View Full Version : National School Walkout 03/14/2018 thoughts, concerns, news

03-13-18, 15:14
Just my $0.02 that this event, and the march on DC will present significant soft targets. But I am hyper vigilant.

I think it is strange to consider and ingest 'news' via 'tweets', however I found this one interesting - essentially a student tweeting that his school has mandatory participation for the so called #ENOUGH or #NationalSchoolWalkout.
It seems to be a legitimate account (what appear to be recent pictures of the account owner), however the specific tweet is removed - there are replies and similar retweets about his original tweet however.

Supposedly there are 2,853 walkouts planned for the 14th.
Interactive zip code finder page:


Here is part of the 'Women's March' #ENOUGH FAQ:

We are living in an age where young people like us do not feel safe in our schools. This issue is personal for all of us, especially for those of us who are survivors of gun violence. We are walking out for ALL people who have experienced gun violence, including systemic forms of gun violence that disproportionately impact teens in Black and Brown communities. It is important that when we refer to gun violence, we do not overlook the impact of police brutality and militarized policing, or see police in schools as a solution. We also recognize the United States has exported gun violence through imperialist foreign policy to destabilize other nations. We raise our voices for action against all these forms of gun violence.

March 14 is the one-month anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

The 17 minutes are in honor of the 17 lives taken in the tragedy in Parkland, Florida.

It’s up to you! This is YOUR 17-minute walkout! Some students plan to circle their school holding hands while others will congregate in hallways to hold hands, sing songs or stand together in silence. Others plan to speak the names of people killed by gun violence — from the 17 students killed in Parkland to members of their own family or community.

You could also take the time to REGISTER TO VOTE: Text P2P to RTVOTE (788683) to get started! We have the power to hold our elected officials accountable. They represent US! When they don’t do their jobs, WE will vote them OUT.

Whatever you decide, we encourage you to share your action on social media and state why you are participating in this action. #ENOUGH

Yes! The ENOUGH National School Walkout is an initiative organized by Women’s March Youth Empower. We believe, as youth, it is imperative we have spaces where our voices are being heard. We DON’T need adults speaking on our behalf.

We are a collective of teenage activists in cities across the country who work to organize our peers to take action on the issues we marched for on January 21, 2017. The youth organizing this action are: Winter, 17, Los Angeles, CA; Alie, 18, New York, NY; Nicky, 18, New York, NY; Alondra, 18, Detroit, MI; Madison, 20, Seattle, WA; Kaleab, 17, Cincinnati, OH; Jackson, 16, Newtown, CT; Victoria, 18, Durham, NC; Thomas, 16, Sandy Hook, CT; Brea, 23, Long Island NY; Cate, 17, New York, NY; Zarina, 17, New York, NY; Ziad, 19, Princeton, NJ; Fatima, 17, Frederick, MD; Kanyinsola, 17, Columbus, OH; Safiyyah Ameer, 14, Tampa, FL;

Have conversations with your school administration or school resource officer to help determine best practices that take into account the safety of all students. If walking outside is not a safe option then consider walking-out into hallways, congregate in your school gym, or simply stand up in your classroom for 17 minutes. We encourage adults not to join walkouts on school campuses unless they work there or have been directly invited by the school’s administration.

We are suggesting that only students and staff participate in their school walkouts. This is an important safety precaution we must take in order to help ensure the safety of students and staff. If others would like to participate, they can show solidarity by wearing orange and/or walking out of their workplaces to stand with others for 17 minutes. Feel free to post your actions on social media!

This action was designed with high school and college students in mind. In all cases we encourage students to reach out to their school's administration to discuss safety precautions. Middle school students are encouraged to work with your school administration and/or faculty to ensure a safe and orderly action. For students who are unable to participate in a walkout but would like to show solidarity we encourage you to wear orange on 3/14.

We are encouraging college students who do not have class at 10am to hold a campus action in a central student area. Join with your peers who are walking out of class. Email college@womensmarch.com to connect with Madison and Brea, our college coordinators.

Yes! To maximize impact, visit your congressional representatives’ local district offices with a sign and/or a photo of a loved one killed or injured by gun violence. Discuss what this issue means to you and why you feel strongly they take action. See our List of Demands here; feel free to make them known! Post about your meeting on social media with the hashtag #ENOUGH.

Students have strong freedom of speech rights, but school administrators may be concerned about disruption to learning time and could pursue disciplinary action. Depending on your personal judgement and your school norms, you may wish to reach out to teachers or administrators for support. You can also ask a parent or guardian to call the school and advocate on your behalf if your school administration needs more support to work with you.

If you aren’t able to walk out, you can still be creative. Show solidarity for the walkout by wearing orange and create posters to show your support. #ENOUGH.

Also, take advantage of your social media platforms. Feel free to engage your following in discussions surrounding gun violence. You can repost graphics from the Women’s March Youth Instagram (@womensmarchyouth) and Twitter (@WomensMarchY) and use the #ENOUGH. Follow other youth-led initiatives to stay engaged.

PLEASE DO BOTH & MORE! Congress has taken no substantial action to prevent gun violence since 1993. We need sustained outrage until they take action. Do as much as you can and recruit others to join you! See our joint statement with the April 20th organizers here.

We will be at #March4OurLives too! The student walkouts are dispersed actions any student can participate in locally. #March4OurLives is a national action organized by the Parkland survivors to take place in our nation’s capital, and we should all mobilize to support them as well! It will take sustained action to end gun violence and we stand in solidarity with our peers who are also organizing around gun violence prevention.

This action aims to highlight the need to prevent all acts of gun violence including those that happen on our city streets, in our homes, in our places of worship, and in our schools. We are walking out for ALL people who have experienced gun violence, including teens in Black and Brown communities who are disproportionately impacted by gun violence.

Here is the MFOL website:

Doc Safari
03-13-18, 15:17
Once upon a time there was a "Million Mom March." It is all but forgotten.

03-13-18, 15:24
Lol at all of that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-13-18, 15:29
"IS THIS REALLY LED BY STUDENTS?" - Well if it wasn't I wouldn't expect them to admit to it with all the media hype.

Given the number of stories of Twitter censoring content it would not surprise me if some schools are forcing students to participate on the 14th. Not being able to independently verify the situation I don't feel we can make an informed conclusion either way.

Would not surprise me if something happens in DC on the 24th. tho. Would make too good of a continuation of the hype/narrative against gun violence. I am NOT saying it will happen or someone is in a dark room evilly cackling as they review their nefarious plans. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if something happened.

03-13-18, 15:31
"IS THIS REALLY LED BY STUDENTS?" - Well if it wasn't I wouldn't expect them to admit to it with all the media hype.

Given the number of stories of Twitter censoring content it would not surprise me if some schools are forcing students to participate on the 14th. Not being able to independently verify the situation I don't feel we can make an informed conclusion either way.
I have read allegations that people like Soros, Winfrey, Clooney (globalists?) all have large donations to the Parkland protests - however like you say without independent verification we shall probably never know.

03-13-18, 15:54
as hitler said in 1935 control the youth

modern education and the whole white privilege black lives matter and so on ironic the nazis biggest thing in school was of course racial science as they called it teaching proving the difference in races that some are pre disposed by birth to be different

and the propaganda movies they had of nazi kids in control of adults because the education they got made them smarter than adults etc..

03-13-18, 16:28
I have read allegations that people like Soros, Winfrey, Clooney (globalists?) all have large donations to the Parkland protests - however like you say without independent verification we shall probably never know.

I 100% guarantee you that Soros and people like him are behind this. This is no more organic than a T1000.

03-13-18, 16:30



03-13-18, 16:48
If school kids wanted to impress me with how strongly they supported a given issue, they would stay IN school, do their homework and raise their GPA. Walking our of school in support of cause X is about as meaningful as a "Save the Whales" bumper sticker.

03-13-18, 16:55
Name one issue kids will not use as an excuse to skip school. This is a brilliant move by Bloomberg & Co for media hype.

I know at least one public college in CO that is telling their faculty to let kids makeup tests who miss them. It’s a no risk “protest” sanctioned by tax dollars in public education.

Another reason to hate socialized education.

