View Full Version : March For Our Lives 03/24/2018 thoughts, concerns, news

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03-20-18, 22:09
Edit 03/23/2018
AKDoug has a great post in #35 - scroll through to read it! V


From the link “On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.”

From their FAQ “WHO IS COORDINATING THE WORK OF THIS MOVEMENT? This movement is for kids and by kids. March For Our Lives organizers are the kids themselves. They have brought in support to help ensure it is a success.”

Weather predicted to be 44F/30F and sunny. Good for snowflakes I guess.

I wish no incidents however I am truly concerned at the softness of this as a potential target whether copycat, lunatic, or false flag. They list 823 events worldwide for this day/event (“Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords Courage, among others, will be assisting in the coordination of sibling marches around the country.”).

I do hope they police up their empty SBUX cups and bottled water refuse when they are finished.

Oh look, there’s even a sub page from the LGBTWTF girl from Parkland - “Hi, it’s Emma González.

The kids from Parkland and from all across this country are taking to the streets to try and make our future safe. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to amplify our message. My friends were gunned down in cold blood as well as countless others from Chicago to Detroit to Sandy Hook. So now the young people in this country have been given a mission and I hope in some way it’s your mission too. We need our voices heard by as many people as possible. We need them to come to our March in DC. We need them to sign our petition to stop these murders. This isn’t a political rally. It’s literally a march for our lives. Please help us amplify our voices by using yours. Be part of this moment in time. I believe the young people in this country can change the world. And wouldn’t that be something?

With love and hope,

03-20-18, 22:12
How is demanding legislation "not a political movement"?

Honestly curious.

03-20-18, 22:49
sure its done by the kids :) hahahahahahah

when you kids are old enough to vote you will realize you are not kids anymore so as kids you can not demand squat

as adults so expect to be treated like it OH WAIT no expect special privilege and safe spaces snowflakes cause that is the only way you can get along in life
and most still wont care what you say

maybe if they went on a 2 year trip to somewhere in the middle east and became activist over there and see how it goes for them

I am starting to think maybe the own land thing is a good idea for voting :) no land ownership no vote if you do not own land but have served you can vote

03-20-18, 23:18
Confucius say; "How these high school students afford transpo and lodging?"


03-20-18, 23:23
A children's crusade. The last one ended badly too.

03-21-18, 00:10
Hell, even HuffPo admits this is Adult-Driven Astroturf... in their own words at https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%2Fentry%2Fmarch-for-our-lives-action-fund_us_5ab02dbbe4b0697dfe19a488%3A7hbD1BTW7_swvdm81Gf69CPEZdo&cuid=1554500

My concern, as noted elsewhere, is with all those kids and cameras this would be a PERFECT opportunity for a False Flag... if I were a Lefty terrorist, er, Community Organizer I'd be creaming my skivvies imagining the optics The Cause could wring out of some casualties live on nationwide TV if accompanied by a smattering of planted "right-wing extremist" paraphernalia.

03-21-18, 00:12
sure its done by the kids :) hahahahahahah

when you kids are old enough to vote you will realize you are not kids anymore so as kids you can not demand squat

as adults so expect to be treated like it OH WAIT no expect special privilege and safe spaces snowflakes cause that is the only way you can get along in life
and most still wont care what you say

maybe if they went on a 2 year trip to somewhere in the middle east and became activist over there and see how it goes for them

I am starting to think maybe the own land thing is a good idea for voting :) no land ownership no vote if you do not own land but have served you can vote

I've proposed going a different direction, everybody gets one vote but landowners and serving get TWO. Would go a long way in canceling out the Concrete Jungle Monkeys...

03-21-18, 00:16
I've proposed going a different direction, everybody gets one vote but landowners and serving get TWO. Would go a long way in canceling out the Concrete Jungle Monkeys...

need like button :)

yeah that works to I reckon we would have a LOT of folks owning land that do not hahahahhaha
can see the left OK we all own the earth its our own huge commune I get 4 votes now :)

I also think the commander in Chief needs to have been in the military :)

also term limits 2x for any and all elected officials :)

03-21-18, 00:20
Rub is, only one "Bonus Vote" per person regardless of qualification. So no "I'm a veteran and a landowner so I get THREE votes"... we also need some way to screen out people doing novelty-deeds like "one square inch of Maui beachfront."

03-21-18, 00:28
also term limits 2x for any and all elected officials :)

The problem isn't the officeholders, they're really just puppets--it's the Staffers, who are the ones that really write legislation and are passed from officeholder to officeholder like an STD From Hell. THEY're the legislative minions of the Deep State, who have predrafted powergrabs just waiting for a pretext crisis to ram them through... am I the only one who found it suspicious how quickly the Patriot Act went from alleged "standing start" to passed law post-9/11? No way that sucker wasn't just waiting for the right moment... I'm not going Troofer, just saying the sociopaths in DC know how to have playbooks waiting in the wings just waiting for events to open the door for 'em.

03-21-18, 01:28
The problem isn't the officeholders, they're really just puppets--it's the Staffers, who are the ones that really write legislation and are passed from officeholder to officeholder like an STD From Hell. THEY're the legislative minions of the Deep State, who have predrafted powergrabs just waiting for a pretext crisis to ram them through... am I the only one who found it suspicious how quickly the Patriot Act went from alleged "standing start" to passed law post-9/11? No way that sucker wasn't just waiting for the right moment... I'm not going Troofer, just saying the sociopaths in DC know how to have playbooks waiting in the wings just waiting for events to open the door for 'em.
I read somewhere the PA had been in the can, and The Powers That Be were waiting to roll it out for some reason.

03-21-18, 01:43
Rub is, only one "Bonus Vote" per person regardless of qualification. So no "I'm a veteran and a landowner so I get THREE votes"... we also need some way to screen out people doing novelty-deeds like "one square inch of Maui beachfront."

Pass stupid laws, get stupid loopholes.

03-21-18, 01:48
Pass stupid laws, get stupid loopholes.

Pass SMART laws, get stupid loopholes anyway, whether via legislative, executive or activist-judicial action. :p

03-21-18, 09:17
Here's hoping Trump plows under Mooch's Taco Bell "garden" there at the White House, and starts construction on an outdoor shooting range on it that day. :haha:

03-22-18, 11:32
The problem isn't the officeholders, they're really just puppets--it's the Staffers, who are the ones that really write legislation and are passed from officeholder to officeholder like an STD From Hell. THEY're the legislative minions of the Deep State, who have predrafted powergrabs just waiting for a pretext crisis to ram them through... am I the only one who found it suspicious how quickly the Patriot Act went from alleged "standing start" to passed law post-9/11? No way that sucker wasn't just waiting for the right moment... I'm not going Troofer, just saying the sociopaths in DC know how to have playbooks waiting in the wings just waiting for events to open the door for 'em.

I read somewhere the PA had been in the can, and The Powers That Be were waiting to roll it out for some reason.

This isn’t the most clear article inferring the PA had been drafted pre-9/11 however it is detailed in its assertions. I thought I had read a more succinct piece somewhere however cannot find it.


Doc Safari
03-22-18, 11:43
Once upon a time there was a "Million Mom March". It is now virtually forgotten, and this one will be as well.

Outlander Systems
03-22-18, 12:08
Literally no one gives a ****.

This isn't 1918, it's 2018. Slobbering in the streets with corny signs paid for by $oros Bux is nothing but a masturbatory media stunt.

If you want hearts and minds, take to the internet.

03-22-18, 12:47
Literally no one gives a ****.

For the Internet win of the day.......... :thank_you2:

Outlander Systems
03-22-18, 13:15
Oh yeah. Totally "grassroots" r-right, g-guys?


>be literal crazy cat ladies
>get scooped up by foaming-at-the-mouth anti-gun organization
>literally given script/talking points from said foaming-at-the-mouth anti-gun organization

T-totally l-legit, g-guys. See, these teachers who were there are s-speaking out.

03-22-18, 13:55
I agree with everyone above, however I’m left wondering why 2A supporters can’t (won’t, don’t) create a ‘2A March’. Otherwise it’s The NRA and phone calls and letters by gun owners to politicians. No global stage. No positive media images of signs ‘black rifles matter’, ‘my gun, my choice’, or ‘fully semi automatical’.

Outlander Systems
03-22-18, 14:00
See previous post above, RE: Masturbatory Media Stunt.

The entire purpose of these manufactured marches is so there's a crowd for the media to highlight and use for black propaganda.

See, if there were a 2A March, the media would either:

1) Fail to have any reporters in the field that day
2) Have reporters in the field that day for the purposes of cherry picking every pot-bellied, Rebel-flag wearing, barrel-scraper to paint the 2A in a negative light.

>look at all these armed, violent NaziRacistBabyKillers™

Don't fight where the enemy has a home field advantage.

I agree with everyone above, however I’m left wondering why 2A supporters can’t (won’t, don’t) create a ‘2A March’. Otherwise it’s The NRA and phone calls and letters by gun owners to politicians. No global stage. No positive media images of signs ‘black rifles matter’, ‘my gun, my choice’, or ‘fully semi automatical’.

03-22-18, 14:16
I agree with everyone above, however I’m left wondering why 2A supporters can’t (won’t, don’t) create a ‘2A March’. Otherwise it’s The NRA and phone calls and letters by gun owners to politicians. No global stage. No positive media images of signs ‘black rifles matter’, ‘my gun, my choice’, or ‘fully semi automatical’.

I will be attending the Minnesota Rally at Capitol Hill for our Pro-2nd Amendment Rally/March on April 28th.

Worth it. Worth the liberal tears.

03-22-18, 15:04
need to get a bunch of young folks in black with face masks and antifa signs screaming at the kids do not let teachers use you teachers are indoctrinating you fight them

03-23-18, 00:50
The Hogg kid is going further off the rails. https://www.dailywire.com/news/28571/watch-profanity-laced-interview-parkland-student-ryan-saavedra?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=benshapiro

03-23-18, 01:03
#WhyICarry is a hashtag response from the 2a community on social media. It’s to run this Friday thru Sunday.

The circulating writeup.


03-23-18, 01:13
The Hogg kid is going further off the rails. https://www.dailywire.com/news/28571/watch-profanity-laced-interview-parkland-student-ryan-saavedra?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=benshapiro

How cute little baby using big boy word bombs
Makes him sound like most kids playing video games

03-23-18, 01:42
The Hogg kid is going further off the rails. https://www.dailywire.com/news/28571/watch-profanity-laced-interview-parkland-student-ryan-saavedra?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=benshapiro

What a **** boi.

"It just makes me think what sick f***ers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected."

"What type of s***ty person does that?" Hogg continued. "They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

He just described the abortion industry to the proverbial "t" LOL.

Video embed: (NSFW)


03-23-18, 01:59
Mean while in Connecticut....

Conn. school under fire after kindergartners participate in national walkout

A Connecticut elementary school is facing criticism after two teachers led a group of kindergartners to march in last week’s national school walkout without parental consent.


03-23-18, 03:33
I hope David Hogg gets a yeast infection from wearing his skinny jeans.
The perfect example of spare the rod and spoil the child.

03-23-18, 04:29
Disregard, apparently the picture/story that this Hogg kid graduated in 2015 from a HS in Cali is not true.

03-23-18, 07:06
Mean while in Connecticut....

Conn. school under fire after kindergartners participate in national walkout

Supposedly they were performing a safety walkout as they advised parents via Facebook, however then the two teachers held up signs hashtag ENOUGH. The school administration says written approval should have been sought from all parents.

Ned Christiansen
03-23-18, 07:12

03-23-18, 11:01
See previous post above, RE: Masturbatory Media Stunt.

The entire purpose of these manufactured marches is so there's a crowd for the media to highlight and use for black propaganda.

See, if there were a 2A March, the media would either:

1) Fail to have any reporters in the field that day
2) Have reporters in the field that day for the purposes of cherry picking every pot-bellied, Rebel-flag wearing, barrel-scraper to paint the 2A in a negative light.

>look at all these armed, violent NaziRacistBabyKillers™

Don't fight where the enemy has a home field advantage.

I get what you’re selling and probably everyone 2A thinks. However the opponent may have home field advantage and clearly has organization. A peaceful contingent of pro 2A signs and families would be very impactful I think. (I was joking about the ‘black rifles matter’ type signs earlier, I think legit pro 2A messages are in order). It just seems to me that only 46M gun owners out of 315M citizens is a minority, if those stats are incorrect someone please correct. Everyone talks ‘try and take my guns’ but what is anyone doing about it from a large scale organized perspective.

I will be attending the Minnesota Rally at Capitol Hill for our Pro-2nd Amendment Rally/March on April 28th.

Worth it. Worth the liberal tears.


#WhyICarry is a hashtag response from the 2a community on social media. It’s to run this Friday thru Sunday.

The circulating writeup.



03-23-18, 11:52
#WhyICarry is a hashtag response from the 2a community on social media. It’s to run this Friday thru Sunday.

The circulating writeup.


I just wish it didn't say "our industry" so many times. It's just adding fuel to the fire of the left's claims that guns are all about blood money. This is deeper than the gun industry.

03-23-18, 12:03
I was going to start a new thread, but I know it will just be merged with this one. Tomorrow, each and every one of us should do something positive for our 2nd Amendment rights. Take someone shooting, talk to those that are on the fence, donate to the NRA, volunteer to teach a hunter education class...anything pro 2nd.

I am teaching a Hunter Education class starting April 3rd, in a school (gasp). We've had fliers up around town for the last couple weeks and tomorrow I am going to specifically start targeting social media in our area with online fliers. I've held off until March 24 for a reason. I figure it would be a great day to announce a class on firearms safety to counter the idiocy of this march. Yep, I'm just one guy in a small town.. but imagine if even half the NRA members stood up tomorrow and did something positive for the RKBA.

03-23-18, 12:14
I was going to start a new thread, but I know it will just be merged with this one. Tomorrow, each and every one of us should do something positive for our 2nd Amendment rights. Take someone shooting, talk to those that are on the fence, donate to the NRA, volunteer to teach a hunter education class...anything pro 2nd.

I am teaching a Hunter Education class starting April 3rd, in a school (gasp). We've had fliers up around town for the last couple weeks and tomorrow I am going to specifically start targeting social media in our area with online fliers. I've held off until March 24 for a reason. I figure it would be a great day to announce a class on firearms safety to counter the idiocy of this march. Yep, I'm just one guy in a small town.. but imagine if even half the NRA members stood up tomorrow and did something positive for the RKBA.
I added reference to your post #35 in the beginning post. Great suggestions you have.

03-23-18, 19:50
hahahaha saw this


Hogg, however, is upset about this infringement on his backpack rights, telling Axios, “After we come back from Spring Break, they’re requiring us all to have clear backpacks…it’s unnecessary. It’s embarrassing for a lot of the students.”

03-23-18, 20:14
hahahaha saw this


The kid is going to a national news anchor with his own show someday. The way he was in that video posted earlier today with all the swearing, and now he complains about his backpack "rights", compared to his "great" camera presence when bashing the 2A, he has the dual-personality thing down pat.

03-23-18, 20:16
hahahaha saw this


Backpack rights are in the Constitution along with gay marriage and healthcare doncha know... Nothing at all in the Constitution about the right to bear arms, though....

03-23-18, 21:59
I think it's time to really save lives
Take away cell phones from under 21
Also nobody under 21 can drive without adults supervision
This will save children's lives
Ask your legislators to sponsor these
For Child and Public Safety

03-23-18, 22:42
I think it's time to really save lives
Take away cell phones from under 21
Also nobody under 21 can drive without adults supervision
This will save children's lives
Ask your legislators to sponsor these
For Child and Public Safety

Yup exception for those in military ;)
That could piss of some on the left

03-23-18, 22:56
I think it's time to really save lives
Take away cell phones from under 21
Also nobody under 21 can drive without adults supervision
This will save children's lives
Ask your legislators to sponsor these
For Child and Public Safety

Well we could take it to the extreme.
We need to save lives. So we should kill everyone. If everyone is dead, then no one can die.

Watch heads start exploding there.

