View Full Version : It's all coming unravelled in Virginia for the Democrats

10-27-06, 12:33
Looks like Mr. Webb has some explaining to do:


Of course the left is already trying to downplay it and suggest that it really doesn't matter when it comes to politics. :rolleyes:

In other news the Democrats are pissed that Sen. Allen 'might' have used a racial slur back in college!

10-27-06, 13:37
Yeah, both sides have been unravelling.

I just hope then when all is said and done,
[Webb unravelling] > [Allen unravelling]

Replacing Allen with Webb in the Senate would be a harsh blow.

10-27-06, 15:21
I find this very disturbing to say the least.

10-27-06, 16:53
Allen's campaign has refused to tell WTOP whether it issued a news release on the matter, but did issue a release Friday morning from Allen's mother, Kay Allen.

That release questions Webb's portrayal of women, saying, "How can women trust Jim Webb to represent their views in the Senate when chauvinistic attitudesand sexually exploitive references run through his fiction and non-fiction writings? More importantly, what type of mind commits these thoughts to paper -- in such graphic detail?"

Webb defends his fiction, saying the novels illuminate cultures about which people may not be aware.

"If you want to show them how the world lives, you have to step forward and do this," he said.

"People should read my novels. A lot of the military novels are male novels," he says. "There are strong female characters in my novels."


OK, Mr. Webb: Twenty demerits for "Good Judgement, Failure to Exercise". You are restricted for the weekend and until you have marched off your demerits.

Here we have a Jacksonian Democrat. Not Jesse Jackson. Not "Scoop" Jackson. Andrew Jackson. The opportunity to begin to change the Democrat Party into something better and more in keeping with their heritage. The Jeffersonian-Jacksonian heritage that is, in my view, far superior to the heritage of the Federalists, Whigs and their spawn, the Party of Lincoln.

I have bought and read most of his works; however, I hadn't read THAT one. From his comment above, maybe there are cultures like that. (I'd rather read about it to learn of its existence than see it first-hand.) I'll wager most guys here would get more than a chuckle from most of the other quotes, though.

Then there is this quote from a really great book:

– Something to Die For: "We're on our way to becoming the world's recreational center, a nation [USA] not to be taken seriously. Where are we still the undisputed leader? Music. Movies. Fast food. Drugs. . . . the billboards fifty years from now as you come over the bridge and stop at the tollbooths outside Manhattan: A smiling beautiful naked woman, and the sign saying AMERICAN ASS IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT."

When the manufacturing jobs are being exported overseas, what's left but "Music. Movies. Fast food. Drugs." I think he left out "Colt M4's.";) Open a magazine. Turn on the TV (briefly). Surf the 'net. There is more than a modicum of truth in what he writes. YMMV.

10-27-06, 22:23
personally I think it makes Allen look worse, but I am so disgusted with both candidates at this point nothing surprises me....

saying that by writing a work of fiction that someone espouses those ideas is ludicrous...

more than that, it puts Allen in the same group of people that condemned Nabakov for writing Lolita...

and while at it, condemn these people too...

Lynne Cheney’s Book Featured Brothels and Attempted Rape. In 1981, Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife Lynne wrote a book called “Sisters,” which featured a lesbian love affair, brothels and attempted rapes. In 1988, Lynne Cheney wrote about a Republican vice president who dies of a heart attack while having sex with his mistress.

Newt Gingrich Thriller Featured “Exotic Mistress.” Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich co-wrote a thriller called “1945,” featuring such titillations as biting foreplay, "pouting sex kitten," "exotic mistress" and "after-bout inhalation." At one point, the mistress of the president's chief of staff sits "athwart" her lover's chest and hisses that he must tell her a secret "or I will make you do terrible things."

Former Cheney Aide’s Novel Featured Pedophilia and Rape. In 1996, former Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby wrote "The Apprentice," a novel that includes references to bestiality, pedophilia and rape.

Former GOP Governor Bill Weld’s Book Included Sex and Murder. In 1999, former GOP Governor William Weld said of his book, “Big Ugly,” “I think of the theme of this book is sex and money meets the great outdoors.” Weld’s thriller included sex, bribery and murder.

