View Full Version : 3 bombs go off in Austin, 2 dead - Bomber is dead

Dist. Expert 26
03-12-18, 17:59
AUSTIN — Police said Monday the three exploding packages that detonated at homes in this city across a 10-day period — including two blasts on Monday — are all connected, although precisely what motivated the attacks remained an unnerving mystery.

Cont: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/03/12/police-warn-of-suspicious-packages-as-more-explosions-rock-austin/

Anyone have more intel on this? I know we've got more than a few Texan members.

03-12-18, 18:08
That pretty much covered everything they said in the short press conference a while ago. They eliminated the packages arriving through any of the major carriers and believe the were dropped off at the homes during the night. FBI and USPS inspectors are assisting in the investigation. Chief also said they are talking to homeowners that may have security cameras that could have recorded anything.

03-12-18, 18:15
AUSTIN — Police said Monday the three exploding packages that detonated at homes in this city across a 10-day period — including two blasts on Monday — are all connected, although precisely what motivated the attacks remained an unnerving mystery.

Cont: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/03/12/police-warn-of-suspicious-packages-as-more-explosions-rock-austin/

Anyone have more intel on this? I know we've got more than a few Texan members.

Yes this just in, packages are now banned. If we ban all packages, the 0.0000000001% of the total number of packages each year utilized for nefarious purposes will be eliminated completely.

03-12-18, 18:16
Yes this just in, packages are now banned. If we ban all packages, the 0.0000000001% of the total number of packages each year utilized for nefarious purposes will be eliminated completely.

That may explain why three of mine disappeared today.

03-12-18, 18:52
This is tradecraft of Ted Kaczynski, aka Unabomber. Mail bombs using crudely fashioned homemade explosives like smokeless powder inside a metal tube capped at both ends using wooden dowels and later using threaded pipe ends, and a primitive detonator consisting of nail/matches and later 9v batteries /heat filament wire. The BATFE is already involved along with the USPS, and they say as of right now, none of the recipients are connected in any way but they will continue to investigate. I wonder if a manifesto will come about.

03-12-18, 18:55
This is tradecraft of Ted Kaczynski, aka Unabomber. Mail bombs using crudely fashioned homemade explosives like smokeless powder inside a metal tube capped at both ends using wooden dowels and later using threaded pipe ends, and a primitive detonator consisting of nail/matches and later 9v batteries /heat filament wire. The BATFE is already involved along with the USPS, and they say as of right now, none of the recipients are connected in any way but they will continue to investigate. I wonder if a manifesto will come about.

"Mail" bombings, Republican president, Russia scare... anyone else wonder how we got back to the 1980's?

03-12-18, 19:13
I'm thinking this guy is working without a cause, just a random nutcase since none of the victims have any connection. Kaczynski had a motivating factor and a' "Cause" if you will, this appears more random in targets, yet in a four mile area.
Bombs stable enough to move easily yet detonate when you open them would at least to my very basic knowledge are being primed when they are sat on the porch and after they've been moved to the target.

03-12-18, 20:26
"Mail" bombings, Republican president, Russia scare... anyone else wonder how we got back to the 1980's?

Yet somehow, the music, fashion and attitude stayed in the 2000's.

I'm thinking this guy is working without a cause, just a random nutcase since none of the victims have any connection. Kaczynski had a motivating factor and a' "Cause" if you will, this appears more random in targets, yet in a four mile area.
Bombs stable enough to move easily yet detonate when you open them would at least to my very basic knowledge are being primed when they are sat on the porch and after they've been moved to the target.

We don't know that yet, the BATFE only said that as of right now, there is no direct connection between each recipient. The Unabomber's victims didn't have any direct connection either. It wasn't until the manifesto was published that the pieces were able to be connected. A 4 mile area should make it a little easier than say a nation wide area. 99.999/100 the bomber lives in or around Austin Texas. The bomber could pick his recipients by a pot luck lottery or doing research, work ups and plotting each individual recipient. Building a mail bomb is something you have to do with at least primitive precision, while leaving absolute no paper trail, a smudge of fingerprints, and not be seen while delivery, not you, the car, not even a description of car- make, model, color or a description of you- build, height, color, etc. Seems like a lot of work and hassle just to do this without cause. There has to be something that is compelling this individual to place bombs disguised as mail on the doorsteps of peoples homes.

03-12-18, 21:27
Maybe he has a hard on against Amazon. Maybe he bought bunch of expensive SOS land only to find out that Amazon aint coming to Austin and now he is sitting on the bill. Crazy be crazy. Hope they nail him jiffy quick.

03-18-18, 22:30
Fourth Bomb tonight.
Pretty bold considering the attention that's been given to this.

One bomb apparently exploded, lots of confusion on the ground. A second explosion is in question and s back pack.
Two wounded or at least in route to the hospital.