03-23-18, 22:59
The irony in all of this is how "Intolerant" the Left can be.
If you mention that certain sexual acts are at a higher risk, you're a homophobe.
Sorry, that's a fact.
If you mention that people who invade our borders without proper documentation are criminals, you're a racist.
Sorry that's a fact.
If I point out that abortion is not s form of birth control, I'm sexist and have no say in the matter of "Women's Reproductive Health and Rights". Ironically even if that fetus has half my DNA I have no say.
That's a lie and criminal.
But if you want to remove my Second Amendment rights, my Civil Rights to self protection, or question my sanity for being a middle aged white guy who collects and shoots guns, well...
You're a "Progressive."
How did we get here?

03-24-18, 00:28
It's all quite simple in my opinion. The left and mainstream media have realized, after the last couple years of gun control failing to pass, there's now an easy opportunity for a new angle. Bring up the next voting generation where kids are "cool and fitting in" by being anti-gun. An environment is forming that kids will be shunned if their peers know they or their parents shoot.

03-24-18, 00:58
It's all quite simple in my opinion. The left and mainstream media have realized, after the last couple years of gun control failing to pass, there's now an easy opportunity for a new angle. Bring up the next voting generation where kids are "cool and fitting in" by being anti-gun. An environment is forming that kids will be shunned if their peers know they or their parents shoot.

Too bad that there's a certain percentage that, like I was, would say "Eat My Flatulent Ass" and double-down in response... "Yup, great weekend, got all but one in the X-ring from the new Ruger! Hey, you oughtta come along next time..."

03-24-18, 01:17
Kid needs another hs kid to flat out kick his scrawny okole into the ground

Hey you like beef :)

03-24-18, 02:06
Too bad that there's a certain percentage that, like I was, would say "Eat My Flatulent Ass" and double-down in response... "Yup, great weekend, got all but one in the X-ring from the new Ruger! Hey, you oughtta come along next time..."

I agree there will be some that go against the grain, as there always have been. However, the majority of kids today would rather fit in and follow the crowd to obtain more "friends" on social media. Individualism is no longer an accepted or encouraged practice. I fully believe the media is/will succeed in turning the younger generations completely away from guns, and conservative values along with it.

The left is still fighting the present battles, but the end game is manipulating the young. This "protest" proves they hold all the keys to succeed. They control the media, control social media, and influence their peers, which is everything most modern kids hold sacred.

03-24-18, 02:21
I agree there will be some that go against the grain, as there always have been. However, the majority of kids today would rather fit in and follow the crowd to obtain more "friends" on social media. Individualism is no longer an accepted or encouraged practice. I fully believe the media is/will succeed in turning the younger generations completely away from guns, and conservative values along with it.

The left is still fighting the present battles, but the end game is manipulating the young. This "protest" proves they hold all the keys to succeed. They control the media, control social media, and influence their peers, which is everything most modern kids hold sacred.

Probably explains the problems I had with Admin back then... "On a good day, the rest of my peers combined MAYBE muster the IQ of one of my crates of geological samples." And that was almost 20 years ago, so...

03-24-18, 04:23
Hitler the left one in the same

I agree there will be some that go against the grain, as there always have been. However, the majority of kids today would rather fit in and follow the crowd to obtain more "friends" on social media. Individualism is no longer an accepted or encouraged practice. I fully believe the media is/will succeed in turning the younger generations completely away from guns, and conservative values along with it.

The left is still fighting the present battles, but the end game is manipulating the young. This "protest" proves they hold all the keys to succeed. They control the media, control social media, and influence their peers, which is everything most modern kids hold sacred.

03-24-18, 04:50
Hitler the left one in the same

Ditto Stalin... The totalitarian statist Left always has known to go after the young to mold impressionable minds, whether the call it the Hitlerjugend or the Little Octobrists/Young Pioneers or the Youth of the Lictor... or just "public schools."

03-24-18, 06:35
I agree with everyone above, however I’m left wondering why 2A supporters can’t (won’t, don’t) create a ‘2A March’. Otherwise it’s The NRA and phone calls and letters by gun owners to politicians. No global stage. No positive media images of signs ‘black rifles matter’, ‘my gun, my choice’, or ‘fully semi automatical’.Some of us don't have time for this nonsense. The NRA isn't going to pay me to protest.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-24-18, 07:01
At least one of my coworkers, who now actually works for me, is out there today. While my interest in firearms is not a secret among my office, I certainly feel like the only opinions allowed to be openly expressed are of the "anti" variety.

03-24-18, 07:55
As part of my contribution to March for our lives I picked up a bucket of .22lr on sale at Dunham's yesterday and my son and I are going plinking. Should make for a fun day if the rain holds back.

03-24-18, 07:56
I get what you’re selling and probably everyone 2A thinks. However the opponent may have home field advantage and clearly has organization. A peaceful contingent of pro 2A signs and families would be very impactful I think. (I was joking about the ‘black rifles matter’ type signs earlier, I think legit pro 2A messages are in order). It just seems to me that only 46M gun owners out of 315M citizens is a minority, if those stats are incorrect someone please correct. Everyone talks ‘try and take my guns’ but what is anyone doing about it from a large scale organized perspective.



45M gun owners doesn't mean anything. We're a sub group of a sub group of a sub group. How many of those 45M are just people who own a gun? They bought one 25 years ago, stuck it in the sock drawer with the original box of ammo and there it sits. I know several people like that. Hell even Bill Mahr is a "gun owner".

Then you have guys who won't acknowledge anything made after 1950. Bolt actions and revolvers, maybe an occasional FN 1903, and those aren't on the chopping block........yet!

Guys who only do African hunts or bird hunting with a $15k SxS and not interested in anything outside of that.

Obviously I have no way to back this up but I think we're actually a minority out of the 45M

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-24-18, 08:19
Then you have guys who won't acknowledge anything made after 1950. Bolt actions and revolvers, maybe an occasional FN 1903, and those aren't on the chopping block........yet!

That is unfortunately my dad. Just the other night while I was visiting him and my mother she brought up politics and gun control (as always). Her line of thinking is no gun is used in self defense because you have to lock your ammo in one location, then have your gun locked in a separate location, and you have to have a trigger lock. Therefore you can't use a gun in defense so you must be a criminal if you own a gun.

My dad's line of thinking is anything not a shotgun, lever action, bolt action, or revolver isn't a "real" firearm and shouldn't be owned by civilians. According to his view it is impossible to hunt with an AR platform (even though my uncle and cousin do it exclusively) and absolutely no one ever does it. His best line was "I was watching a hunting show the other night and guess what? Those guys all had high end bolt actions. I've never seen a semi-auto for hunting. All that was around when the Second Amendment was written was black powder, so let people have those."

I pointed out the half dozen or so firearms they have had in their basement for the last 40+ years (mix between shotguns, lever action, and bolt action) and pointed out by their logic of "need", they should get rid of them since its been 30 years since Dad last used any of them. Apparently their own rules don't apply to them. I also pointed out the bolt actions could be considered "sniper rifles" and shotguns are still used in the military today. Both parents laughed and said the gov't isn't going to go after people with "hunting" arms. I told them not to call me for bail when they get arrested for not turning in their "weapons of war".

Easter dinner is going to be tense again this year.

03-24-18, 08:31
That is unfortunately my dad. Just the other night while I was visiting him and my mother she brought up politics and gun control (as always). Her line of thinking is no gun is used in self defense because you have to lock your ammo in one location, then have your gun locked in a separate location, and you have to have a trigger lock. Therefore you can't use a gun in defense so you must be a criminal if you own a gun.

My dad's line of thinking is anything not a shotgun, lever action, bolt action, or revolver isn't a "real" firearm and shouldn't be owned by civilians. According to his view it is impossible to hunt with an AR platform (even though my uncle and cousin do it exclusively) and absolutely no one ever does it. His best line was "I was watching a hunting show the other night and guess what? Those guys all had high end bolt actions. I've never seen a semi-auto for hunting. All that was around when the Second Amendment was written was black powder, so let people have those."

I pointed out the half dozen or so firearms they have had in their basement for the last 40+ years (mix between shotguns, lever action, and bolt action) and pointed out by their logic of "need", they should get rid of them since its been 30 years since Dad last used any of them. Apparently their own rules don't apply to them. I also pointed out the bolt actions could be considered "sniper rifles" and shotguns are still used in the military today. Both parents laughed and said the gov't isn't going to go after people with "hunting" arms. I told them not to call me for bail when they get arrested for not turning in their "weapons of war".

Easter dinner is going to be tense again this year.My family is like my first example. Just people that physically own guns. My dad, both uncles, even my sister. They have guns that they bought. Those guns sit somewhere hidden and in their original cases and typically ammo separate. My dad bought his gun around 1999. He at least managed to get a good one despite not know Jack about guns. Somehow walked out with a HK USP40. He shot it once, still has the original box of ammo. Keeps the loaded mag next to the empty gun in the HK plastic box somewhere in the bedroom. He doesn't understand why I have multiples and many different types. Thinks it's childish and a complete waste of money. You only need one gun and a box of ammo. No need to buy thousands of rounds. Guns are easy..... just point and shoot..... nevermind the fact that he can't shoot at all. Last time I managed to drag him to the range, I shit you not, he took up a dueling stance (I would have been ok seeing the "teacup" hold or chicken wings or anything really...but dueling!!) and missed the target with every round at 5 yards. Not just missed the picture on the paper.... COMPLETELY missed everything! His logic afterwards is that I'm still wasting money because an intruder will run away even if he misses with every round

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-24-18, 08:38
Situations like that are why I'm further confused by my dad. Just last summer he went to visit a friend of his, they spent a full day at the range. All he talked about for six months was how good he did with the 1911. Even framed one of the better targets and hung it in his shop.

What confuses me the most is both my grandfathers served in the military. One in WWII (Europe and African fronts) and the other Korea. Its not like my parents haven't heard first hand what the type of situations we are trying to avoid are like.

As far as today's marches go, I'm just glad at least in my area of the Midwest the snow storm from last night has brought just about everything to a stand still/cancellation situation. Oh well, multiple people at work called in due to being "trapped", so I get to go earn some ammo/parts money :-)

03-24-18, 09:06
Just spotted the NRA $50 in today's moneybomb campaign. It ain't George Soros money, but every little bit helps!

03-24-18, 11:17
Some of us don't have time for this nonsense. The NRA isn't going to pay me to protest.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
I’m sure a good number of paid protesters exist in this thing today, but I feel the majority are just everyday people. Sure I bet the important faces all got room and board or per deim but everyone else is jumping on a cause.

At least one of my coworkers, who now actually works for me, is out there today. While my interest in firearms is not a secret among my office, I certainly feel like the only opinions allowed to be openly expressed are of the "anti" variety.Thats how I think things are shifting, slowly turning the popular opinion and removing individual freedoms.

45M gun owners doesn't mean anything. We're a sub group of a sub group of a sub group. How many of those 45M are just people who own a gun? They bought one 25 years ago, stuck it in the sock drawer with the original box of ammo and there it sits. I know several people like that. Hell even Bill Mahr is a "gun owner".

Then you have guys who won't acknowledge anything made after 1950. Bolt actions and revolvers, maybe an occasional FN 1903, and those aren't on the chopping block........yet!

Guys who only do African hunts or bird hunting with a $15k SxS and not interested in anything outside of that.

Obviously I have no way to back this up but I think we're actually a minority out of the 45M

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Good points. That said kinda seems more important to have a stronger pro 2A movement, but the minority numbers are probably why there isn’t one...

03-24-18, 11:18
While my interest in firearms is not a secret among my office, I certainly feel like the only opinions allowed to be openly expressed are of the "anti" variety.

Same here. Although my office is probably more 50/50, as a conservative I am supposed to keep my mouth shut. When my manager who only grew up in southern California found out that I owned guns she was shocked and told me that I didn't seem like the "type". I didn't tell her that 3 other people under her also owned firearms and that she would be surprised by the lack of a stereotype that we all convey.

03-24-18, 11:19
Stuck at work so watching live coverage from D.C.

All I can say is John 11:35.

As a retired veteran, this has reached a point where I honestly have to wonder if I wasted 20+ years. Anyone else feel that way?

03-24-18, 12:32
A guy named medic981 on Tumblr went to a march today. He wrote:

Everything went fine. Got lots of pictures. Everything was civil. The police were there in force to protect the anti-gun protest with guns. The high school speakers spread lies to promote fear. The best one was when she said that gun violence was up almost 300% from 2004. I asked her about it afterward, I asked her where she got her information. Would you believe she quoted the Everytown website? I told her that the CDC and the Pew Research Center numbers didn’t match. She said the info was there on the Everytown page for me to go find and she walked away.

03-24-18, 12:46
Stuck at work so watching live coverage from D.C.

All I can say is John 11:35.

As a retired veteran, this has reached a point where I honestly have to wonder if I wasted 20+ years. Anyone else feel that way?

I'm not a veteran of anything, but I do find myself being beset with some feelings of futility here.

03-24-18, 12:50
I'm not a veteran of anything, but I do find myself being beset with some feelings of futility here.

Glad to know I'm not alone.

CBS is really pushing this agenda and promoting the stuff in DC today. Just saw MLK Jr's grand daughter give an anti 2a speech. I was like "wtfo?"

03-24-18, 13:00
That is unfortunately my dad.

It always sucks when those closest to us don't "get it".

My father has never owned anything other than shotguns for hunting, and not until just a few years ago did he pick up his first pistol, a Gen 2 Glock 22. Over the past two years though, to my surprise, he's acquired another four or five Glocks. Having noticed the increased interest, I mentioned to him a few months back that he really should look into picking up a rifle and some ammo.. I mentioned the brands to look for and we left it at that.

Well, he and my mother came by to visit last week and as my mother left the room for a moment he leans over and says "So I went and picked up an AR15 the other day. Found a used Colt for a good price so I bought it. Model 6920 I think. Has the Magpul stuff on it but only came with one magazine".

I about shit a brick. I honestly didn't expect he'd buy one himself.

I was so happy I immediately walked into the other room and grabbed him an old Aimpoint M2 and ten new mags to go with it. I have a Surefire G2 tactical that I need to find a mount for and a spare sling somewhere as well so he should be setup.

There are still people out there paying attention enough to be brought to our side. Although it doesn't always seem that way.

03-24-18, 13:25

03-24-18, 14:36
If you’re tired of watching the kids marching for more gun control laws, you can sit back and watch this short video to put things into perspective.


Coal Dragger
03-24-18, 14:49
Not watching their protest because I don’t care, and I’m not going to change my mind based on the rantings of idiot children.

03-24-18, 14:59
If you’re tired of watching the kids marching for more gun control laws, you can sit back and watch this short video to put things into perspective.

I posted it up with hashtag everytown and hashtag march for our lives.

03-24-18, 16:24

All the way to the range :) shot some drills with the M&P and 1911s.

Actually I drove.

03-24-18, 16:30

All the way to the range :) shot some drills with the M&P and 1911s.

Actually I drove.I marched to the LGS. Got a Beretta 92 SF


03-24-18, 16:37
I marched to the LGS. Got a Beretta 92 SF


FS? or SF?
Looks good with the wood grips.

Just put a rifle on layaway and ordered more ammo

03-24-18, 16:40
FS? or SF?
Looks good with the wood grips.

Just put a rifle on layaway and ordered more ammoFS oops. Technically JS92F300M

Sounds like me!

Got an early 90s Beretta and 6920 on layaway and a case of 9 just came in mid week

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-24-18, 16:51
The brownshirts are back.

03-24-18, 16:53
FS oops. Technically JS92F300M

Sounds like me!

Got an early 90s Beretta and 6920 on layaway and a case of 9 just came in mid week
Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Everyone needs to call and write their legislators asap
Also start petitioning for "common sense "
LAws like "no unaccompanied drivers under 21"
No cellphones can be used for under 21
While in motion over 8mph
A system update can accomplish this and save thousands of lives

03-24-18, 16:54
being vocal marching and so on is a bit like talking tough at the bar and puffing your chest
most people know you are a idiot full of it and cant back it up and mark you down as a idiot to be ignored
unless of course you are those little cheerleading idiots saying yeah man hit him hit him then you are to are a idiot to be ignored
much like all these kids are

wonder how many tide pods were consumed at that event :)

saw a post today guess now smoking bug spray is a thing ? the idiocy of people today always makes me laugh

no way will I ever go to a protest or protest

03-24-18, 16:57
I posted it up with hashtag everytown and hashtag march for our lives.