2006 GOP Candidate Wrote Racy Romance Novel. This week, it was discovered that a Republican statewide candidate in Texas, Susan Combs, wrote a romance novel “full of steamy sex scenes.” The book’s heroine is “a freckle-faced brunette” who is drawn to “the gray-eyed bodyguard” and his “powerful, strong arms,” and desires him to "fill the aching void at her center," where a "deep heaviness throbbed in her belly.”

in the end, what is described is a well documented, albeit rare, tradition in Southeast Asia...the book is about soldiers and is describing things they are shocked and surprised to see...its not actually sex...its essentially a screwed up way of elders saying hello to their youngers....apparently though it is out of place on a child over 2 or 3...(the kid in the passage was 4 i believe)

to say that this book makes Webb a pedophile makes Stephen King a mass murderer and obviously must indicate that Tokien was on acid...

its fiction, and an attempt to attribute some more to it smells more of desperation than sincerity to me...

that, of course, is just my 2 cents...

if i had my way, neither of them would win...

10-28-06, 05:10
Bravo Submariner and Trio!

There is a real world out away from the computer screen, and Jim Webb has had the opportunity to be part of that, as a Marine, as a journalist and as a keen observer of reality.

What any of this has to do with elected office is way beyond me. Who do you really expect to run for office? Some bozo who spent his entire life sheltered and protected? Whose only window into reality is what is presented to him by the news outlets and the rantings of like mindied idiots on the screen on his desk?
There are a whole bunch of those people in the world. They are pretty useless.

There are sufficient issues relative to both of them that make me wonder, and those who are decision makers in their respective campaigns need concussions.
Webb is an accomplished author. "Fields of Fire" is arguably one of the best novels to come out of the VN War. His books are a product of his frame of reference. That is, the real world. He is a genuine real deal guy, and while i may not like his politics any more than i like McCain's, i admire them both for what they have done.

10-28-06, 08:12
...I am so disgusted with both candidates at this point nothing surprises me....

Yes, both sides been far removed from the issues for most of the campaign, resorting to personal attacks. I too find it disgusting.

However, despite all this insight into these men's personal activities and backgrounds, the bottom line for me in this election is pretty simple: One of these men will be using his vote in the Senate to represent me. Since my Senators don't call me personally for direction on a given vote, my vote is going to the candidate who I believe will vote most like I would, were I in the Senate. In this race, I believe that candidate is Allen.

10-28-06, 11:57
However, despite all this insight into these men's personal activities and backgrounds, the bottom line for me in this election is pretty simple: One of these men will be using his vote in the Senate to represent me.

You know, it hasn't always been about representing "Me". Until direct election of senators in 1913 (XVII Amendment), the senators were appointed by state legislatures to represent the interests of their respective states. Representatives represented the "people". Another one of those pesky "checks and balances" we lack today. A better question might be, "Who would better represent the interests of the Commonwealth of Virginia?"

The same politicians who gave us the Seventeenth Amendment also gave us the Sixteenth (Income Tax) and created the Federal Reserve Bank. In that year 1913, twenty dollars weighed 0.9675 ounce of fine gold and the national debt was about a billion dollars. Today, it takes about 578 Federal Reserve Notes to purchase that much gold (constitutional money, by the way) and our debt is in the trillions. And the size and scope of the federal government.....:rolleyes:

All in all, 1913 sucked. At least John Moses Browning was alive, well and creative! I wonder if he could be as creative today?

11-02-06, 13:43
Well I must say that I finally found a useful tidbit of information amongst all the bullshit (mud) flying back and forth between these two boobs: Webb actually has a pretty damn good stance on guns. He received an A rating from the NRA and was against the 1994 AWB!

While Allen has been friendly to VA gun owners both as a Senator and our Governor this certainly narrows the gap between these to candidates for me.

I'm still concerned that Webb will show his true colors and turn into a Clinton Democrat (I think that's the opposite of a Jackson Democrat, right Paul?) if he's elected.

11-02-06, 13:50
I thought Webb had a "D" on the inside story in American Rifleman....

ETA: I was mistaken, here's the website: http://www.nrapvf.org/Elections/

11-02-06, 13:52
At the risk of needing a nomex suit.....

I highly respect Webb's service and I have read Fields of Fire a while ago and was impressed.

While Allen has been a friend to gun owners, and sent out a letter saying that he felt the AWB was a mistake, I can't believe he's allowed himself to make such stupid mistakes. That really makes me question his abilities.

If Webb got an "A" from the NRA......

