View Full Version : Jeff Sessions Gives Andy McCabe the Boot

03-16-18, 23:39
Finally, hope it is the first of many and criminal charges will follow.


Coal Dragger
03-16-18, 23:45
Good. Now they just need to fire everyone else who was a Comey lackey.

03-17-18, 01:14
That it took this long says an awful lot about Sessions.
He really needs to be more aggressive.

Coal Dragger
03-17-18, 06:38
He was actually smart in this instance, he waited for the FBI to recommend firing McCabe instead of just doing it on a hunch.

Will make it much tougher for the little weasel to take legal action in protest.

03-17-18, 06:58
I was having doubts it was even going to happen, plus the weasel was sweating it, hoping to run out the clock so good. Now the media starts the rehabilitation push, already seeing how he "stepped down" as Deputy Director, wrong he was removed as DD.

Outlander Systems
03-17-18, 09:02
*Breathes in*


Thanks for sharing that, OP.

03-17-18, 09:43
That it took this long says an awful lot about Sessions.
He really needs to be more aggressive.

No kidding. Worse...Sessions' dithering followed by the last-minute firing makes it look petty and mean-spirited to many and detracts from the actual merits of the firing.

Sessions has not been a particularly good Attorney General and this is just one more glaring example. I have the impression that Rod Rosenstein really runs the DOJ. Sessions needs to go.

03-17-18, 10:06
No kidding. Worse...Sessions' dithering followed by the last-minute firing makes it look petty and mean-spirited to many and detracts from the actual merits of the firing.

Sessions has not been a particularly good Attorney General and this is just one more glaring example. I have the impression that Rod Rosenstein really runs the DOJ. Sessions needs to go.

I would make the point that Rod Rosenstein needs to go. I also am disappointed in Sessions starting with the Russia recusal but hopefully this is a sign of him coming out of hibernation.

03-17-18, 10:16
I would make the point that Rod Rosenstein needs to go. I also am disappointed in Sessions starting with the Russia recusal but hopefully this is a sign of him coming out of hibernation.

I agree. Rosenstein has Career Bureaucrat ("deep state") written all over his curriculum vitae.

I wouldn't hold my breath on Sessions. He's a nice guy...doesn't have the balls for this level of politics.

03-17-18, 10:18
I would get with Trey Gowdy confirm that he wants the job and have Jeff clear out his desk on Monday.
Honestly, this is about a year too late.

Oh, and about McCabe's retirement, IDGAF. He made this problem when he politicised his job.

03-17-18, 10:48
I would get with Trey Gowdy confirm that he wants the job and have Jeff clear out his desk on Monday.
Honestly, this is about a year too late.

Oh, and about McCabe's retirement, IDGAF. He made this problem when he politicised his job.

I'm sure there will be some interesting lawsuits resulting from this.

As far as politicizing his job... Trump was the one that started it.

03-17-18, 10:57
I'm sure there will be some interesting lawsuits resulting from this.

As far as politicizing his job... Trump was the one that started it.

You know I heard that this morning on the News. I'm hoping that's tongue in cheek, but I didn't see a smiley.
I'm wondering at what point in the conversion to Socialism and the inversion of a .gov agency to the political muscle of the DNC someone like McCabe say's "Okay" and goes all in? He put his integrity and good name on the line in order to back Hillary, obstruct the POTUS and more than likely leak information to the Press. Thinking he would get away with it unsullied was his mistake.
The Karma in all of this is magnificent.

03-17-18, 11:23
You know I heard that this morning on the News. I'm hoping that's tongue in cheek, but I didn't see a smiley.
I'm wondering at what point in the conversion to Socialism and the inversion of a .gov agency to the political muscle of the DNC someone like McCabe say's "Okay" and goes all in? He put his integrity and good name on the line in order to back Hillary, obstruct the POTUS and more than likely leak information to the Press. Thinking he would get away with it unsullied was his mistake.
The Karma in all of this is magnificent.

Yeah....and I'm trying to figure out how anyone could say that Trump was the one that politicized any job in the Executive Branch. That came about before Trump even entered the presidential race and long before he became the front-runner. The "deep state", which is the source of institutional politicization, was present even before Obama became president, although Obama was the one that made it not just deep, but broad. Good lord, even the ex-CIA director Brennan is shooting his mouth off all over the media.