Great idea, keep us posted on any negative replies. ;)

03-24-18, 17:15
The brownshirts are back.

Say what now? Like legit uniforms or just in context? What bout tge Hitler youth?

03-24-18, 17:32
Say what now? Like legit uniforms or just in context? What bout tge Hitler youth?Contextual.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

03-24-18, 17:40
being vocal marching and so on is a bit like talking tough at the bar and puffing your chest
most people know you are a idiot full of it and cant back it up and mark you down as a idiot to be ignored
unless of course you are those little cheerleading idiots saying yeah man hit him hit him then you are to are a idiot to be ignored
much like all these kids are

wonder how many tide pods were consumed at that event :)

saw a post today guess now smoking bug spray is a thing ? the idiocy of people today always makes me laugh

no way will I ever go to a protest or protest

50 years ago the youths were marching in the streets, spitting on soldiers, lying to Congress, having free sex and getting high. Now those same youths have grown up and control our universities, schools and government. No wonder we are where we are today.

03-24-18, 18:07
Any social media users out there seeing the avalanche of tweets/posts like this?


"I served 6 years as an Infantryman where I trained tirelessly on the M4(AR15) weapon system. 2 combat tours in Iraq and I can say that NO average citizen should own one. #VetsForGunReform"

Veterans' opinions on this matter carry weight with the general public. I only think I saw one "opposing" reply.

03-24-18, 18:18
Any social media users out there seeing the avalanche of tweets/posts like this?


"I served 6 years as an Infantryman where I trained tirelessly on the M4(AR15) weapon system. 2 combat tours in Iraq and I can say that NO average citizen should own one. #VetsForGunReform"

Veterans' opinions on this matter carry weight with the general public. I only think I saw one "opposing" reply.

So following that logic, if I put a 5th wheel on my pick-up truck to pull my camper that means I now own an M915A4 transport system? Or would it be an M1070?

I would argue a semi only rifle is not an M4 or M16 despite its heritage. I would also suggest the replies on that tweet are from those even more ignorant of the current laws than I am.

But hey, it gets them popularity and gives the anti-2A "justification", right?

I admit, I'm a bit bitter today. On a positive though, one of the news gals actually did not freak out when she asked what I was waiting on from Fedex today and I told her "rifle parts".

03-24-18, 18:29
Any social media users out there seeing the avalanche of tweets/posts like this?


10 bots, sitting in their parents' basements - looking like 10,000 posters. Or more appropriately, "posers." :rolleyes:

03-24-18, 18:45
Any social media users out there seeing the avalanche of tweets/posts like this?


"I served 6 years as an Infantryman where I trained tirelessly on the M4(AR15) weapon system. 2 combat tours in Iraq and I can say that NO average citizen should own one. #VetsForGunReform"

Veterans' opinions on this matter carry weight with the general public. I only think I saw one "opposing" reply.

What about us above average citizens? Who determines who is average? :cool:

03-24-18, 18:54
I agree with everyone above, however I’m left wondering why 2A supporters can’t (won’t, don’t) create a ‘2A March’. Otherwise it’s The NRA and phone calls and letters by gun owners to politicians. No global stage. No positive media images of signs ‘black rifles matter’, ‘my gun, my choice’, or ‘fully semi automatical’.

Do you know why most liberals who are on food stamps and few conservatives??? Because conservatives have to get up in the morning and go to work! Same scenario applies to a 2A march!

03-24-18, 18:54
So following that logic, if I put a 5th wheel on my pick-up truck to pull my camper that means I now own an M915A4 transport system? Or would it be an M1070?

I would argue a semi only rifle is not an M4 or M16 despite its heritage. I would also suggest the replies on that tweet are from those even more ignorant of the current laws than I am.

But hey, it gets them popularity and gives the anti-2A "justification", right?

I admit, I'm a bit bitter today. On a positive though, one of the news gals actually did not freak out when she asked what I was waiting on from Fedex today and I told her "rifle parts".

Very well said.

And that interaction you had today is meaningful. When a professional, rational, and well-spoken individual such as yourself is able to personally demonstrate what a responsible gun owner is *really* like, it dispels the nonsensical stereotypes portrayed by "certain" talking heads.

For the first time in a long time, I decided it was time that I speak out in defense of our rights, whether it be on social media or in my day-to-day personal interactions with folks. I've taken on some fairly well-known, "verified" journalists/etc. on social media. First objective was to correct the misinformation they were attempting to spread. Second objective was to implore them to reach out to those of us that know something about guns before badly misrepresenting information to hundreds of thousands of people. Third objective (the most difficult) was to get them to reflect on/reconsider their positions.

Had to deal with a lot of snark, ad hominem attacks, etc. But then again, I expected that. It's the last resort of these folks when they can't dispute logic and facts.

I was pleasantly surprised by how many strangers stepped in to thank me, offer support, etc. I'm going to do my best to stay at it and shut down BS when I see it.

10 bots, sitting in their parents' basements - looking like 10,000 posters. Or more appropriately, "posers." :rolleyes:

Someone accused me of being a bot not too long ago because I was offering a contrarian (i.e., pro-2A viewpoint). I replied directly with a, "Nope. I'm real. Next?" Never got a follow-up after that though. Guess she didn't want to fight a losing battle.

03-24-18, 19:49
I marched to the LGS.

Good for you. Nothing wrong with an old school pizza gun.

03-24-18, 19:52
Good for you. Nothing wrong with an old school pizza gun.

I admit, I'm lost as to that reference. Would you be willing to educate me on it please?

03-24-18, 19:54
I admit, I'm lost as to that reference. Would you be willing to educate me on it please?

Beretta guns. Because they are Italian, Pizza guns, Pizza blazers, spaghetti guns, ect. Kind of derogatory, but often in good love.

03-24-18, 19:57
Beretta guns. Because they are Italian, Pizza guns, Pizza blazers, spaghetti guns, ect. Kind of derogatory, but often in good love.

I like the old school pizza guns having a 92FS, 85FS, 87BB, and 21a. :) Still like my CZ's better though.

03-24-18, 19:57
Beretta guns. Because they are Italian, Pizza guns, Pizza blazers, spaghetti guns, ect. Kind of derogatory, but often in good love.

Thank you! I need to make sure to remember that one for possible future use.

03-24-18, 20:19
Because they are Italian, Pizza guns, Pizza blazers, spaghetti guns, ect. Kind of derogatory, but often in good love.

In this case, It's all love, no derogatory directed. It is fairly common term.

03-24-18, 20:33
We all know where this is going, and we all know why freedom is going to lose. We all share the blame. I know right now you are thinking “f” you, I did XYZ to support gun rights, but politics is downstream of culture. All those times you wore a hat at dinner, or had a tattoo of some risqué topic, didn’t wear a suit at a formal function, thought it was OK that your sister’s kid was born out of wedlock, etc. we all played a part - an abortion here, attending a gay wedding there - because they were really great guys and who does it hurt - mainstreaming porn, encouraging women to act like men because you thought that was hot... I could go on, but most of you reading this are already ready to “give me both barrels” about how those things don’t matter or how you taught someone to shoot, as if that matters when foundational cultural rot was the real issue and the vast majority of gun owners are perfectly fine with all of it, as long as someone doesn’t “touch their guns” right? Well good luck, the country moved left because that’s where the divorced gay porn watching atheists are, on the left.

I’m sure the double-digit Q’s will be along shortly to tell me I’m wrong.

03-24-18, 20:39
Actually I feel you raise valid points. At the least you give us all something to think and reflect on.

Dist. Expert 26
03-24-18, 20:52
I've debated with these people online and have yet to find one willing to die to take my guns.

Ain't skeered.

03-24-18, 20:56
I've debated with these people online and have yet to find one willing to die to take my guns.

Ain't skeered.

How many are they willing to send to die to take your guns though?
Honest question. We are willing to fight, and let's be honest, die, to protect ourselves and others. How many are they willing send to die from their ivory towers to stop us? How much cattle do they have ready for the slaughter?

03-24-18, 20:57
We all know where this is going, and we all know why freedom is going to lose. We all share the blame. I know right now you are thinking “f” you, I did XYZ to support gun rights, but politics is downstream of culture. All those times you wore a hat at dinner, or had a tattoo of some risqué topic, didn’t wear a suit at a formal function, thought it was OK that your sister’s kid was born out of wedlock, etc. we all played a part - an abortion here, attending a gay wedding there - because they were really great guys and who does it hurt - mainstreaming porn, encouraging women to act like men because you thought that was hot... I could go on, but most of you reading this are already ready to “give me both barrels” about how those things don’t matter or how you taught someone to shoot, as if that matters when foundational cultural rot was the real issue and the vast majority of gun owners are perfectly fine with all of it, as long as someone doesn’t “touch their guns” right? Well good luck, the country moved left because that’s where the divorced gay porn watching atheists are, on the left.

I’m sure the double-digit Q’s will be along shortly to tell me I’m wrong.

Not that I agree with everything you said, but you have valid points about cultural rot.

I would also say that there is a significant element of tribalism at play. The "left" and the "right" have both established firearms and the 2A as some mystical totem for the right, so it follows that the left would want to destroy it. Many in the "red tribe" were more than happy to live up to that image. No matter how shitty or offensive a stereotype can be, there will always be someone willing to live up to it- and they get all the attention.

I know a lot of authoritarian leftist assholes, many of them are wearing uniforms. But I've also met many a bigoted right wing assholes at shooting events and gun stores, who demand all gun owners abide by their own purity tests or they won't be "part of the club."

That kind of messaging hasn't helped.

03-24-18, 20:58
We all know where this is going, and we all know why freedom is going to lose. We all share the blame. I know right now you are thinking “f” you, I did XYZ to support gun rights, but politics is downstream of culture. All those times you wore a hat at dinner, or had a tattoo of some risqué topic, didn’t wear a suit at a formal function, thought it was OK that your sister’s kid was born out of wedlock, etc. we all played a part - an abortion here, attending a gay wedding there - because they were really great guys and who does it hurt - mainstreaming porn, encouraging women to act like men because you thought that was hot... I could go on, but most of you reading this are already ready to “give me both barrels” about how those things don’t matter or how you taught someone to shoot, as if that matters when foundational cultural rot was the real issue and the vast majority of gun owners are perfectly fine with all of it, as long as someone doesn’t “touch their guns” right? Well good luck, the country moved left because that’s where the divorced gay porn watching atheists are, on the left.

I’m sure the double-digit Q’s will be along shortly to tell me I’m wrong.

I like that you decide to skip logic and facts and go straight for the ad hominem.

Had to deal with a lot of snark, ad hominem attacks, etc. But then again, I expected that. It's the last resort of these folks when they can't dispute logic and facts.

03-24-18, 21:13
We all know where this is going, and we all know why freedom is going to lose. We all share the blame. I know right now you are thinking “f” you, I did XYZ to support gun rights, but politics is downstream of culture. All those times you wore a hat at dinner, or had a tattoo of some risqué topic, didn’t wear a suit at a formal function, thought it was OK that your sister’s kid was born out of wedlock, etc. we all played a part - an abortion here, attending a gay wedding there - because they were really great guys and who does it hurt - mainstreaming porn, encouraging women to act like men because you thought that was hot... I could go on, but most of you reading this are already ready to “give me both barrels” about how those things don’t matter or how you taught someone to shoot, as if that matters when foundational cultural rot was the real issue and the vast majority of gun owners are perfectly fine with all of it, as long as someone doesn’t “touch their guns” right? Well good luck, the country moved left because that’s where the divorced gay porn watching atheists are, on the left.

I’m sure the double-digit Q’s will be along shortly to tell me I’m wrong.

Here's a question for you. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. If you are not harming another? Should your rights be infringed? I'm not talking about the existential , well so and so suffers because of X. But, let's say drug use, you smoke a joint on the weekend, and I can't stand pot, but are functional, why should you be punished? This is the question that you have to answer if you want to push a very religious mentality which you are. If you believe all should follow you flavor of religious or personal beliefs, I got news for you, you are no better than the left. Period. You are just as bigoted, and just as uneducated. You don't support what this country is founded upon, you support what you believe. And that makes you no better. I will support gay marriage, you know why? It isn't because I agree with it on a religious level, I really don't. It is because I believe that this country was founded on freedom. And those who wish to oppress those who are not harming others, are tyrants.

Oh, and before you wish to call me a bigiot, or racist, or satan spawn, or what the **** ever you want to call me. I've been called worse, I promise. I spent better than 10 years in catholic school. I can tap dance around the bible just as well as Koresh. We are a melting pop. There is a definite point that we must make, to at least understand other mindsets, other cultures other beliefs. That said, they are required to do the same. If you want to live peace, then be tolerant. If you want to live in war. Then force you opinions and beliefs on others.

03-24-18, 21:34
I know a lot of authoritarian leftist assholes, many of them are wearing uniforms. But I've also met many a bigoted right wing assholes at shooting events and gun stores, who demand all gun owners abide by their own purity tests or they won't be "part of the club."

Been there done that... about a third of my "home range" on college was cops, another quarter to third mouthbreathing neckbeard inbred Bubbas of the "Wimmin Got No Place Here And College Boys Ain't Got None Too, COLLEGE BOY" school. I think you can understand why I preferred the company of the cops...

Dist. Expert 26
03-24-18, 21:42
How many are they willing to send to die to take your guns though?
Honest question. We are willing to fight, and let's be honest, die, to protect ourselves and others. How many are they willing send to die from their ivory towers to stop us? How much cattle do they have ready for the slaughter?

The beautiful thing about a "grassroots" movement, as this is being marketed, is that they don't have an ivory tower to hide in. These are normal people, by and large, who will be subjected to the ensuing violence should their statist fantasies come to pass. As has been discussed in other threads, once that box is opened nothing is off the table. The cattle can't begin to fathom what that would really look like. I've found that most of them harbor the delusion that we'll just line up and peacefully surrender our arms. They don't have the stomach for a real fight.

03-24-18, 21:49
The beautiful thing about a "grassroots" movement, as this is being marketed, is that they don't have an ivory tower to hide in. These are normal people, by and large, who will be subjected to the ensuing violence should their statist fantasies come to pass. As has been discussed in other threads, once that box is opened nothing is off the table. The cattle can't begin to fathom what that would really look like. I've found that most of them harbor the delusion that we'll just line up and peacefully surrender our arms. They don't have the stomach for a real fight.

I don't disagree.
Myself and a few others had a rather deep discussion last night on the, "dark passenger" for lack of the better term in us all. How many here have fed that darkness. Nurture it. Kept it on a tight lease, taken it's anger, its hunger and tried to divert it to more constructive means than destructive. What do you think someone who has overachieved their entire life is capable of when you leave them no peaceful resolution?

Nevertheless there are those who are pushing these "grassroots." They are in their own ivory towers. I would, in the words of Oomph!, Burn your mother****er ivory tower down!

03-24-18, 22:04
Ok, doing some research, the March for our lives website, content and everything within is copyrighted by Rock the Vote located in Washington DC, in fact, there address, 1875 Connecticut Ave NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20009 is in the same building as "the millennial action project", "national partnership for women", "environmental defense fund" and "the consulting unit"- 3 of which are connected to George Soros.

Rock the vote is a progressive aligned NPO that has been accused of being a superPAC for ultra left politicians. Rock the Vote was founded in 1990 by Jeff Ayeroff who was an executive for Warner Bros, and has been a music producer for the last 40 years and has produced such bands as the Police, Madonna, Don Henley, Dire Straits, Talking Heads, ZZ Top, Prince, Eric Clapton, The Cult, and Steve Winwood. He worked for Richard Branson as the chief of Virgin Music in the US then going on to be an executive for Sony BMG.

Jeff Ayeroff is about as liberal as they come. He proclaims he is a activist/ humanitarian that works to spread his message through music.