11-02-06, 13:55
This is the email that I received last night from the VCDL:

1. Webb signs pledge to repeal National Park gun ban / NRA survey
answers posted
2. Albemarle County shooting ban report
3. Reminder for Tidewater area - Norfolk County Rifle Range meeting tonight!

1. Webb signs pledge to repeal National Park gun ban / NRA survey
answers posted

Leave me prefix this by reminding everyone that VCDL does not endorse
candidates and can't do so by law. VCDL is non-partisan. We will
work with any elected official who is pro-gun, regardless of party
affiliations. Also, the VCDL-PAC, which can endorse candidates, only
does so for state and local elections. Dealing with Federal
elections laws is a real can of worms thanks to so called 'election
law reforms.'

However, VCDL can, and will, provide you with whatever information it
has on the positions taken by candidates running for national office
on gun issues.

Kind of like Fox News - we report what we know, you decide who you
are going to vote for.

I have just received two things on the Jim Webb campaign (Webb is a
Democrat running against incumbent Republican George Allen for one of
Virginia's two Senate seats).


First, there is a copy of the NRA survey that Webb answered posted on
the Webb website:


The survey is pro-gun, except for one answer. That is an excellent
survey. However, answer #6, where Webb is in favor of closing the
so-called 'gun show loophole,' is very troublesome. Not requiring
background checks for private sales at gun shows, or anywhere else
for that matter, is NOT a 'loophole' and should NOT be 'closed.' We
do not want the government to know which guns we have or don't have,
otherwise we could be easily disarmed down the road. By avoiding
government background checks, private sales help to make sure our
right to keep and bear arms is protected.

For the record, George Allen voted AGAINST closing that imaginary
'loophole' two years ago. Allen's voting record is here and it is a
good one:



Second, Jim Webb has signed a pledge to support a National Concealed
Carry Permit and to introduce a bill to allow gun owners to carry in
National Parks. In the pledge he promises to bring the National Park
bill up for a Floor vote. That's music to my ears. The Park Ban has
to go.

Senator Allen is good on both issues, even introducing a National
Reciprocity bill and getting cosponsors. But he failed to get his
National Reciprocity bill up for a vote, making it worthless in the

Senator Allen wrote a letter to the Department of the Interior (DOI)
asking them to honor CHPs, and that was much appreciated. However,
Allen did not follow through very forcefully after that letter was
sent, which took some of the pressure off the DOI to act more
quickly. And so we still sit waiting.

I do not know what Jim Webb means by a 'National Concealed Carry
Permit.' It could be just that - a new type of permit issued by the
Federal Government. Or he could mean a bill like George Allen
introduced that would be more of a National Reciprocity law where a
permit from any state is to be honored by all other states. The
latter is the way to do it, we don't want the Federal Government
issuing permits or setting training or any other standards for a
permit. I will try to find out what Webb means and I will let you
know if I am successful.

Here is the text from Webb's pledge:

October 30, 2006

Dear Virginia Sportsmen and Gun Owners,

As a long-time member of the National Rifle Association, you can imagine my
surprise when I received a mailing in the form of an Orange Card saying "VOTE

I am writing this letter to make certain that no Virginia sportsmen
or gun owner
has any question concerning my stand on Second Amendment and sportsmen

To be clear, I value and will defend your right of self-defense. As a Marine
combat veteran who shot "double expert" and once taught the .45 pistol to
Officer Candidates, and as a former Secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan,
I know first hand the importance of armed self-defense by law-abiding citizens
as a deterrent to criminals, and in the long term, to would-be tyrants.

I have possessed a concealed-carry permit for many years, and shoot regularly.
I have made no secret during this campaign of the fact that I carry.
I support a
national concealed carry permit. I also will sponsor a bill in the
United States
Senate that repeals the National Park Gun Ban that disarms only law-abiding
citizens in Interior Department/National Park Service across Virginia. And I
intend to get it to the floor for a vote.

Please compare this background with that of my opponent. Individual Second
Amendment Rights are ingrained into my Scots-Irish culture, and I stand where I

On the sporting side, I support opening up more Federal land for sportsmen.
Federal land is, after all, the property of all Americans. In
addition, I support air
and water quality measures that improve wildlife habitat. I will be monitoring
the "Farm Bill" and its wildlife habitat programs to make sure that
Virginia and
our abundance of National Forest lands gets its fair share of funding for our
wildlife programs.

