View Full Version : "Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?"

03-21-18, 12:04
As as scientist and someone who has had a subscription to SA in the past, it's disappointing to see them indulge in this non science BS with an agenda. No bias in that story "That and many other studies suggest that restricting the flow of guns and ammunition would certainly save lives." while ignoring the studies showing the opposite, and I have yet to see a convincing study that it saves lives.

It's also not just about lives, but the Const and Liberty. Freedom is not free. Women are the fastest group getting CCWs and if one added the groups who own them illegally, might be a very different picture. Yes, many white men are feeling threatened by a variety of challenges, and yes, some find some comfort in their collection of more guns than they will ever use, but it's their Right (capital R) to collect what they want and should a tiny % decide to do something evil, it only take one gun to do it. It's a much an anti white guy article as anything and change the race and people would lose their minds, which is one of many reasons white men are feeling stressed out: they're everyone's whipping boy these days and there's virtually nothing they are not blamed for in this shifting cultural landscape. The various white men (as well as black, women, etc) who enjoy collecting and shooting firearms *legally*, are hard working honest people (and there's data showing those with a CCW are involved in far less crimes than the rest of the population ...) who will harm no one, unless it's in defense, and that's what the 2A intended.

Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?

Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears

Since the 2008 election of President Obama, the number of firearms manufactured in the U.S. has tripled, while imports have doubled. This doesn’t mean more households have guns than ever before—that percentage has stayed fairly steady for decades. Rather, more guns are being stockpiled by a small number of individuals. Three percent of the population now owns half of the country’s firearms, says a recent, definitive study from the Injury Control Research Center at Harvard University.

So, who is buying all these guns—and why?



03-21-18, 12:28
We're stockpiling weapons because the Democrat Socialists have now gone full Communist and want to kill us.

03-21-18, 12:33
Blue pill, red pill?

The one thing I learned from Sociology 101 was to ignore anything a “sociologist” said. That has served me well.

03-21-18, 12:35
Maybe white men are just more prone to know and understand human history, and less likely to believe pie in the sky BS from very dubious sources? Yeah, I'll take that for $800 Will. :(

Doc Safari
03-21-18, 12:38
Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears


How about the truth?

1) It's our right.
2) It's our RIGHT.

Any further questions?

03-21-18, 12:43
We're stockpiling weapons because the Democrat Socialists have now gone full Communist and want to kill us.

I would agree with this.


How about the truth?

1) It's our right.
2) It's our RIGHT.

Any further questions?

I would also agree with this.

I would also add that white men might just have a little bit more disposable income than some other population segments. Or at least there is a segment of white men who happen to be hard working, and freedom minded who do not fancy being victims in their own country. Oh, and it just isn't the white man who is stockpiling weapons against the commies. I know lesbians who are stockpiling weapons because they don't trust the commies.

Doc Safari
03-21-18, 12:46
Or at least there is a segment of white men who happen to be hard working, and freedom minded who do not fancy being victims in their own country. Oh, and it just isn't the white man who is stockpiling weapons against the commies. I know lesbians who are stockpiling weapons because they don't trust the commies.

From my own perspective living near the border, if the nutjobs in D.C. would secure our blanking country's sovereignty and boundaries.....

Just sayin'...

03-21-18, 12:48
I'm glad I didn't read that while eating lunch.

Calling it garbage would be an insult to actual garbage. This article reminds me of ones from the early 20th century or older that implied non-Caucasians were "backwards" due to low intelligence. It was thinly disguised racism back then, and this article looks the same now.

03-21-18, 12:50
Well. That was a nice hit piece full of the same usual BS....

He forgot to mention the traitorous white women, the plausibly next highest growing category of gun owners....

...Most murders and shoot-outs don’t happen between strangers. They unfold within social networks, among people of the same race.
Do I really need to go there?

...But Stroud also discovered another motivation: racial anxiety. “A lot of people talked about how important Obama was to get a concealed-carry license: ‘He’s for free health care, he’s for welfare.’ They were asking, ‘Whatever happened to hard work?’” Obama’s presidency, they feared, would empower minorities to threaten their property and families.
I guess we're not going to mention the incessant efforts during same presidency to ban and restrict everything? You know.... the *actual* reasons spurring the explosion in the gun industry?

In typical fashion, this writer's obsession with trying to pin everything on the bad ol' whiteys has him ignoring the blatantly obvious in favor of pushing rhetoric.

03-21-18, 12:53
The profession has a lot of range. I worked for hippie weirdos like the woman in the article. Wasted an hour standing around a bonfire discussing the impact of language on the collective perception of genitalia with a drunk guy who wrote a one man play about Marx. But I also studied economic sociology - data driven analysis of behavior for practical application in commercial environments. Incredible minds in that field, though there is a special place in hell for the developers of R.

That being said, I don't fit the model at issue, so I don't know what's wrong with the rest of you weirdos.

03-21-18, 12:54
From my own perspective living near the border, if the nutjobs in D.C. would secure our blanking country's sovereignty and boundaries.....

Just sayin'...

That would mean that they wouldn't have a fresh voting base for those wanting free hand outs.
I could literally start telling stories about illegals coming in and wanting free shit because this is america and they are owed it. But, I'd probably get yelled at at work for spreading that on an open forum.

03-21-18, 12:55
Because we learned from the death of 6,000,000 that trusted their government.

03-21-18, 12:56

A Cultural Marxist hit piece attempting to depict White males amassing small-arms as insecure fearmongers all the while painting said White males as a threat to society.