03-13-18, 17:26
Name one issue kids will not use as an excuse to skip school. This is a brilliant move by Bloomberg & Co for media hype.


03-13-18, 17:29
All of the kids in the DFW area are not even going to school tomorrow..... It is spring break........

03-13-18, 17:52
If school kids wanted to impress me with how strongly they supported a given issue, they would stay IN school, do their homework and raise their GPA. Walking our of school in support of cause X is about as meaningful as a "Save the Whales" bumper sticker.


03-13-18, 18:08
Name one issue kids will not use as an excuse to skip school. This is a brilliant move by Bloomberg & Co for media hype.

I know at least one public college in CO that is telling their faculty to let kids makeup tests who miss them. It’s a no risk “protest” sanctioned by tax dollars in public education.

Another reason to hate socialized education.

And they aren't above using the dead to get out. I know when I was in high school a couple or three kids got killed drinking and driving or speeding or some such from ANOTHER school and about half of my school tried to use it as an excuse to get out of class or school or demand grief consuling.

03-13-18, 18:32


I know it isn't :-P I was commenting on the information material that was posted. When I see groups pushing they're grass roots I take it as sure sign they aren't.

I also acknowledge you probably realize I already knew that and just quoted my post because it was less painful than re-reading the original one. Either way, I think I still have my Darth Soros action figure from Kenner from back in the 80's in my basement storage area. :-)

03-13-18, 18:36
If school kids wanted to impress me with how strongly they supported a given issue, they would stay IN school, do their homework and raise their GPA. Walking our of school in support of cause X is about as meaningful as a "Save the Whales" bumper sticker.

I agree. But school is no longer about reading, writing and 'rithmetic. It is about feelings, self-esteem, how-to-be-a-victim, and being able to self identify as a lbgtfxyz... You know, the things that will impress a future employer and help you make a living without government assistance.

03-13-18, 19:08
Whole thing is complete BS. Whatever. I do not care about some child's opinion. Kids of every generation have thought that they were more knowledgeable than their parents. They have all been wrong. Let these little shits get a job, work 50-60 hours a week, then have indignant kids who mouth off to them about how old and out of touch they are... Twenty years from now they'll all be online complaining that their damned kids need to live their lives before trying to preach to adults.

03-13-18, 23:52
mandatory drug test for every kid gone that day any one of them that tests positive fail them for that grade and prosecute them for ilegal drug use since it kills way more than guns :)

they want new laws lets show them we can enforce the current ones first :)

you know do it for the kids

03-14-18, 00:09
The Primary organizing and funneling of the money is courtesy of Michael Bloomberg's "Every Town" organization. It serves as a conduit for outside money from so-called celebrities and foreign interests like Soros.

03-14-18, 01:38
All of the kids in the DFW area are not even going to school tomorrow..... It is spring break........

Pretty much all of Alaska as well.

03-14-18, 01:46
Name one issue kids will not use as an excuse to skip school. This is a brilliant move by Bloomberg & Co for media hype.

I know at least one public college in CO that is telling their faculty to let kids makeup tests who miss them. It’s a no risk “protest” sanctioned by tax dollars in public education.

Another reason to hate socialized education. My daughter's school staged their walkout last week because this week is spring break for them. She stayed in class and worked on homework for those 17 minutes. She's been questioned constantly about why she's pro-gun. She's doing the best she can in the hostile environment. She has pointed out repeatedly the hypocrisy, in the current anti-bully environment, that her liberal classmates find it perfectly o.k. to bully the pro-2nd girl in the class.

03-14-18, 06:26
My daughter's school staged their walkout last week because this week is spring break for them. She stayed in class and worked on homework for those 17 minutes. She's been questioned constantly about why she's pro-gun. She's doing the best she can in the hostile environment. She has pointed out repeatedly the hypocrisy, in the current anti-bully environment, that her liberal classmates find it perfectly o.k. to bully the pro-2nd girl in the class.

Exactly what my 7th grader is concerned with and that he won't be able to articulate an adequate defense.
I'm going to pick him up from school before the planned event so that he doesn't have to participate and won't have to try to defend his stance.

My 8th grader is comfortable with his decision although I don't know if he plans to participate. ( I told them both that they could proceed however they wanted. They are free-thinking Americans and can choose how to feel on their own not based on how they think Dad feels about the topic.) I asked my 8th grader, if he chooses to walk out, to take his phone with him, stay hyper alert, and leave himself an escape avenue if something were to go wrong today. I explained that this seems very counter-intuitive to me that the schools are making big groups of soft targets on their campuses.

I'm praying that all these kids stay safe today.

03-14-18, 07:17
The Primary organizing and funneling of the money is courtesy of Michael Bloomberg's "Every Town" organization. It serves as a conduit for outside money from so-called celebrities and foreign interests like Soros.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Here is a paragraph written by teenagers with "an adult ally", right.

"We demand that Congress enact an immediate resolution declaring gun violence a public health crisis and dedicating federal funding to research solutions and implement violence intervention programs. We demand Congress recognize all forms of gun violence, including violence committed by police."

Literally from their page titled "#ENOUGH DEMANDS".

03-14-18, 07:29
I also acknowledge you probably realize I already knew that and just quoted my post because it was less painful than re-reading the original one. Either way, I think I still have my Darth Soros action figure from Kenner from back in the 80's in my basement storage area. :-)

It was convenient. And you play with dolls? :rolleyes:


03-14-18, 07:39
It was convenient. And you play with dolls? :rolleyes:


They're not dolls, they're action figures! I can quit whenever I want! :-)

On a serious note, I feel for anyone who's kids are not on Spring Break today.

03-14-18, 09:20
Some national news anchor just said something like “it’s amazing how organized and eloquent these kids are, just a few weeks after the Parklland tradgedy...”

It amazes me just how disconnected from reality these people really are.

03-14-18, 10:26
Disconnected from reality


parroting the party line?

03-14-18, 10:29
Thanks for pointing that out.

Here is a paragraph written by teenagers with "an adult ally", right.

"We demand that Congress enact an immediate resolution declaring gun violence a public health crisis and dedicating federal funding to research solutions and implement violence intervention programs. We demand Congress recognize all forms of gun violence, including violence committed by police."

Literally from their page titled "#ENOUGH DEMANDS".

Funny how we already have a Federally Funded Organization researching health risks: the Center for Disease Control.

While not the least liberal institution in America, they already include ALL firearm related deaths and injuries. LEO, Self Defense, Murder, all calculated in.

Since they actually have some fact basis behind it, though the CDC still tries to skew it at times, has shown that Influenza, Doctor Malpractice/Negligence, Obesity, Abortions, Smoking, Drinking, Drug Abuse, all on their own are more likely to cause death than Firearms. Yet, we still fail to see massive public outcry on all of these topics. Especially medical error. Hundreds of Thousands of cases yearly, and no one bats an eye.

Just goes to show that the emotions are running far to high to anyone to make a factual based decision. Just this: Let's do this for the feels and makes demands we ALEADY HAVE.

03-14-18, 11:20
The Primary organizing and funneling of the money is courtesy of Michael Bloomberg's "Every Town" organization. It serves as a conduit for outside money from so-called celebrities and foreign interests like Soros.

“Empower”, the people that brought us the women’s march were the biggest group assisting. That’s Soros. I agree that Doomberg has his fingers all over this too. Don’t forget the teachers union also. The credits for this read like a Star Wars movie.

This NOT a youth movement. These kids are getting USED.

03-14-18, 11:21
I'm guessing the same kids that lose their ID Badges for school, their house keys, forget their homework and suck at planning something as simple and required as cutting the damned grass aren't planning much of this.
This is a sham, if anyone believes any of this was master minded by a bunch of 14-19 year old kids, you don't have kids.

03-14-18, 12:09
None of these "protests" or "activists" are even believable anymore. Give that Hogg kid best actor in life, and promote his script writer to chief of propaganda. It amazes me that in 2018 people still believe this shit is real.

03-14-18, 12:17
We should have a walk out too, straight to the gun store and buy a gun.

03-14-18, 12:20
If working people walked out, I’d notice. They’d be losing pay and other things to make the sacrifice.