Rock the vote only concentrates on reproductive rights, marijuana legalization, global warming, LGBT rights, student debt, gun control and deforestation and reaches out to young children through public service announcements using popular musicians and celebrities such as Bruno Mars, Ed Sheerin, P!NK, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, U2, Justin Timberlake etc. and feature these Public Service Announcements on popular outlets such as MTV, Comedy Central, E!, Adult Swim, ABC, CBS and NBC.

Rock the Vote is NOT about getting young people to get out and vote, its about getting young people to vote for specific candidates. Candidates that have the same views as Rock the Vote. Rock the Vote uses popular music and celebrity icons as a means of getting in touch with todays youth.

Now get this, George Soros has contributed as much as $20 million to Rock the Vote since 2008. Rock the Vote has created partnerships with Apple, American Apparel, Google, Facebook, Beats by Dr. Dre, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Sony BMG, Virgin Records, Warner Bros, Pepsi, Taco Bell, iheart radio, Pandora, MTV and many other corporations- corporations that have a huge following from the youth of today. In fact, most of these companies were offered huge contracts by the Obama administration during his presidency. Obama was a close friend or at least a closet friend of George Soros. A lot of these companies have the same views as each other and are quick to jump on political band wagons and take action or even censorship or even going as far as restricting certain views from being shared if it is not the same views expressed by these companies. - I'm talking about Google, Apple, Facebook,etc who continue to censor conservative, Christian or anti liberal speech. As I'm sure many of you are aware by now, the censorship against conservatives has reached a breaking point.

I don't think this was organized by kids. If fact, after researching all of this, it looks like all of this is the work of a lot of "behind the scene" cronies who work for super left politicians and superPACs. This was a way for our politicians to "take action". This isn't a rally, this is staged!

Dist. Expert 26
03-24-18, 22:06
I don't disagree.
Myself and a few others had a rather deep discussion last night on the, "dark passenger" for lack of the better term in us all. How many here have fed that darkness. Nurture it. Kept it on a tight lease, taken it's anger, its hunger and tried to divert it to more constructive means than destructive. What do you think someone who has overachieved their entire life is capable of when you leave them no peaceful resolution?

Nevertheless there are those who are pushing these "grassroots." They are in their own ivory towers. I would, in the words of Oomph!, Burn your mother****er ivory tower down!

Undoubtedly the elites are pulling the strings here. No matter. If push comes to shove they too will see their day of reckoning.

03-25-18, 00:05
Undoubtedly the elites are pulling the strings here. No matter. If push comes to shove they too will see their day of reckoning.

Will they? I'm not so sure.
The number of Americans who are *actually* going to stage an insurrection of some sort is going to be miniscule, so few that they can be successfully portrayed by the progressive apparatchiks in the media as "lone wolf" malcontents.
Even if the vast majority of us don't actually turn any guns over when the bans come down, they will be removed from relevance from a practical standpoint. Most of us are just going to bury our ARs out back and comfort ourselves with the knowledge that "some day" we'll dig them back up and give the statists what for, all the while growing old in a country we no longer recognize and dying off as the ARs stay buried and forgotten because "some day" never came.

I don't think it's that we, as individuals, don't have the stomach for a fight. I think it's that none of us are confident that the other guy is going to back us up. Anyone can *start* a revolution, hell, hypothetically, I could kick one off tomorrow morning, but it's getting other people to join it that can be the tricky part, and without that assurance, it really is a daunting prospect, and *that's* what I think people don't have the stomach for, and I don't blame them.

03-25-18, 01:14
Holy crap you guys wrote some interesting stuff in the last two pages. Kudos.

03-25-18, 01:28
Will they? I'm not so sure.
The number of Americans who are *actually* going to stage an insurrection of some sort is going to be miniscule, so few that they can be successfully portrayed by the progressive apparatchiks in the media as "lone wolf" malcontents.
Even if the vast majority of us don't actually turn any guns over when the bans come down, they will be removed from relevance from a practical standpoint. Most of us are just going to bury our ARs out back and comfort ourselves with the knowledge that "some day" we'll dig them back up and give the statists what for, all the while growing old in a country we no longer recognize and dying off as the ARs stay buried and forgotten because "some day" never came.

I don't think it's that we, as individuals, don't have the stomach for a fight. I think it's that none of us are confident that the other guy is going to back us up. Anyone can *start* a revolution, hell, hypothetically, I could kick one off tomorrow morning, but it's getting other people to join it that can be the tricky part, and without that assurance, it really is a daunting prospect, and *that's* what I think people don't have the stomach for, and I don't blame them.

How many people does it take to start a war?
It was once said, that the only thing that ever changed the world was a small group of dedicated individuals. Are you one of that small group?
Also, how many does it take to tie many? How many does it take to throw the wrench in the works? How many does it take to shut down major population centers in this day and age? The answer, is not as many as you or other think. And once again it comes down to those few, who are willing to die, willing to risk all, who will change the world.

So. Are those few dedicate among us? Or among them?

03-25-18, 03:07
Actors Cold Read Gun Control Facts From Teleprompter

03-25-18, 03:37
Interesting, donate to Everytown For Gun Safety Action Fund via ActBlue. ActBlue is a PAC affiliated or aligned with the DNC.

Give to Everytown For Gun Safety and Help Save Lives
Every day, more than 90 Americans are killed with guns. Your generous donation helps us work to prevent gun violence and save lives by:
Pressuring lawmakers to improve our gun laws
Raising awareness about gun violence
Educating the public about common-sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership
Mobilizing grassroots supporters
Connecting and amplifying the voices of survivors of gun violence


Launched in 2004, ActBlue bills itself as "the online clearinghouse for Democratic action." As a federally registered political action committee, it serves as a conduit for online contributions to Democratic candidates and committees. That is, ActBlue bundles and transmits earmarked contributions from individuals raised on their website to specific candidates.


This is from a FEC PDF I found online:

ActBlue is a nonconnected political committee that was formed to promote the election of Democratic candidates for Federal office and is registered with the Commission. ActBlue currently serves as a conduit for contributions earmarked for Democratic candidates and party committees. See 2 U.S.C. 441a(a)(8); 2 U.S.C. 432(b)(1) and (2); 11 CFR 110.6 and 102.8. ActBlue solicits only on its web site, www.actblue.com, and accepts contributions made only by credit card. The recipient candidates and party committees pay all credit card transaction fees.


03-25-18, 03:41
Lead story on Yahoo "news"....

I don't recall ANYONE mentioning the shooter like AT ALL, now this brave "student leader/activist" sees a connection between munching carpet and disarmament...:blink:

Just keep drink'n the Brawndo kiddies.


03-25-18, 03:42
How many people does it take to start a war?
And once again it comes down to those few, who are willing to die, willing to risk all, who will change the world.

So. Are those few dedicate among us? Or among them?

About 5,600. Many people are willing to die for freedom, are you willing to kill for it? That seems the more logical approach. Obviously, talking hasn't got us very far and as the years pass, this country has turned far away from what it once declared independence from.

In this day in age, it might be more beneficial to have a louder voice than the opposition. But then again, people like you and I are logical people and make logical informed decisions based on past experience, knowledge, inference and deductive reasoning, while our opposition strictly adheres to emotional feelings, assumptions and popular opinion to make a decision.

03-25-18, 04:11
Africa just start chopping hands and forearms off kids they wont be a problem
Central America again hack them up hand feet heads whatever
South America let the slums kill each other or starve them
isis once again slicing heads off chopping hands off etc..

once this country gets a idea what savage brutal violence of those in power seeing people hacked up is like and the only way to stop those people are guns well its going to be to late

the argument just the military should have the guns they have been the most brutal of all
in times past the military powers with guns are the ones that lined people up into a pit and shot them
or just starved them out with no way to fight back
then again pol pot said bullets are not worth being used bury them alive
chemical weapons and worse

but I am preaching to the choir so how do we get them to see the reality ?

I can dream :)

take these kids and drop them off into a hell hole such as Central America or in the latest fun zone of isis control or parts of Africa

record it for the kids back home to watch and see what they think of NOT being able to protect oneself is about

03-25-18, 06:45
Here's a question for you. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. If you are not harming another? Should your rights be infringed? I'm not talking about the existential , well so and so suffers because of X. But, let's say drug use, you smoke a joint on the weekend, and I can't stand pot, but are functional, why should you be punished? This is the question that you have to answer if you want to push a very religious mentality which you are. If you believe all should follow you flavor of religious or personal beliefs, I got news for you, you are no better than the left. Period. You are just as bigoted, and just as uneducated. You don't support what this country is founded upon, you support what you believe. And that makes you no better. I will support gay marriage, you know why? It isn't because I agree with it on a religious level, I really don't. It is because I believe that this country was founded on freedom. And those who wish to oppress those who are not harming others, are tyrants.

Oh, and before you wish to call me a bigiot, or racist, or satan spawn, or what the **** ever you want to call me. I've been called worse, I promise. I spent better than 10 years in catholic school. I can tap dance around the bible just as well as Koresh. We are a melting pop. There is a definite point that we must make, to at least understand other mindsets, other cultures other beliefs. That said, they are required to do the same. If you want to live peace, then be tolerant. If you want to live in war. Then force you opinions and beliefs on others.

To your first point, does self-indulgent cultural rot create a self-indulgent rotted culture? Yes, in my opinion it does. Picking your particular flavor and arguing it doesn’t hurt anyone isn’t an argument it is just cherry picking. To your second point, I don’t recall attacking any individual whatsoever. Where did I do that?

If you want to live in peace, we have to all agree a baseline of morality. As Molyneaux says, “diversity plus proximity equals violence” which I think is correct. I part ways with him on UPB because I do believe in moral agency.

03-25-18, 06:47
I like that you decide to skip logic and facts and go straight for the ad hominem.

I don’t think you understand the term, I addressed no individual in my statement.

03-25-18, 08:34
The kid is going to a national news anchor with his own show someday. The way he was in that video posted earlier today with all the swearing, and now he complains about his backpack "rights", compared to his "great" camera presence when bashing the 2A, he has the dual-personality thing down pat.

His fifteen minutes of fame are about up.

I'm not sure the young man realizes the left is using him and will ignore him when the "movement" no longer is front page news. He'll learn a hard lesson early in life, I suppose.

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 08:41
Will they? I'm not so sure.
The number of Americans who are *actually* going to stage an insurrection of some sort is going to be miniscule, so few that they can be successfully portrayed by the progressive apparatchiks in the media as "lone wolf" malcontents.
Even if the vast majority of us don't actually turn any guns over when the bans come down, they will be removed from relevance from a practical standpoint. Most of us are just going to bury our ARs out back and comfort ourselves with the knowledge that "some day" we'll dig them back up and give the statists what for, all the while growing old in a country we no longer recognize and dying off as the ARs stay buried and forgotten because "some day" never came.

I don't think it's that we, as individuals, don't have the stomach for a fight. I think it's that none of us are confident that the other guy is going to back us up. Anyone can *start* a revolution, hell, hypothetically, I could kick one off tomorrow morning, but it's getting other people to join it that can be the tricky part, and without that assurance, it really is a daunting prospect, and *that's* what I think people don't have the stomach for, and I don't blame them.

If that's your attitude you've already lost.

To be clear, I'm not talking about a revolution. I have no illusions about the probability of that happening.

An insurgency is a different matter. Hundreds of unaffiliated groups across the country, each making their AO a dangerous place to be a leftist. As the state pushes back, the insurgency only grows stronger. Why do you think we never won in Iraq or Afghanistan?

You're right that a simple ban won't be enough. Until confiscation becomes a reality most will just bide their time.

03-25-18, 08:45
Lead story on Yahoo "news"....

I don't recall ANYONE mentioning the shooter like AT ALL, now this brave "student leader/activist" sees a connection between munching carpet and disarmament...:blink:

Just keep drink'n the Brawndo kiddies.

No one mentioned the failure of the FBI, law enforcement, or the other gov't organizations that dropped the ball leading up to Florida during all the speeches Saturday in DC. What probably sickened me the most was all the times they used variations of the phrase "we are fighters" and or "we are fighting". I was like "really? how so? other than the coach there hasn't been a single story I've heard about any of you fighting back."

03-25-18, 08:52
No one mentioned the failure of the FBI, law enforcement, or the other gov't organizations that dropped the ball leading up to Florida during all the speeches Saturday in DC. What probably sickened me the most was all the times they used variations of the phrase "we are fighters" and or "we are fighting". I was like "really? how so? other than the coach there hasn't been a single story I've heard about any of you fighting back."

^^This is what instantly makes me hypocritical of the movement. The conversation jumped right to gun control and not to the failure of the system as a whole. To blame 1 thing in a series of failures is such bull shit.

03-25-18, 09:04
^^This is what instantly makes me hypocritical of the movement. The conversation jumped right to gun control and not to the failure of the system as a whole. To blame 1 thing in a series of failures is such bull shit.

I agree. I would also add that supposedly the entire student body of a reported 3k decided on Hogg & bald gal to be their spokes people I question. Add in that non-mainstream media had interviews with students who actually support the 2A, but those were quickly quieted. All together I see it as a very well orchestrated, emotionally charged, knee-jerk reaction used event to get people to jump on the band wagon of an agenda to do an end run around the Second Amendment. I'm fine with people not wanting to utilize their 2A right, that's their choice and on them. I just don't want them to whine to me if something happens, or try to guilt me into giving up my 2A right (I grew up with a German Catholic grandmother and an Italian/Scilian Catholic mother, I've seen almost every way you can guilt a person).

My ears really perked up yesterday when some of the kids started using the "we're victims" phrase repeatedly. IMO, no they're not. Them claiming to be "survivors" and "victims" because they were on the campus is like a FOBBIT claiming to be a "survivor" because they were literally on the northern Kuwait border while some mortars impacted up in Al Asaad, Iraq.

03-25-18, 09:08
I personally don’t see a big revolution coming.
It has not happened in CA, NY, etc.

I DO see hundreds of guys whose wife got killed by violent criminals, whose daughter OD’d and no one knew and the grand baby starved, who just found out the have cancer, as individuals, here and there,
Saying I DGAF anymore and going down taking out a few politicians, judges, gun grabbing chiefs, etc. here and there. once the first few take out a handful before going down, there will be little waves of similar activity.

This will make for serious cracking down.

Which will make a few more guys decide they DGAF.

I don’t know how it will play out overall.

We have seen how a sniper hunt, killer on the lose, single bomber, and such can create serious issues and suck down a ton of resources. A dozen or two at the same time would be significant.

If you are a cop, judge, state politician, DC insider, etc. and go go play golf, fill your car with gas, mow your lawn, or go to the gym without worrying that grandpa that just found out he had metastatic colon cancer and saw his only grandson go to jail for having a 25 round Ruger 10/22 magazine in his trunk while driving through some state,
Well, that is going to be a whole new dynamic.

03-25-18, 09:11
I agree. I would also add that supposedly the entire student body of a reported 3k decided on Hogg & bald gal to be their spokes people I question. Add in that non-mainstream media had interviews with students who actually support the 2A, but those were quickly quieted. All together I see it as a very well orchestrated, emotionally charged, knee-jerk reaction used event to get people to jump on the band wagon of an agenda to do an end run around the Second Amendment. I'm fine with people not wanting to utilize their 2A right, that's their choice and on them. I just don't want them to whine to me if something happens, or try to guilt me into giving up my 2A right (I grew up with a German Catholic grandmother and an Italian/Scilian Catholic mother, I've seen almost every way you can guilt a person).

My ears really perked up yesterday when some of the kids started using the "we're victims" phrase repeatedly. IMO, no they're not. Them claiming to be "survivors" and "victims" because they were on the campus is like a FOBBIT claiming to be a "survivor" because they were literally on the northern Kuwait border while some mortars impacted up in Al Asaad, Iraq.

Well that's just it. People don't or more likely are blind to violence in their communities. The old saying "The US Military is at war, America is at the Mall". There was a terrorist attack in France the other day by an Armed gunman and many people were shot before he was killed. Then CNN and other media outlets are shocked at the rise of the "right" in Europe. 99% of all people are great and amazing people and go overlook the 1% of people out there who wish you harm is and will continue to be extremely hard for the vast majority of people.

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 09:17
I personally don’t see a big revolution coming.
It has not happened in CA, NY, etc.