03-21-18, 13:08
Because we learned from the death of 6,000,000 that trusted their government.

No four words have lead to the death of more people than "it can't happen here"

03-21-18, 13:17
Another thing....

That article kept implying that White men purchased record number of firearms due to Obama being elected suggesting that it was because of his race (well half of his race anyway). When in reality the reason why there were record number of firearm sales during the Obama years was due to him being a Democrat and the DNC's historic position on the 2nd Amendment. Sandy Hook panic anyone?

03-21-18, 13:56
Another thing....

That article kept implying that White men purchased record number of firearms due to Obama being elected suggesting that it was because of his race (well half of his race anyway). When in reality the reason why there were record number of firearm sales during the Obama years was due to him being a Democrat and the DNC's historic position on the 2nd Amendment. Sandy Hook panic anyone?

Exactly my point. Same reason there were upticking sales late 2016, because Hillary's a blatant gun grabber.
Which is also hilariously ironic, given they want to blame it on Obummer's race, yet the reason there's so much overt hatred of Trumps is....his race. Hmm.... :rolleyes:
Maybe they should have a study of gun ownership amongst "persons of color" and lefty's pre and post Trump's presidency....
Tomato, tomahto...


A Cultural Marxist hit piece attempting to depict White males amassing small-arms as insecure fearmongers all the while painting said White males as a threat to society.

They're a threat to society because they're insecure fearmongers.... come on man, get your circular logic together... :laugh:

The grand irony of the whole thing is, all they have to do to slow sales and accumulation of guns is... do nothing.
But that wouldn't fit their narrative, so...

03-21-18, 14:15
Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears

I am not seeing anything remotely related to science. I'm seeing opinion and race baiting. There is no "scientific research" that could accurately identify why males with a certain level of melanin choose to own firearms. The question itself is almost completely outside the realm of science and the solution to answering the question is not going to by found by applying the scientific method. You could more accurately determine why some males are gay.

This is very much like attempting to determine why some men prefer Ford or Chevy via the scientific method. Perhaps a better question is why a publication devoted to science is engaging in editorial bias and race baiting. Sadly the answer is few people actually read scientific journals unless they contain some level of "clickbait" and I didn't need to use the scientific method to arrive at that answer.

03-21-18, 14:32
I am not seeing anything remotely related to science. I'm seeing opinion and race baiting. There is no "scientific research" that could accurately identify why males with a certain level of melanin choose to own firearms. The question itself is almost completely outside the realm of science and the solution to answering the question is not going to by found by applying the scientific method. You could more accurately determine why some males are gay.

This is very much like attempting to determine why some men prefer Ford or Chevy via the scientific method. Perhaps a better question is why a publication devoted to science is engaging in editorial bias and race baiting. Sadly the answer is few people actually read scientific journals unless they contain some level of "clickbait" and I didn't need to use the scientific method to arrive at that answer.

Why some men prefer Ford or Chevy vs. Smart Car would be a more apt comparison, but your point is valid nonetheless. :)

03-21-18, 14:35
Exactly my point. Same reason there were upticking sales late 2016, because Hillary's a blatant gun grabber.
Which is also hilariously ironic, given they want to blame it on Obummer's race, yet the reason there's so much overt hatred of Trumps is....his race. Hmm.... :rolleyes:
Maybe they should have a study of gun ownership amongst "persons of color" and lefty's pre and post Trump's presidency....
Tomato, tomahto...

Your comments make me recall several articles I've read on the matter, here are two ...

Why Black People Own Guns

Since the 2016 election, interest in firearms has supposedly ticked upward in the black community. Gun shops and clubs link the interest to a desire for self-protection against the white supremacists emboldened by President Donald Trump’s election.


The Age of Trump Is Producing More Black Gun Owners

While no agency or group keeps track of gun sales by race, interviews with firearms dealers and gun clubs across the country strongly suggest a sharp rise in the number of African-Americans buying guns since Trump’s election.


03-21-18, 14:49
And why are a high number of young black men killing each other in cities all across America? I guess their guns make them do it just like Rosie O’Donald's spoon made her fat.

03-21-18, 14:53
Stockpiling? Who's stockpiling? I'm simply buying things I like! No one has a stock pile of watches, shoes, whiskey, classic cars, guitars....and I don't have a stockpile of guns.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-21-18, 14:56
And why are a high number of young black men killing each other in cities all across America? I guess their guns make them do it just like Rosie O’Donald's spoon made her fat.

Exactly. Because personal accountability is completely obsolete. You can't blame a person. That is rasict, Or sexist, Or something like that. Has to be something else's or someone else's fault. These days it is either guns or russians. God help us when someone uses a Russian gun though. Heads will ****ing explode.

03-21-18, 15:48
Sounds like another tactic at name-calling (“hate speech”) as the left calls it to demonize fellow citizens with stigma.

03-21-18, 16:02
people now use the term science as a way to make their opinion become fact and to say you cant argue with science

global warming :)
white privilege !

so so so many things from the left science is not science anymore its a hijacked thing the left uses

03-21-18, 16:09
people now use the term science as a way to make their opinion become fact and to say you cant argue with science

global warming :)
white privilege !

so so so many things from the left science is not science anymore its a hijacked thing the left uses

"Science" is the new dogma.

03-21-18, 16:23
Having multiple firearms is not stockpiling, it is normal.

03-21-18, 16:34
"Science" is the new dogma.

So why don't we get in on this game? I mean other than having jobs and lives and shit?