Trump said "drain the swamp". The Deep State is...well...deep, and progress is slow, but Comey and McCabe were some particularly glaring pieces of muck in that swamp.


03-17-18, 11:31
I'm sure there will be some interesting lawsuits resulting from this.

As far as politicizing his job... Trump was the one that started it.

Are you implying that McCabe's wife took Dem money to run for office after Trump questioned his integrity? Because anyone who's immediate family took that much partisan political funding, has no business being anywhere near an investigation with such highly charged political ramifications. It's the pinnacle of conflict of interest. After all, McCabe isn't the only guy in the FBI who could've done the job. Isn't that what the FBI has all those "career professionals™" for? :rolleyes:

03-17-18, 11:38
Oh, and about McCabe's retirement, IDGAF. He made this problem when he politicised his job.

McCabe and his political cronies are whining about his retirement pension. I hope that Fate doubles down and indicts him. He deserves to be in that wringer more than Flynn does.

03-17-18, 11:38
Yeah....and I'm trying to figure out how anyone could say that Trump was the one that politicized any job in the Executive Branch. That came about before Trump even entered the presidential race and long before he became the front-runner. The "deep state", which is the source of institutional politicization, was present even before Obama became president, although Obama was the one that made it not just deep, but broad. Good lord, even the ex-CIA director Brennan is shooting his mouth off all over the media.
The collective memories of the US Citizenry seem to have the lifespan of a fruit fly.
We bitch about political appointees overreaching their bounds only when the guy had an (R) behind his last name at some point.
We bitch (collectively) about mass shootings happening and wonder what the government is going to do about it.
But we forget;
AG Holder running guns in to Mexico during Fast and Furious. Some if not many of those guns ended up in the hands of the Cartels and killed at least one BP Agent we know of. The death toll of civilians will continue to mount for at least another decade due to those guns.
Rahm Emmanuel is the Mayor of one of the largest Cities in the United States and is extremely anti-gun and yet on a long summer weekend they have shootings that are the equal to the Florida School Shooting and no one looks sideways at it.
SoS Clinton set in motion the disastrous revolution in Libya that killed thousands of civilians and cost us our Ambassador.
Obama held the reigns on this collection of deadly Muppets and as of yet, no one has called him on it.

And that tit for tat isn't the way to run a Government, I have yet to see Trump play any of these silly games. For the most part, although sometimes his own worst enemy, he seems to have his goals in line with making America great again.

03-17-18, 11:42
McCabe and his political cronies are whining about his retirement pension. I hope that Fate doubles down and indicts him. He deserves to be in that wringer more than Flynn does.

If I was Flynn I would make it a point to be in the same room with McCabe just to flip him off and call him out.

03-17-18, 12:37
Are you implying that McCabe's wife took Dem money to run for office after Trump questioned his integrity? Because anyone who's immediate family took that much partisan political funding, has no business being anywhere near an investigation with such highly charged political ramifications. It's the pinnacle of conflict of interest. After all, McCabe isn't the only guy in the FBI who could've done the job. Isn't that what the FBI has all those "career professionals™" for? :rolleyes:

The money directed by McAuliffe began flowing two months after the FBI investigation into Clinton began in July 2015. Around that time, the candidate’s husband was promoted from running the Washington field office for the FBI to the No. 3 position at the bureau.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.

03-17-18, 13:44
I'm sure there will be some interesting lawsuits resulting from this.

As far as politicizing his job... Trump was the one that started it.Given what he's being fired for started long before DJT was elected, you're just engaging in gratuitous Trump bashing.

Between documented leaks, lying to the FBI, collusion with the star-crossed lovers as documented in the texts, undisclosed friendships with a fisa judge involved in the Trump dossier mess, documented attempts to communicate with said fisa judge without divulging relationship, Etc...

That whole crew should be tried for more serious charges than they will ever be prosecuted for.