03-18-18, 23:42
word on the street is that this may be treated as a "hate" crime. I just figured this would be treated as domestic terrorism or 1st degree murder (4 counts) or conspiracy to both .

03-19-18, 00:23
They were looking at connections the other day, some were related, all were black.
I'm sure there are also things we don't know.

03-19-18, 03:10
They were looking at connections the other day, some were related, all were black.
I'm sure there are also things we don't know.

thought one was Hispanic ?

03-19-18, 07:36
4th bomb yesterday

03-19-18, 08:50
They are questioning if the bombs are from a different bomb maker now.
Apparently something must have changed in the type of trigger used.

03-19-18, 08:52
They are questioning if the bombs are from a different bomb maker now.
Apparently something must have changed in the type of trigger used.

Tripwire trigger - device was along the road, injured a couple of guys on bicycles.


03-19-18, 10:39
I was guessing he used mercury switches previously.

03-19-18, 13:59
Wouldn't be surprised if the Red Guards were somehow mixed up in this.

If you have never heard of them . . .

Red Guards and the Modern Face of Protest
Agitators, disrupters, or “anarchists,” these masked protesters represent a new resistance

03-19-18, 15:31
You know I'm going to take a SWAG and say the Red Guard are likely either suburban raised Texas College Students or outsiders new to Texas.
Austin or not, going over to east Austin to blow up some black and brown folks almost seems to go against any sort of, wacko or not goals these guys might have.
If you're right these Muppets are going to be doing some serious time and/or get a needle up in Huntsville.
If this bomber has a motive, I doubt it's about promoting the Socialist Marxist agenda.

03-19-18, 15:48
You know I'm going to take a SWAG and say the Red Guard are likely either suburban raised Texas College Students or outsiders new to Texas.
Austin or not, going over to east Austin to blow up some black and brown folks almost seems to go against any sort of, wacko or not goals these guys might have.
If you're right these Muppets are going to be doing some serious time and/or get a needle up in Huntsville.
If this bomber has a motive, I doubt it's about promoting the Socialist Marxist agenda.

I just said I wouldn't be surprised if they were....

Everyone thought the Beltway Sniper was some white dude tooling around in a pick-up with an NRA sticker because several of the vics were black. Turned out to be two black muslim converts.

The oxygen thief in SC that went and murdered those black parishioners in a EAM church thought he could kick off a "race war" if he went and did what he did.

It very well may be they had nothing to do with these bombings, but generally bombings are political in nature.

03-19-18, 16:28
also would not surprise me if it turns out to be someone of the same group that is targeted
a person who hates the country wants to stir up race riots etc.
based only on the fact all the Nazi idiocy all the spray painted hate speech has pretty much all been by those folks that claim it was against them
look at all the fake accusations of folks who claimed physical altercations so far have all been them lying and faking it to try to stir things up

it very well could be anyone but just going off history so far its one of their own stirring the pot maybe

03-19-18, 16:33
also would not surprise me if it turns out to be someone of the same group that is targeted
a person who hates the country wants to stir up race riots etc.
based only on the fact all the Nazi idiocy all the spray painted hate speech has pretty much all been by those folks that claim it was against them
look at all the fake accusations of folks who claimed physical altercations so far have all been them lying and faking it to try to stir things up

it very well could be anyone but just going off history so far its one of their own stirring the pot maybe

A few years back a white chick claimed that a black girl threw acid in her face, turns out the white chic did it to herself to blame the black girl.

Remember Tawana Brawley anyone?

Duke Lacrosse team...

Since the election I've read of two cases of Arab female college students who filed false reports to their respective campus police over bogus hate crimes claiming white males in red MAGA hats pulled off their hijabs and yelled slurs at them.

This is a thing now...

03-19-18, 17:05
A few years back a white chick claimed that a black girl threw acid in her face, turns out the white chic did it to herself to blame the black girl.

Remember Tawana Brawley anyone?

Duke Lacrosse team...

Since the election I've read of two cases of Arab female college students who filed false reports to their respective campus police over bogus hate crimes claiming white males in red MAGA hats pulled off their hijabs and yelled slurs at them.

This is a thing now...

YUP anything for the attention or cause these days forget the truth make it up stir it up yourself etc..

03-19-18, 17:44
I don't have any experience in building bombs. I will assume that building a bomb that is stable enough to transport yet able to detonate at an appropriate time take a little background in engineering, general background in bomb building-EOD or someone who has ties to either. I doubt this is something you can just pick up naturally. Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) was a PhD math professor for the University of Michigan, Timothy McVeigh was an ex Army infantryman who specialized in explosives, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was Marine Biology student enrolled in Dartmouth taking "Principles of Modern Chemistry" and "Application to Chemical Mechanics" classes.