Then again, me and a friend were talking about trying to get funding for weather study. See who is more accurate, a meteorologist, the weatherman, average joe, or a chimp with a dart and a wall full of possibilities. I think we could. Biggest expense, the chimp.

Having multiple firearms is not stockpiling, it is normal.

I agree here. Unless you are literally buying and setting up multiples, as in at least ten, if not twenty or more, guns, with extra mags, spare parts, and a set, I'd argue for at least 10K rounds each, it isn't a stockpile.

03-21-18, 16:38
So why don't we get in on this game?

Because the game is rigged and facts don't matter to those pushing the agenda or the sheep grazing in the field.

2+2 now = 5.

03-21-18, 16:51
Because the game is rigged and facts don't matter to those pushing the agenda or the sheep grazing in the field.

2+2 now = 5.

If the sheep are dumb enough to follow one shepard then they are dumb enough to follow another. History shows that shit.
Let's make 2 + 2= 7.

03-21-18, 17:02
Because I'm a CITIZEN.

I can. :cool:

03-21-18, 17:46
Because the game is rigged and facts don't matter to those pushing the agenda or the sheep grazing in the field.

2+2 now = 5.

If he can prove he is an endangered species of non-European descent he will probably have a good shot at getting a grant to study the effect of flea farts on the environment. Or something to that effect.

03-21-18, 19:07
Because the game is rigged and facts don't matter to those pushing the agenda or the sheep grazing in the field.

2+2 now = 5.

how tro solve 2+2 first we need to find where 2 came from so lets take 7-9=2 that works
so take 7 and add 5 you get 12 so get rid of the 1 and you have another 2 ! see how easy that is
so now we have 2 and 2 if we remember 4 now relates to being a 5 we have to call it 5 otherwise we might upset the 4 that is now 5 because this is safe space math we should really just talk about taking away guns and how Trump is just like hitler

so class a report on how global warming has damaged children and guns are going to kill everyone because Trump is hitler and NRA hopes all children die
you are not allowed to tell your parents about this report either so tomorrow one by one you can meet in my office but wear some clothes you can take off easy for the weekly examination I like to perform to make sure none of you are being abused by your keepers remember they are not your parents that is a sexist word they are just your keepers I am the smart one listen to me only

OH dismissed you have to hurry along to the anti gun protest dont forget your soy snack

03-21-18, 19:09
Blue pill, red pill?

The one thing I learned from Sociology 101 was to ignore anything a “sociologist” said. That has served me well.LOL!!! Good One. To be Red pilled means you'd have to be a "Conspiracy Theorist".

03-21-18, 19:37
how tro solve 2+2 first we need to find where 2 came from so lets take 7-9=2 that works
so take 7 and add 5 you get 12 so get rid of the 1 and you have another 2 ! see how easy that is
so now we have 2 and 2 if we remember 4 now relates to being a 5 we have to call it 5 otherwise we might upset the 4 that is now 5 because this is safe space math we should really just talk about taking away guns and how Trump is just like hitler


03-21-18, 19:44
Guess I'd be shocked if "scientists" said otherwise.
The deck is-and has been- increasingly stacked against the values and morals on which we were founded.

I admire and adopt Winnie's attitude of; "Never, never, never give up".

Bubba FAL
03-21-18, 19:48
Riddle me this, Batman. I've been stockp..., er, buying guns since 1987, when I was old enough and had money enough, so what was the underlying motivation there, Mr. Sociologist? That was well before BH f'n O was anything more than Choom Boy.

(Poorly)Educated idiots...

03-21-18, 21:08
Riddle me this, Batman. I've been stockp..., er, buying guns since 1987, when I was old enough and had money enough, so what was the underlying motivation there, Mr. Sociologist? That was well before BH f'n O was anything more than Choom Boy.

(Poorly)Educated idiots...

No joke. In the 80s I had more guns than most adults I knew. Must be because of the Reagan election and my fear of far right wing politics I guess.

Perhaps as a follow up article they might ponder why inner city black kids have so many sneakers and baseball caps, then they can do an in depth study on why rednecks love NASCAR so much.

03-21-18, 22:28
The assertion that the number of households which have guns has remained steady for any period of time is ridiculous and naive. Who the hell reports they have guns in the home? That's right - the same few people who always have.

brushy bill
03-21-18, 22:49
The shocking correlation is that the majority of the US population is white. The majority of gun owners and purchasers are white. OK....

Also, (based on crime statistics), a large percentage of African Americans cannot legally purchase firearms, so their numbers (even though approx 12% of population) won't legally own 12% of guns.

Why is any of this surprising?

03-22-18, 03:21
Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?

Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families,

Yeah, that's part of it.

about their place in the job market

It's hard to stockpile guns without a job; I'm going to go with 'no'.

beset by racial fears

In my world, this only exists on TV, manufactured by people who derive their livelihood from championing eternal 'victims'.

..and of course, since they probably didn't talk to anyone who is in this demographic, they didn't consider the growing divide between the government and the people.

03-22-18, 04:54
This thread has convinced me to buy a couple more AR's. Thanks liberal scum for making me spend more money

03-22-18, 06:11
I saw this article posted in a closed FB group among those in my profession and I was actually tempted to post it here on M4C. Keep in mind this FB group is a group I often see gun grabber stuff posted all the time, but this particular article had an overwhelming pro RKBA response to it which I was pleasantly surprised to see.