You can also imagine my frustration when I received my NRA magazine and
saw there was a question mark beside my grade. Only after complaining to the
NRA did they finally post my grade on their website. I got an "A" which was
purposefully omitted from the NRA orange card that, to my shock, urged a vote
for George Allen. The question is, why did they not mention my own lifetime of
support on these issues?

In order to fully clear the air, I am making public my 2006 NRA Candidate
Survey. You can find that at www.webbforsenate.com/nrasurvey.pdf I challenge
George Allen to do the same. We should have no more secret surveys in Virginia
when it comes to our right to keep and bear arms.

Please help me clear up this deliberate distortion by an organization
that I must
regretfully conclude has more on its agenda than protecting the earned Second
Amendment rights of our citizens.

James Webb
P.O. Box 17427, Arlington, Virginia 22216 * (703) 778-4080 *

11-02-06, 14:09
Marc, I was having a real hard time wrestling with my concience....that helps some.

11-02-06, 14:13
Marc, I was having a real hard time wrestling with my concience....that helps some.

Me too Tim, me too.

11-03-06, 07:17
The unfortunate thing about Webb is even if he stands for what he says he still belongs to a party that in it's majority still supports gun control and the AWB; even if they've learned not to be too vocal about it. He will simply be marginalized by the party and subjected to the treatment that Sen. Lieberman is now experiencing.

11-03-06, 07:55
The unfortunate thing about Webb is even if he stands for what he says he still belongs to a party that in it's majority still supports gun control and the AWB; even if they've learned not to be too vocal about it. He will simply be marginalized by the party and subjected to the treatment that Sen. Lieberman is now experiencing.

Bingo. He's for guns until Nov. 8th when he's a junior senator doing what Schumer tells him to do in order to get more campaign funds and office space and staff. Don't be fooled.

The Democrats are socialists and the leaders make the policy; and we'll all pay for it.


11-03-06, 07:57
The unfortunate thing about Webb is even if he stands for what he says he still belongs to a party that in it's majority still supports gun control and the AWB; even if they've learned not to be too vocal about it. He will simply be marginalized by the party and subjected to the treatment that Sen. Lieberman is now experiencing.

That's my fear as well. I know, I know...he was a Marine and Jacksonian Democrat and that's all well and good but what will he become if he's elected? When I look at who contributed to his campaign; Hillary, Nancy, Chuck, John & Ted I really wonder if he'll stand his ground or toe the line? Will he owe them enough to do as they say?

I try and look at the man but the current political arena (aka circus) must be taken into consideration.

11-03-06, 14:42
What a coincidence!

Just a few minutes ago, Tony from Jim Webb's campain called me and gave me a quick run down on where Mr. Webb stands on several issues. He told me about how he opposes the war in Iraq and how he plans to help raise the minimum wage. When he asked me if I planned to vote for Mr. Webb I expressed my concern that Mr. Webb would toe the partly line on several issues and side with the likes of Hillary, Nancy, Chuck and Ted Tony thanked me for my time and hung up :(

I was hoping he would put a few of my concerns at ease but I guess not.

11-03-06, 15:36
It doesn't matter if he would toe the party line or not. If Dems get enough seats, they will chair the committees and set the legislative agenda. It doesn't matter if a Senate Democrat would be pro-gun or not, his leadership would never let any pro-gun legislation get introduced.

The only way Webb could get anything like that through is to try to attach a rider to an unrelated bill that is coming up for a tight vote, but often those riders get voted down. 3-4 conservative Democrats would be offset by "moderate" Republicans (Chafee, Snow, etc.) so it would have a very difficult time getting attached.

11-03-06, 17:25
He reminds me of the first time I saw Bill Clinton. I thought, "There's a guy who seems like a pervert and will say anything to get in a woman's pants." I was right about Bill, so I'll go with my instincts with Webb, since it is the same thing. That attitude carries over to everything they do, willing to say or do anything to get what they want, but they aren't loyal and will cheat on the one that "brung 'em."

11-05-06, 06:26
Here's a good article from this mornings paper: Poll shows Senate race in dead heat, gap closing on amendment (http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?story=113837&ran=1584&tref=po)

It looks like it will come down to the wire.

BTW I was invited to Webb's Election Eve party here in Hampton Roads. I'll let you all know how that turns out :D