I DO see hundreds of guys whose wife got killed by violent criminals, whose daughter OD’d and no one knew and the grand baby starved, who just found out the have cancer, as individuals, here and there,
Saying I DGAF anymore and going down taking out a few politicians, judges, gun grabbing chiefs, etc. here and there. once the first few take out a handful before going down, there will be little waves of similar activity.

This will make for serious cracking down.

Which will make a few more guys decide they DGAF.

I don’t know how it will play out overall.

We have seen how a sniper hunt, killer on the lose, single bomber, and such can create serious issues and suck down a ton of resources. A dozen or two at the same time would be significant.

If you are a cop, judge, state politician, DC insider, etc. and go go play golf, fill your car with gas, mow your lawn, or go to the gym without worrying that grandpa that just found out he had metastatic colon cancer and saw his only grandson go to jail for having a 25 round Ruger 10/22 magazine in his trunk while driving through some state,
Well, that is going to be a whole new dynamic.

My point exactly. That's how every insurgency is born.

I mean hell, there's a trilogy of extremely popular movies about it. The world of The Hunger Games may seem like a dystopian future but we're really not that far off.

I sincerely hope things don't get to that point. I want my son to grow up in a normal, peaceful country and live a happy life. Time will tell I suppose.

03-25-18, 09:22
Well that's just it. People don't or more likely are blind to violence in their communities. The old saying "The US Military is at war, America is at the Mall".

"We're in Afghanistan?"

That's a question I was honestly asked yesterday. In support of what you said about the mall. I will take your word on the 99% vs 1%, as my daily interactions with people would suggest it is actually the opposite in my neck of the woods... which is a small sample size.

03-25-18, 09:57
then again pol pot said bullets are not worth being used bury them alive
chemical weapons and worse

Read the last sentence in the sign:


03-25-18, 10:26
You know, if these kids truly believed the things they were saying, or actually had an original thought of their own that wasn't hand fed to them, I could at least respect their stance even though I don't agree with it.

IMO they are getting played like a fiddle. More specifically, this Hogg kid. I've watched him speak a few times, and it's like he's a damn puppet with the liberal medias hand up his ass. On top of that, he's quite the pompous little shit. I find the irony in the things he is saying to be pretty humorous. For example, how he wants certain firearms banned yet he complains about having to wear a clear backpack to school b/c it infringes on students’ constitutional rights. Or how he thinks 18 years old isn't old enough to buy a firearm, but it's old enough to vote for the president. Marching to take away constitutional rights while claiming rights from the very constitution he disrespects.

At this point, none of this seems to even be about his schoolmates that were killed anymore. It's more about using the tragedy to push an agenda, and Mr. Hogg seems to have no problem being the mouthpiece in order to get his 15 minutes of fame. It's just a matter of time before this kid is all used up and forgotten about. Meanwhile, I'll be patiently waiting for his book to come out. ��

03-25-18, 10:35
First it was reported 800,000 protesters marched yesterday. Now it's been revised to 200,000 protesters.

03-25-18, 12:35
No one mentioned the failure of the FBI, law enforcement, or the other gov't organizations that dropped the ball leading up to Florida during all the speeches Saturday in DC. What probably sickened me the most was all the times they used variations of the phrase "we are fighters" and or "we are fighting". I was like "really? how so? other than the coach there hasn't been a single story I've heard about any of you fighting back."

Oh they're "heroes" in their own adolescent minds all right. What they don't realize is that they're friggin' KIDS. Until they've gotten old enough to join the military and serve, or just be a contributing, tax-paying member of society no one really gives a damn what their whiney asses are screeching about. I know I don't, and most of you probably don't either. Now some other dunderheads in our society? They might, but screw them too.

Outlander Systems
03-25-18, 12:39
My favorite part was when they openly admitted that they weren't going to stop after the concession of bump stocks.

03-25-18, 12:41
I will take your word on the 99% vs 1%, as my daily interactions with people would suggest it is actually the opposite in my neck of the woods... which is a small sample size.

I don't know, I've lived in something like 17 states between being in and growing up a military brat and I don't have a problem with connecting with people. Do we have differences, absolutely but for the most part I think that people are good at heart, easily deceived, yes, but they often have the right intentions and I can work with that.

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 12:42
My favorite part was when they openly admitted that they weren't going to stop after the concession of bump stocks.

Nooooo...everyone said they would stop! Bump stocks were just the low hanging fruit! Now we'll win elections, right?

03-25-18, 12:43
I don't know, I've lived in something like 17 states between being in and growing up a military brat and I don't have a problem with connecting with people. Do we have differences, absolutely but for the most part I think that people are good at heart, easily deceived, yes, but they often have the right intentions and I can work with that.

You know what they say the road to Hell is paved with don't you?

03-25-18, 12:53
Noncompliance will come before any violence. Just like illegal immigration, and weed, eventually communities will ignore unlawful laws.

The Walk for Our Lives is a stunt to fire up their base to turn the Senate Blue. Yes, Democrats will bring gun control. But that’s a tertiary issue compared to the prize they are after.

Are you fired up about racism? Good, March and vote Blue.

... about women? Good, match and vote Blue.

... about guns? Good, match vote Blue.


Dems elites want power for themselves, period. Yet Dems favor horribly in midterms. They have more seats up for grabs. All the cries are from lobbyists putting fire in the seats of their lazy constituents. They need to grab the children’s votes, the illegal’s votes. Anything and everything to barely squeal out a victory. THAT’S ALL THIS IS ABOUT.

They don’t actually care about the people who march. They use them. And the people who march have no stomach to enforce squat. They hold signs, not convictions.

03-25-18, 13:05
Noncompliance will come before any violence. Just like illegal immigration, and weed, eventually communities will ignore unlawful laws.

The Walk for Our Lives is a stunt to fire up their base to turn the Senate Blue. Yes, Democrats will bring gun control. But that’s a tertiary issue compared to the prize they are after.

Are you fired up about racism? Good, March and vote Blue.

... about women? Good, match and vote Blue.

... about guns? Good, match vote Blue.


Dems elites want power for themselves, period. Yet Dems favor horribly in midterms. They have more seats up for grabs. All the cries are from lobbyists putting fire in the seats of their lazy constituents. They need to grab the children’s votes, the illegal’s votes. Anything and everything to barely squeal out a victory. THAT’S ALL THIS IS ABOUT.

They don’t actually care about the people who march. They use them. And the people who march have no stomach to enforce squat. They hold signs, not convictions.

Case in point I think how there’s but just two MFOL headlines right now. What’s the rest? Stormy Daniels, Trumps legal team shake up, DACA, and one Mueller.

03-25-18, 13:35
Good reply from the NRA


03-25-18, 13:42
You know, if these kids truly believed the things they were saying, or actually had an original thought of their own that wasn't hand fed to them, I could at least respect their stance even though I don't agree with it.

IMO they are getting played like a fiddle. More specifically, this Hogg kid. I've watched him speak a few times, and it's like he's a damn puppet with the liberal medias hand up his ass. On top of that, he's quite the pompous little shit. I find the irony in the things he is saying to be pretty humorous. For example, how he wants certain firearms banned yet he complains about having to wear a clear backpack to school b/c it infringes on students’ constitutional rights. Or how he thinks 18 years old isn't old enough to buy a firearm, but it's old enough to vote for the president. Marching to take away constitutional rights while claiming rights from the very constitution he disrespects.

At this point, none of this seems to even be about his schoolmates that were killed anymore. It's more about using the tragedy to push an agenda, and Mr. Hogg seems to have no problem being the mouthpiece in order to get his 15 minutes of fame. It's just a matter of time before this kid is all used up and forgotten about. Meanwhile, I'll be patiently waiting for his book to come out. ��

Noncompliance will come before any violence. Just like illegal immigration, and weed, eventually communities will ignore unlawful laws.

The Walk for Our Lives is a stunt to fire up their base to turn the Senate Blue. Yes, Democrats will bring gun control. But that’s a tertiary issue compared to the prize they are after.

Are you fired up about racism? Good, March and vote Blue.

... about women? Good, match and vote Blue.

... about guns? Good, match vote Blue.


Dems elites want power for themselves, period. Yet Dems favor horribly in midterms. They have more seats up for grabs. All the cries are from lobbyists putting fire in the seats of their lazy constituents. They need to grab the children’s votes, the illegal’s votes. Anything and everything to barely squeal out a victory. THAT’S ALL THIS IS ABOUT.

They don’t actually care about the people who march. They use them. And the people who march have no stomach to enforce squat. They hold signs, not convictions.

Great posts, spot on.

03-25-18, 13:43
Good reply from the NRA


Colin Noir is (from what i’ve seen), always spot on with his political breakdowns.

03-25-18, 14:25
Commissioned sales of merchandise, grassroots huh.


03-25-18, 17:05
Some interviews from the various marches that took place:


This one from February:


The black lady near the end in this is why we need better education. She seemed receptive to what he was saying:


And more:


"What's an assault rifle?"



Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 17:10
Colin Noir is (from what i’ve seen), always spot on with his political breakdowns.

He also bypasses the "evil white racist" card. He's probably the most effective spokesman for our cause at the moment.

03-25-18, 17:30
He also bypasses the "evil white racist" card. He's probably the most effective spokesman for our cause at the moment.

True. Many in the black community think the 2a is a white thing and that only blacks should have guns.

03-25-18, 18:23
Kinda goes a bit beyond the breaking ties with the NRA thing.


Hundreds of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School arrived for the Washington, D.C. march on three flights donated by Delta Air Lines.

They’ll return to Florida with Delta after the march too.

The airline, which broke ties with the National Rifle Association after last month’s school shooting that left 17 dead, said they offered the round-trip charter flights “as part of our commitment to supporting the communities we serve.

I'm wondering what would happen if someone approached them with a request to fly for free for a conservative cause.

03-25-18, 18:24
Kinda goes a bit beyond the breaking ties with the NRA thing.


I'm wondering what would happen if someone approached them with a request to fly for free for a conservative cause.The Patriots donated their plane to fly some of the protesters after being contacted by the Giffords

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-25-18, 18:44
The Patriots donated their plane to fly some of the protesters after being contacted by the Giffords

Just one more reason to despise that team.

03-25-18, 18:48
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:

Any weapon that is designed for use by the military I think we should ban. You’ve heard people say you have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands. (shrugs) OK.


03-25-18, 18:54
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:


Yeah I saw that earlier. It's in Asheville, NC and they have a well-known liberal slant in that town.

One thing that flabbergasts me about all this talk is that the other side seems totally okay with whatever problems may arise from CREATING a whole new class of felons. Wave a pen and you CREATE a million+ new felons. No one "over there" sees an issue with this. Like people who the day before were law-abiding, productive, tax-paying citizens who were not criminals but today you MADE them such. It just boggles the mind. It also infuriates me, and I'm sure I'm not alone. God forbid it ever come to that but if it does they should be made to yearn for the days of an occasional school shooting being their biggest crying-point.......

03-25-18, 19:05
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:


It just goes to show that the left's gun control lust is about disarming their opponents, not reducing violence. They are all for violence if it suits their needs- BLM and Antifa have already demonstrated that and the Dems embrace them both.

03-25-18, 19:36
saw a pic of the bald lez with a cuba flag on her jacket ;) hahahahahahahaha

maybe we can send her there to protest about gay rights :) even she could go on her own do something good
she will be safe since guns are baned and sure she will be so happy since she craps on our flag and wears cubas proudly

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 19:38
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:


This guy apparently has no idea what demographic lives out here. As soon as to get out of city limits, which takes all of ten minutes, you'll find a lot of people who will never surrender their weapons.

But hey, if he wants to send his deputies back in the hills to confiscate guns, good for him. Let's see how that works out.

03-25-18, 19:42
Read the last sentence in the sign:


yup buried alive he has been quoted etc.. why waste bullets
not sure what ya meant :)

03-25-18, 21:37
This guy apparently has no idea what demographic lives out here. As soon as to get out of city limits, which takes all of ten minutes, you'll find a lot of people who will never surrender their weapons.

But hey, if he wants to send his deputies back in the hills to confiscate guns, good for him. Let's see how that works out.

Well, they way he talks, im sure hell be leading the charge for “safety”.
“We have too much violence, so if you are not violent, but have a gun, we’re going to kill you.” Typical Liberal logic.

Its all just talk though. It always is.

03-25-18, 22:22
This guy apparently has no idea what demographic lives out here. As soon as to get out of city limits, which takes all of ten minutes, you'll find a lot of people who will never surrender their weapons.

But hey, if he wants to send his deputies back in the hills to confiscate guns, good for him. Let's see how that works out.

I think the bean counters in Washington knows this cant happen over night. They go city by city, county by county until they have us surrounded. Start with California, then New York, then Washington state, Oregon, Colorado, Jersey, until they have 2/3 of the states that abide by new gun laws. States like Texas, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma will be the last states to be effected.

03-25-18, 23:03
Student Delaney Tarr “There are so very many things, so many steps to take. Like right now, sign our petition. It takes two seconds and it matters. We will take the big and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting. When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for bread crumbs. We are here for real change. We are here to lead.”

Parkland Student Delaney Tarr: “When They Give Us That Inch, That Bump Stock Ban, We Will Take A Mile” (VIDEO) (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/parkland-student-delaney-tarr-when-they-give-us-that-inch-that-bump-stock-ban-we-will-take-a-mile-video/)

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 23:43
Student Delaney Tarr “There are so very many things, so many steps to take. Like right now, sign our petition. It takes two seconds and it matters. We will take the big and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting. When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for bread crumbs. We are here for real change. We are here to lead.”

Parkland Student Delaney Tarr: “When They Give Us That Inch, That Bump Stock Ban, We Will Take A Mile” (VIDEO) (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/parkland-student-delaney-tarr-when-they-give-us-that-inch-that-bump-stock-ban-we-will-take-a-mile-video/)

You don't say? Who could have possibly foreseen that giving the left a concession was a bad idea?

03-26-18, 01:05
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:

Any weapon that is designed for use by the military I think we should ban. You’ve heard people say you have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands. (shrugs) OK.


It's good to see them speaking publicly about their true intentions (as if it was some great enigma), as with the emo girl at the rally about bump stocks.

"Most times a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen." — Charles Travis Postelwaite

Dist. Expert 26
03-26-18, 08:39
It's good to see them speaking publicly about their true intentions (as if it was some great enigma), as with the emo girl at the rally about bump stocks.

"Most times a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen." — Charles Travis Postelwaite

This is a fair point. We've pushed the extremists to the forefront of their movement and they're going for broke. Nobody on our side can sit comfortably by with the delusion that they won't be affected.

Coal Dragger
03-26-18, 08:44
We should do a fund raiser to send Tide Pods to these marches so the kids have refreshments.

03-26-18, 08:57
IMO, the anti's and liberals are more vocal (and frankly crazy) when it comes to these events, and most pro-2A people are more conservative. Then the internet/social media makes it easier for the anti's to spread their lies and misguided opinions.

To add to that, The younger generation and many millennials have an entitled mentality and majority have not served or have no desire/experience in Military like the older generation.

03-26-18, 15:30
Love it


03-26-18, 15:41
Love it

https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/eagles-of-death-metals-jesse-hughes-slams-march-for-our-lives-protests/ar-BBKIx3E?ocid=spartanntpYeah but they also made sure to make him sound like some crazy loon. He's just some drugged-out rock and roll guy can't take him seriously

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-26-18, 16:17
Love it


Spot on commentary! :cool:

"Obviously … The best thing to do to combat chronic abusers and disregarders of the law (like the law against Murder) is to ... pass another Law," Hughes wrote. "But before we pass this law we're going to denigrate the memory and curse ourselves by exploiting the death of 16 of our fellow students for a few Facebook likes and some media attention."

"Look how well civil rights abuses as it concerns firearms helped to protect me and my friends in Paris," Hughes added. Eagles of Death Metal were onstage at Paris' Bataclan on the night of November 13th, 2015, when armed terrorists stormed the venue and killed 89 people, including the band's merchandise manager.

"As the survivor of a mass shooting I can tell you from first-hand experience that all of you protesting and taking days off from school insult the memory of those who were killed and abuse and insult me and every other lover of liberty by your every action," Hughes wrote.

