What next, no crosses or Star of David headstones on the graves? This is getting ridiculous.

I don't think tearing down a historical memorial is appropriate. If other groups feel it doesn't represent them, I wouldn't be a opposed to adding additional memorials to represent those buried. I also believe that if a soldier buried there was a particular religion they should be able to have a headstone that represents that whether they're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or anything else. They died serving this country. I'd like to know if the suit was actually filed by anyone related to any of the men or women buried there. I'd wager to say not which means they should leave it alone, because that cross isn't for them or the rest of us. It's for those buried there who died in service to this nation.
This country is in dire need of an enema.

Dist. Expert 26
03-09-18, 11:44
If they try to remove crosses from Arlington there's likely to be one hell of a standoff. There are lines that shouldn't be crossed.

Doc Safari
03-09-18, 11:47
One day the anti's are going to go too far, and this may be the time.

03-09-18, 11:50
One day the anti's are going to go too far, and this may be the time.

I would say without question this is the time. Even the newsies I work with from the South drew the line last year removing memorials with Arlington.

Alex V
03-09-18, 12:52
If they try to remove crosses from Arlington there's likely to be one hell of a standoff. There are lines that shouldn't be crossed.

I am an atheist with Jewish heritage and I would gladly join that standoff. Those brave men died defending this land, let them rest in peace.

03-09-18, 12:54
Going after crosses on graves could end up with a lot of unmarked graves, and not the kind they are looking for.

When did freedom OF religion become freedom FROM religion.

03-09-18, 13:38
Going after crosses on graves could end up with a lot of unmarked graves, and not the kind they are looking for.

When did freedom OF religion become freedom FROM religion.

Agreed. This is a line that casn't be crossed.

03-09-18, 16:04
Going after crosses on graves could end up with a lot of unmarked graves, and not the kind they are looking for.

When did freedom OF religion become freedom FROM religion.

Its a boundery they have been pushing for some time.
Last i checked, no one forced anyone to visit Arlington.

03-09-18, 16:08
Before we lock and load and deploy to Arlington...

Source is WND and...

The non-profit legal group First Liberty has been fighting the lawsuit filed by atheists who contend the presence of the cross on government property - World War I memorial known as Bladensburg’s Cross in Bladensburg, Maryland — the land was private when the memorial was built — violates the First Amendment.

The legal team defending the memorial said it will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

03-09-18, 19:32
This is just another play from the communist manifesto. Destroy the family, disarm the public, eliminate religion, disavow moral absolutes, rely on the government for all. The path is quickening as the silent majority remains silenced.

03-09-18, 22:07
Nobody is going after crosses on Graves. This is about religious based monuments on public grounds. Not tombstones.

03-09-18, 22:25
Nobody is going after crosses on Graves. This is about religious based monuments on public grounds. Not tombstones.

All the same, it should be grandfathered in and left alone. Hopefully the "Liberty First" group flushes a bunch of cash in the effort and it gets overturned in the end. This kind of "do gooder - protect my eyes from seeing disagreeable things" is why I hate the ACLU.

I could understand if it was a NEW monument and I objected to the 10 commandments sculpture erected in front of a GA courthouse about 10 years ago. But at some point we need to recognize "heritage" and "cultural significance" so we don't end up tearing down everything.

WWI memorials of any kind, even if it's an Islamic crescent dedicated to a handful of muslim WWI US vets, that were erected prior to WWII should simply be off limits.

03-09-18, 22:43
Nobody is going after crosses on Graves. This is about religious based monuments on public grounds. Not tombstones.

That's the whole thing about incrementalism. They just want the monuments on public grounds, except it hallowed ground- real men who fought for the freedom we have now, are buried there. It's their final resting place, it's not "public grounds". They earned that and I'm ****ing sick of these Communists destroying this country. It is well, well past time- to start to taking this nation back from these globalists.

03-09-18, 23:04
You would think that being a Communist and an Atheist these folks would be more careful than to jeopardize what little time they have in this mortal life.
That or theyve seen the track record and understand that the .gov will cave in the name of appeasement.

03-09-18, 23:09
Will Gettysburg, and other battlefields be next?

03-10-18, 00:47
That's the whole thing about incrementalism. They just want the monuments on public grounds, except it hallowed ground- real men who fought for the freedom we have now, are buried there. It's their final resting place, it's not "public grounds". They earned that and I'm ****ing sick of these Communists destroying this country. It is well, well past time- to start to taking this nation back from these globalists.

Nobody is buried at Bladensburg’s Cross in Bladensburg, Maryland.