With what we are learning now it's amazing that Russian election tampering is even in the news. Those four to five individuals did far more to influence the election than any Russian Facebook posts ever date

03-17-18, 13:57
I don't see how when all of the emails, political intrigue, FISA Judge shenanigans and money aren't weighed in to the sum of what actually went on, why aren't we discussing sedition against the United States and obstruction of justice?
There was a plan to remove the President of the United States by false stories, leaks to the Press of false stories and rebellion against the Executive Office.

03-17-18, 19:51
Somehow this seems appropriate for McCabe and his fellow malefactors:


26 Inf
03-17-18, 20:47
I know it shouldn't surprise me that the majority of random folks I've engaged in conversation over the last couple of days don't know who McCabe is or that Tillerson had been ousted, nonetheless it surprises and disheartens.

The overall response from the few that do keep up on current events was that it was a dickhead move by Sessions/Trump. One person said they were certain that Session had a reminder on his phone - 'McCabe retires in two-days, fire him by COB today.'

I think that is what many of the folks who give notice one way or the other to such things will think, right or wrong.

03-17-18, 21:07
I know it shouldn't surprise me that the majority of random folks I've engaged in conversation over the last couple of days don't know who McCabe is or that Tillerson had been ousted, nonetheless it surprises and disheartens.

The overall response from the few that do keep up on current events was that it was a dickhead move by Sessions/Trump. One person said they were certain that Session had a reminder on his phone - 'McCabe retires in two-days, fire him by COB today.'

I think that is what many of the folks who give notice one way or the other to such things will think, right or wrong.

Nah it was the right thing to do. He lied under oath and knew the risks. Hell the FBI recommended he get fired.


03-17-18, 22:52
From the above news link.

"The recommendation to fire McCabe came from the FBI's own Office of Professional Responsibility, led by FBI Assistant Director Candice Will, who has been in her position since her appointment by then-Director Robert Mueller in 2004."

I for one am tired of public employees that screw up or lie or take the 5th, and still walk away with a pension.

03-18-18, 02:32
Everything about McCabe has been known for quite a while. So should Trump have been a nice guy and waited until McCabe could draw his pension before having him fired? Just so Trump haters wouldn't wail about it being a grand conspiracy?

Give me a break. I couldn't give an actual fvck.

03-18-18, 04:32
From the above news link.

"The recommendation to fire McCabe came from the FBI's own Office of Professional Responsibility, led by FBI Assistant Director Candice Will, who has been in her position since her appointment by then-Director Robert Mueller in 2004."

I for one am tired of public employees that screw up or lie or take the 5th, and still walk away with a pension.

I consider even her to be wary of... Mueller preferred to groom a certain "cult of personality" for advancement and force those who weren't properly fellative out the door, continued by his proteges Comey and McCabe.

03-18-18, 07:04
The danger to the republic, is the politicization of the FBI.

No wait the FBI has been blackmailing people since it was directed by a cross dressing freak.

I have had dealings with the FBI on several different times in my life, both when I was in Israel with various units in the FBI. Also when I was a deputy in the USA, they have never impressed me.

I would love to see a bunch of high ranking people from the FBI go to prison for all this BS, but I doubt it will happen.

So it is a federal crime to lie to the FBI, Matha Stewart and General Flynn both paid the price.

But the FBI can lie to the American people and nothing will happen.

03-18-18, 07:22
McCabe now saying his leak was done through pub affairs officer and Comey knew about it.

And yet, the FBI OIG / PRB typically only acts on the FBI when it's an ironclad clear violation.

So if it was illegal it means Comey (again) was in the know.

If it was not illegal, McCabe would have a wrongful termination or similar case. He'll probably claim and pursue that anyway.

Dershowitz is saying the PRB action would not have taken place without a clear smoking gun.

03-18-18, 08:11
Twice, in testimony before Congress, Comey said that he “never” was the source of a leak, nor was he aware of anyone under him leaking anything.


It would be great if these scurrying rats of the Deep State were to start eating each other as they are increasingly brought into the light. I think we’re just on the front end of the housecleaning at the FBI. I just hope that Brennan gets his ass in a crack too.

03-18-18, 11:10
Twice, in testimony before Congress, Comey said that he “never” was the source of a leak, nor was he aware of anyone under him leaking anything.