But kids walking out of school or the unemployed getting paid and bussed to protest... there’s no risk when the group of people selected personally gain from acting like an activist.

03-14-18, 12:21
This was mixed into CNN’s headlines about this walkout, from the WTF File:


(CNN)A teacher accidentally discharged a firearm while teaching a public safety class, injuring one student at a Northern California school on Tuesday, police said.

Dennis Alexander, who is Seaside City's mayor pro tem and a reserve officer with the Sand City Police Department, was teaching a lesson at Seaside High School in Seaside, California when he pointed his gun into the ceiling and accidentally fired it, said Abdul Pridgen, the city's police chief

...said Tuesday's incident changed his views about President Donald Trump's recent proposal to arm teachers.
"I was kinda leaning toward having armed people in school in case something happened. After today, I get why people say there should be no guns in schools," Gonzales said.

03-14-18, 12:25
Remember that a month ago, those same bunch of children were the topic of possible legislation to protect them from eating Tide Pods ! If they can't figure out by themselves that eating soap pods is not good for them, how are they going to be taken seriously for their stance on anything else?

03-14-18, 13:41
We should have a walk out too, straight to the gun store and buy a gun.Funny you mention that. While I didn't walk out, i decided to order a case of 9mm

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-14-18, 14:36
Funny you mention that. While I didn't walk out, i decided to order a case of 9mm

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I believe that's good enough :)

03-14-18, 14:36
Funny you mention that. While I didn't walk out, i decided to order a case of 9mm

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I believe that's good enough :)

03-14-18, 15:29
Funny how this is like the third one this week in the news. A SRO popped off a round yesterday in Alexandria, VA. All the talk about getting more security/guns in schools and we start to have a rash of negligent discharges. Now even the teacher/reserve officer has a change of heart about guns in schools. Quite timely I say. David

This was mixed into CNN’s headlines about this walkout, from the WTF File:


(CNN)A teacher accidentally discharged a firearm while teaching a public safety class, injuring one student at a Northern California school on Tuesday, police said.

Dennis Alexander, who is Seaside City's mayor pro tem and a reserve officer with the Sand City Police Department, was teaching a lesson at Seaside High School in Seaside, California when he pointed his gun into the ceiling and accidentally fired it, said Abdul Pridgen, the city's police chief

...said Tuesday's incident changed his views about President Donald Trump's recent proposal to arm teachers.
"I was kinda leaning toward having armed people in school in case something happened. After today, I get why people say there should be no guns in schools," Gonzales said.

03-14-18, 15:33
None of these "protests" or "activists" are even believable anymore. Give that Hogg kid best actor in life, and promote his script writer to chief of propaganda. It amazes me that in 2018 people still believe this shit is real.

hogg is a clone of joseph goebbels.

03-14-18, 15:37
as said above gov was saying kids are so stupid we need to regulate tide pods

then again democrats :)

“They are so alluring, they smell sweet and they look like gummy bears,” Sen. Brad Hoylman said.

“This truly is the Tide pod challenge,” Hoylman said. “The challenge is for government, for regulators and for the industry to step up and correct these dangerous devices.”

03-14-18, 16:08
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

03-14-18, 16:09
We should have a walk out too, straight to the gun store and buy a gun.

I bought a STI Costa Host 4.0, Glock 19x, and 2 TBAC ultra 9's this week.....you guys need to play catch up....

03-14-18, 16:16
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

Hell yeah!

03-14-18, 16:16
double tap

03-14-18, 16:29
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

The alleged student's post earlier in the thread (also viewable on The_Donald) claims that students were told to "protest" and it was not voluntary. Your son's experience certainly suggests this. If it's true, it should be publicized widely so people can be informed that:
-this is totally astroturf, not a genuine movement, and
-schools and teachers are illegally coercing students to march for a political cause favored by those schools/teachers

Forced speech is illegal under various court rulings. While I'm rather jaded about the state of the law in this country, it should at least be publicized if it's going on. If law were properly enforced it would result in criminal prosecutions of those using government funds and government positions to force minors to "protest" against their wishes.

03-14-18, 16:32
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

Forced political conformity, what a beautiful thing. It probably isn't over with Comrade teacher and your son...don't give in.

03-14-18, 16:32
double tap

03-14-18, 16:33
This will be a topic at the next school board meeting. I’m not throwing my kid in front of the media.

From what I gather from other parents, the ROTC kids usually aren’t the favorites.

03-14-18, 16:56
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

Now you will probably get a visit from DCS and they may even serve one of those fancy new protective order things on you.

03-14-18, 16:57
Double tap

03-14-18, 17:27
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

That sounds like an awesome kid :-)

03-14-18, 17:34
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

I'm hoping he is saving up to buy a gun with the extra coin. I know I was at his age. :)
The kid gives me hope. Now we just need a few more who are willing to think and not be sheep.

03-14-18, 17:36
Talked to my cousin today. She said her school told everyone that walks out gets in trouble. About half the school walked out

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-14-18, 17:41
Now you will probably get a visit from DCS and they may even serve one of those fancy new protective order things on you.

I doubt that. This school system made a very costly mistake once before. They were responsible for causing chemical burns to several students, and defacs was called to each effected students parents. Several of the parents in return sued the school. Since then, they are very hesitant to involve children’s services. When they call, it’s for obvious abuse.

03-14-18, 17:48
Talked to my cousin today. She said her school told everyone that walks out gets in trouble. About half the school walked out

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

What did the school do in response? Impressed they had the balls to telll them that.

03-14-18, 17:51
I doubt that. This school system made a very costly mistake once before. They were responsible for causing chemical burns to several students, and defacs was called to each effected students parents. Several of the parents in return sued the school. Since then, they are very hesitant to involve children’s services. When they call, it’s for obvious abuse.

That was tongue in cheek...

03-14-18, 17:56
What did the school do in response? Impressed they had the balls to telll them that.Didn't ask. I assume nothing at that moment. IF they do something it will probably be starting next week... considering it's the end of the week... almost. Probably going to meet with the teachers to ask who walked out, assuming that teacher cooperates..etc..etc

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03-14-18, 18:10
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

file complaint she abused your child

and since children are the ones we listen to for laws now the school better believe my child over a stupid adult that is bullying and abusing him

anymore I say play their game and stretch whatever you can out of it

I am sick of playing by the rules with these people when all they do is break them lie etc..

03-14-18, 18:42
Didn't ask. I assume nothing at that moment. IF they do something it will probably be starting next week... considering it's the end of the week... almost. Probably going to meet with the teachers to ask who walked out, assuming that teacher cooperates..etc..etc

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

After school detention would be sweet irony. Keep us updated if you will.

03-14-18, 18:57
Remember that a month ago, those same bunch of children were the topic of possible legislation to protect them from eating Tide Pods ! If they can't figure out by themselves that eating soap pods is not good for them, how are they going to be taken seriously for their stance on anything else?


03-14-18, 19:00
My son was disciplined at school today about the “optional” walk out. When asked if he would be taking part, his response, “Only emo snowflakes are leaving class”, was deemed inappropriate so they removed him from class. The teacher called to tell me that he had been being closed minded and insensitive since the issue arose and had made several out of the way comments. Just yesterday the class was asked their opinions on the student led protests and he had said, “ All of these other kids don’t even know what they are doing. They are asking for the government to restrict freedoms they aren’t even aware they have. I’ve never seen so many people willing to be used. They embarrass me.”. She went on to tell me a couple more comments he had made before asking what I was going to do about it. She hung up the phone when I responded, “I don’t see a problem with anything he’s said. In every instance you’ve talked about, he was asked a question. As far as what I plan to do, raise his allowance.”.

I’m proud of him.

Damn, that is parenting right there!

Like first father-and-son beer level.

03-14-18, 19:09
After school detention would be sweet irony. Keep us updated if you will.Found this


"Teachers made students write down their names in order to get back in the building, she said.

Students who left will face detention, sources tell Patch."

I asked. She said some kids already got suspended. Some didn't. Not sure what the difference is and why.