The Peace Cross is a war memorial, located in the three-way junction of Bladensburg Road, Baltimore Avenue, and Annapolis Road in Bladensburg, Maryland. It is a large cross, 40 feet (12 m) in height, made of tan concrete with exposed pink granite aggregate. The arms of the cross are supported by unadorned concrete arches. It was designed by John J. Earley and placed in 1919-25 in commemoration of the town's World War I war casualties.

03-10-18, 09:42
Backtracking: "…gives the wrong impression." What is the wrong impression? That some of the men who fought and died in these conflicts were Christian? Ummm…. some of them were Christians, and that cross represents their beliefs, so how is it giving the "wrong" impression. Seems to me it is giving exactly the correct impression, and whether I, or anyone else looking at it is Christian, or whether or not anyone likes or dislikes the symbolism, is irrelevant.

Just another attack from the left intended to further break down our society as we know it.

03-10-18, 10:53
All the same, it should be grandfathered in and left alone. Hopefully the "Liberty First" group flushes a bunch of cash in the effort and it gets overturned in the end. This kind of "do gooder - protect my eyes from seeing disagreeable things" is why I hate the ACLU.

I could understand if it was a NEW monument and I objected to the 10 commandments sculpture erected in front of a GA courthouse about 10 years ago. But at some point we need to recognize "heritage" and "cultural significance" so we don't end up tearing down everything.

WWI memorials of any kind, even if it's an Islamic crescent dedicated to a handful of muslim WWI US vets, that were erected prior to WWII should simply be off limits.

I tend to agree. This one should be grandfathered in given its somewhat unique situation. My point was more to the hyperbole claiming that crosses on gravestones were next.

03-10-18, 10:54
That's the whole thing about incrementalism. They just want the monuments on public grounds, except it hallowed ground- real men who fought for the freedom we have now, are buried there. It's their final resting place, it's not "public grounds". They earned that and I'm ****ing sick of these Communists destroying this country. It is well, well past time- to start to taking this nation back from these globalists.

Yes because anyone who disagrees with your views must be a communist...

03-10-18, 12:14
I tend to agree. This one should be grandfathered in given its somewhat unique situation. My point was more to the hyperbole claiming that crosses on gravestones were next.

Yeah, it's not helpful when both sides are exaggerating the issue. But honestly I don't know why everyone goes into cardiac arrest every time they see a cross. How many churches do you drive past in a day? The only thing we need do is make sure we aren't putting up NEW religious symbols on public property and that we maintain the ones that currently exist that are culturally valuable.

It could really be that simple if people would stop being a jackass about it. Around the corner a guy made his house into a church so I see a "Jesus Saves - House of Worship" sign in his yard almost every day, but you know what...it's HIS yard. So long as I am free to do the same with Church of Dionysus we are all good.

03-10-18, 13:49
Yeah, it's not helpful when both sides are exaggerating the issue. But honestly I don't know why everyone goes into cardiac arrest every time they see a cross. How many churches do you drive past in a day? The only thing we need do is make sure we aren't putting up NEW religious symbols on public property and that we maintain the ones that currently exist that are culturally valuable.

It could really be that simple if people would stop being a jackass about it. Around the corner a guy made his house into a church so I see a "Jesus Saves - House of Worship" sign in his yard almost every day, but you know what...it's HIS yard. So long as I am free to do the same with Church of Dionysus we are all good.

His property his business. Unless he is breaking some sort of HOA rule I would have no problem with it either.

I don’t know if I fully agree with just leaving anything that is already in place. Each needs to be looked at individually in my opinion. But I also dont’ have an issue with something that is simply a cross shaped memorial. They claim this is cross shaped and secular. I haven’t looked into it enough to know. As I said when I saw this was originally on private land that was eventually made public then I came to the opinion that it should be left alone. Not sure if there is any specifically religious wording on it or not.

I do have issue with some of the much more blatant religious iconography erected on public land. But as I said. Each needs to be looked at individually. Giant Crucifix? Yeah. Going to have a problem with that. Memorial to specific soldiers in the shape of a cross, Star of David, Crecent moon, Wiccan Pentacle, etc for each soldier. I could see that passing muster. It just varies a lot.

There is one in a town near me that has the symbol of each soldiers religion next to their name. Obviously that is not a problem.

03-10-18, 20:49
I am an atheist with Jewish heritage and I would gladly join that standoff. Those brave men died defending this land, let them rest in peace.

I honestly think you would gladly join any type of "standoff".

Crosses, then what? Star of David? Then crosses at churches?

03-10-18, 21:27
I honestly think you would gladly join any type of "standoff".

I'm curious if you would clarify what you mean by that.