View Full Version : The Last Jedi (Review)

03-30-18, 11:25
The Last Jedi is far superior to that of FA, but that's not saying much was FA was awful. As a stand alone movie, Jedi is not terribly good, as part of the SW series, it fits somewhere in the middle between the best and worst of them. Visuals, sets, and CGI are top notch, but character wise, hard to really care what happens to any of them at this point, with the exception of Skywalker (Mark Hamill) who gives some real passion to the character. It's probably just my age and such, but the force inconsistencies bothered me more than usual in this movie, such as they can lift massive boulders, but can't simply rip the head off of someone trying to cut them down with handheld weapon. As someone who stood in line as a kid for hours to see opening night of the original in the 70s, I can say the magic is long gone. Will I see the next one? Of course! B-/C+


Doc Safari
03-30-18, 11:28
I agree pretty much with your assessment. I will stick with Star Wars until the original cast are all gone (including whatever CGI rendition of Leia shows up in the next movie). After that, I'm done.

I just hope Disney doesn't resurrect the X-Files as a botched reboot.


03-30-18, 11:50
Spoiler Alert. Nah it s@cks balls. I am done with SJW Star Wars, main part of the movie was a slow speed chase through space with a feminazi admiral who keeps the real plan secret from everyone which leads to a mutiny. A side trip to a casino planet and meeting a criminal who shocka' betrays the resistance, a female minority character who stops a kamikaze run that might save everyone because feelzz. The last Jedi who phones in the final battle instead of showing up. Mark Hamil was not happy with it, I am not happy with it and lots of hard core SW fans are not happy, some really good take aparts on youtube.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 11:55
Spoiler Alert. Nah it s@cks balls. I am done with SJW Star Wars, main part of the movie was a slow speed chase through space with a feminazi admiral who keeps the real plan secret from everyone which leads to a mutiny. A side trip to a casino planet and meeting a criminal who shocka' betrays the resistance, a female minority character who stops a kamikaze run that might save everyone because feelzz. The last Jedi who phones in the final battle instead of showing up. Mark Hamil was not happy with it, I am not happy with it and lots of hard core SW fans are not happy, some really good take aparts on youtube.

I agree that Luke's "virtual" participation is too much of an homage to the modern video game and do-everything-with-drones culture. Had that been done in the original trilogy, the audience would have had a collective WTF moment. Nowadays people just shrug it off because everything is fake. I think no one would have accepted a CGI Leia in the 70's or 80's either (even if the technology had been there--which it wasn't).

Still, you have to accept the fact that "this ain't your grandpa's Star Wars" and just eat the baloney and pretend it's steak, I guess.

03-30-18, 12:02
I agree that Luke's "virtual" participation is too much of an homage to the modern video game and do-everything-with-drones culture. Had that been done in the original trilogy, the audience would have had a collective WTF moment. Nowadays people just shrug it off because everything is fake. I think no one would have accepted a CGI Leia in the 70's or 80's either (even if the technology had been there--which it wasn't).

Still, you have to accept the fact that "this ain't your grandpa's Star Wars" and just eat the baloney and pretend it's steak, I guess.
At least bologna has some meat in it... this is more like a shitsteak, and I see why the merchandisers scaled down their offerings for this one--they knew it'd have limited cash-cow coattails.

Looking forward to seeing our old friend Rexy and her castmates do a Tyrannosaur Size ROFLstomp all over it in June... :)

03-30-18, 12:20
Spoiler Alert. Nah it s@cks balls. I am done with SJW Star Wars, main part of the movie was a slow speed chase through space with a feminazi admiral who keeps the real plan secret from everyone which leads to a mutiny. A side trip to a casino planet and meeting a criminal who shocka' betrays the resistance, a female minority character who stops a kamikaze run that might save everyone because feelzz. The last Jedi who phones in the final battle instead of showing up. Mark Hamil was not happy with it, I am not happy with it and lots of hard core SW fans are not happy, some really good take aparts on youtube.

I don't disagree, but did it suck nads even worse than say FA? No. Was it better than say Empire? No, hence falls in the middle in my view. Yes, all those details pretty much made it a bummer, and the purple haired Admiral, you wanted to just choke from minute one. Oh, and she had to pilot suicide the ship cuz there's no auto pilot on a star ship?! Ugh. That was just so stupid.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 12:24
I don't disagree, but did it suck nads even worse than say FA? No. Was it better than say Empire? No, hence falls in the middle in my view. Yes, all those details pretty much made it a bummer, and the purple haired Admiral, you wanted to just choke from minute one. Oh, and she had to pilot suicide the ship cuz there's no auto pilot on a star ship?! Ugh. That was just so stupid.

