View Full Version : Veterans For Gun Reform

Boba Fett v2
03-24-18, 18:57
Playing dirty...


03-24-18, 19:03
What was that oath you took?

03-24-18, 19:06
While it is a given veterans run the personality and political spectrum's just like anyone else, given the sponsors at the bottom on the end slate I question the legitimacy of their service claims. I would also point out that given this qualifies as an "issue"-related media spot, the FCC requires all entities involved to be posted at the end. Following the money on this one will be interesting.

03-24-18, 19:38
so oath breakers and traitors :) yeah we know we have those types in our country but they are in the same class as nidal and bergdahl and others

hope they get whats coming to them from others who served with honor

again we need to start playing by their rules

maybe make a list of I am a liberal democrat and list off those that were mass murderers as registered democrats and proud liberals

saw a post about the typical OH democrats and republicans switched sides one day that is why some say it was democrats that did not vote for voting rights or slavery freedom or started the KKK that was actually the republicans :) hahahahahaha and people buy that idiocy

03-24-18, 19:47
I have a former friend who went full retard on gun control about four years after retiring. Full online rants about how nobody "needs" military weapons, so on and so forth. This is a guy that I actually bought my first AR platform rifle from when I was interested in them (and he was sane). The moment he lost his shit, he decided to forfeit our friendship. Both things were choices made by men who knew the consequences of them.

Someone served, it doesn't make them infallible or an expert on the Bill Of Rights, it makes them a veteran.

03-24-18, 19:51
Someone served, it doesn't make them infallible or an expert on the Bill Of Rights, it makes them a veteran.

Exactly, we run the full spectrum of views just like anyone else.

03-24-18, 19:58
so oath breakers and traitors :) yeah we know we have those types in our country but they are in the same class as nidal and bergdahl and others

hope they get whats coming to them from others who served with honor

again we need to start playing by their rules

maybe make a list of I am a liberal democrat and list off those that were mass murderers as registered democrats and proud liberals

saw a post about the typical OH democrats and republicans switched sides one day that is why some say it was democrats that did not vote for voting rights or slavery freedom or started the KKK that was actually the republicans :) hahahahahaha and people buy that idiocy

If we are going to play by their rules we need to grab some people who were they in a mass shooting and talk about how they wished they had a gun to fight back. You'd have to use that tactic, but too many have had the fight bred out of them, how many hide under desks during Colunbine? How many school still teach that ****ing shit? How many actually teach to fight back? Not a ****ing lot, because "Oh, that is scary, I could hurt someone. Better to just die on my knees like cattle."

03-24-18, 20:00
Pointing out, "Wouldn't you rather be armed than defenseless," never works with these turds. They always think that criminals will just somehow follow the NEW gun laws...

Dist. Expert 26
03-24-18, 20:07
If we are going to play by their rules we need to grab some people who were they in a mass shooting and talk about how they wished they had a gun to fight back. You'd have to use that tactic, but too many have had the fight bred out of them, how many hide under desks during Colunbine? How many school still teach that ****ing shit? How many actually teach to fight back? Not a ****ing lot, because "Oh, that is scary, I could hurt someone. Better to just die on my knees like cattle."

Cattle is exactly what the left wants.

03-24-18, 20:19
Cattle is exactly what the left wants.

I know that. You know that. A lot here know that. Though not all.
How do we educate people that dangerous freedom is preferable to peaceful slavery waiting for your number to be pulled by your overlords? People are a lazy, people are uneducated, even the "educated" are uneducated, or willfully ignorant.

03-24-18, 20:32
They are a diverse group and certainly not in lockstep when it comes to politics, so why should it be any different with guns?
Yes it's disappointing, but I'm not at all surprised. If you like shooting and owning guns, to be quite honest, the military can make that rather difficult.
I do however believe that these veterans don't understand the full ramifications of being used as tools for the Left.

03-24-18, 20:47
They are a diverse group and certainly not in lockstep when it comes to politics, so why should it be any different with guns?
Yes it's disappointing, but I'm not at all surprised. If you like shooting and owning guns, to be quite honest, the military can make that rather difficult.
I do however believe that these veterans don't understand the full ramifications of being used as tools for the Left.

Diverse group is not going to be argued. How many of those in the video, if they are actual veterans, were line troops doing patrols, how many took fire, how many fired back? Probably not many in all cases. I knew a guy who was so desperate to be able to say he killed someone that the story of his kill he told myself and others called him on it because going off his story he fired after the afgan got lit up by a pair of 240s. No, you didn't kill no one, you shot a dancing corpse. I have another friend who has several stories talking about being very close to shooting someone, but the conditions to use the lethal force weren't met. And being in the room clearing his sector when another engaged and killed combatant. That was his war. A lot of watching the enemy running around by not having the permission to fire.