From what I have read, which isn't much, the word on the street is suggesting that the detonation devises of these mail bombs are kind of complex for what they are. I read that the FBI and BATFE suspect that the detonators are chemical activated and not mechanical as previously thought. That would lead me to believe that the "bomb builder" is educated in either chemistry, engineering or has experience in building improvised explosives.

03-19-18, 18:35
Well I agree being educated might help, bit remember, we've been dealing with guys in Iraq building IED's for well over a decade, going on two now.
If someone states "chemical" activated, could that be mercury? Nearly every home thermostat has a mercury switch inside. So that's readily available.
Unless he's home mixing his own explosives there is going to be a traceable record. If he's mixing at home he's doing so without blowing himself up so far, so perhaps some experience with chemistry is likely.
It's a long hard road to find this guy if he's half as smart as the unibomber.

03-19-18, 22:10
Well I agree being educated might help, bit remember, we've been dealing with guys in Iraq building IED's for well over a decade, going on two now.
If someone states "chemical" activated, could that be mercury? Nearly every home thermostat has a mercury switch inside. So that's readily available.
Unless he's home mixing his own explosives there is going to be a traceable record. If he's mixing at home he's doing so without blowing himself up so far, so perhaps some experience with chemistry is likely.
It's a long hard road to find this guy if he's half as smart as the unibomber.

I remember that most of these roadside bombs were nothing more than Russian artillery rounds and a cellphone that had the wires that would normally activate the ring speaker going to the fuse itself. Simply dial the number to that phone, press "send" and BOOM! I think in todays times, using a phone would help the FBI/NSA arrest the bomb builder within 24hours.

Austin Police Department, FBI, BATFE and Texas Rangers have stated in reference to the bomber:

"higher level of sophistication and a higher level of skill"

"has been terrorizing this city with increasingly complex devices".

" appear to be the sophisticated work of a person or people who know what they are doing"

"Once a bomb builder makes a device, they usually make it the same way each and every time,” said Defenbaugh, who managed the Oklahoma City bombing investigation. “That’s not happening here", this is extremely difficult for our investigation".

"Authorities warned that the devices appear to be getting more sophisticated"

03-19-18, 23:20
I remember that most of these roadside bombs were nothing more than Russian artillery rounds and a cellphone that had the wires that would normally activate the ring speaker going to the fuse itself. Simply dial the number to that phone, press "send" and BOOM!

We also encountered ones with set off by IR/heat sources after radio jammers became standard issue on vehicles. That caused a return in some parts of the country to using physical wires and a look-out. Others adapted by long periods of observations and using basic timers, some used pressure plates.

Also, a number of the artillery rounds were ones we had supplied to Saddam back during the Iran/Iraq war. Around late 2008 or so, they moved to explosively formed projectiles. There was quite a variety of IED's even without taking vehicle borne ones into consideration.

03-19-18, 23:43
We also encountered ones with set off by IR/heat sources after radio jammers became standard issue on vehicles. That caused a return in some parts of the country to using physical wires and a look-out. Others adapted by long periods of observations and using basic timers, some used pressure plates.

Also, a number of the artillery rounds were ones we had supplied to Saddam back during the Iran/Iraq war. Around late 2008 or so, they moved to explosively formed projectiles. There was quite a variety of IED's even without taking vehicle borne ones into consideration.

I cant imagine the stress levels you must have had.

03-20-18, 05:29
And yet another one (#5):

Package believed to be bound for Austin explodes at FedEx facility in Schertz
American-Statesman Staff, 5:06 a.m. Tuesday, March 20, 2018


03-20-18, 08:41
It's a long hard road to find this guy if he's half as smart as the unibomber.

Old Ted got jammed up simply due to a nosey SIL. The guy was completely off the grid and probably would have never been found out otherwise.

03-20-18, 10:02
Possible #4 went off in San Antonio FedEx sorting area, package shipped from Austin going back to Austin.

03-20-18, 11:44
Possible #4 went off in San Antonio FedEx sorting area, package shipped from Austin going back to Austin.

By my count, the one that went off in the early AM this morning (FedEx) is #5.

03-20-18, 11:49
Heard on the radio that Abbott is releasing emergency funds to purchase x-ray scanners to help combat the mail bomb threat.

03-20-18, 12:00
I don't have any experience in building bombs. I will assume that building a bomb that is stable enough to transport yet able to detonate at an appropriate time take a little background in engineering, general background in bomb building-EOD or someone who has ties to either. I doubt this is something you can just pick up naturally. Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) was a PhD math professor for the University of Michigan, Timothy McVeigh was an ex Army infantryman who specialized in explosives, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was Marine Biology student enrolled in Dartmouth taking "Principles of Modern Chemistry" and "Application to Chemical Mechanics" classes.

From what I have read, which isn't much, the word on the street is suggesting that the detonation devises of these mail bombs are kind of complex for what they are. I read that the FBI and BATFE suspect that the detonators are chemical activated and not mechanical as previously thought. That would lead me to believe that the "bomb builder" is educated in either chemistry, engineering or has experience in building improvised explosives.