Monday-morning-quarterbacking of Star Wars goes all the way back to Empire Strikes Back. I remember the tech-minded shaking their heads at the Millenium Falcon being able to make to to Bespin without hyper-drive. (Given the vastness of space how many thousand years should it have taken?)

I also remember the outrage that some fans had when Darth Vader turned out to be Luke's father. There were people I know who never watched another one after the first movie just because of that alone.

I've learned that you have to take the bad with the good if you want to enjoy Star Wars.

If it can survive Jar-Jar Binks it can dang near survive anything, for Pete's sake.

03-30-18, 12:28
I don't disagree, but did it suck nads even worse than say FA? No. Was it better than say Empire? No, hence falls in the middle in my view. Yes, all those details pretty much made it a bummer, and the purple haired Admiral, you wanted to just choke from minute one. Oh, and she had to pilot suicide the ship cuz there's no auto pilot on a star ship?! Ugh. That was just so stupid.

Since the events are supposed to have happened "a long time ago", I guess it was well before anyone came up with an RPV to do the jump-to-light-speed deed.

This explains it all...


03-30-18, 17:04

And same director who did TLJ has hired on for 3 more films.

03-30-18, 19:37
Spoiler Alert. Nah it s@cks balls. I am done with SJW Star Wars, main part of the movie was a slow speed chase through space with a feminazi admiral who keeps the real plan secret from everyone which leads to a mutiny. A side trip to a casino planet and meeting a criminal who shocka' betrays the resistance, a female minority character who stops a kamikaze run that might save everyone because feelzz. The last Jedi who phones in the final battle instead of showing up. Mark Hamil was not happy with it, I am not happy with it and lots of hard core SW fans are not happy, some really good take aparts on youtube.

That's really all I actively didn't like about the movie. Poe is the new Han so he's the info! I didn't think the side quest for the cracker was too bad anymore than the trip to cloud city was in 5. I mean it wasn't a good movie by any stretch of the imagination but it is a middle movie which ties up loose ends from 1(7) and sets up the plot for 3(9). I guess I'm saying I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it.

03-30-18, 20:14
Spoiler Alert. Nah it s@cks balls. I am done with SJW Star Wars, main part of the movie was a slow speed chase through space with a feminazi admiral who keeps the real plan secret from everyone which leads to a mutiny. A side trip to a casino planet and meeting a criminal who shocka' betrays the resistance, a female minority character who stops a kamikaze run that might save everyone because feelzz. The last Jedi who phones in the final battle instead of showing up. Mark Hamil was not happy with it, I am not happy with it and lots of hard core SW fans are not happy, some really good take aparts on youtube.

I agree with you assessment but I found the movie even worse.

For me, the original trilogy is it. The prequels and the pathetic sequels don't count.

I will admit that I did enjoy "Rogue One" quite a bit.

03-30-18, 21:39
Kylo Ren completely ruins it for me. They probably could’ve made the character work in the series but they completely dropped the ball when they casted Adam Driver for the roll.
And just when you think it couldn’t get worse, he destroys the one possible saving grace for the character... his mask.

I wish they would’ve killed off Kylo instead of Phasma. I liked that character & they should’ve kept her around longer.

03-30-18, 22:56
I wish they would’ve killed off Kylo instead of Phasma. I liked that character & they should’ve kept her around longer.

Phasma may have been excessive, but at least you had to respect her for having paid her dues and being out there at risk alongside her troops. Ren was just a Whiny Little Bitch...

Seriously, the LEGO Force Awakens game was better than the movie, because it more properly depicts KR as a wangsty little punkbrat.

03-30-18, 23:56
We're going to look back in ten more years and come to the understanding that they just should have done it right or stopped at the original movie.

03-31-18, 01:15
It was a fun movie to watch, overall.


IMO, the best part of the movie was the oh-so-obvious turncoat hacker's "moment" on the stolen luxury ship.
I get they wanted to play the "rich people are bad cuz they hurt animals and sell weapons to the empire" angle, but just for a tiny moment when the holograph flipped to the the Xwing sales, and he gives Fin/Rose this "yeah, now what..." look.... right there was a tiny little glimpse into the overlooked grey areas of the star wars universe that would give everything so much more "meat", instead of being a straight black and white "Good Guys blow up the Bad Guys Big Machine" every time... That's Saturday morning cartoon level writing, not triple-A blockbuster title....