03-22-18, 07:08
This thread has convinced me to buy a couple more AR's. Thanks liberal scum for making me spend more money

I decided the same thing the end of last month. Just need some barrel work and an optic :-)

03-22-18, 07:34
Many hard working, liberty loving, conservatives still have zero guns. That describes most of my loved ones. Which is why I have plenty of spare “come the day” tools to ameliorate their lack of foresight.

Now if I could just get them to the range to learn the basics. OJT is such cruel schooling.

03-22-18, 07:50
Many hard working, liberty loving, conservatives still have zero guns. That describes most of my loved ones. Which is why I have plenty of spare “come the day” tools to ameliorate their lack of foresight.

I have had many people tell me if things get bad and I need a gun and can't buy one at the store, I will come to you to get a gun. I tell them no problem 1 rifle and 2 mags full of ammo $1,000,000. 1 pistol and 2 spare mags full of ammo $500,000.

They tend to get really pissed at that point in time. I respond that because your stupid, I shouldn't profit on your being an idiots. No problem others will buy.

03-22-18, 08:08
I have had many people tell me if things get bad and I need a gun and can't buy one at the store, I will come to you to get a gun. I tell them no problem 1 rifle and 2 mags full of ammo $1,000,000. 1 pistol and 2 spare mags full of ammo $500,000.

They tend to get really pissed at that point in time. I respond that because your stupid, I shouldn't profit on your being an idiots. No problem others will buy.

Right on. Except for loved ones. At least most of my family stockpiles food. They have no answer on how they plan to keep it without my guns.

03-22-18, 08:34
Because .....................


And it is not from the Machines as Sarah thought.............................................

03-22-18, 08:38
I have had many people tell me if things get bad and I need a gun and can't buy one at the store, I will come to you to get a gun. I tell them no problem 1 rifle and 2 mags full of ammo $1,000,000. 1 pistol and 2 spare mags full of ammo $500,000.

They tend to get really pissed at that point in time. I respond that because your stupid, I shouldn't profit on your being an idiots. No problem others will buy.

My response is they have to bring something to the table besides hungry mouths and needy hands. I may love you, but you gotta contribute.

03-22-18, 14:10
I have had many people tell me if things get bad and I need a gun and can't buy one at the store, I will come to you to get a gun. I tell them no problem 1 rifle and 2 mags full of ammo $1,000,000. 1 pistol and 2 spare mags full of ammo $500,000.

They tend to get really pissed at that point in time. I respond that because your stupid, I shouldn't profit on your being an idiots. No problem others will buy.

I use to work in a small office and was known as the "gun guy", while I didn't advertise my lifestyle things have a way of getting around. Anyway we were all sitting around one day talking about the impending Y2K scare when the office liberal made a comment; "Well if anything happens we'll just come to your house cause you got all the guns." To which I replied; "Who do you think is going to get shot first?"

He got a real serious look on his face when it dawned on him what I was saying. :p

Because .....................


And it is not from the Machines as Sarah thought.............................................

I'm not going to lie....

When I was a kid The Terminator had a huge impact on me and helped influence my penchant for firearms, specifically the scenes of Sgt. Reese and the other resistance fighters warring in the future. The film franchise is why to this day I have a soft spot for pump-action 12 gauges. :cool:

03-22-18, 14:38
Painful to see junk science and overt racism and elitism fused to a political agenda in a once great publication. Decent rebuttal at Ammoland: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/03/advocacy-piece-against-guns-shows-agenda-comes-first-at-scientific-american/#axzz5ATspHTEm; and for a good refresher on why the Kellerman research (so often used by antis) is trash: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2011/01/william-c-montgomery/editorial-deconstructing-kellermann/

Lastly, an interesting libertarian approach to the gun rights versus control divide: http://www.libertylawsite.org/2018/03/21/an-empirical-liberty-framework-for-debating-gun-control-david-french-jacob-sullum-assault-rifles-ban-rand-gun-violence-restraining-orders/

03-22-18, 14:48
If I am a hard core capitalist now.

What should I be in a life and death situation, you want to eat, or get a gun fine.

What can you contribute?

Nothing is your answer, then that is what you will get.

03-22-18, 16:44
I'm not going to lie....

When I was a kid The Terminator had a huge impact on me and helped influence my penchant for firearms, specifically the scenes of Sgt. Reese and the other resistance fighters warring in the future. The film franchise is why to this day I have a soft spot for pump-action 12 gauges. :cool:

A good reminder that I need to watch that one again. Maybe that and Aliens in the same night.

03-22-18, 18:10
So it's science if you stereotype middle aged Caucasian Men, but racist as all get out if someone is black or brown?
Selling out an entire segment of the population in the name of the agenda?
That would cost you all credibility unless the people who you choose to highlight are white, middle-aged, conservative and owners of evil firearms.

03-22-18, 18:40
I am amused by the references (not just in this particular article) of the "scared" or "frightened" white people. It implies grasping a gun in your trembling hands as you piss yourself waiting for the insurmountable black/other minority, like the Boogeyman, to come and get you. Like all white people are friggin' pussies or something. I shake my head at that garbage.

Billy Badass I'm not, and never claimed to be, but one thing I'm NOT is afraid. A healthy suspicion and raised eyebrow does not indicate fear. It does signal that you just might get your ass DRT if you get stupid, whether you be black/white/brown/yellow/green with purple spots/whatever.

03-22-18, 18:59
Perhaps the author made a clerical mistake and wrote this regarding South Africa...

Bubba FAL
03-22-18, 19:14
I have had many people tell me if things get bad and I need a gun and can't buy one at the store, I will come to you to get a gun. I tell them no problem 1 rifle and 2 mags full of ammo $1,000,000. 1 pistol and 2 spare mags full of ammo $500,000.