It would be great if these scurrying rats of the Deep State were to start eating each other as they are increasingly brought into the light. I think we’re just on the front end of the housecleaning at the FBI. I just hope that Brennan gets his ass in a crack too.

It's like the plot of a bad move. We're seeing the henchmen get desperate, but will we see the masterminds go over the cliff at the end? Unlikely IMO. Life doesn't usually work out as easily as it does in the movies. :(

03-18-18, 11:10
Twice, in testimony before Congress, Comey said that he “never” was the source of a leak, nor was he aware of anyone under him leaking anything.


It would be great if these scurrying rats of the Deep State were to start eating each other as they are increasingly brought into the light. I think we’re just on the front end of the housecleaning at the FBI. I just hope that Brennan gets his ass in a crack too.

It's like the plot of a bad move. We're seeing the henchmen get desperate, but will we see the masterminds go over the cliff at the end? Unlikely IMO. Life doesn't usually work out as easily as it does in the movies. :(

03-18-18, 12:03
This needs to end. Get a mid level field agent from the middle of nowhere that has never worked in DC. Have him start interviewing all these FBI and DOJ swamp people, so they are on the hook for lying.

The FBI/DOJ can't go around lying to Congress and the people, at the same time they prosecute people for lying to them. This is not the way a free society works, or stays free.

Coal Dragger
03-18-18, 14:23
The danger to the republic, is the politicization of the FBI.

No wait the FBI has been blackmailing people since it was directed by a cross dressing freak.

I have had dealings with the FBI on several different times in my life, both when I was in Israel with various units in the FBI. Also when I was a deputy in the USA, they have never impressed me.

I would love to see a bunch of high ranking people from the FBI go to prison for all this BS, but I doubt it will happen.

So it is a federal crime to lie to the FBI, Matha Stewart and General Flynn both paid the price.

But the FBI can lie to the American people and nothing will happen.

The FBI seems to have been corrupt from the start, and only marginally competent at investigating or preventing crime. They seem to rack up far more high profile failures that successes, and as things come to light about their organizational focus at the top it comes as no surprise. It seems as if the leadership at FBI would prefer to operate like the NKVD, and have desired such since J. Edgar Hoover was acting like Lavrentiy Berea.

Time to disband the FBI. Terminate all the high level management. Take everyone else and make them apply for jobs in other .gov agencies. Those who don’t get picked up for law enforcement jobs lose their clearances. I don’t really care what they do.

03-18-18, 14:59
Bottom line many leaders of these agencies are actively promoting and protecting the globalist satanic pedophile elite. Everyone laughed at the notion until news started breaking that members of the FBI rank and file started hunting down these child trafficking rings after Trump signed his executive order to seize those specific criminals assets. Now the elite are doing everything in their power to retain control over the government which they have been pillaging for decades. This is a war against that evil.

03-18-18, 15:08
Thread just jumped the shark.

03-18-18, 15:15
Thread just jumped the shark.

Nope. It's spot on. These elites bought and paid for protection from our highest levels of government bureaucracy. That is how powerful they are, that they can manipulate and control our most prestigious investigative agencies in order to retain that power. Let's not forget who these people are, what was revealed in the e-mail leaks- that they are in fact evil and this McCabe was willing to serve their bidding but got fired rightfully so.

03-18-18, 16:13
Ah yes the globalist satanic pedophile elite who run the world out of a non existent basement in a DC pizza parlor but can’t even rig an election. So what is Q saying this time? I can’t wait to hear how these predictions don’t come true either.

03-18-18, 16:32
Ah yes the globalist satanic pedophile elite who run the world out of a non existent basement in a DC pizza parlor but can’t even rig an election. So what is Q saying this time? I can’t wait to hear how these predictions don’t come true either.

There were hundreds of arrests after Trump was elected going after these trafficking rings that barely made the news. So downplay it all you want but the Clintons, Podestas along with their close cronies such as Silsby and Puello- were actively involved in child trafficking. They bought and paid for many high ranking officials within the ranks of the intelligence agencies. People willing to compromise their oaths to lie and even circumvent our laws to protect these individuals. McCabe was just one of many.