I further question where Rey is getting her saber skilz; obviously she doesn't start off quite as clueless as Luke, and in this movie it seems like they were trying to infer some crossover from her staff fighting to the lightsaber. That being said.... fast forward to the throne room fight. No matter which way you slice it, Rey is still a bit new to all this, and most of her time with Luke seems to have been spent working on mental force technique....where as Kylo is apparently at the "kill this important person to complete your training mwahahaha" point. And yet when the fight kicks off, despite the occasional "moment" Kylo has here and there, they pretty much fight with equal skill.
This is a problem, as at the end with Kylo vs Luke, technically you should be watching that expecting Kylo to kick old-man-Luke's butt, instead you feel pretty sure Luke will win- and when he does via his telepathic powers, whereas it should have been an *unexpected* "gotcha!" moment he pulls on Kylo, it's instead totally expected (plus Po being oh so helpful giving the point of Luke going out there in the first place away.... thanks a lot bro...), and sort of...lessens the impact of the moment.
HISHE- they have NO input from the people in the bunker after Luke walks out, Kylo and Luke have a balls-out lightsaber duel, and Kylo, with the superior skills he should have already displayed previously victoriously cuts Luke down...but Luke doesn't die, and blinks back in behind him... and in that moment you see the dawn of understanding come over Kylo's face....*then* do a cut-back to the rebels escaping Hoth...er,... the cave, via Rey's mind magic, which I think would have played better as her big "lifting the x-wing from the swamp/ Rey saves the Rebellion single-handedly" sort of moment, because frankly, as it was, that played out almost as an afterthought since we "know" she can do it given all the other things she already did in the movie.... It also would have played in nicely that way with the short cut you see on the Falcon where she's got the Jedi books as sort of an "aha, she DID get to read them" moment that would have explained the boulder-hurling event. Especially if you consider for comparison, Yoda, touted as arguably the most powerful Jedi ever, had a hard time stopping ONE pillar from falling on Obi-wan/Anakin in Ep 2....

Also, Hux for Supreme Leader 2020. :laugh:
Seriously though, he actually seems to have gone from "cliche angry Helgast" to putting his big boy pants on a bit towards the end of the movie. I'm sure they'll totally blow this opportunity to flesh him out a bit more in ep. 8, but I think it would be interesting to see what happens if he actually ends up becoming a competent Admiral now that Snoke is gone, and how things would end up if the first order started splitting between him and Kylo, given Kylo looks like he's going down the "wildly unhinged" path with Hux filling the "voice of reason" spot for the Order.... You know, that whole grey areas thing again...
I also bet Phasma ain't dead.

Also also, if you thought FA was a blatant ripoff of Ep IV, this is an even more blatant ripoff of Ep V..... ;)

Anyway... I'll not go on for an entire page here. :laugh:

03-31-18, 08:43
Kylo Ren completely ruins it for me. They probably could’ve made the character work in the series but they completely dropped the ball when they casted Adam Driver for the roll.
And just when you think it couldn’t get worse, he destroys the one possible saving grace for the character... his mask.

I wish they would’ve killed off Kylo instead of Phasma. I liked that character & they should’ve kept her around longer.

I didn't find him nearly as annoying as he was in FA.

Doc Safari
03-31-18, 20:12
Kylo Ren completely ruins it for me. They probably could’ve made the character work in the series but they completely dropped the ball when they casted Adam Driver for the roll.
And just when you think it couldn’t get worse, he destroys the one possible saving grace for the character... his mask.

I wish they would’ve killed off Kylo instead of Phasma. I liked that character & they should’ve kept her around longer.

We derisively refer to him as "Darth Skippy" since he looks like some punk or some Marilyn Manson fan or something.

03-31-18, 20:37
We derisively refer to him as "Darth Skippy" since he looks like some punk or some Marilyn Manson fan or something.

Or "Darth Bitchboy," or "Darth Snowflake"... then again, Angsty Anakin was rather snowflakey too.

I knew Darth Vader, he was one of my heroes, and no way that whiny little punk grew up into the badass, take-no-shit-from-ANYONE Dark Lord of the Sith I admired.

04-01-18, 11:47
Or "Darth Bitchboy," or "Darth Snowflake"... then again, Angsty Anakin was rather snowflakey too.

I knew Darth Vader, he was one of my heroes, and no way that whiny little punk grew up into the badass, take-no-shit-from-ANYONE Dark Lord of the Sith I admired.

Androgynous Darth.

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 12:04
I'll watch it again. It wasn't my favorite Star Wars movie, nor was it the worst. My kids love it, and to me that's all that matters. I've accepted that this is just more mindless entertainment than anything else, and I'm good with no longer being a rabid fanboy that can't enjoy a good popcorn flick because it doesn't meet my expectation of how the story or characters are developed. If I want a thinking man's movie there are not a shortage of them out there. When I want dinosaurs chomping people, giant bio-mechanical robots that can transform into trucks and muscle cars, or escape off to a virtual world, I suspend my disbelief and check my reality meter at the door. Sometimes you feel like Ex-Machina, sometimes you feel like Sharknado. First world problems.

