View Full Version : Where can I get a custom short throw safety lever made?

03-29-18, 19:49
Been looking at short throw safeties lately and I'm really not interested in interchangeable levers, ambi levers, levers attached with screws, oversized levers, undersized levers, levers made out of fancy materials. What'd I'd really like is just a factory Colt safety with a shorter detent channel.

Is it possible to get a blank safety and have the detent channel milled? Or something similar? I'm open to suggestions. Thanks.

03-29-18, 20:45
The way the USGI safety is cast it needs a full 90° turn to deactivate and allow the trigger to release the hammer. I suppose with enough money you could convince someone to machine a similar piece with 45° geometry but that seems like a fools errand with the availability of non-ambi 45° safeties from several companies. From a reliability standpoint the existing options have been tested more than your one-off option would be. If you're really worried about it there are industrial epoxies that would make the bond essentially permanent even without the screw.

You can configure the Battlearms safeties to be non-ambi:

BAD-ASS-ST (https://www.battlearmsdevelopment.com/bad-ass-st-center)
BAD-ASS-ST Single Lever (https://www.battlearmsdevelopment.com/bad-ass-single-lever-only-black-phosphate)

Or the V7:
V7 Hybrid 57° Selector

03-29-18, 20:47
No. They are cast with the detent channel.

03-29-18, 20:57
Thanks for the responses, guys. Good stuff to know. I'm actually actually using a non-ambi BAD-CASS short throw right now. It's an older model. Sold another one off awhile back that didn't play well with a Geissele trigger I'm using.

03-30-18, 09:31
What are you trying to achieve.

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