They tend to get really pissed at that point in time. I respond that because your stupid, I shouldn't profit on your being an idiots. No problem others will buy.

I get the same thing - "if x happens, I'm coming to your house". My usual response is, "you'd better call first, and bring something I need..."

03-23-18, 08:08
I get the same thing - "if x happens, I'm coming to your house". My usual response is, "you'd better call first, and bring something I need..."

I have gotten the same response from my very liberal mother in law who thinks guns are bad, Hillary and Obama are the besteses, and free stuff for everybody is great. "Well if things ever went downhill I would just come to your house". Uhhh, hope you bring a car load of canned food or something.

03-23-18, 12:02
Even worse—I buy and read BOOKS. and that spirals down to where I just have too much to think.

“Books, ammo, and, if I have any money left—food.”

03-23-18, 13:09
I have had many people tell me if things get bad and I need a gun and can't buy one at the store, I will come to you to get a gun. I tell them no problem 1 rifle and 2 mags full of ammo $1,000,000. 1 pistol and 2 spare mags full of ammo $500,000.

They tend to get really pissed at that point in time. I respond that because your stupid, I shouldn't profit on your being an idiots. No problem others will buy.

Sounds like a good going rate WTSHTF.

Right on. Except for loved ones. At least most of my family stockpiles food. They have no answer on how they plan to keep it without my guns.

Thankfully most of my close family and friends will contribute, but I have a couple who are well and truly screwed. My step father is Grizzly friggin' Adams incarnate. We know the area well and it's pretty rural, but still close enough to get to so his home is our first rally point.

Because .....................


And it is not from the Machines as Sarah thought.............................................

So 'effin true!

My response is they have to bring something to the table besides hungry mouths and needy hands. I may love you, but you gotta contribute.

Reality is when the chips are down, hard decisions will have to be made. Everyone that is capable and able has to pull their weight. Sure there are immediate people who will be taken care of, but the hangers on who contribute nothing will have a hard time of it.

I use to work in a small office and was known as the "gun guy", while I didn't advertise my lifestyle things have a way of getting around. Anyway we were all sitting around one day talking about the impending Y2K scare when the office liberal made a comment; "Well if anything happens we'll just come to your house cause you got all the guns." To which I replied; "Who do you think is going to get shot first?"

He got a real serious look on his face when it dawned on him what I was saying. :p

Unfortunately I have some close family that the best thing that could happen to them is for me to shut the door in their face in the event the SHTF.

03-23-18, 14:43
I get the same thing - "if x happens, I'm coming to your house". My usual response is, "you'd better call first, and bring something I need..."

Yeah, LOTS of people think they are coming to my place. I actually had a minister across the street ask me to NOT sell a gun to his kid, who had recently gotten a carry permit, but then after the next hurricane threat had the nerve to ask me to have one ready in case he needed to "borrow" one.

03-23-18, 16:12
The 72 year old guy down the street who is the Obi Wan of reloading is a lot more likely to be sitting at my dinner table than my Brother who's owed me six K for a decade.
I hate to be a cold SOB, but where the rubber meets the road you either have a skill set and a great reputation or you're fodder for the hoard.

03-23-18, 18:24
Lighter skinned folks don't have a monopoly on valuing freedom.

03-23-18, 18:34
The 72 year old guy down the street who is the Obi Wan of reloading is a lot more likely to be sitting at my dinner table than my Brother who's owed me six K for a decade.
I hate to be a cold SOB, but where the rubber meets the road you either have a skill set and a great reputation or you're fodder for the hoard.

I don't know if you reload or not, if not, it's not too late to start. Having a neighbor down the street who's an experienced reloader, is pure gold, He's one hellva resource to let go to waste, learn what you can from him now, at his age, you never know.. he could be gone next week..

03-23-18, 19:27
I don't know if you reload or not, if not, it's not too late to start. Having a neighbor down the street who's an experienced reloader, is pure gold, He's one hellva resource to let go to waste, learn what you can from him now, at his age, you never know.. he could be gone next week..

I sure do, that guy has been a gold mine of information.
I've got a pretty nice set up and have loaded 250 rounds this week.

03-23-18, 20:08
I sure do, that guy has been a gold mine of information.
I've got a pretty nice set up and have loaded 250 rounds this week.

Good deal! I bought a friend of mines Dillon 650 last year, and the majority of his reloading components, I had gotten a 650 for xmas the year prior, so, now I have two 650's.. I myself have been reloading for over 30yrs, I've had a blast doing it, saved lots of money.. I loaded 400rnds of 9mm this week, and shot about 2/3 of them up yesterday... Another hour on the press, and I'll have them all loaded up..

03-24-18, 00:13
Never underestimate what a geezer with a single stage press, time on his hands, and attitude can produce...

Sort of like the old guy in "The Postman"..."I know stuff..".

03-24-18, 00:21
"Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?"

Why isn't everybody?

03-24-18, 00:34
Why isn't everybody?

Who is to say they aren't?

03-24-18, 08:03
Not to be a smart-@$$, but what even qualifies as a "stockpile"? Are they talking 1 firearm with more than 10 rounds for it? Or how about 6+ rifles with at least a combat load-out for each? To me it seems to be a vague/flexible definition term so they can adjust it to fit any scenario they want and/or anyone with even a single firearm.

03-24-18, 08:08
Never underestimate what a geezer with a single stage press, time on his hands, and attitude can produce...