"The Whitney Houston song about letting the children lead the way wasn’t actually had operating paradigm for life ... And when the truth don’t line up with your bull---t narrative just hold your breath and stamp your feet and refused to except it ... then take multiple days off of school playing hooky at the expense of 16 of your classmates blood … it might be funny if it wasn't so pathetic and disgusting," Hughes added.

"Long Live Rock’n’Roll ... and may everyone of these disgusting vile abusers of the dead live as long as possible so they can have the maximum amount of time to endure their shame ... and be Cursed ..."

03-26-18, 21:08
So what I just heard from this guy is a threat of violence and outright murder of people that have broken no laws. And then the other Nazis in the room laugh and applaud the threat of murdering innocent people. This guy has not been arrested yet why? Have we learned nothing from the Florida school shooting?

I’m sure when his jack boot brown shirt thugs show up, he’ll be right there in the lead to fight the fight. Or more accurately, he’ll stay at the office and hear about it on the news. What a punk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dist. Expert 26
03-26-18, 21:10
Dear YouTube,
YouTube’s latest gun policy demonstrates that Alphabet has chosen to align itself with those working to erode freedom and deny individuals of their rights.
The right to keep and bear arms is inalienable to human beings. It is derived from human nature itself. Institutional recognition of the right to life and all other inalienable rights derived therefrom, is essential for peaceful life on earth. The right to keep and bear arms safeguards humanity from tyrannical government and institutionally sanctioned mass murder, of which history has too many examples.

Many gun owners know this to be true. They value personal freedom above all else, regarding it as essential as the air they breathe. They are deeply offended by the systematic erosion of freedom, perpetrated by government officials elected by people devoid of the philosophical foundation essential for moral decision making.
The denial of any right can only be carried out coercively, that is by force or by the threat of force. When official representatives of a government or an institution attempt to deny an individual of a basic right and are met with resistance, invariably an instrument of force, be it a gun, knife, or club is produced by those officials and used to coerce the individual into submission.
There is no such right as the right to work towards the denial of any other right. Moreover, advocacy of coercion is an attack on personal freedom and thus it is itself and act of coercion.
Therefore, by siding with those who work to deny others of the inalienable right to keep and bear arms, YouTube is implicitly supporting the most frightening kind of coercive behavior, that which is perpetrated institutionally.

Because rights can only be violated by force, only by force can they be preserved.

I have the answer for all the dim witted and undereducated people who ask, “Why do you need a gun?” Killing is the answer. All rational people need a gun so that they can come together and kill those who would attempt to forcefully deny them of their individual rights, any of them. Make no mistake about it. This is one of the most important building blocks of peaceful civilization. The United States government maintains a nuclear arsenal for the same reason, to kill those who would forcefully deny the citizen of the United States the right to live their lives and pursue their happiness. The citizens of this wonderful country delegate their right of self-defense to the government but our government must be checked by the people from whom its power is derived. The people are the first branch of government. The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial are the second, third, and forth. Without a well-armed citizenry, a government of rational people, by rational people, and for rational people cannot exist.

Unfortunately, the current state of the government renders it untrustworthy, at least for rational people. It is a well-known fact that elected officials across all levels of government can be purchased and therefore laws can be purchased, usually to gain advantageous positions within a marketplace that would otherwise be free and self-correcting. Our government is also largely a product of mob-rule, branded as democracy. The mob is an ignorant bunch who know nothing of building a political framework on a moral foundation philosophically embedded in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Crafting a political framework based on the whimsical faith of the mob will ultimately lead to nothing but human suffering, as it so often has throughout history. Conflicts rooted in faith either remain unresolved or are resolved by force. No other alternative is possible.
In the wake of a school shooting, the mob will devour tales of gun control fed to them by knowingly divisive people while absolutely nothing is said about indicting public education, public and therefore pathetic at best, for stifling the development of millions of minds every day. Is it not true the public schools are complicit in shaping the minds of children? Why then is the emergence of a homicidal monster from a public school surprising to anyone? Public schools are an obsolete relic preserved by politicians at all levels who have been bought by teacher’s unions across the country. The survival of these unions depend on funds forcefully and unjustly taken by government from millions of people and diverted into a failing system, the persistence of which mathematically depends on mediocre performance at best. Free market examples of education prove beyond doubt that high-quality education can be had for surprisingly low cost while earning top educators millions. So, I ask you, dim-witted mobster, why then would you entrust the development of the most precious thing in the universe, the mind of a human child, to people who have proven themselves to be corrupt and unscrupulous?

Scientists and engineers are familiar with the concept of positive feedback which is the enhancement or amplification of an effect by its own influence on the process that gives rise to it. That is a good definition and I got it from the dictionary.

Positive feedback can be either desirable or undesirable. An example of desirable positive feedback is compounding interest returning on an investment, the dividends from which are reinvested thus increasing the rate of return. An example of undesirable positive feedback is an infection of flesh-eating bacteria. As the bacteria eats your flesh, they gain the nutrients needed to multiply and thus consume your flesh at an ever-increasing rate until you are dead.

Stupid people ****ing is another example of undesirable positive feedback that is frighteningly similar to the flesh-eating bacteria example. Here’s how it goes. ****ing is easy. Even the dumbest people can do it. When they do, they sometimes produce another person, whom we will call Ernie for this example, and they attempt to keep him alive long enough to transfer what life-sustaining responsibility they can to a public school run by idiots. Little Ernie doesn’t stand a chance because both his parents and teachers are morons. Nevertheless, he grows up on a diet of nicotine and government subsidized food stuff unfit for human consumption. At no point did anyone tell poor Ernie about the importance of philosophy for establishing his ethical code of conduct. Ernie doesn’t know what philosophy is, let alone that it is responsible for every human achievement that has assuaged human suffering throughout the ages. He knows nothing of the monumental epistemological achievements that are logic and the scientific method. So Ernie lives life, surviving day to day, doing what little he can to keep food in his belly and nicotine in what’s left of his brain. He never gains on life to realize personal fulfillment and the free time to pursue his ambitions, that is if he knew enough to have ambitions. The hard life finally catches up to Ernie and his health deteriorates but not before he spawns a couple of Ernie juniors of his own because, remember, ****ing is easy, even for dummies like Ernie. His need for survival leads him to a hospital which will treat his chronic illness into perpetuity at the expense of those who can actually create wealth. Even worse, Ernie learns how to vote from a Democrat who tells Ernie that health care at the expense of others is his right. Ernie doesn’t have the philosophical tools to know that such a notion is preposterous, but he does know that if he votes for the Democrat, others will pay the price for his bad behavior so that he may live for a few more years to smoke cigarettes and eat more government subsidized crap. And since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, the little Ernie juniors that he spawned eventually grow up to be just like their worthless dad. Pretty soon, we’re living in a country full of people just like Ernie, a flesh-eating bacteria, voting for the government cultivation of dependency, because his survival now depends on it.

The government’s dependency engines, those being public education, subsidized food stuff (not to be confused with actual food) and publicly financed health care will not only be preserved, but expanded in an effort to sustain more bacteria. Politicians will garner power from the voting bacteria, until the bacteria has eaten all available flesh, that being the output confiscated by government at the point of a gun from those who are capable of producing it by living in accordance with a philosophical code fit for humans. Rational people need guns so that they can resist this totalitarian onslaught.
Our government, some of which is fantastic, suffers from systemic corruption that has led to human suffering as it can only do. Our government is abdicating its responsibility to carry out its most solemn duty, which is defending and securing individual rights. It has created a caustic environment in which wonderful little minds are tragically and systemically transformed into Ernie-like monsters. As a matter of policy, leftist groups advocate for the confiscation of both wealth and the means for securing it. They advocate that the power to dispose of over one-half of the wealth created by the productive citizens of this county is best left to the 535 members of Congress rather than to those who created it. They advocate that no one should possess a lethal means of defending themselves or their livelihood and that such defense is best left to some far-away authority. Such irrational and absurd notions are both frightening and threatening. What would you expect any rational person to do in the face of that threat? They will arm themselves as millions have. And if the trend towards totalitarianism continues, they will have no choice but to organize themselves and take action that will ultimately turn violent when rational arguments fall on deaf ears.

I may not be the last person to resign myself to an armed civil conflict within the United States but I am certainly far from the first. I would prefer to live under a political framework conducive to peaceful coexistence among people who can live freely to pursue their dreams and who are respectful of the rights of all others to do the same, thus offering no obstruction. The long-term preservation of such a framework is only possible with a government, derived from a powerful and independent citizenry, and committed to the defense and security of individual rights. Such power can only be delegated by and derived from people who possess it, people who are armed.
So YouTube, on behalf of myself and the millions of gun owners from around the world, many of whom I have met, I ask you to reconsider your stance on the issue of guns and continue to allow the publication of gun related videos enjoyed by so many. Guns are important. They are more than just toys enjoyed by millions. The Founding Fathers of the United States knew as much. With revolution fresh on their minds they made a point of recognizing and protecting the right to keep and bear arms by its early inclusion into the US Constitution. If the right to keep and bear arms is forcefully denied, then no other right can be safe.
Theodore Karagias
American Rifle Company

03-27-18, 01:19
This is a direct quote taken from my PD's Facebook page.

I was glad to have my family take part in the March for Our Lives rally in downtown North Bend, but disappointed in the lack of police presence. It’s hard to explain to your kids why people are driving by giving them the finger and purposely flooding the area with truck exhaust. How can we coordinate for better safety in the future?

Yes, he was attending an anti-gun rally but wanted people with guns there to provide for their safety....... Ugh. Our presence was never requested by the organizers, not students mind you, and about 200 people showed up, versus the quoted 50 on the permit. They probably wouldn't want to pay for our OT either.

03-27-18, 01:47
Why do I feel like a "March for our rights" movement would not be so openly encouraged?

03-27-18, 02:44
This is a direct quote taken from my PD's Facebook page.
Yes, he was attending an anti-gun rally but wanted people with guns there to provide for their safety....... Ugh. Our presence was never requested by the organizers, not students mind you, and about 200 people showed up, versus the quoted 50 on the permit. They probably wouldn't want to pay for our OT either.

The ego on this guy, he's simply so full of himself that he hasn't a clue that he went Full Retard so many, many years ago.
I'm guessing he took the family and left his sidearm at home?
I'm in awe.

03-27-18, 12:15
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:

https://twitter.com/RealRedElephant/status/977473028371050498And now he's apologizing. It was a poor attempt at a joke!


"Fisher still issued an apology about the joke, saying it was a “mistake” he should not have made and affirmed his support for the Second Amendment, although he favors some gun-control measures."

Support the 2nd BUT.....

Hopefully this is his "Deplorables" moment

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-27-18, 12:23
North Carolina Democrat running for Sheriff Buncombe County North Carolina:


I wonder if old Daryl knows the story of Buford Pusser, if not, it would probably be wise for him to read it.

03-27-18, 14:28

03-27-18, 16:34
And now he's apologizing. It was a poor attempt at a joke!


"Fisher still issued an apology about the joke, saying it was a “mistake” he should not have made and affirmed his support for the Second Amendment, although he favors some gun-control measures."

Support the 2nd BUT.....

Hopefully this is his "Deplorables" moment

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Hey they arrested that girl for making a "joke" about shooting up a school, so I think a "joke" about being willing to murder American citizens in an effort do deny them a fundamental civil right should carry about the same weight if not more.

03-27-18, 16:35
Why do I feel like a "March for our rights" movement would not be so openly encouraged?

More importantly, most of us are too busy working and taking care of responsibilities to even attend such an event were it to even exist.

03-27-18, 16:40
Hey they arrested that girl for making a "joke" about shooting up a school, so I think a "joke" about being willing to murder American citizens in an effort do deny them a fundamental civil right should carry about the same weight if not more..https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180327/0c45e28dbcdfb54cea6e51006594c06e.jpg

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-27-18, 17:11
Marching to take away our rights one day and committing murder the next day. Stereotypical leftist, and if you scroll down to the bottom of the article there is a picture of HRC with another future murderer.


03-27-18, 17:54
Well, if “mental disorder” means you cant buy a gun, no liberal can buy one.


03-27-18, 18:47
Speaking of Marching for Our Lives. The kids going to Paul Ryan's house are about 3 blocks from my house right now...

03-27-18, 22:47
More importantly, most of us are too busy working and taking care of responsibilities to even attend such an event were it to even exist.

So what you're saying is...

Y'all are too busy to protect your civil rights?

03-27-18, 23:07
So what you're saying is...

Y'all are too busy to protect your civil rights?

I have no affiliation with this, saw on Tumblr.


April 14, 2018: Patriotic Americans Plans Second Amendment Rallies At All State Capitals

03-27-18, 23:11
So what you're saying is...

Y'all are too busy to protect your civil rights?

Well, if some donor with deep pockets would like to step up and subsidize my paycheck then I'll be more than happy to take off a few days to protest. Until then I'll keep writing and calling my representatives, and doing what I can in my free time to make my voice heard. I've got responsibilities that I have to pay for, and a work ethic reputation to uphold. We have to work within the system we have, and hope it works like the founding fathers intended for it to.

Unfortunately, for our cause to be wholly in the right, we have to wait for said system to fail us. That IMHO is when all hell will break loose. When that time comes I'm sure there will be plenty out there will do what they have to do, and stand up for our rights that our founding fathers fought for.

03-27-18, 23:22
Dog Driving Truck Photobombs CNN Interview With Gonzalez/Hogg (http://www.complex.com/life/2018/02/truck-driving-dog-makes-cameo-during-cnn-florida-shooting-interview)

Saw this on Tumblr earlier today. Two things, if you start around 4:30 mark watch Gonzalez’s eyes reading a teleprompter for her lines*, and second - and most important - right around the 5:00 mark a full size pickup creeps into the background driving by with a golden retriever behind the wheel! Good boy!

*she seems to do this throughout, I just chose 4:30 as it was close to the dog clip

Also ‘Complex’ seems to be a little left leaning, apologies it’s just where the story is posted.

03-28-18, 00:17
Unfortunately, for our cause to be wholly in the right, we have to wait for said system to fail us. That IMHO is when all hell will break loose. When that time comes I'm sure there will be plenty out there will do what they have to do, and stand up for our rights that our founding fathers fought for.
When they quit teaching history, they built entire generations that are now oblivious to the lessons that have already been learned and paid for in blood.
Once they begin using force and going door to door to enforce gun control, there will be a lot of dead and wounded soon to follow.
I'm not making any threat, I'm certainly not saying gun owners will rise up in rebellion.
What I am saying is that historical evidence says it's not going to be very long before wholesale slaughter takes place.
There is a real reason why governments do this and it generally isn't about the safety of its citizens.

03-28-18, 01:22
So what you're saying is...

Y'all are too busy to protect your civil rights?

No I'm saying I can't jump on a bus to a rally in DC and I don't get time off work, I'm just not making money, which means I don't pay my bills and my mortgage and eventually I become homeless and loose just about everything which will ironically allow me to be an activist for things I don't own anymore.

You either have to be pretty wealthy to be an activist or dead ass broke with nothing to lose.

So I protect my rights by joining groups like the NRA, donating to groups like the ILA, harassing my representatives to support me as best I can and then by voting. I don't know that all these marches accomplish very much except for making people "feel involved."

03-28-18, 02:14
No I'm saying I can't jump on a bus to a rally in DC and I don't get time off work, I'm just not making money, which means I don't pay my bills and my mortgage and eventually I become homeless and loose just about everything which will ironically allow me to be an activist for things I don't own anymore.

You either have to be pretty wealthy to be an activist or dead ass broke with nothing to lose.

So I protect my rights by joining groups like the NRA, donating to groups like the ILA, harassing my representatives to support me as best I can and then by voting. I don't know that all these marches accomplish very much except for making people "feel involved."

Many if not most of the Left's activists are paid professionals, bused from event to event--it's time to answer with a cadre of similar Professional Conservative Activists, something like Project Veritas or Center for Medical Progress writ large.

03-28-18, 05:32
Once they begin using force and going door to door to enforce gun control, there will be a lot of dead and wounded soon to follow.
I'm not making any threat, I'm certainly not saying gun owners will rise up in rebellion.
What I am saying is that historical evidence says it's not going to be very long before wholesale slaughter takes place.