Her text message
"Haha yes. I mean even if I did, some colleges actually said to exempt those who did bc it was for a "good cause" but either way me walking out wouldn't benefit anyone and either way it was going to turn into a political thing over gun control. It's really stupid"

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-14-18, 19:17
A reasonable adults doesn't care about what a child thinks on issues.


Because kids are idiots.

The fact the democrats flocked to join these kids in DC, just tell me in no uncertain way they are all idiots.

We are so divided in this country, I don't think we have been so divided since 1860.

The more I see the more I think, we might have the same outcome out of this division as what happened before.

03-14-18, 20:22
The country is definitely divided. It’s all by design. Eventually a strong man will appear to fix it all. I doubt it’ll be Lincoln this time.

03-14-18, 20:23
Damn, that is parenting right there!

Like first father-and-son beer level.

Thanks. He’s a good kid.

03-14-18, 20:54
Message to students wanting to end school gun violence: "There is something that you can do right now to put an end to school shootings...stop bringing firearms to school to shoot students and teachers. The problem is you, fix it."

03-14-18, 21:46
A reasonable adults doesn't care about what a child thinks on issues.


Because kids are idiots.

The fact the democrats flocked to join these kids in DC, just tell me in no uncertain way they are all idiots.

We are so divided in this country, I don't think we have been so divided since 1860.

The more I see the more I think, we might have the same outcome out of this division as what happened before.

We were far more divided in the 1960s, than now. Stupid as these kids are they aren't joining the SLA or the Weather Underground and robbing banks, shooting cops or planting bombs in order to bring about their marxist inspired revolution. We haven't even gotten close to that level of division and hopefully we never do again.

03-14-18, 22:03
Frankly, call me paranoid but I expected a False Flag to go down at the DC demonstration... if we look at the "convenient" timing of mass-casualty and similar events over the past year, they always seem to be at just the right time to stop pro-gun or push anti-gun measures, as if by design.

And we already know Progs murder their own children every day in the name of mere *convenience*, so what's to stop them doing a Russian-style maskirovka in the name of The Cause?

03-15-18, 01:22
A reasonable adults doesn't care about what a child thinks on issues.


Because kids are idiots.

The fact the democrats flocked to join these kids in DC, just tell me in no uncertain way they are all idiots.

We are so divided in this country, I don't think we have been so divided since 1860.

The more I see the more I think, we might have the same outcome out of this division as what happened before.

IIRC it was Hitler who said; "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." It would appear that the National Socialist, oops I mean Democratic Socialist of today still employ this tactic.

During the time of the Bush / Kerry election I read political science journals that stated the US had not been this politically divided since the Civil War. They were right, fast forward through the Obama years to now and I would say the chasm has only deepened and widen.

There is a reason the disarmament agenda has been on an uptick since the Obama years and Hillary fully campaigned on it.

The country is definitely divided. It’s all by design.


We were far more divided in the 1960s, than now. Stupid as these kids are they aren't joining the SLA or the Weather Underground and robbing banks, shooting cops or planting bombs in order to bring about their marxist inspired revolution. We haven't even gotten close to that level of division and hopefully we never do again.

Saul Alinsky said; "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."

They are not taking the Republic by force of arms, they have infiltrated from within using the system itself. This is how we got the Clintons and the Obamas.

"You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you'll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won't have to fight you." - Nikita Khrushchev

03-15-18, 03:04
Saul Alinsky said; "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."

They are not taking the Republic by force of arms, they have infiltrated from within using the system itself. This is how we got the Clintons and the Obamas.

"You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you'll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won't have to fight you." - Nikita Khrushchev

I'm well versed in all of that, but the vast majority of these kids would look at those books and type tl;dr.

We have seen their revolution, it was a Twitter "Feel the Bern" revolution and it failed. They don't want to take over shit. They want their student loans forgiven so they can sit at Starbucks sucking up free WiFi. Their cause is whatever Twitter and Facebook says their cause is this week. They participate by "liking" the cause.

03-15-18, 05:24
I really don't think we were more divided in the 1960's.

Yes we had some terrorism from within, but it was marginalized.

Today we don't have terrorist, but we as a society are much more divided. People can't even talk to each other and have a debate and come to an agreement at the end.

I think the rift in the society is much more dangerous if it can't be resolved than a few SLA and the Weather underground etc.

03-15-18, 07:25
So much win in this thread.
Kudos to the kid who spoke his mind and the father who supported him.
Good job on those buying hardware and ammo.
Refreshing to hear some schools were considering disciplinary action.

On the broadcast networks yesterday it seemed they broke from normal programming for only a few minutes. I didn’t see cable news until later, and surprisingly it wasn’t just a continuous coverage but a segment within the hour (McCabe was most of the hour). Local news at 6 had some local coverage, and the kids interviewed didn’t even seem to know what they were saying; an administrator was talking about the 60’s and how proud he was of the kids (probably an anti-Vietnam type).

More surprisingly these are the only two headlines I see online on CNN and BBC this morning:

Governor calls student walkout 'shameful' (CNN)

Florida shooting: Students vow 'never again' in US walkout (BBC)

Both of those are videos not even written pieces.

03-15-18, 07:29
Frankly, call me paranoid but I expected a False Flag to go down at the DC demonstration... if we look at the "convenient" timing of mass-casualty and similar events over the past year, they always seem to be at just the right time to stop pro-gun or push anti-gun measures, as if by design.

And we already know Progs murder their own children every day in the name of mere *convenience*, so what's to stop them doing a Russian-style maskirovka in the name of The Cause?
I was very surprised (and thankful!) nothing happened yesterday, however my thoughts are that something will soon or at the latest during the big march just as you’re saying. False flag or just lunatic fringe copycat either way.

03-15-18, 09:04
I was very surprised (and thankful!) nothing happened yesterday, however my thoughts are that something will soon or at the latest during the big march just as you’re saying. False flag or just lunatic fringe copycat either way.

The sister of the racist killer that murdered church members in Charleston a few years ago was arrested for supposedly bringing "weapons" to school yesterday.


03-15-18, 09:19
“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”

― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

03-15-18, 09:41
If the kids were really interested in saving children's lives then they should be calling for the banning of the largest killer, Abortion and automobiles. Drugs are high on the list also. Where is the call to punish the LEOs that didn't do their jobs?


03-15-18, 09:51
I'm well versed in all of that, but the vast majority of these kids would look at those books and type tl;dr.

We have seen their revolution, it was a Twitter "Feel the Bern" revolution and it failed. They don't want to take over shit. They want their student loans forgiven so they can sit at Starbucks sucking up free WiFi. Their cause is whatever Twitter and Facebook says their cause is this week. They participate by "liking" the cause.

Honestly internet porn and smart phones keep most of the would be black bloc at home.

I think what Yoni and I are getting at is if you look at the polling data and the like which is where political scientist get their numbers from we have not been this divided as a nation since the Civil War era. I wasn't around for the 60's but the country was much more unified back then with the exception of the radicals you mentioned and the whole counter culture.

03-15-18, 10:20
A friend of mine works for a local school district. Here is what he posted on another forum. Yes, I have his permission to copy, and paste.

As an update, I got to observe the whole walk out at the high school where I work. I was responsible for bringing the kids 17 tables and setting up the sound system for them in our stadium. I figured it was just going to be a memorial for the kids and staff who were killed. The kids taped (with duct tape I gave them) bios and pictures of each of the latest victims at each of the tables.

The wind was brutal. Anyways, they asked me for an 18th table, so I brought it to them. I didn't know at the time, but they had someone come to help sign up students who were old enough to vote for the next election... of course, they made this announcement after a spokesperson from CeaseFire PA gave a rambling, disjointed, and highly emotive speech calling each student to vote against anyone who doesn't support tougher gun regulation. I have never seen something so political and partisan at a secondary school. It disgusted me. Is it even legal to present something like this with no counterbalance using taxpayer funds in schools?

As an aside, a kid decided it would be funny to pull the fire alarm as 500 plus students were walking back into the school around 11. The police were not amused.

I have no problem with students protesting. I do have a problem with MY tax dollars supporting political views in which I disagree. What if it had been an anti abortion, or pro gun rally? Do you think the school districts would have promoted that protest?