If we believe that all men are created equal than you having served makes you no better at tell me my opinion than anyone else. I know I'll piss others off with that, but it is the truth if you believe everyone is equal. As such, why should I listen to you over someone else? You can argue life experiences, but that is meaningless for you do not know mine. You can argue insane people. But, that does mean I am insane. You can argue safety. But, that does not make me safe. You can argue that you have had training, but that does not mean you know what you were trained on or are even knowledgeable because you were trained to the lowest common denominator. Many here can give more technical and practical date on their service weapon than they could, and those who can speak in volumes have not even serviced. Yes you may veteran, but that does not make you expert. I am sorry, but I will call it like I see.

If we assume, and let us forgo the joke there, that they are veterans in that video. They are no better than any other leftist, because they do not know what they are talking about. An AR 15 is not the same as an M4, it is not under the law, it is not under basic configuration unless you do not know. It is not some super powerful rifle. It is not something that causes mass causalities in this country, not compared to other objects. They are right when they it causes hundreds if deaths. Hundreds of deaths out of thousands. Tens of thousands.

Your actions can garner you respect. Your actions can also destroy that respect. Do not assume your past actions will explain your future transgressions no matter who you are.

Boba Fett v2
03-24-18, 21:08
^ Agreed.

A point to consider is that the anti-gunners (I don't say "Left" because there are plenty on the left side of politics who are pro-gun) have spun-up media elite, politicians, educators, kids, moms, cops and are now trying to justify their BS agenda with vets who "know first hand" the destructive nature of ARs. The problem isn't that we're not on to their game plan, but that they're trying to enlist vets to push their BS agenda. I think it's safe to say that the majority of the general population seems to hold this group in high regard, so it lends more weight to their argument when they can recruit vets to speak out against gun violence. There's a general belief that our military veterans are the best of the best of the best of the best.... which we all know is total BS. But it's the same tactic/strategy that attempts to paint a picture that a certain group is monolithic in their thoughts and beliefs, and there's nothing more American than an American vet, so therefore if we say it's bad then it must be bad. As a vet myself I can honestly say I've heard more derp from my fellow vets than I care to acknowledge. But Joe Public, those who don't think for themselves, will be sharing this vid like it's the word of Christ himself. ETA: And for the record, I know that enlisting vets to push agendas is nothing new, but it's clear they are going all out and not pulling punches.

03-24-18, 21:46
If we are going to play by their rules we need to grab some people who were they in a mass shooting and talk about how they wished they had a gun to fight back.
Three words: "Suzanna Gratia Hupp." As in, she who had the balls to look Nazi F*** Schumer in the eye and tell him "The Second Amendment is about protecting all of US from all of YOU."

We need a lot more like her, but younger versions...

03-24-18, 21:49
Cattle is exactly what the left wants. It seems they have a herd.

03-25-18, 08:07
I don't give a f**k who they are, what they've been through, or what they think about it.

03-25-18, 10:07
The Left smells blood, and they are going in for the kill. They feel they have the momentum and they have the optics to go along with it; 800,000 protesters in D.C., 15 gun rights and 2nd Amendment supporters in Albuquerque yesterday. These Veterans are just more of the same; useful idiots.

I think we are in the last of the good times for gun ownership in America; at least for some time to come. I'm not a defeatist, but I have been planning for, and anticipating this since the end of the AWB in 2004. Slow methodical stocking up of whatever I might need, and that of my kids and grand kids in the future. Still making intelligent purchases of items that might become unavailable, and it's not Bump Stocks. This kind of preparation is done for everything else in a rural cattle and horse operation. Sometimes the power goes down for a couple of weeks in bad winter weather. You're always prepared for the worst.

What has my curiosity is how all of this will go down? Shut down of new purchases for certain types of firearms and accessories, then some kind of registration followed by "voluntary" surrender. The new Prohibition era will just force a large number of us underground. It's been done before.

My wife just reminded me of how registration might begin. Every so often, we receive a mandatory response packet from the USDA, advising us we need to report details about our ranching activity; number of acres, number of head, etc. If you don't send it in, you receive additional packets with a higher level of threat in the language. I received the first of the most recent version in October, didn't send it in. I have received two additional packets since then; the latest on Friday. All have gone in the trash. Eventually I'll send one in with some fabricated info just to keep the government computer happy.

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 10:15
The Left smells blood, and they are going in for the kill. They feel they have the momentum and they have the optics to go along with it; 800,000 protesters in D.C., 15 gun rights and 2nd Amendment supporters in Albuquerque yesterday.