Sort of like the old guy in "The Postman"..."I know stuff..".

I know one "old guy" (he's like 66 or 67) who actually bought a .22LR reloading kit! I was like "Damn Floyd, whatcha gonna do with that?" as I chuckled. He said "Hey, you never know" and gave me a dirty look!

03-24-18, 10:16
Not to be a smart-@$$, but what even qualifies as a "stockpile"? Are they talking 1 firearm with more than 10 rounds for it? Or how about 6+ rifles with at least a combat load-out for each? To me it seems to be a vague/flexible definition term so they can adjust it to fit any scenario they want and/or anyone with even a single firearm.

Honestly I'd say at least 10 firearms in the same config and 20 mags per, and 5K rounds each. But then I have actually put some thought into what I would consider a stockpile. For media purposes. Two guns, and a box of ammo. An airsoft pistol or pellet rifle will be considered appropriate substitutes.

03-24-18, 12:37
Per usual, how does one even define it? 3 ARs and a few handguns and 5k rnds would be "stockpiling" to all anti gun types, and many FUDDs. The % of "white men" actively stockpiling guns and ammo in the legit sense of the term, is minuscule. I also know some non white guys who have a collection that would impress LAV himself. It's more clueless fear mongering BS. Finally, statically speaking, that white guy "stockpiling" guns and ammo is the least of your concerns. Big fat nothing burger of BS.

03-24-18, 17:39
Three percent of the population now owns half of the country’s firearms, says a recent, definitive study from the Injury Control Research Center at Harvard University.


Yeah I'm not buying that 3% of the population owns half of all the guns in America.

Boba Fett v2
03-24-18, 18:16
The idea that it's only white men stockpiling guns, ammo, mags, etc. is completely absurd. I personally know of a shitload of minority groups who do the same. Maybe we're not as vocal about it, but the truth is there are plenty of groups other than white men who are well equipped and trained, and for all the same reasons. It's no different than stereotyping any other groups. All this generalizing BS is working to keep people divided. The sooner people wake up to that fact, the sooner we get over petty differences and stand united in defense of our freedoms and livelihood. Change starts by looking at yourself in the mirror and becoming aware of your own BS.

03-25-18, 15:40


That's why.

Boba Fett v2
03-26-18, 09:29
Lol like a group of White kids never ganged up and ran down minority kids. :rolleyes: Same reason we all pack heat. This is nothing more than trivial BS and not paying attention to the real enemy of the people.

03-26-18, 10:21

That's why.

Weak sauce dude.

03-26-18, 10:29
What is this a pic of?

03-26-18, 10:37
I know one "old guy" (he's like 66 or 67) who actually bought a .22LR reloading kit! I was like "Damn Floyd, whatcha gonna do with that?" as I chuckled. He said "Hey, you never know" and gave me a dirty look!

I've seen those, good idea, but after watching a vid on it, it looked like it was more trouble than it was worth, The loading process seemed very time consuming. My take on it was, that it was more of a prepper thing, and the ammo produced (at least in the vid I watched) wasn't all that reliable..
Kinda why I bought a BL-22 last year, since it is'nt a semi-auto, any shitty .22 ammo will work, and the BL-22 can take shorts, longs, or long rifle in any combnation in the magazine tube....

26 Inf
03-26-18, 10:42
If that is supposed to be your representation of a gang chasing a white kid, that is one racially diverse gang.

03-26-18, 11:23

In the lead-up to the March 14 school walk out for gun control, Killer Mike said he told his kids, “I love you, but if you walk out that school walk out my house.”
“You can’t continue to be the lackey,” the Atlanta-based rapper and business owner said. “You’re a lackey of the progressive movement because you have never disagreed with the people who tell you what to do.
“Celebrities often don’t know what to do. They’re told what to do,” Killer Mike said, explaining how a famous rapper, who’s a friend of his, felt pressured into doing an anti-gun promo. Killer Mike told his friend that he’s very pro-Second Amendment” and that it is about the children for him — after a shooting on his daughter’s college campus (Savannah State University); “I talked to my wife and daughter after that, the decision was we’re going to go to Savannah, she’s going to get a gun and train more.”
“We’re raising a generation of kids where everyone gets’ a trophy. But in real life, everyone doesn’t get a trophy,” Killer Mike said. “In real life, the cops don’t come on time."

Just another evil old whit......wait, what???

Refreshing isn't it?

03-26-18, 12:04
I don't know if you reload or not, if not, it's not too late to start. Having a neighbor down the street who's an experienced reloader, is pure gold, He's one hellva resource to let go to waste, learn what you can from him now, at his age, you never know.. he could be gone next week..

THAT guy taught me how to reload, as we prepared for Y2K. ;)

03-26-18, 12:41
I started buying firearms a little over 3 decades ago. It had nothing to do with anyone who was in office at the time.

I liked hunting and shooting, period.

Then I came back from my first assignment in W. Germany and found out I could no longer purchase what I could have purchased before I left for a 3 year tour and I was pissed.

A few years later it became about something else and that reason is still the same.

03-26-18, 14:29
THAT guy taught me how to reload, as we prepared for Y2K. ;)

Y2K was my first experience with basic disaster prep. I didn't expect much from it, but didn't have any plans to find out how wrong I was when the grid went down for weeks, etc.

03-26-18, 14:35


That's why.

I think what you were trying to say was . . .