03-18-18, 16:49
There were hundreds of arrests after Trump was elected going after these trafficking rings that barely made the news. So downplay it all you want but the Clintons, Podestas along with their close cronies such as Silsby and Puello- were actively involved in child trafficking. They bought and paid for many high ranking officials within the ranks of the intelligence agencies. People willing to compromise their oaths to lie and even circumvent our laws to protect these individuals. McCabe was just one of many.

Do you have any links or actual footage ?

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03-18-18, 17:22
Do you have any links or actual footage ?

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Google it and google Trump's executive order specifically targeting these trafficking rings due to what was uncovered in the e-mail leaks after he got into office. The Clinton's and their cronies weren't just corrupt- they were evil. They owned, bought, and paid for many of the highest ranking agency officials in order to operate freely but once Trump got into office- he reversed that trend, sending the FBI after these sick people. You got people as high up as McCabe, one of the highest ranking members of government who oversaw the nation's most prestigious law enforcement agencies- willing to fall on his sword to protect the Clintons and these monsters. That's how powerful they are, people even as prominent as Sessions- afraid to go after them, afraid of retaliation. There are literally thousands of links on this info out there to research. Do not forget who these people are and what was exposed about them.













03-18-18, 19:04
Google it and google Trump's executive order specifically targeting these trafficking rings due to what was uncovered in the e-mail leaks after he got into office. The Clinton's and their cronies weren't just corrupt- they were evil. They owned, bought, and paid for many of the highest ranking agency officials in order to operate freely but once Trump got into office- he reversed that trend, sending the FBI after these sick people. You got people as high up as McCabe, one of the highest ranking members of government who oversaw the nation's most prestigious law enforcement agencies- willing to fall on his sword to protect the Clintons and these monsters. That's how powerful they are, people even as prominent as Sessions- afraid to go after them, afraid of retaliation. There are literally thousands of links on this info out there to research. Do not forget who these people are and what was exposed about them.













Well looks like Sessions is weak then.

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03-18-18, 20:52
My dad and I were discussing... We both think Peter lover boy will end up folding as he has the most documented legal problems. And then we think McCabe and Comey will fall if he turns witness in a plea bargain.

03-18-18, 23:43
Well looks like Sessions is weak then.

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I think something is getting set up. In line with what I was saying about how vile these elites are, Q stated on Jan 22nd;

"we haven't started the drops re: human trafficking/sacrifices [yet][worst]. Those [good] who know cannot sleep. Those [good] who know cannot find peace. Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there."

Once that type of information comes to the surface, it would open the floodgate- permanently draining the swamp.

03-19-18, 01:12
I think something is getting set up. In line with what I was saying about how vile these elites are, Q stated on Jan 22nd;

"we haven't started the drops re: human trafficking/sacrifices [yet][worst]. Those [good] who know cannot sleep. Those [good] who know cannot find peace. Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there."

Once that type of information comes to the surface, it would open the floodgate- permanently draining the swamp.
Set up like a Fall Guy, or more playing a slow, drawn-out game of chess trying to ensure a Checkmate? When you strike at people like the Clintons, Soros and others of The Puppet Masters, even the full weight of the US Gov will be no help to you if you miss...

03-19-18, 08:59
Love James Woods tweet on brennan's attack on President Trump over the firing

You couldn’t get a toothpick up this guy’s ass with a pound of Vaseline right now,” “You’re next, swamp rat.”

03-19-18, 11:20
Turns out Sessions has had a "outside" of DC prosecutor working with IG for sometime now, Strzok, Page and others are not in the news because they are cooperating with IG. Love the James Woods quote and still have hope for charges, this is a battle for the country.

26 Inf
03-24-18, 11:32
I found this article about McCabe illuninating:


03-24-18, 12:46
I found this article about McCabe illuninating:

That article doesnt make him sound very bright.
Egotistical, driven, but not very bright.

26 Inf
03-24-18, 13:02
That article doesnt make him sound very bright.
Egotistical, driven, but not very bright.

LOL, I got it!

Coal Dragger
03-24-18, 14:50
That article doesnt make him sound very bright.
Egotistical, driven, but not very bright.

Which appears to be an accurate description of Mr. McCabe.