Well I agree being educated might help, bit remember, we've been dealing with guys in Iraq building IED's for well over a decade, going on two now.
If someone states "chemical" activated, could that be mercury? Nearly every home thermostat has a mercury switch inside. So that's readily available.
Unless he's home mixing his own explosives there is going to be a traceable record. If he's mixing at home he's doing so without blowing himself up so far, so perhaps some experience with chemistry is likely.
It's a long hard road to find this guy if he's half as smart as the unibomber.

With the FBI saying it's sophisticated, I'm assuming they mean the switch/timing mechanisms and possibly the initiator which may be chemical? Most HME's are either TATP or PETN if high order, or simple black powder if low order. Just because BP or TATP are used, doesn't mean it's not sophisticated. If PETN is the main charge, usually there will be a TATP precursor for ignition. TATP is the most unstable, but lots of people making BP pipe bombs have blown themselves up. We had one of those a few years ago in my AOR.

03-20-18, 19:43

Another one exploded this afternoon. This is not the FEDEX facility package reported earlier.

03-20-18, 20:27
PETN is not an HME.

Most HMEs are not TATP. There are a whole myriad of HMEs. That is just one of them.

With the FBI saying it's sophisticated, I'm assuming they mean the switch/timing mechanisms and possibly the initiator which may be chemical? Most HME's are either TATP or PETN if high order, or simple black powder if low order. Just because BP or TATP are used, doesn't mean it's not sophisticated. If PETN is the main charge, usually there will be a TATP precursor for ignition. TATP is the most unstable, but lots of people making BP pipe bombs have blown themselves up. We had one of those a few years ago in my AOR.

03-20-18, 20:34
The news is saying possibility of multiple bombers is growing.

03-20-18, 22:29
PETN is not an HME.

Most HMEs are not TATP. There are a whole myriad of HMEs. That is just one of them.

Most domestic HME's are kids playing with chemical precursors, bp and consumer grade fireworks. These aren't that. While you're correct that PETN isn't a HME per-se, there is "poor man 's C-4" , plus Reid, Abdulmutallab and the human coke&mentos experiment who tried to assassinate Prince Abdul Aziz all had PETN devices, so it's out there. FWIW, we've had two TATP seizures at clan labs in my AOR over the past 5 years. It's not common, but it's out there too. :(

03-20-18, 22:49
This sh*t is definitely getting out of hand. I’m starting to believe these may be copycat attacks.

03-21-18, 04:02
It looks like he's been shot by an LEO and is dead.

03-21-18, 05:33
Latest is he blew himself up as police approached.


03-21-18, 05:38
It looks like he's been shot by an LEO and is dead.

Read he blew himself up ?

Either way good deal no tax burden

03-21-18, 07:38
It looks like he's been shot by an LEO and is dead.

Not doubting you, but is there a source for that? I like to read the various media reports on things to try and get a better overall picture of what they claim happens.

03-21-18, 08:42
Not doubting you, but is there a source for that? I like to read the various media reports on things to try and get a better overall picture of what they claim happens.

According to the radio on my drive this morning he blew himself up when swat approached. SWAT fired one round but according to that report it was not clear if the round hit him, and if it was before or after the explosion.


03-21-18, 08:51
Apparently they tracked the bomber down and began following him on I-35 near Round Rock
They pulled him over and a series of events took place in which a shot was fired, a bomb went off and one Cop was wounded.
First reports gave the report that the bomber was shot.
LEOs are at the house in Pflugerville and interviewing two roommates.

03-21-18, 09:09
Authorities: Bombing suspect was Pflugerville resident.

03-21-18, 09:31
Sounds like a false flag by the globalist satanic pedo cult to me, clearly this is an attempt to take away our reloading supplies as they know access to ammo is easier to regulate than guns.

But seriously, I’m really glad they found the guy and saved us the tax dollars of a trial and imprisonment. Hopefully he didn’t leave anymore bombs out and was a lone wolf.

03-21-18, 10:15
Hopefully this was he only guy out there. Makes you wonder with the reports of increasing sophistication and different mechanisms/types used.

03-21-18, 20:11
The bomber made a 25 minute recording "manifesto" of his actions.


03-21-18, 22:03
Hopefully this was he only guy out there. Makes you wonder with the reports of increasing sophistication and different mechanisms/types used.

Different firing chains but the bombs were the same.

03-21-18, 22:59
The bomber made a 25 minute recording "manifesto" of his actions.


So he recorded a 25 minute manifesto/confession on his cell which they found on his body, surprised it survived the explosion.

Wished we had access to this recording, they'll never release it due to the sensitivity of the information he detailed about the manufacturing of his devices.
That's understandable.