03-15-18, 11:03
I have no problem with students protesting. I do have a problem with MY tax dollars supporting political views in which I disagree. What if it had been an anti abortion, or pro gun rally? Do you think the school districts would have promoted that protest?


I'm all for freedom of speech, but not our tax dollars being used for something like that without permission. I'm also disappointed in the reports of schools that allowed walk outs without repercussions. To me that is the administration/school system giving their consent/support to a political party/cause. They should be neutral. How is it teaching kids that actions have repercussions if they are giving the students a free pass? Where was the risk for the students? Does just walking out violate any truancy laws? Or open/close campus policy? How was it not violating required attendance policies? There should have been repercussions, not a free pass.

03-15-18, 11:13

I'm all for freedom of speech, but not our tax dollars being used for something like that without permission. I'm also disappointed in the reports of schools that allowed walk outs without repercussions. To me that is the administration/school system giving their consent/support to a political party/cause. They should be neutral. How is it teaching kids that actions have repercussions if they are giving the students a free pass? Where was the risk for the students? Does just walking out violate any truancy laws? Or open/close campus policy? How was it not violating required attendance policies? There should have been repercussions, not a free pass.

How would these schools react to a Pro Gun Rally?


03-15-18, 11:16
We have separation of church and state in the schools, we need separation of politics and the state in schools.

Can you imagine the outrage if the NRA pulled such stunts with juvenile students?

Everyday my wife and I's minds are being made up for us about home schooling.

03-15-18, 11:36
A friend of mine works for a local school district. Here is what he posted on another forum. Yes, I have his permission to copy, and paste.

I have no problem with students protesting. I do have a problem with MY tax dollars supporting political views in which I disagree. What if it had been an anti abortion, or pro gun rally? Do you think the school districts would have promoted that protest?
As I am a PA resident and for my own information Im curious as to which school district or locality this was in?

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

03-15-18, 12:26
As I am a PA resident and for my own information Im curious as to which school district or locality this was in?

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

I am in Chester County, but this was in Montgomery County, but I have been asked to not name the school district as he wants to keep his job.

03-15-18, 14:24
IMHO, we need better policing NOT more gun control laws that the *lawbreakers* will not follow anyways.The FBI has acknowledged that it received a tip about Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Kruz in January that *wasn't properly investigated*, as details continue to trickle in on the 19-year-old's evolution "from 'broken child' to mass killer" in the words of CNN. His defense attorneys say *Cruz has suffered from mental illness and depression*, helped along by the recent death of his mother, while former classmates recall a "very, very strange" and even "evil" kid. One ex-classmate recalls Cruz doing troubling things like hurting animals and hurling rocks at cars. Also among CNN's findings: documents that show *the cops had been called to Cruz's house *** 39 times *** over a seven-year period. Details on what spurred those calls were unclear. These kids are being used as political pawns and they really don't have a clue.
The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world.

If you remove
# 1 Chicago
# 2 Detroit
# 3 Washington DC
# 4 St Louis
# 5 New Orleans

then the United States is **189th** out of193 countries in the entire world.
PS : ALL 5 of the above cities have *STRICT GUN CONTROL LAWS *

They also all have large black populations with out of control black on black gang violence. I will bet most of them grew up without a father figure. * Most* of their fathers were probably drug addicts or hard drug dealing bastard makers. The cities are all also run by Democratic officials with failed Democratic Party policies. These cities have a crime and morality problem. The gangs don't care about how many stupid gun laws there are.
Here are some measures that could prevent or possibly minimize future shooting in schools or where larger crowds gather indoors, some are nothing new, just being more involved and knowing more whats going on in your sons life/head.

1. Parent knowing better what is going on in your sons life. anger issues, ( drugs legal or illegal), attitude, depression, etc. ** very important**
2. Concerned classmates helpline # to school staff or law enforcement. ***Very important***
3. Better law enforcement policing *no more dropped balls* and willing and able to put their life on the line for others. * very important*
4. Cameras about everywhere they need to be, and someone to monitor them during school hours, with a course of action and possibly with a firearm.
5. Manually operated classroom deadbolt door locks (inside mounted)
6 Automatic school entry door locks on all entry doors. Could all be operated in more than one location.
7. Voluntary or paid, competent armed guard with quick access to a 5.56 threat level ballistic vest and hotline to law enforcement. He could be low profile or high profile.
8. Release automatically when needed, military grade smoke bombs in the hallways and possibly also in the classrooms. Or possibly tear gas in the hallways only. Keep this as secret as possible.
9. The pre-recorded*loud* message from the cops on the whole school intercom system. Like: This is the police, you are surrounded, drop your gun or we will kill you. Could also add in loud gunfire on the tape. Constantly repeat/play every 10 seconds. Keep this as secret as possible.
10. Entire school hallway water sprinkler system could be activated from several points.
11.Possibly high output strobe and or flashing lights in the hallways.




I would note that of the gun related deaths over 60% are suicide in usa.

03-15-18, 15:19

Zoom in. It’s worth it.

03-15-18, 15:27
Antioch students tear down flag, brawl during 'peaceful' protest


At Antioch High School, social media videos captured a brawl inside the school. Outside, videos show students can be seen tearing down an American flag.

Ahead of the rallies, Metro Schools clearly outlined the rules for students, which included staying on school property. At many campuses across Nashville, the district help students organize speakers and other special events for the walk-out.

Across the nation, students walked of their classrooms at 10 a.m. and gathered for 17 minutes of silence to honor each person killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida last month.

Antioch High parent Joseph Reed says he's discouraged by Wednesday's events.

03-15-18, 15:32
The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world.

I keep seeing this. It's blatantly false. And that makes me doubt the rest of the statistics, too. (Although I'm sure the homicide rate in the US drops drastically if you remove those five cities.)

https://crimeresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Homicide-rates-across-all-countries.jpeg (https://crimeresearch.org/2014/03/comparing-murder-rates-across-countries/)
(Image is hyperlinked to source article.)

Even when we narrow it down to just "developed" countries, the US doesn't make #3.

https://crimeresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Homicide-Rates-for-Developed-Countries-OECD-2011-or-latest-year.png (https://crimeresearch.org/2014/03/comparing-murder-rates-across-countries/)
(Image is hyperlinked to source article.)

03-15-18, 15:35
I am in Chester County, but this was in Montgomery County, but I have been asked to not name the school district as he wants to keep his job.
I can respect that, I am in montgomery. A friend of mine in bucks county said his sons HS was handing out detentions for walking out of class.


Zoom in. It’s worth it.

Student, There is stupid in your head.

And some irony in the zoom lol

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

03-15-18, 16:25
Does her shirt say molon labe? I can't read it very well.

03-15-18, 16:35
Does her shirt say molon labe? I can't read it very well.

03-15-18, 16:37
OH! the humanity!

03-15-18, 17:02
Does her shirt say molon labe? I can't read it very well.

I was just going to ask that myself.

03-15-18, 17:13
Does her shirt say molon labe? I can't read it very well.


03-15-18, 17:33

Zoom in. It’s worth it.

Why did someone fuzz up her face? That level of stupid needs to be recognized by name. :nono:

03-15-18, 17:55
What would we expect with a 24 hour "News Cycle" (really an opinion and argument cycle) primarily spewing leftist ideology for the last 2 decades, combined with the Universities indoctrinating students?

Technology, while cool, distracting people to where they walk into fountains because they can't put their digital security blanket down for a few moments to actually carry a conversation with those around them, or be aware of their surroundings, etc, etc, etc. Take that same technology and the level of stupidity can spread like a virus to those ignorant or too lazy to research anything themselves.


03-15-18, 18:12
Does her shirt say molon labe? I can't read it very well.


I didn't even pick-up on that!


03-15-18, 19:27
Does her shirt say molon labe? I can't read it very well.
Mmmmm, yes it does.
But, it's all Greek to me.

03-15-18, 19:42
Contributing to the delinquency of minors??

03-15-18, 19:53
But, it's all Greek to me.

LOL dude you just made milk come out my nose from laughter! I gotta' quit reading forum posts while having a snack.