Race and Homicide in America, by the Numbers

The statistics show that the 500 killings of white people attributed to blacks last year were the most since black perpetrators were determined to be responsible for the homicides of 504 white people nationwide in 2008. Last year's total was up 12 percent from the 446 recorded in 2014 and 22 percent from the 409 seen in 2013, a year that saw the lowest total this century and one that capped seven years of general declines in black-on-white homicides. Prior to that, 2006 saw the most black-on-white killings since 2001, with 573.

The 229 black lives taken by white killers last year, however, marked an even larger leap from 2014, jumping more than 22 percent from the 187 black victims killed by whites that year, which was the second-lowest total since 2001. The tally was last exceeded in 2008, when 230 blacks were slain by whites. The highest total in the last 15 years came in 2007, when 245 black people were killed by whites.


I found the data from '07 of particular interest and the current data does not suggest this trend has changed much if at all....

After researching the FBI numbers for “Suicide of a Superpower,” this writer concluded: “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?


03-26-18, 14:36
What is this a pic of?


03-26-18, 14:46

In the lead-up to the March 14 school walk out for gun control, Killer Mike said he told his kids, “I love you, but if you walk out that school walk out my house.”
“You can’t continue to be the lackey,” the Atlanta-based rapper and business owner said. “You’re a lackey of the progressive movement because you have never disagreed with the people who tell you what to do.
“Celebrities often don’t know what to do. They’re told what to do,” Killer Mike said, explaining how a famous rapper, who’s a friend of his, felt pressured into doing an anti-gun promo. Killer Mike told his friend that he’s very pro-Second Amendment” and that it is about the children for him — after a shooting on his daughter’s college campus (Savannah State University); “I talked to my wife and daughter after that, the decision was we’re going to go to Savannah, she’s going to get a gun and train more.”
“We’re raising a generation of kids where everyone gets’ a trophy. But in real life, everyone doesn’t get a trophy,” Killer Mike said. “In real life, the cops don’t come on time."

Just another evil old whit......wait, what???

Refreshing isn't it?

Yes it is..Killer Mike gets it, sadly in the black community, he and other black folks who believe in, and understand what he's saying, are a minority.. It's sad.. most black folks believe in strong gun control, large goverment, and no suprise most are democrats, which when considering the past history of the democratic party, is also hard to understand. I have a neice who told me in a text that she was a "gun loving democrat" an oxymoron if I ever heard one. The bright side here is, she already bought a pistol for a CCW, intends to get her permit, and wants more training classes, (I quickly sent her a link to a place I know that has classes especially for women, taught by a women, ) it's my goal as she seeks more training, to convert her into a Republican I don't think it'll be that hard, she's not stupid.. One question I have locked and loaded for her is, Why do you want to support a party that wants to disarm you?

03-26-18, 18:31
In my best Paul Harvey voice... "And now you know the rest of the story". Most excellent posts, and thanks for the back story on the first picture.

It's sad and a damn shame that it's getting harder and harder to have a differing opinion from the blind sheeple without having to run for your life.

03-26-18, 18:37
If that is supposed to be your representation of a gang chasing a white kid, that is one racially diverse gang.

That's a group of democrats chasing a Trump supporter. But if you see race in it, that's on you.

03-26-18, 18:42
Weak sauce dude.

Really? I'm convinced leftists would march those who disagree into cattle cars if they could. They seem to be the ones stoking racial animosity to build support for their political agenda.

03-26-18, 18:46
Actually, I am less concerned with random interracial street crime than I am politically-motivated violence by people who feel morally justified in physically assaulting and/or killing those with different beliefs.

Boba Fett v2
03-26-18, 19:39
Thanks for sharing those statistics, Cock-Imprint. A stark reminder that we should all be armed and prepared to deal with all these out-of-control minorities running amok (white nationalists are safe though). Remember, it's not "fake news" if it supports your argument. ;)

I'm less concerned about this imaginary White vs. Brown BS. Might be your world. I don't allow it to be a part of mine.

03-26-18, 20:12
I'm guessing that if the find some folks that are willing to use force to remove my means of self protection and defense, they will very likely be white and wearing a uniform.

26 Inf
03-26-18, 23:07
I think what you were trying to say was . . .

This was the first sentence in the second paragraph of the story you posted....

The number of black people killed by whites – a demographic in the FBI report that includes those of Hispanic descent – surged by nearly a quarter in 2015 from the year before.......

Later on it talks about how the numbers on your chart are only representative of 12% of the total homicides:

Overall, killings of blacks by whites and whites by blacks accounted for about 12 percent of the roughly 6,000 homicides last year in which police had information about the race of both victim and killer – a slight increase from around 11 percent in 2014.

By the way the FBI considers includes those of Hispanic descent in the WHITE category, if that makes any difference.

This chart doesn't look nearly as bad as you'd like, does it?


Black people have consistently accounted for close to half the country's homicide victims, making up more than 50 percent of the broader pool of those killed overall every year since 2010. The number of black victims increased 15 percent in 2015 over 2014.

Of the 13,455 cases from last year in which the FBI listed a victim's racial information, 7,039 victims – or 52.3 percent – were black. That compares with 5,854 cases – or 43.5 percent – in which the victim was white, an increase of about 8 percent from last year.

It's a disparity that becomes more pronounced in the context of population, as 2015 Census estimates suggest that whites account for 77.1 percent of the overall U.S. population of roughly 321 million, while blacks comprise 13.3 percent.

Here is the chart for whit on white and black on black homicide.


Notice that those numbers on the opposite end of the previous chart, huh?