Which is ironic, as the stated intention of the gun banners is to reduce gun violence...

03-28-18, 05:43
Which is ironic, as the stated intention of the gun banners is to reduce gun violence...

Actually the intention of the gun banners is to disarm their opponents, not reduce violence. See post #172.

03-28-18, 05:43
Double tap...

03-28-18, 06:41
Many if not most of the Left's activists are paid professionals, bused from event to event--it's time to answer with a cadre of similar Professional Conservative Activists, something like Project Veritas or Center for Medical Progress writ large.Sounds good. Who wants to pay for Steyr and I to come and protest? Food, room and board, transportation and other travel expenses!

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-28-18, 06:50
When they quit teaching history, they built entire generations that are now oblivious to the lessons that have already been learned and paid for in blood.
Once they begin using force and going door to door to enforce gun control, there will be a lot of dead and wounded soon to follow.
I'm not making any threat, I'm certainly not saying gun owners will rise up in rebellion.
What I am saying is that historical evidence says it's not going to be very long before wholesale slaughter takes place.
There is a real reason why governments do this and it generally isn't about the safety of its citizens.

“He who controls the present controls the past. He who controls the past controls the future”- George Orwell.

03-28-18, 12:59
Actually the intention of the gun banners is to disarm their opponents, not reduce violence. See post #172.

Exactly this, and they will use any means necessary to achieve their goals. That includes using children.

03-28-18, 15:01
Despite media narrative, study says teenagers made up just 10 percent of March for Our Lives crowd

A university professor studying large-scale, Trump-era protests in Washington says the media is giving the wrong impression about who made up the crowd during last weekend’s anti-gun March for Our Lives demonstration.

“My research tells a different story about who participated in the March for Our Lives — and it is more complicated and less well-packaged for prime time,” University of Maryland sociology professor Dana R. Fisher wrote in a Wednesday story for the Washington Post.

Fisher’s study indicates that -- while news coverage focused on the teenagers marching for gun control in the wake of last month’s shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida --- 90 percent of the crowd was actually adults. She said the average age of adults in the crowd was just under 49


03-28-18, 15:23
Despite media narrative, study says teenagers made up just 10 percent of March for Our Lives crowd

A university professor studying large-scale, Trump-era protests in Washington says the media is giving the wrong impression about who made up the crowd during last weekend’s anti-gun March for Our Lives demonstration.

“My research tells a different story about who participated in the March for Our Lives — and it is more complicated and less well-packaged for prime time,” University of Maryland sociology professor Dana R. Fisher wrote in a Wednesday story for the Washington Post.

Fisher’s study indicates that -- while news coverage focused on the teenagers marching for gun control in the wake of last month’s shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida --- 90 percent of the crowd was actually adults. She said the average age of adults in the crowd was just under 49


So the real picture here is that the Democrats are able to put together a large crowd for the media of essentially working age adults during a weekday for a demonstration. That means they are being funded which we already know but more so- are funded well enough to pull people off of real jobs unless of course the entire crowd was Welfare dependents. One thing I noticed was a lot of immigrants in the crowd, people who spoke with accents when being interviewed which to me says they are likely not even citizens. So my conclusion is that Democrats aren't Americans.

03-28-18, 15:40
The manufactured outrage was strong in that march.

03-28-18, 16:03
Dog Driving Truck Photobombs CNN Interview With Gonzalez/Hogg (http://www.complex.com/life/2018/02/truck-driving-dog-makes-cameo-during-cnn-florida-shooting-interview)

Saw this on Tumblr earlier today. Two things, if you start around 4:30 mark watch Gonzalez’s eyes reading a teleprompter for her lines*, and second - and most important - right around the 5:00 mark a full size pickup creeps into the background driving by with a golden retriever behind the wheel! Good boy!

*she seems to do this throughout, I just chose 4:30 as it was close to the dog clip

Also ‘Complex’ seems to be a little left leaning, apologies it’s just where the story is posted.

hahahahahahahahh that dog was classic funny

03-28-18, 16:26
The manufactured outrage was strong in that march.

It takes someone to take the raw data, as in this case, a large number of people, and film it in such a way that it only highlights the few that fit the rather limited narrative. Children marching for "Gun Control."
Think about that for a minute. Think about the practicalities of making that work.
Think about the editing involved in making that work.
Consider for a moment the number of cameras necassay.
Think about the coordination and time needed to make all that work.
Now consider the raw data that was gathered and used by "Independent" sources.
If the Professor is correct and the facts don't fit the released and edited footage that would be rather easy to prove wouldn't it?
Again of course we would need a few people of the media who would be willing to prove this one way or the other.

03-28-18, 17:08
So the real picture here is that the Democrats are able to put together a large crowd for the media of essentially working age adults during a weekday for a demonstration. That means they are being funded which we already know but more so- are funded well enough to pull people off of real jobs unless of course the entire crowd was Welfare dependents.

Teachers are on spring break around here... probably just a coincidence...

03-28-18, 17:13
It takes someone to take the raw data, as in this case, a large number of people, and film it in such a way that it only highlights the few that fit the rather limited narrative. Children marching for "Gun Control."
Think about that for a minute. Think about the practicalities of making that work.
Think about the editing involved in making that work.
Consider for a moment the number of cameras necassay.
Think about the coordination and time needed to make all that work.
Now consider the raw data that was gathered and used by "Independent" sources.
If the Professor is correct and the facts don't fit the released and edited footage that would be rather easy to prove wouldn't it?
Again of course we would need a few people of the media who would be willing to prove this one way or the other.

but 1/2 the population believe doctored climate change info ?

03-28-18, 20:42
So the real picture here is that the Democrats are able to put together a large crowd for the media of essentially working age adults during a weekday for a demonstration. That means they are being funded which we already know but more so- are funded well enough to pull people off of real jobs unless of course the entire crowd was Welfare dependents. One thing I noticed was a lot of immigrants in the crowd, people who spoke with accents when being interviewed which to me says they are likely not even citizens. So my conclusion is that Democrats aren't Americans.

It's not just about funding.

A guy in my office went to the march. He pretty much identifies himself as an "activist" and is constantly attending rallies, teaching lectures, and generally participating in all things left. He has a huge network of activist friends. They all support each other's causes, and attend rallies for each other. That's a whole different aspect to this: there are simply "professional" protestors who make the rounds because it's how they get their social time on the weekends.

I'd rather be doing my own thing, spending time with the family, or fixing up my house.

03-28-18, 21:22
It's not just about funding.

A guy in my office went to the march. He pretty much identifies himself as an "activist" and is constantly attending rallies, teaching lectures, and generally participating in all things left. He has a huge network of activist friends. They all support each other's causes, and attend rallies for each other. That's a whole different aspect to this: there are simply "professional" protestors who make the rounds because it's how they get their social time on the weekends.

I'd rather be doing my own thing, spending time with the family, or fixing up my house.

The difference is that most Constitutional supporters tend to be “live and let live”. We want to do our own thing and be left alone and you can do your own thing without me interfering. The leftists are just the opposite- they want everyone else to live by their standards and have no problem forcing their will upon us. Being unarmed citizens makes it easier for them to do so.

03-29-18, 06:55
So the dumb bald lez freak was one of the one bullying the shooter and for a long time and talking about it

Wonder if the news will ask why and say blood on your hands and maybe you should be marching against bullying

Hope she gets what’s coming

03-29-18, 07:55
So the dumb bald lez freak was one of the one bullying the shooter and for a long time and talking about it

Wonder if the news will ask why and say blood on your hands and maybe you should be marching against bullying

Hope she gets what’s comingShe's a triple minority. I'm surprised they haven't given her a trophy for that yet. Had I done the bullying I'd be vilified on CNN

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03-29-18, 08:21
She's a triple minority. I'm surprised they haven't given her a trophy for that yet. Had I done the bullying I'd be vilified on CNN

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That's a fact. Any of us would, but since she's a triple minority she gets a free pass. This world is straight effed up!

03-29-18, 11:22
So the dumb bald lez freak was one of the one bullying the shooter and for a long time and talking about it

Wonder if the news will ask why and say blood on your hands and maybe you should be marching against bullying

Hope she gets what’s coming

This cannot be hidden for too long. Do you have a link to this info?

03-29-18, 11:33
So the dumb bald lez freak was one of the one bullying the shooter and for a long time and talking about it

Wonder if the news will ask why and say blood on your hands and maybe you should be marching against bullying

Hope she gets what’s coming

This cannot be hidden for too long. Do you have a link to this info?

If Honu's post pans out to be true the million dollar question is will their hypocrisy change their attitude? I doubt it, but hopefully the rest of "average" America will be able to see past the airs they've put on for weeks now.

03-29-18, 11:55
POS hogg is planning on targeting Laura Ingraham’s advertisers and reported that 4 colleges have rejected his application.

03-29-18, 12:01
POS hogg is planning on targeting Laura Ingraham’s advertisers and reported that 4 colleges have rejected his application.Yea don't talk about golden boy

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03-29-18, 12:56
Yea don't talk about golden boy

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Li'l hitler hogg got his feelings hurt. Even his sister is coming to his (twitter) aid.

03-29-18, 13:51
If Honu's post pans out to be true the million dollar question is will their hypocrisy change their attitude? I doubt it, but hopefully the rest of "average" America will be able to see past the airs they've put on for weeks now.

found this

she said how some of you said we should not have ostracized him well you did not know him we did but she seems quite violent in the way she is saying it ?
some other FB posts were saying that she was talking about it to

but the fact she does blame him ? so its the shooter
she needs to go on a show that wont let her get away with this but that is a pipe dream for sure

03-29-18, 13:57
Maybe I'm cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised had it been her being ostracized she'd have been claiming she was a "victim" of it.

03-29-18, 15:10
POS hogg is planning on targeting Laura Ingraham’s advertisers and reported that 4 colleges have rejected his application.

Apparently it worked...Several companies pulled ads from her show and she issued an apology

03-29-18, 15:21
POS hogg is planning on targeting Laura Ingraham’s advertisers and reported that 4 colleges have rejected his application.

Can't say I blame them.. Most collages today have enough problems with snowflake students as it is. Hogg would be nothing but a problem. Don't know if it's true, but I've heard that POS Hogg, is getting all his credits needed to graduate given to him by Parkland HS, so that he can continue to protest instead of going back to school, and studying, and taking his finals like everybody else has to do to graduate..

03-29-18, 15:25
Laura Ingraham should have offered him a scholarship to Hillsdale College in hopes that he might learn what the constitution actually says.

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03-29-18, 15:36
Laura Ingraham should have offered him a scholarship to Hillsdale College in hopes that he might learn what the constitution actually says.

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He'd never make it.. Places like that generally require the student to do some critical thinking to pass.. POS Hogg isn't capable of that..he operates only on emotion..

03-29-18, 15:40
Apparently it worked...Several companies pulled ads from her show and she issued an apology

which is sad cause he is a whiner kinda bummed she apologized she should have said see he is whining about my free speech now !

conservatives need to actually boycott companies like this that pull out without saying anything just have a list on some site and quit buying anything and everything from them and they will see the bottom line also never go back be done with em

03-29-18, 15:50
found this

she said how some of you said we should not have ostracized him well you did not know him we did but she seems quite violent in the way she is saying it ?
some other FB posts were saying that she was talking about it to

but the fact she does blame him ? so its the shooter
she needs to go on a show that wont let her get away with this but that is a pipe dream for sure

You know you're not going to see the media reporting about this, but....
If I was an Attorney and had the ability to find some witnesses to her bullying and making his life miserable, I might have a piece of gold right there.
When you make a game out of teasing dangerously violent and mentally unstable people for sport....?
Liability in a civil case might not be such a giant leap for a jury.
Her words may come back to burn her.

03-29-18, 16:32
You know you're not going to see the media reporting about this, but....
If I was an Attorney and had the ability to find some witnesses to her bullying and making his life miserable, I might have a piece of gold right there.
When you make a game out of teasing dangerously violent and mentally unstable people for sport....?
Liability in a civil case might not be such a giant leap for a jury.
Her words may come back to burn her.

had the same thought

would be great if someone did that

she also seems like the type that would come unhinged quite easy herself

03-29-18, 18:46
He'd never make it.. Places like that generally require the student to do some critical thinking to pass.. POS Hogg isn't capable of that..he operates only on emotion..

hitler hogg operates on emotion AND orders from those who pay him.

03-29-18, 19:50
Laura Ingraham made a fatal flaw today. Apologizing to a little snot nosed fascist like david hogg not only cost her any credibility she still had with conservatives, it didn’t stop sponsors from fleeing her show on Fox News. Also, hogg did not accept Ingraham’s apology which she should have never issued in the first place. Basically, Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show is toast and it’s time to start thinking about how should replace her.

What Laura Ingraham did, by mocking hogg’s failure to get into four California colleges was nothing, yet hogg and his allies in the left wing media made it into a big deal and so far six sponsors have pulled out.

03-29-18, 19:57
Laura Ingraham made a fatal flaw today. Apologizing to a little snot nosed fascist like david hogg not only cost her any credibility she still had with conservatives, it didn’t stop sponsors from fleeing her show on Fox News. Also, hogg did not accept Ingraham’s apology which she should have never issued in the first place. Basically, Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show is toast and it’s time to start thinking about how should replace her.

What Laura Ingraham did, by mocking hogg’s failure to get into four California colleges was nothing, yet hogg and his allies in the left wing media made it into a big deal and so far six sponsors have pulled out.

Ingraham shouldn't have thrown a grenade into her own hootch by apologizing. hitler hogg is already drunk with power. Hopefully this will be a silver lining and will provide him with enough rope to hang himself.

03-29-18, 20:10
Gibbs Rule #6: Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness.

To Hogg: Go eat your Tide Pods, they're good for you.

03-29-18, 22:06
Ingraham shouldn't have thrown a grenade into her own hootch by apologizing. hitler hogg is already drunk with power. Hopefully this will be a silver lining and will provide him with enough rope to hang himself.
It would have been a lot funnier if She would have just kicked his skinny ass.

03-29-18, 22:13
It would have been a lot funnier if She would have just kicked his skinny ass.Beatdown in the octagon on pay-per-view. hitler hogg is probably multi-lingual. He can scream "mama" in several languages.

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03-30-18, 01:53
think on the whole boycott thing while stupid again go out say fine we will boycott you (company pulling out) to so you will get double hit

but then also go out and buy their product and return it in mass so they end up refunding back a ton of product they wont be able to use :)

maybe even play the lefts game against companies that want to pander to the left and start the rumors all over my dog got insanely sick eating this food watch out look what I found inside these pieces of metal etc.. bring that back to the stores with I found this inside as many stores might pull the product to be safe if it happens a few times :)

I hate to stoop but time to start using the lefts tactics against them and the companies that want to support them

03-30-18, 02:29
I hate to stoop but time to start using the lefts tactics against them and the companies that want to support them

I don't. If there were something our side could do to *effectively* play dirty like they do and not have it backfire on us I'd be in favor of doing it. I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of utterly destroying the reputations of anyone involved in this March For Our Lives thing, but I just don't know what could be done that wouldn't just blow up in our faces. That's the thing that really gets me down here, the feeling like we can't even compete on a level playing field with these people and that we're going to lose not because we aren't in the right, but because we just get outplayed, plain and simple.

03-30-18, 07:53
I don't. If there were something our side could do to *effectively* play dirty like they do and not have it backfire on us I'd be in favor of doing it. I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of utterly destroying the reputations of anyone involved in this March For Our Lives thing, but I just don't know what could be done that wouldn't just blow up in our faces. That's the thing that really gets me down here, the feeling like we can't even compete on a level playing field with these people and that we're going to lose not because we aren't in the right, but because we just get outplayed, plain and simple.

This is how you troll.

Steve Schafer, "Rapists Against Guns".


In one of his other videos, he dresses up like a terrorist to protest the border wall.


03-30-18, 08:04
This is how you troll.

Steve Schafer, "Rapists Against Guns".


In one of his other videos, he dresses up like a terrorist to protest the border wall.


