View Full Version : ATS M4 Chest Rig

03-13-18, 22:18
First of all, I want to say that I searched for this question here but didn't find a thread that specifically answered my question.

I am planning on attending one of MVT's HEAT 1 courses this fall and am assembling the necessary gear. I began with good old ALICE web gear, with the LC-2 belt and H suspenders, and USGI mag pouches, followed by a german surp rig, and then various setups from prepping supplies, lastly by a blackhawk setup. All were cheap, but thoroughly uncomfortable, and it tends to bounce around during any movement other than regular walking. You get what you pay for!! This has left me doing a good bit of research into chest rigs and such.

I think I have narrowed it down to 2 choices: an ATS M4 chest rig or Mayflower M4 chest rig. I don't plan carrying a radio on the rig at the moment and I can attach an IFAK if need be the ATS rig. Thus, I am leaning towards the ATS because the it is a little cheaper. Before I make my final decision, is there a reason why I should choose the Mayflower over ATS? I get the impression that both would serve me well. Thanks guys!

03-17-18, 08:11
The Mayflower rig is one of the best around. A non-molle rig would be a good one as it will prevent you from getting the MOLLE one more bug....... Thinking that you have open space so you need to add a pouch. I have both and my go to rig is my Mayflower.

03-17-18, 17:59
The Mayflower is a good go-to for a lot of things. The ATS is ver similar to the MVT's own chest rig (on the occasions they put a run out for sale). You can get the ATS and use some kydex inserts, and be good to go for HEAT-1.

I did CRS/CTT last fall, which is what they now call HEAT-1. As long as you can carry 4 mags with you during the drills, either off a chest rig or a belt, you will be fine.

03-18-18, 08:14
FWIW, I think the Mayflower/Velsys UW Gen V would be a great addition for any of the HEAT classes and just general use. The split front style is certainly convenient.


03-19-18, 20:50
The Mayflower is a good go-to for a lot of things. The ATS is ver similar to the MVT's own chest rig (on the occasions they put a run out for sale). You can get the ATS and use some kydex inserts, and be good to go for HEAT-1.

I did CRS/CTT last fall, which is what they now call HEAT-1. As long as you can carry 4 mags with you during the drills, either off a chest rig or a belt, you will be fine.

Pardon my ignorance, but what are the kydex inserts for? Inserted into what?

03-19-18, 21:26
Pardon my ignorance, but what are the kydex inserts for? Inserted into what?

Did a quick Google search, talking about these? https://www.skdtac.com/Esstac-556-KYWI-Kydex-Wedge-Insert-p/ess.213.htm

03-20-18, 07:21
Yeah, it would be something like that. It helps with retention even when the bungee is t in place.

Those particular ones are meant to work on Esstac Kywi pouches. There are other ones out there that are ore universal. I think Haley strategica has some. The inserts aren’t necessary by any means, you will be ok without them.

03-21-18, 17:40
Thanks, I'll give em a try!

03-23-18, 10:53
An additional consideration is the type of mags you use. I have no experience with the ATS rig, but I've been using the mayflower uw gen iv for work for a few months now, and it's a VERY snug fit with gen 3 pmags. Gen 2 pmags and usgi mags insert and draw much more easily.

Dave Williams
03-23-18, 16:49
I've used the ATS in a carbine class it worked fine. Just use it to back fill the belt speed pouch really.

03-24-18, 21:48
Madmax- I've been to a few of the MVt courses. EITHER chest rig you're looking at will more than do the job. If the format is still the same, for the last drill or two on day 3 you *may* want to plus up to 6 mags, but you can fit 2 M4 mags in the radio pouch on the Mayflower, or slap a double M4 on the ATS.

NEITHER is gonna fit any sort of kydex insert, so don't bother trying.
If there's any left, the actual MVT rig is a good option to integrate kydex (which is nice to have, and way the hell better than fighting with flapped pouches or bungee), but for the CTT class, not super critical, especially if you decide to annoy Max and run a dump pouch (recommend the Tac tailor fite lite- best dump for $17 money can buy).... :laugh:

As far as which you should buy- where do you see going with the design and purpose of the chest rig?
To be quite frank, unless you intend to use it attached to the PC, the ATS rig (or something similar) is probably the better investment for you- here's why:
There's a good chance once you get far enough down the training rabbit hole things will start to change with your loadout- actually it will probably change a few times. A MOLLE based rig can allow you to meet these changes with a few bucks for whatever pouch you need, Vs having to re-buy the whole chest rig if it's not working out.
And while the Mayflower G-IV (or similar) rigs are a solid 80% solution, there's a chance your'e going to find some of the pockets on there wrong-sized or needless.

Quite honestly, unless your gear is VERY obviously holding you back in some way, I would run the class *with what you have now*. Runnin' and gunnin' up and down those hills for a few days WILL show you not only your own weak points, but anything and everything wrong with your gear (rifle layout included) will be made obvious, and when you get back to your room that evening and are sitting there cursing whatever the hell piece of gear is driving you bonkers... that's the time to start making a list of must have/must not have feature for future gear acquisitions (or eliminations).
Then come back home, cool back off for a few days, and revisit that list of annoyances compared to what you need (or thought you needed before the class) to fulfill your gear needs for whatever situations you see using this gear in.
This will save you a lot of money.... no sense buying a new rig before a class only to find out it's everything you hate afterwards.... #askmehowIknow :o