03-15-18, 19:54
I've been saying for years that one of the Lefts smartest moves was to infiltrate the public schools and State Universities.
They are protected by Unions and portrayed as Martyr's. Although not all are our enemies, many are full on Socialist.

03-15-18, 20:26
I've been saying for years that one of the Lefts smartest moves was to infiltrate the public schools and State Universities.
They are protected by Unions and portrayed as Martyr's. Although not all are our enemies, many are full on Socialist.

The LEFT has controlled Education (even private schools, and universities), the Media, and most of Government for decades now. The Constitution is at risk. It is at risk of being IGNORED.

Crow Hunter
03-15-18, 20:41
Why did someone fuzz up her face? That level of stupid needs to be recognized by name. :nono:

No you see it was like irony or something cause like the Spartans and helmets and that movie was racist and something and well I KNOW the NRA is bad because my teachers told me and that is what they say on the news and stuff and everything.

Besides, you are evil, you old white privileged cis male and your secret cursive writing that I can't read.

03-15-18, 21:26
I’ll wager $100 she didn’t come up with that sign idea and another $50 that she didn’t make it.

There are pics circulating on social that don’t add the blur.

03-15-18, 23:23
Besides, you are evil, you old white privileged cis male and your secret cursive writing that I can't read.


03-16-18, 00:42

I know Crow Hunter meant that cursive comment as a joke, but I actually have two people I work with daily who can't read cursive writing. I find it both hilarious, yet a sign of how sad the education system has become.

03-16-18, 07:07
I wonder how many of these situations played out, reported almost nowhere - there is a link on Fox however not CNN that I can find.

New Prague High School student escorted off property during walkout

Updated at 3:24 p.m. Thursday

A student holding a sign that said "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" as part of the National Walkout to protest gun violence was escorted off school property by Principal Lonnie Seifert Wednesday morning at New Prague High School.


03-16-18, 11:38
I know Crow Hunter meant that cursive comment as a joke, but I actually have two people I work with daily who can't read cursive writing. I find it both hilarious, yet a sign of how sad the education system has become.

Cursive is a complete waste of time. It would be like teaching kids how to use slide rulers in math class.

03-16-18, 11:38
I know Crow Hunter meant that cursive comment as a joke, but I actually have two people I work with daily who can't read cursive writing. I find it both hilarious, yet a sign of how sad the education system has become.

Cursive is a complete waste of time. It would be like teaching kids how to use slide rulers in math class.

03-16-18, 11:51
Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control Walkout

A high school student in Hilliard, Ohio, didn’t want to pick sides in the contentious gun debate surrounding Wednesday’s “National Walkout,” so he stayed in class instead of joining the largely anti-gun protest or an alternative “study hall.”

Hilliard Davidson High School senior Jacob Shoemaker was then reportedly slapped with a suspension.


03-16-18, 12:03
Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control Walkout


Well maybe he should have gone to study hall? This walkout is stupid but so are attention seekers like whoever posted that picture of the notice to suspend and passing it off as getting suspended for not protesting.

03-16-18, 13:44
Cursive is a complete waste of time. It would be like teaching kids how to use slide rulers in math class.

I feel the same way, no actually way more strongly, about how text books are obsolete.

Bad for the environment, expensive, heavy, . . . 2 in 1 laptops are cheap and new / updated curriculum can be downloaded and or accessed in seconds.

03-16-18, 14:44
Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control Walkout


Students who didn't want to protest had the option of going to the commons area. This kid was suspended because he refused to leave the classroom. That wasn't one of his options.

03-16-18, 15:44
I know Crow Hunter meant that cursive comment as a joke, but I actually have two people I work with daily who can't read cursive writing. I find it both hilarious, yet a sign of how sad the education system has become.

and if you think about it a few generations nobody will if the left has their way
I say this cause some of the kids I come across have no clue how to read or write cursive and some have said they are told to NOT learn it for various reasons that its not accurate it changes the meaning of the words sometimes etc..

the original documents of this country will be translated in the future from this old antiquated stupid way of writing and of course they will radically change the meaning :) so glad the left will be doing this and is doing it now makes me feel safe :)

reality I think enough will know such as homeschoolers and kids who have good parents etc.. but of course the left wants to discredit those folks as loons etc..

03-16-18, 15:52
and if you think about it a few generations nobody will if the left has their way

the original documents of this country will be translated in the future from this old antiquated stupid way of writing and of course they will radically change the meaning :)

reality I think enough will know such as homeschoolers but of course the left wants to discredit those folks as loons etc..

I don't mind technology as it does have its uses and conveniences. That being said, I've always felt we should know the analog way/process behind the tech. Seems daily I run onto cashiers that can't make change even when the register tells them the amount, or people in television behind the scenes that can't do time-based math, or people that can't read a road map. Worst times at my job is when we either lose power or the internet because so many people just freeze up like deer in headlights. Always made sure my squad/team could do land nav with a map, protractor, and compass. I've found handwriting these days to be atrocious even from adults. As you alluded to, if few can access information, then those few can control information.

03-16-18, 15:59
Cursive is a tool for writing down large amounts of information fast.
Or documenting crucial information fast.

In conditions where you can’t have PEDs, real world event timing, fast crisis action meetings, etc.

When someone bemoans how cursive is useless and they ain’t got no need for that waste of time, it’s as big a waste of time they ain’t had not need fer ever just like that algebra and stuff,
It tells me something about them.

26 Inf
03-16-18, 18:44
Students who didn't want to protest had the option of going to the commons area. This kid was suspended because he refused to leave the classroom. That wasn't one of his options.

Hopefully you'll come back to this since it was the last post in your activity thread.

I have a question about an event in the Minnesota area but don't want to talk about it on open forum. Could you shoot me an email addy via PM. If that doesn't work for you any other suggestions are good.


03-16-18, 19:42
Cursive is a tool for writing down large amounts of information fast.

In my experience the faster people write cursive the less useful it becomes.

It's far more important we teach kids to type than cursive, and there is a limited amount of time to teach. Speech to text will be perfected before the next batch of kids who learn cursive in elementary school get into middle school.

26 Inf
03-16-18, 20:23
In my experience the faster people write cursive the less useful it becomes.

It's far more important we teach kids to type than cursive, and there is a limited amount of time to teach. Speech to text will be perfected before the next batch of kids who learn cursive in elementary school get into middle school.

I think that kids are being exposed to typing - keyboarding they call it - earlier and earlier, often beginning in third grade.

My cursive is terrible, if I want someone else to read what I put pen to, I print. That being said it is faster for me to take notes for myself by writing in cursive if I'm the only one who is going to read them.

Both my daughters can text faster with two thumbs than I can type, lol.

Speech to text is great - if the technology tools are present to be used, they may not always be.

03-16-18, 23:09
Chicago students allegedly trash Walmart during National School Walkout protest

About 60 students from a Chicago high school used their time during the National School Walkout protest to wreak havoc at a Walmart, witnesses say -- and police are investigating.

Walmart shoppers and store employees were stunned by the destruction allegedly inflicted by Simeon Career Academy students Wednesday morning, FOX 32 reported.


03-16-18, 23:16
I really don't think we were more divided in the 1960's.

Yes we had some terrorism from within, but it was marginalized.

Today we don't have terrorist, but we as a society are much more divided. People can't even talk to each other and have a debate and come to an agreement at the end.

I think the rift in the society is much more dangerous if it can't be resolved than a few SLA and the Weather underground etc.

I disagree. "Don't trust anyone under 30" was the general rule. The "student revolution" was far more pervasive and more importantly, they were actually changing policy at gunpoint.

And while every college age kid wasn't involved in terrorism, they generally gave those groups tacit support. Of course things like the draft and Vietnam were profoundly polarizing and I think that is the key difference. If you still had the draft today, then things would actually be worse today.

03-16-18, 23:19
Honestly internet porn and smart phones keep most of the would be black bloc at home.

I think what Yoni and I are getting at is if you look at the polling data and the like which is where political scientist get their numbers from we have not been this divided as a nation since the Civil War era. I wasn't around for the 60's but the country was much more unified back then with the exception of the radicals you mentioned and the whole counter culture.