I think we are in the last of the good times for gun ownership in America; at least for some time to come. I'm not a defeatist, but I have been planning for, and anticipating this since the end of the AWB in 2004. Slow methodical stocking up of whatever I might need, and that of my kids and grand kids in the future. Still making intelligent purchases of items that might become unavailable, and it's not Bump Stocks. This kind of preparation is done for everything else in a rural cattle and horse operation. Sometimes the power goes down for a couple of weeks in bad winter weather. You're always prepared for the worst.

What has my curiosity is how all of this will go down? Shut down of new purchases for certain types of firearms and accessories, then some kind of registration followed by "voluntary" surrender. The new Prohibition era will just force a large number of us underground. It's been done before.

The media wants us to believe there's momentum, but these are the same people who said Hillary was certain to be president.

Our lack of organization is an issue, to be sure, but until legislation has a real chance of passing Congress we're somewhat ok.

03-25-18, 10:22
The media wants us to believe there's momentum, but these are the same people who said Hillary was certain to be president.

Our lack of organization is an issue, to be sure, but until legislation has a real chance of passing Congress we're somewhat ok.

Agreed. I know more people than ever before that own firearms, most have an AR15 too. It's all a media optical illusion.

03-25-18, 10:23
The media wants us to believe there's momentum, but these are the same people who said Hillary was certain to be president.

Our lack of organization is an issue, to be sure, but until legislation has a real chance of passing Congress we're somewhat ok.

Whether it's true momentum, or created by the media, it seems to influence politicians, and these are the people who try to grant or remove our Rights. In recent years it's all about the population giving up something. Even if we refuse to comply, ownership gets rescinded, supplies of one thing or another dry up, sale of certain items can't be bought and sold in various States. We think we're sovereign and somewhat immune with our Inalienable Rights, but in fact we get bruised and bloodied by the actions of our elected representatives and senators.

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 10:33
Whether it's true momentum, or created by the media, it seems to influence politicians, and these are the people who try to grant or remove our Rights. In recent years it's all about the population giving up something. Even if we refuse to comply, ownership gets rescinded, supplies of one thing or another dry up, sale of certain items can't be bought and sold in various States. We think we're sovereign and somewhat immune with our Inalienable Rights, but in fact we get bruised and bloodied by the actions of our elected representatives and senators.

No argument on the point about our "representatives". Honestly at this point voting at the national level is pointless. DC is an animal with two heads that pretend to disagree sometimes. Until a true libertarian party can gain a foothold things will stay as they are or get worse.

LMT Shooter
03-25-18, 14:53
The media wants us to believe there's momentum, but these are the same people who said Hillary was certain to be president.

Our lack of organization is an issue, to be sure, but until legislation has a real chance of passing Congress we're somewhat ok.

All very true, what concerns me is HRC lost an election (where she won the popular vote), whereas new legislation does not require the people to vote. And it is not unheard of for legislation to be kept under the radar/fast-tracked through to passage with little or no public notice, when our benevolent leaders know what they're doing is unpopular.

03-25-18, 16:00
Pointing out, "Wouldn't you rather be armed than defenseless," never works with these turds. They always think that criminals will just somehow follow the NEW gun laws...



03-25-18, 18:40


Don't kid yourself......they know damn well the criminals won't obey the law (likely to include the newly-minted "criminals" made so by the wave of a pen I might add ;)). There is the overarching desire to disarm those who would resist their socialist/totalitarian/run-your-life agenda.

03-25-18, 18:55
Don't kid yourself......they know damn well the criminals won't obey the law (likely to include the newly-minted "criminals" made so by the wave of a pen I might add ;)). There is the overarching desire to disarm those who would resist their socialist/totalitarian/run-your-life agenda.

It's a FEATURE... the criminals are their stalking-horse to keep the proles terrorized and ready to submit to ever more of Das Reich's depravities in the name of "public safety"... ISTR Hitler exploited, and even organized, criminal street gangs in the early days to help keep the peasants pushing the Reichstag to adopt his favored policies.

That's why you'll never see Dems get tough on REAL crime, because the actual criminals are not just core constituents but BUSINESS PARTNERS.

03-25-18, 19:04
It's a FEATURE... the criminals are their stalking-horse to keep the proles terrorized and ready to submit to ever more of Das Reich's depravities in the name of "public safety"... ISTR Hitler exploited, and even organized, criminal street gangs in the early days to help keep the peasants pushing the Reichstag to adopt his favored policies.

That's why you'll never see Dems get tough on REAL crime, because the actual criminals are not just core constituents but BUSINESS PARTNERS.

Spot on. Especially the first part having a valid historical reference. Good point.