Since crime has been dropping for the last 30 years, I guess things aren't as bad as they seem.

But, I guess it depends on whether your buying or selling.

03-27-18, 01:44
Another “stockpiling” incident, although the narrative is different.


03-27-18, 07:26
So it’s not a race issue, or a socioeconimic issue, but rather a Texan issue. I always had my suspicions.

26 Inf
03-27-18, 11:08
Another “stockpiling” incident, although the narrative is different.


What is possession of a large capacity firearm? I tried reading Chapter 10 Section 46 of the Texas Code and it gave me a headache. Texas is not nearly as freedom loving as I thought.

26 Inf
03-27-18, 11:16
So it’s not a race issue, or a socioeconimic issue, but rather a Texan issue. I always had my suspicions.

I really think the metropolitan areas with large pockets of poverty skew things - Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, DC, etc.

Gang and drug-related violence lead to black males having a much higher statistical likelihood than any other group of being a victim of homicide.

In that respect I feel it is more of a socioeconomic issue.

All that being said, yes, apparently it is a Texas issue. :jester:

03-27-18, 11:18
What is possession of a large capacity firearm? I tried reading Chapter 10 Section 46 of the Texas Code and it gave me a headache. Texas is not nearly as freedom loving as I thought.

His problem was that he was in Boston, Massachusetts. Totally different laws there. That one will be interesting to see how it pans out since his lawyer stated that the guns were "props" and not functional, and that he was supposedly on a "classified" mission.

26 Inf
03-27-18, 11:22
His problem was that he was in Boston, Massachusetts. Totally different laws there. That one will be interesting to see how it pans out since his lawyer stated that the guns were "props" and not functional, and that he was supposedly on a "classified" mission.

Thank you for in a very nice way telling me my reading comprehension sucks....headlines, I don't need no freaking headlines.

But, dang, that Texas weapons statute gave me a headache.

03-27-18, 11:57
But, dang, that Texas weapons statute gave me a headache.
Texas was Blue State for nearly a Century.
It was run by a series of very corrupt Democratic Party Politicians who raided public funds in order to enrich themselves and their donor's.
It's no wonder that our laws are confusing and could be interpreted as anti gun.
Those SOBs didn't want the people who they were stealing from to be able to defend against it.
As an example:
LBJ had limited political opposition, it simply wasn't healthy for anyone to do so at the time in Texas.

03-27-18, 17:24
Hell, I’m brownish, and have a small “stockpile” :sarcastic:

03-27-18, 19:41
His problem was that he was in Boston, Massachusetts. Totally different laws there. That one will be interesting to see how it pans out since his lawyer stated that the guns were "props" and not functional, and that he was supposedly on a "classified" mission.

Maybe he was the same guy in charge of "props" in Vegas for the crime scene photos?

03-27-18, 19:47
Hell, I’m brownish, and have a small “stockpile” :sarcastic:

We have on good authority you don't exist.

03-27-18, 23:14
Maybe he was the same guy in charge of "props" in Vegas for the crime scene photos?

You know, the same thought did cross my mind. But who needs a tin foil hat right? ;)

03-28-18, 03:29
socialist utopia


with of course the current dictator saying if you do not vote for me no food for you

03-28-18, 12:48
From what I have been seeing,
The guys getting an extra gun or two, finally buying more than two or three mags, and ordering some ammo by the case for the first time include white, brown, black, yellow, and red.

The non-white guys getting on the train are on the educated, successful, and professional side. That, gasp, have made an effort to live in pretty white areas with good schools.

03-28-18, 19:29
Thanks for sharing those statistics, Cock-Imprint.

Your most welcome wannabe galactic bounty hunter. :cool:

Remember, it's not "fake news" if it supports your argument.

So your saying the FBI data is "fake news"? Cool, where is a link to your source proving that?

I'm less concerned about this imaginary White vs. Brown BS. Might be your world. I don't allow it to be a part of mine.

And yet you posted about after seeing that photo outside a Trump rally.

***word wall snip***

By the way the FBI considers includes those of Hispanic descent in the WHITE category, if that makes any difference.

If you recall I am the one that pointed that out to you several years ago in another post concerning the FBI's classification of "White". So ALL interracial murders committed by Hispanics (street gangs, prison gangs, MS-13, DTOs, etc.) are listed under "White" as Latino/Hispanic is not a race but rather an ethnicity. So when we break down those interracial murders there is even less white on black violence.

As far as the rest of your post none of that explains away the disproportionate number of violent crimes committed by a demographic that makes up just 12.3% of the total population.

03-28-18, 19:41
From what I have been seeing,
The guys getting an extra gun or two, finally buying more than two or three mags, and ordering some ammo by the case for the first time include white, brown, black, yellow, and red.

The non-white guys getting on the train are on the educated, successful, and professional side. That, gasp, have made an effort to live in pretty white areas with good schools.

In post #19 on page 1 of this thread I posted two articles citing the increase in firearm sales among black Americans.

I think sales are up on all sides and IMHO that is a very good thing. Muh, freedom.

03-28-18, 22:23
In post #19 on page 1 of this thread I posted two articles citing the increase in firearm sales among black Americans.

I think sales are up on all sides and IMHO that is a very good thing. Muh, freedom.

I think some cultural dynamics have been shifting away from urban to a more suburban look. Toward the 75K to 125K a year crowd. They want good schools for their kids, no BS quiet neighborhoods and they are willing to do what it takes to keep them that way.
They are likely closet Republicans still, that stuff never changes and you still have to have Holidays with the extended Family.