That I accept. I think we've been 50/50 ever since Bush / Gore 2000. Politically we are very polarized with majorities almost at the extremes, there is no longer any mostly middle ground population where people mostly wanted the same things but disagreed on the best way to get there. Now it's "our radical extremist" vs. "their radical extremist" but at least we aren't throwing as many molotov cocktails as we did 50 years ago.

03-17-18, 01:15
Chicago students allegedly trash Walmart during National School Walkout protest


Just getting their piece of justice, I'm sure...

03-17-18, 03:31
In my experience the faster people write cursive the less useful it becomes.

It's far more important we teach kids to type than cursive, and there is a limited amount of time to teach. Speech to text will be perfected before the next batch of kids who learn cursive in elementary school get into middle school.

Obviously knowing how to type is fine.
I learned cursive in grade school and typing in middle school.
But someone will be along to say typing is outdated, you need to learn tested.
Or dictation. Basically all stuff requiring tech or space occupying stuff maybe not amenable to what you are doing.

The reality is, if you need to put down information fast you need cursive or some other form faster than printing.

Then again,
Cursive was taught when grade school kids memorized multiplication tables, Latin, and did not graduate high school illiterate or college with math no higher than algebra,

03-17-18, 07:11
Just getting their piece of justice, I'm sure...

They are learning young- use any excuse to riot and loot.

03-17-18, 08:13
Interesting turn of events:

Arkansas student says he was paddled for gun control walkout


Students across the United States are serving detention or in-school suspension as discipline for walking out of class Wednesday to protest gun violence.

But a student at Greenbrier High in Arkansas says he was punished a different way.
Wylie Greer told CNN that only he and two other students walked out, and while they
were sitting outside the school building, the principal approached and asked if they knew "there would be consequences" for their action.
They said yes, Greer said, and returned to class. The 17-year-old senior discovered he had a choice of discipline: two days of in-school suspension or two swats with a wooden paddle.

03-17-18, 13:05
I think that kids are being exposed to typing - keyboarding they call it - earlier and earlier, often beginning in third grade.

My cursive is terrible, if I want someone else to read what I put pen to, I print. That being said it is faster for me to take notes for myself by writing in cursive if I'm the only one who is going to read them.

Both my daughters can text faster with two thumbs than I can type, lol.

Speech to text is great - if the technology tools are present to be used, they may not always be.

Yup, I was in the second grade in '88 and that is when we started typing classes in the computer lab.

I have always been thankful for that. Probably one of the most useful things we were taught back then.

03-17-18, 13:09
Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control Walkout


So where were the teachers?

If this "grass roots" nation wide protest was formed by students and student led where in the actual hell were the educators being PAID to be present at their job in their classrooms that day? Were they out there protesting too on the clock?

Kid should have just skipped school that day, or the parents should have pulled him out.

"Go to study hall if you don't want to skip school to protest the 2nd Amendment", in my day study hall was viewed as a form of punishment.

**** that noise.

03-17-18, 13:13
Chicago students allegedly trash Walmart during National School Walkout protest


I'm glad someone posted this . . .

Here is a woman's cell vid of the aftermath:


03-17-18, 14:27

26 Inf
03-17-18, 14:42
Interesting turn of events:

Arkansas student says he was paddled for gun control walkout

They said yes, Greer said, and returned to class. The 17-year-old senior discovered he had a choice of discipline: two days of in-school suspension or two swats with a wooden paddle.

Shades of Coach H - I got my last swats as a Senior coming out of the shower after a fight in PE class - that is some old school stuff there BZ.

26 Inf
03-17-18, 14:43
Yup, I was in the second grade in '88 and that is when we started typing classes in the computer lab.

I have always been thankful for that. Probably one of the most useful things we were taught back then.

Yep, to this day I regret not taking typing in school.

03-17-18, 15:59
Obviously knowing how to type is fine.
I learned cursive in grade school and typing in middle school.
But someone will be along to say typing is outdated, you need to learn tested.
Or dictation. Basically all stuff requiring tech or space occupying stuff maybe not amenable to what you are doing.

The reality is, if you need to put down information fast you need cursive or some other form faster than printing.

Then again,
Cursive was taught when grade school kids memorized multiplication tables, Latin, and did not graduate high school illiterate or college with math no higher than algebra,

I never liked writing cursive when I was in school. Printing was just easier. And I got fast enough with it that I didn't have issues keeping up when taking notes, even when writing things verbatim. Of course, a lot of my printing closely resembled cursive by that point.

About six years ago, I made an effort to pick up cursive again. Mostly because I view writing with a pen and paper to be somewhat impractical, but if I'm going to do and and when I'm going to do it, I'm going to go for maximum artistic and archaic value. Down to the point where I actually pulled up How-Tos on cursive from the late 1800s, early 1900s (it hasn't changed much, but it has changed). So now, when I have the option to write with pen and paper, I write in cursive unless print is required (like on 4473s).

Nevertheless, I don't think that cursive is particularly fast. I find it easier to make mistakes - including spelling mistakes - when writing in cursive versus print, just because it gets so easy to go that I just keep going after the word has ended. The real trick to learning to write quickly is mastering shorthand. I believe there is a formal system of shorthand but if you're just writing for yourself, you can always develop your own shorthand (I believe that many journalists, historically, who did not have formal instruction on journalism often developed their own shorthand).

03-17-18, 16:41
considering a majority of our history is written in cursive/script its a good idea to make sure our future can keep reading it :)
sure many do not like learning doing lots of things

my brother used to collect fountain pens and knew a ton of history etc..

with old pens flow of ink and lifting and setting down the nib draws quite a bit more ink out so a continuous connection is better to have :) if the ball pen and thick non flowing ink was made first would it have changed the writing styles would be a interesting question

modern pens are not designed for cursive writing such as ball gel etc...
you need a fountain pen or older dip style pen as the ink is totally dif of course and made to flow etc..

and most everyone here would have used a ball or pencil in school tools that do not do well writing cursive which is why also it sucks a bit like using the wrong tool on a car or gun etc.

03-17-18, 16:47
I never liked writing cursive when I was in school. Printing was just easier. And I got fast enough with it that I didn't have issues keeping up when taking notes, even when writing things verbatim. Of course, a lot of my printing closely resembled cursive by that point.

About six years ago, I made an effort to pick up cursive again. Mostly because I view writing with a pen and paper to be somewhat impractical, but if I'm going to do and and when I'm going to do it, I'm going to go for maximum artistic and archaic value. Down to the point where I actually pulled up How-Tos on cursive from the late 1800s, early 1900s (it hasn't changed much, but it has changed). So now, when I have the option to write with pen and paper, I write in cursive unless print is required (like on 4473s).

Nevertheless, I don't think that cursive is particularly fast. I find it easier to make mistakes - including spelling mistakes - when writing in cursive versus print, just because it gets so easy to go that I just keep going after the word has ended. The real trick to learning to write quickly is mastering shorthand. I believe there is a formal system of shorthand but if you're just writing for yourself, you can always develop your own shorthand (I believe that many journalists, historically, who did not have formal instruction on journalism often developed their own shorthand).

if you are having fun with writing cursive get a decent fountain pen and see what ya think :)
I just know this cause of my brother and mom brother a lawyer writer historian my mom antique dealer loves the art of writing did calligraphy etc..

I was surrounded by this stuff hahahaha

03-17-18, 18:25
Nobody carries a notebook and an ink pen anymore either, but I still have one with me all the time.
Cursive has become a near indesipherable code now for anyone under thirty.
Years ago they had the alphabet above the chalkboard in cursive as we learned it.
Typing on an old school typewriter was an option Al class (elective) as a Freshman. I'm glad I took it.

03-17-18, 20:46
We had to learn to use a fountain pen in school (the type with a bladder - we had to carry a bottle of ink in our bags). I didn't like it because I'm left-handed and always had to move a sheet of blotting paper with my hand as I wrote.