03-25-18, 19:19
When I was young, my great-uncle (who helped liberate a Konzentrazionslager under Patton) made me do in-depth study of the Reich and how they stage-managed its rise to power, with the intent that I'd know what warning signs to watch for when they tried again here.

I may not be able to precisely put why into nice articulate words, but the red flags, warning bells and signal rockets have been going off like Christmas and the Fourth of July all at once for the past two decades and change (some of which only apparent in retrospect)--the Demofascist Deep State is the Fourth Reich, and Godwintards who want to throw a fit can eat my fresh-off-Taco-Bell-and-ready-for-Bowl-Blasting flatulent ass.

03-25-18, 19:28
Yes, vets are diverse, remember the Vietnam Veterans Against The War ?
It gave rise to a famous scumbag Swiftboat Commander.

03-25-18, 19:43
No argument on the point about our "representatives". Honestly at this point voting at the national level is pointless. DC is an animal with two heads that pretend to disagree sometimes. Until a true libertarian party can gain a foothold things will stay as they are or get worse.

No, Libertarians are soft. They are practically Democrats. I want an Authoritarian Constitutionalist Party.

Dist. Expert 26
03-25-18, 19:47
No, Libertarians are soft. They are practically Democrats. I want an Authoritarian Constitutionalist Party.

I'm not even going to waste time arguing about that.

03-25-18, 19:49
Yes, vets are diverse, remember the Vietnam Veterans Against The War ?
It gave rise to a famous scumbag Swiftboat Commander.

for many reasons why after Vietnam I wont be blindly say troops are good LEO are good etc.. you have to earn that ! no blind he was a soldier show him some respect ! NOPE earn it and you can loose it like McCain who is a traitor and looser IMHO

03-25-18, 19:58
Yes, vets are diverse, remember the Vietnam Veterans Against The War ?
It gave rise to a famous scumbag Swiftboat Commander.

They served in that war, and by doing so have certainly earned the right to criticize it's conduct, agree or not. However, when you use your cloak of [combat?] service to suggest infringing on the Constitutional rights of your fellow citizens like this video did then I draw the line.

03-25-18, 20:02
Follow the Money!! It all leads to the same nefarious location. Soros and his NGO's and foundations.

03-25-18, 20:16
Follow the Money!! It all leads to the same nefarious location. Soros and his NGO's and foundations.
See also, as referred to on previous page Post 27, the link between the old Nazi Reich and the new.

LMT Shooter
03-25-18, 21:41
No, Libertarians are soft. They are practically Democrats. I want an Authoritarian Constitutionalist Party.

My first thought is that the word "Authoritarian" is almost an antonym for "Constitutionalist," but that is in the context of those words as they would apply to government actions towards the people.

03-26-18, 01:42
Diverse group is not going to be argued. How many of those in the video, if they are actual veterans, were line troops doing patrols, how many took fire, how many fired back? Probably not many in all cases. I knew a guy who was so desperate to be able to say he killed someone that the story of his kill he told myself and others called him on it because going off his story he fired after the afgan got lit up by a pair of 240s. No, you didn't kill no one, you shot a dancing corpse. I have another friend who has several stories talking about being very close to shooting someone, but the conditions to use the lethal force weren't met. And being in the room clearing his sector when another engaged and killed combatant. That was his war. A lot of watching the enemy running around by not having the permission to fire.

If we believe that all men are created equal than you having served makes you no better at tell me my opinion than anyone else. I know I'll piss others off with that, but it is the truth if you believe everyone is equal. As such, why should I listen to you over someone else? You can argue life experiences, but that is meaningless for you do not know mine. You can argue insane people. But, that does mean I am insane. You can argue safety. But, that does not make me safe. You can argue that you have had training, but that does not mean you know what you were trained on or are even knowledgeable because you were trained to the lowest common denominator. Many here can give more technical and practical date on their service weapon than they could, and those who can speak in volumes have not even serviced. Yes you may veteran, but that does not make you expert. I am sorry, but I will call it like I see.

If we assume, and let us forgo the joke there, that they are veterans in that video. They are no better than any other leftist, because they do not know what they are talking about. An AR 15 is not the same as an M4, it is not under the law, it is not under basic configuration unless you do not know. It is not some super powerful rifle. It is not something that causes mass causalities in this country, not compared to other objects. They are right when they it causes hundreds if deaths. Hundreds of deaths out of thousands. Tens of thousands.

Your actions can garner you respect. Your actions can also destroy that respect. Do not assume your past actions will explain your future transgressions no matter who you are.

Great post Kain.

There is something to be said about folks staying in their lane but of course the flip side to that coin is those folks who are in that lane are not necessarily experts on any given subject matter that is outside of said lane.