We need a serious documentary that interviews gang members and felons, murderers and serial killers and rapists
Asking them how they feel about laws against guns

Dist. Expert 26
03-30-18, 08:22
We need a serious documentary that interviews gang members and felons, murderers and serial killers and rapists
Asking them how they feel about laws against guns

No, we don't.

Serious arguments, facts and logic have no impact on public opinion. You'd think we would catch on to that idea by now.

03-30-18, 11:18
No, we don't.

Serious arguments, facts and logic have no impact on public opinion. You'd think we would catch on to that idea by now.

This is why "our side" loses constantly, the only tactics we can think of involve "dropping truth bombs" and "burying them in facts". Nobody cares about facts, we live in a post-factual, post-logical world. And within a generation or so we're probably going to be living in a post-constitutional world too unless we figure out what the hell we are doing here.
We need to get really good at getting really dirty, and we need to figure out how to do it fast. I don't know how to do it either, but I'm willing to learn.
We are up against adversaries that are past masters at choreographing flashy public sentiment manipulation campaigns.

Dist. Expert 26
03-30-18, 11:27
This is why "our side" loses constantly, the only tactics we can think of involve "dropping truth bombs" and "burying them in facts". Nobody cares about facts, we live in a post-factual, post-logical world. And within a generation or so we're probably going to be living in a post-constitutional world too unless we figure out what the hell we are doing here.
We need to get really good at getting really dirty, and we need to figure out how to do it fast. I don't know how to do it either, but I'm willing to learn.
We are up against adversaries that are past masters at choreographing flashy public sentiment manipulation campaigns.

We have to twist their words. Go on the attack without so much as a thought of apology.

Prime example- spread the photoshopped picture of the skinhead lesbian tearing up the Constitution. Who cares if it's fake?

Push the fact that she admitted to bullying the shooter 24/7.

Liken Hogg to Hitler.

Do whatever you can to push our agenda.

Either we fight an information war or we end up in a real, no shit war. I prefer the former.

03-30-18, 18:57
Here’s who actually attended the March for Our Lives. (No, it wasn’t mostly young people.)

Contrary to what’s been reported in many media accounts, the D.C. March for Our Lives crowd was not primarily made up of teenagers. Only about 10 percent of the participants were under 18. The average age of the adults in the crowd was just under 49 years old, which is older than participants at the other marches I’ve surveyed but similar to the age of the average participant at the Million Moms March in 2000, which was also about gun control.


03-30-18, 19:09
Here’s who actually attended the March for Our Lives. (No, it wasn’t mostly young people.)


I am surprised the Washington Post published that at all.
I listened to some sound bites of the "speakers"
Full of disinformation and character assassination. Can we class action sue each speaker that calls the all gun owners and members of the NRA "murderers" ?

03-30-18, 19:13
Here’s who actually attended the March for Our Lives. (No, it wasn’t mostly young people.)

Went from 800k young people, to 200k, and just a few young people dragged to this event by their dopey parents.

03-30-18, 19:18
Went from 800k young people, to 200k, and just a few young people dragged to this event by their dopey parents.

I'm pretty sure the film editing took place at breakneck speed.
With all of the money coming from the left coast and Hollywood celebrities, I'm convinced that the entire event was staged for consumption and with some help from "Pro's" sympathetic to the cause.

03-30-18, 19:23
I don't believe it was staged but I believe they shot it from angles that made it look like there were millions. Or at least edited to look like

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03-30-18, 20:55
I don't believe it was staged but I believe they shot it from angles that made it look like there were millions. Or at least edited to look like

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From what I watched on the live CBS and CBS Newspath feeds, if it had been on the Mall instead of Pennsylvania Ave/which-ever street they were on the crowd would not have been as packed together. Camera placement above ground level was also positioned to make things look bigger. Most shots were from slightly above the front of the crowd looking back, the few aerial shots that weren't aired were not as impressive number-wise.

As far as on-the-fly live editing, unless there was only 1 source available for everybody covering the event, too many satellite and internet feeds were synched for that to be plausible if multiple sources were used.

Ned Christiansen
03-30-18, 21:33
I want to respect and admire kids who feel passionately about something, voicing their opinion. For the most part I do but wow do they have some really bad spokes people. Might be the same one I heard twice and I think it's the main one. I sympathize with the feelings of the survivors as that is the only aspect of the gun issue they know but this young man shows that the facts have nothing to do with anything.... some quotes:

"I know target shooting is a sport, but now WE're the targets".

"You may have grown up with guns in your family but now we're running from people like you!"

".... the thousands killed every day and millions of Americans killed every year by guns...."

Legitimacy factor, crumbling to nothing. I f you want to do something, if you want to get a point across, make SOME effort to tell the truth.

03-30-18, 21:39
I don't believe it was staged but I believe they shot it from angles that made it look like there were millions. Or at least edited to look like

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They been doing that since the ****ing 60's. I hate to say it, we are at the point with technology that the tin foiled haired guys have a point that you can't even believe what is on the TV screen.

03-30-18, 21:56
totally staged

OK here is what is going to happen the cameras will be here and here and here and we need to make sure the kids are all together and they get the signs they need and talking points in case they get questions etc..
now the press know to ask the leaders which they have already been prepped about

03-31-18, 21:11
I personally know people who attended the march and I can tell you they weren’t paid nor were they shills or faking it. They are families that scared shitless by people walking into schools with rifles and shooting a bunch of kids. That’s their reality and they get their news and opinions as legitimately as you or anyone else does. The fact that people here disagree with them only means the way these divergent opinions were formed is a fundamental divide - neither side has a monopoly on good intent.

03-31-18, 21:41
I personally know people who attended the march and I can tell you they weren’t paid nor were they shills or faking it. They are families that scared shitless by people walking into schools with rifles and shooting a bunch of kids. That’s their reality and they get their news and opinions as legitimately as you or anyone else does. The fact that people here disagree with them only means the way these divergent opinions were formed is a fundamental divide - neither side has a monopoly on good intent.

There is a fundamental difference, and I'll not excuse their "fear" for their actions: we just generally want to be left alone, to mind our own business and live life. THEY (the entire anti-gun viewpoint, from rabid mouth-foamers to those you mention who are just "scared") seek to force their view onto us. We don't require that they own firearms, but they demand we give ours up for actions that we didn't commit.

No, those appearing misguided but well-intentioned to you are indeed just another face of the enemy. Their degree of commitment/fanaticism is largely irrelevant. Each voice counts as one to oppose us.

Dist. Expert 26
03-31-18, 21:42
I personally know people who attended the march and I can tell you they weren’t paid nor were they shills or faking it. They are families that scared shitless by people walking into schools with rifles and shooting a bunch of kids. That’s their reality and they get their news and opinions as legitimately as you or anyone else does. The fact that people here disagree with them only means the way these divergent opinions were formed is a fundamental divide - neither side has a monopoly on good intent.

If their intention was to protect children they would be seeking proactive measures that could actually make a difference.

Instead, they echo leftist talking points, seek to make me into a criminal and beg for the government to strip their rights away.

Their good intentions are nothing more than childish emotional reactions, completely devoid of logic or critical thought.

03-31-18, 21:48
If people are truly concerned about the safety of their kids while at school, why not get real and tackle that issue locally?
2,500 parents showing up at PTA, City Counsel and waiting outside the Mayor's office mean a lot more change will happen than a quarter of a million people marching in DC.
Basic security issues could be addressed, policies could be reviewed and emergency plans could be reviewed and that information might reassure a lot of parents and create change.
But that's not going to make three weeks of air time for CNN, it's not going to be devicive and no one rights will be threatened.
That school in Florida got shot up because a lot of parents had no clue what was going on.
The School Board, Administration, the Sheriffs office and the Mayor were operating some shady stuff and it all went sideways on everyone.
Fear is a understandable response, but if you don't get past fear and start using logic this is going to continue to happen.

Holding Elected officials responsible and making them work to fix this is a lot more reasonable than demanding everyone disarm.

03-31-18, 21:52
I personally know people who attended the march and I can tell you they weren’t paid nor were they shills or faking it. They are families that scared shitless by people walking into schools with rifles and shooting a bunch of kids. That’s their reality and they get their news and opinions as legitimately as you or anyone else does. The fact that people here disagree with them only means the way these divergent opinions were formed is a fundamental divide - neither side has a monopoly on good intent.

Here is something to point out about school safety. Or safety anywhere. Guns are not the only threat. Anyone who believes that is myopic to beat hell. Look at your general student safety. Grade school, high school, college. It is a ****ing joke. And it ain't guns that are going to be the biggest threat either. What was the numbers thrown out of rifle deaths last year or the year before or something, like sub 300? How many high school ****tards wrap cars around trees? How many college students OD on drugs or alcohol poisoning? I get the point about being afraid, but knowledge is power. Educate yourselves and understand what the actual threats are and were they are coming from. Ban guns and people will no longer do school shootings, as much, and will then go to burning the ****ers down.

Dangerous freedom, or peaceful slavery. Pick one.

03-31-18, 21:55
I personally know people who attended the march and I can tell you they weren’t paid nor were they shills or faking it. They are families that scared shitless by people walking into schools with rifles and shooting a bunch of kids. That’s their reality and they get their news and opinions as legitimately as you or anyone else does. The fact that people here disagree with them only means the way these divergent opinions were formed is a fundamental divide - neither side has a monopoly on good intent.

Did you have a hard time finding parking?

03-31-18, 21:59
The point being that there is change and then there is what we are seeing.
This isn't leading us to school safety.

03-31-18, 22:04
The point being that there is change and then there is what we are seeing.
This isn't leading us to school safety.

No it isn't about safety. It isn't about the children. And for those who have become famous from this shit, it isn't about them and they will be cast aside or in the same basement execution room as the rest of those who lack the constitution to fight. It is about gaining greater control of the populace, more power, more money. The number of bodies that those who want to oppress the people need to step over is just that to them, a number. They are very much of the mind that a single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. A billion is just a number. You mean nothing to them.

03-31-18, 22:11
If people are truly concerned about the safety of their kids while at school, why not get real and tackle that issue locally?
2,500 parents showing up at PTA, City Counsel and waiting outside the Mayor's office mean a lot more change will happen than a quarter of a million people marching in DC.
Basic security issues could be addressed, policies could be reviewed and emergency plans could be reviewed and that information might reassure a lot of parents and create change.
But that's not going to make three weeks of air time for CNN, it's not going to be devicive and no one rights will be threatened.
That school in Florida got shot up because a lot of parents had no clue what was going on.
The School Board, Administration, the Sheriffs office and the Mayor were operating some shady stuff and it all went sideways on everyone.
Fear is a understandable response, but if you don't get past fear and start using logic this is going to continue to happen.

Holding Elected officials responsible and making them work to fix this is a lot more reasonable than demanding everyone disarm.

How much does an SRO cost per year? Seems the snotty PTA Douches could throw together a GoFundMe, or the old-fashioned way with a bake sale, or whip out their own checkbooks and chip in a little every month if they were serious... I tried to VOLUNTEER for Campus Security at my alma mater and was told "we'd have to hire you, you'd have to be on Work-Study and because your family make too much you're ineligible."

Of course, that was the official In The Office "party line," but off-the-books they found plenty of ways to put me to work... the job that led me to my ex was because they played matchmaker, for one.

03-31-18, 22:14
I personally know people who attended the march and I can tell you they weren’t paid nor were they shills or faking it. They are families that scared shitless by people walking into schools with rifles and shooting a bunch of kids. That’s their reality and they get their news and opinions as legitimately as you or anyone else does. The fact that people here disagree with them only means the way these divergent opinions were formed is a fundamental divide - neither side has a monopoly on good intent.

bet their kids are doing drugs with others and not saying so denying
most likely both ilegal and stealing mommy and daddies pills etc..
most likely having there kid have his own to for whatever issues
driving texting
drinking driving
who knows what else but yeah lets go march against something that is so rare because I am so stupid but want to be part of the ME TO crowd

bet they also think global warming is a big scary thing :)

idiots are idiots usually cause they are not educated or informed about topics they are trying to protest or discuss :)
which if they are marching means they are STUPID about the topic at hand

to say they get the news and opinions as legitimately as me or someone else yet they are stupid and ignorant about fire arms means NO they are not getting the same info they are getting a bias fake info :)

I guess to them legitimate is CNN only and of course the talk show hosts :) cause those sources are so honest and popular they have to be correct

03-31-18, 22:17
How much does an SRO cost per year? Seems the snotty PTA Douches could throw together a GoFundMe, or the old-fashioned way with a bake sale, or whip out their own checkbooks and chip in a little every month if they were serious... I tried to VOLUNTEER for Campus Security at my alma mater and was told "we'd have to hire you, you'd have to be on Work-Study and because your family make too much you're ineligible."

Of course, that was the official In The Office "party line," but off-the-books they found plenty of ways to put me to work... the job that led me to my ex was because they played matchmaker, for one.

If they are a swore officer it will depend on the department. I've seen average department salary anywhere between $22K-$65K.
If we are willing to downgrade to rent a cop armed security from third parties, then we can get down to as low as $17k.

At least based on my experience.

But, like I said, it ain't about safety.

03-31-18, 22:31
This has swung so far out of reality we have people running for public office as a CLEO "joking" about prying guns from cold dead hands now.
We have people openly calling for the confiscation of private property and violence against those who will not comply.
If that doesn't speak volumes about how little hey truly care about the safety and how much they are speaking about control, I don't know what does.
The reality is gun confiscation without extream violence and perhaps the disoltion of the union of States will not happen.
But they still call for it.

Securing your local schools and the safety of the students inside them is possible, but it's not about safety or students is it?

03-31-18, 22:32
If they are a swore officer it will depend on the department. I've seen average department salary anywhere between $22K-$65K.
If we are willing to downgrade to rent a cop armed security from third parties, then we can get down to as low as $17k.

At least based on my experience.

But, like I said, it ain't about safety.

True... my HS was 2000 kids, so assuming $65K that would be $32.50 per student per year... $32.50/9 months in-session = $3.61 a month. ONE GODDAMN CRAPPY-CINO a month, if they were serious... but as we agree, they're more full of crap than my bowels having a Bad Day at the Mongolian Buffet.

03-31-18, 22:59
True... my HS was 2000 kids, so assuming $65K that would be $32.50 per student per year... $32.50/9 months in-session = $3.61 a month. ONE GODDAMN CRAPPY-CINO a month, if they were serious... but as we agree, they're more full of crap than my bowels having a Bad Day at the Mongolian Buffet.

Dude, it isn't the size of the high school it the area you live in and the degree of desperation of the department who wants warm bodies. Trust, me I knows. I seen that shit.

This also only covers public schools. What about private schools mother****ers? What about them? They are schools aren't they? Also, you watch anything from Primary and secondary? One of the principles was an SRO for like 20 years, or the better part of it. He covered 3 different schools as an SRO. One cop for three, count them, three schools!!! And people want to claim that if teachers can carry guns that they will be shooting students left and right for reaching for a pencil too fast. And then people wonder why I look at humanity and then pray for a big ass meteor to come from God. Hell, I'll take one of the man's kidney stones well placed in DC at this point.

04-01-18, 06:57
bet their kids are doing drugs with others and not saying so denying
most likely both ilegal and stealing mommy and daddies pills etc..
most likely having there kid have his own to for whatever issues
driving texting
drinking driving
who knows what else but yeah lets go march against something that is so rare because I am so stupid but want to be part of the ME TO crowd

bet they also think global warming is a big scary thing :)

idiots are idiots usually cause they are not educated or informed about topics they are trying to protest or discuss :)
which if they are marching means they are STUPID about the topic at hand

to say they get the news and opinions as legitimately as me or someone else yet they are stupid and ignorant about fire arms means NO they are not getting the same info they are getting a bias fake info :)

I guess to them legitimate is CNN only and of course the talk show hosts :) cause those sources are so honest and popular they have to be correct

Their kids aren’t out of booster seats so there is no nefariousness going on. And no, pinz I didn’t attend the march. I am an Anarco-capitalist myself. But I get it - freedom is dangerous and diversity plus proximity equals violence. How we pull the conversation back to civil level is key. I’m not sure can with bomb throwers (verbal) on both sides...