03-18-18, 01:02
Nobody carries a notebook and an ink pen anymore either, but I still have one with me all the time.
Cursive has become a near indesipherable code now for anyone under thirty.
Years ago they had the alphabet above the chalkboard in cursive as we learned it.
Typing on an old school typewriter was an option Al class (elective) as a Freshman. I'm glad I took it.

hahahah leave a sign on a car in script go ahead steal this car its a manual :)

thief wont understand the sign or how to get the car in gear :)

03-18-18, 09:55
Nobody carries a notebook and an ink pen anymore either, but I still have one with me all the time.
Cursive has become a near indesipherable code now for anyone under thirty.
Years ago they had the alphabet above the chalkboard in cursive as we learned it.
Typing on an old school typewriter was an option Al class (elective) as a Freshman. I'm glad I took it.

Im 29. I carry a notebook and pen daily at work- theres no way i could keep track of it with a phone, write quick notes/action items, etc. There is a need to sketch on the fly as well. I do write cursive from time to time to keep sharp.

Maybe i dont count though. “Old soul” and “dying breed” are terms people have used to describe me more than once, haha.

03-18-18, 10:21
Nobody carries a notebook and an ink pen anymore either, but I still have one with me all the time.
Cursive has become a near indesipherable code now for anyone under thirty.
Years ago they had the alphabet above the chalkboard in cursive as we learned it.
Typing on an old school typewriter was an option Al class (elective) as a Freshman. I'm glad I took it.

I use more notepads at work on my own than the entire News Dept. according to the Office Supply Nazi. I'm not surprised tho. Always writing things down that I want to make sure I remember throughout the day. Usually write it in cursive to avoid anyone freaking out if the notes are gun related. Actually had one of the weather guys start a complaint on me because he got "triggered" (pun intended) because I had a photo on my desktop of a gal I know holding *gasp* a gun.

03-18-18, 14:57
Nobody carries a notebook and an ink pen anymore either, but I still have one with me all the time.
Cursive has become a near indesipherable code now for anyone under thirty.
Years ago they had the alphabet above the chalkboard in cursive as we learned it.

We were taught cursive writing in the first grade and I remember fondly the alphabet in cursive above our classroom's chalk board.

03-18-18, 15:00
Who here had penmanship as a subject in grade school?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

03-18-18, 15:12
Who here had penmanship as a subject in grade school?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

I did... I'm "old".

03-18-18, 15:37
I did... I'm "old".Same here.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

03-18-18, 17:33
To clarify, I was not so much speaking about knowing cursive as being important because of beautiful, flowing penmanship.

It’s importance is writing fast. I find it unlikely that anyone can print faster than cursive. It becomes a rapid, shorthand like tool. That you can read later. And maybe other people if needed, but the primary importance is you.

I go to work.
Reading fast is extremely important to me. I may be looking at stuff on a computer or dozens of pages handed to me. Getting important information fast is important. Yet many in our current society look at reading, let alone reading well with disdain. The reality is, people that move their lips reading silently, at a pace slower than someone can read out loud, let alone those that are functionally illiterate, are at the mercy of a lottery ticket or an inheritance or some other stroke of luck from being relegated to a fairly dismal portion of society.

I frequently have to write down pertinent information found on the computer, a presentation/ briefing, gleaned from papers I read fast, or verbally, telephonically, etc related to me. Printing, typing, etc. would slow me down a ton. Being able to rapidly write in cursive is an advantage. I know a lot of very educated, very intelligent, very accomplished individuals and am struggling to think of one that cannot or does not write in cursive. I mean, sure, they sometimes print notes, or dictate correspondence, and type Stuff in a computer, but they can and do write in cursive. Not being able to write in cursive is like not being able to actually type. Slow printers and slow typers seem at a disadvantage. Unless you were 100% in a setting environment where someone is doing all of your note taking, typing, or dictating.

I also do math several times a day. Sometimes in my head, sometimes scribbled out, sometimes on the HP15C emulator on my phone. (Reverse Polish Notation is to calculators what cursive is to printing). Nothing too complicated. But it just seems odd to me when people say they ain’t never used that stuff. Sure, I am not in a world anymore where people do high altitude jumps, need a helicopter to meet up with a moving ship, call in CAS, or lots of other exciting math in action.

Anyways, I have come to Associate reading fast, writing fast in cursive, knowing how to type, and needing math with bright, successful, highly functioning professionals. I go to work. I do what I do. Perhaps I am a dinosaur pending being eclipsed by people pecking pictographs on a screen.

03-18-18, 17:38
We were taught cursive writing in the first grade and I remember fondly the alphabet in cursive above our classroom's chalk board.

Glad you mentioned chalk boards. My engineering undergrad son and double major biology/computer science with minor in chemistry daughter both often find themselves in classrooms with chalk boards or dry erase boards.

While surrounded on their respective campuses by classrooms full of dolts getting their education on oppression, racism, and other such topics in their often unemployable majors on “smart boards.”

The irony.

03-18-18, 18:15
Glad you mentioned chalk boards. My engineering undergrad son and double major biology/computer science with minor in chemistry daughter both often find themselves in classrooms with chalk boards or dry erase boards.

While surrounded on their respective campuses by classrooms full of dolts getting their education on oppression, racism, and other such topics in their often unemployable majors on “smart boards.”

The irony.

The best math teacher I ever had was a gentleman from Morocco. He could speak five languages fluently and we would have to remind him to speak English when he would go off on a tangent speaking strange tongues.

He gave every single student in his class a small dry erase board, he had a giant dry erase board on the four walls of his room, and every single student worked out every single problem on these boards together. Never had a teacher like him before or since, he would lecture while he would write with BOTH hands at the same time.



03-18-18, 21:00
sometimes on the HP15C emulator on my phone. (Reverse Polish Notation is to calculators what cursive is to printing). Nothing too complicated. But it just seems odd to me when people say they ain’t never used that stuff.

We probably need a thread on how TI subverted the teachers union and came to dominate the educational system with their poor excuse for a calc.

The HP 15C was the best made electronic device I own. (Along with my 16C).

Survive a 3m drop on to a tiled concrete floor from any angle, 100kv static zaps, millions of keypresses, etc. Golden era of HP.

Correlation not equaling causation and all that, but it appears to me kids started going wonky again when the green & black chalkboards went away. And the cursive letters with guidelines and arrows that hung above them.

Ok, I can't explain the college kids of the 60s, we'll blame that on lsd. And free love.

03-18-18, 21:52
The People's Cube is always spot-on with their take on things. :dance3:


03-18-18, 22:29
Glad you mentioned chalk boards. My engineering undergrad son and double major biology/computer science with minor in chemistry daughter both often find themselves in classrooms with chalk boards or dry erase boards.

While surrounded on their respective campuses by classrooms full of dolts getting their education on oppression, racism, and other such topics in their often unemployable majors on “smart boards.”

The irony.
I have 5 white boards in my office. I dont know how people get stuff done without them, haha.

Edit: back on topic, any updates or is it dying out?

03-18-18, 22:55
I have 5 white boards in my office. I dont know how people get stuff done without them, haha.

Edit: back on topic, any updates or is it dying out?

Unfortunately I think the topic is dying out. The media cycle (as far as the walkout) appears to be in the lull until the DC event or until they need a distraction to talk about.

As far as cursive, calculators, chalk/white boards go, I noticed about 12 years ago when my kids were younger that their TEACHERS couldn't even do long division or write in cursive anymore. As I may have stated before technology is nice, but society in general seems too dependent on it without knowing the basics behind the processes the tech is doing for them.

03-18-18, 23:46
I learned cursive in grade school and I had good penmanship. In my high school years I began working for a land surveyor. All notes were done in all caps printing. I made a short career out of land surveying and ever since then I have printed in all caps. I'm every bit as fast at it as I ever was with cursive AND you can read it.

03-19-18, 05:43
I only print. If I do cursive i get ahead of myself and it just looks like a bunch of "e" strung together

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-19-18, 05:47
I learned cursive in grade school and I had good penmanship. In my high school years I began working for a land surveyor. All notes were done in all caps printing. I made a short career out of land surveying and ever since then I have printed in all caps. I'm every bit as fast at it as I ever was with cursive AND you can read it.

Kinda like this, except that I have to carefully draw every letter. If I just write normally... well, my relatives have joked that I shoulda gone to Med School on handwriting alone, as supposedly not even NSA could decrypt it. :( lol