View Full Version : Netflix: "Wild, Wild Country" Documentary

03-23-18, 18:12
Rajneesh, Oregon, 1981: This is now up and running. Fairly well done.

03-23-18, 19:03

03-23-18, 19:45
remember that :) shows how many idiots will blindly follow and give everything to someone ? IMHO all those folks should have just been walled in as a mental institution :)

03-23-18, 20:02
Netflix: "Wild, Wild Country" Documentary

Just tried top put it in my Q and found nothing by that name.

03-23-18, 20:07
Just tried top put it in my Q and found nothing by that name.


03-23-18, 20:29

This is all I get when I put the words Wild Wild Country in NF search:

Wild Country
Cowboy Country: The Complete Story of the Wild West

Maybe not out yet, maybe streaming only, but not showing any disc or future disc.

03-23-18, 20:55
I've seen the tile for it on Netflix's streaming services. Haven't watched it, but I know it exists.

03-24-18, 11:26
Only on streaming......no disk.

03-25-18, 08:28
I got just as far as the purchase of the ranch in Oregon. A bit slow as the backstory develops, but expect it to pick up with the guns and bio weapons shortly. These guys are the teaching example as the biggest bio attack in the US in the 20th Century.

03-25-18, 22:08
It never fails to amaze me who literally THOUSANDS of educated and financially successful people (which implies a certain level of competence) can be completely taken in by various cult leaders (and they are ALL cults if you have to pay your way to salvation) who have a very, very basic mishmash of basic religious belief / philosophy (usually Eastern) combined with some modern ideas / philosophy.

03-26-18, 01:28

Inside the Crazy Sex Cult That Invaded Oregon

03-26-18, 06:39
The rest of the story: http://readtheplaque.com/plaque/antelope-or

03-26-18, 09:31
The “Guru”owned 19 Rolls Royces........that says it all for me. Hypocrisy at its best.

03-26-18, 15:03
The “Guru”owned 19 Rolls Royces........that says it all for me. Hypocrisy at its best.

That was the "spin" he embraced spiritualism with modern materialism and promoted open sexuality. So all those wealthy people who liked sex suddenly found a spiritual rescue net. His followers knowingly bought him those cars and diamond Rolex watches and shit like that. Of course the problem is everyone involved was pretty much insane.

Even today with the attempted murders and poison attacks the members seem conflicted and while they say "the actions were wrong" they also say "you had to understand what we were dealing with at the time."

03-28-18, 11:23
I have watched most of the episodes......unreal how quickly it went south. The property in Oregon is now owned by Young Life camps worldwide....which is....ironically a Christian based organization for kids.

02-18-19, 00:33
Just finished this and it’s worth a watch imo. A bit slow, but interesting nonetheless. If you are into cult behavior I’d also recommend ‘Holy Hell’.

02-18-19, 01:55
Just finished this and it’s worth a watch imo. A bit slow, but interesting nonetheless. If you are into cult behavior I’d also recommend ‘Holy Hell’.

Now you want to watch "Going Clear" to really have your mind blown.

02-18-19, 06:05
I wanna start my own cult. But a good one. No guns. Just wine, acoustic guitar and free love.

That said these weirdoes had Uzi carbines and Galils.

02-18-19, 14:48
Now you want to watch "Going Clear" to really have your mind blown.
Yes that’s on the list. Thanks for the recommendation.

02-18-19, 15:07
I wanna start my own cult. But a good one. No guns. Just wine, acoustic guitar and free love.

That said these weirdoes had Uzi carbines and Galils.

Church of Dionysus brother. One day when I need the serious tax write off, that's the church I'm starting. Food orgy begins promptly at 7pm.