04-01-18, 12:04
I was hyped, got great seats at the local upscale theater, fancy food and drinks... and afterwards felt like it was a complete waste of money. Snoke, possibly the most interesting character of the new series, dies for no reason. 45min was spent on a casino planet for no reason. They paid homage to the Hoth battle, but extremely lazily. Luke was just a more grizzled version of his whiny twat self in A New Hope, and then dies for no reason. Yoda cracks jokes that feel forced (har har) and out of place.

And I'll just leave this here...


04-01-18, 14:40
I was hyped, got great seats at the local upscale theater, fancy food and drinks... and afterwards felt like it was a complete waste of money. Snoke, possibly the most interesting character of the new series, dies for no reason. 45min was spent on a casino planet for no reason. They paid homage to the Hoth battle, but extremely lazily. Luke was just a more grizzled version of his whiny twat self in A New Hope, and then dies for no reason. Yoda cracks jokes that feel forced (har har) and out of place.

After FA, which I got very close to walking out of, not way I will ever do that for a SW movie. Got no one to blame but ye self on that one bro ;)

Per the vid, when the hell did she develop powers from the Force she could prevent being frozen solid and then propel herself to safety? That was a real WTF moment I had forgotten about. Or did Luke use his abilities to save her? Made no damn sense

04-01-18, 14:58
The Last Jedi wasn't perfect or close to perfect but I'd rather watch it than some movie about zombies or comic book super heroes that flies, carry a shield, looks like some giant bloated man made out of rock, wearing cape and fly through their air. I was entertained for 2 hours.

04-01-18, 15:11
We derisively refer to him as "Darth Skippy"...

Or "Darth Bitchboy," or "Darth Snowflake"...

[emoji23] I’m using those, thanks!

Another character I couldn’t stand was that purple or pink haired chick that took over for Leia. That whole part was weird to me and a bad fit for the movie.

I’m also not sure if I care for some of the comedic bantering that Disney has now injected in the series. Some are ok & a little funny but I don’t think Lucas would’ve pulled any of that. Just seems un-Star Wars to me.

04-01-18, 16:33
The Last Jedi wasn't perfect or close to perfect but I'd rather watch it than some movie about zombies or comic book super heroes that flies, carry a shield, looks like some giant bloated man made out of rock, wearing cape and fly through their air. I was entertained for 2 hours.

Fir straight up mindless fun and entertainment, I enjoyed the most recent Thor movie far more myself. SW is serious bidness! ;)

04-01-18, 16:55
I was going to post the HISHE for The Last Jedi, but...


Have an Honest Trailer, instead!

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 17:02

I’m also not sure if I care for some of the comedic bantering that Disney has now injected in the series. Some are ok & a little funny but I don’t think Lucas would’ve pulled any of that. Just seems un-Star Wars to me.

Brother, I don't know what Star Wars you grew up watching, but witty banter between characters has always been part of the OT. It was lacking big time in the Prequels, but the exchange between Han, Luke, Leia, Lando, Threepio and even Artoo has always been apparent. You're officially on time out.

04-01-18, 17:12
Brother, I don't know what Star Wars you grew up watching, but witty banter between characters has always been part of the OT. It was lacking big time in the Prequels, but the exchange between Han, Luke, Leia, Lando, Threepio and even Artoo has always been apparent. You're officially on time out.

Between a villain and rebel??? You’ll have to refresh my memory. I don’t recall any “witty banter” with Vader... ever.

I’m not talking about between Han, Luke, Leia, etc

04-01-18, 17:47
I too was entertained. I thought it was a good movie, not great. It had some great stuff but not as a whole. I like the Marvel Universe movies very much also.

The Last Jedi wasn't perfect or close to perfect but I'd rather watch it than some movie about zombies or comic book super heroes that flies, carry a shield, looks like some giant bloated man made out of rock, wearing cape and fly through their air. I was entertained for 2 hours.

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 17:52
Between a villain and rebel??? You’ll have to refresh my memory. I don’t recall any “witty banter” with Vader... ever.

I’m not talking about between Han, Luke, Leia, etc

Well you didn't clarify until just now. And who really gives a sh!t? This is Star Wars for a new generation moving in an entirely new direction, so it doesn't have to "feel" like the OT or even the PT. Right now all I'm seeing is bunch of old dudes acting like crybabies and whining because the new movies don't satisfy their inner 10 year old. Charlie Mike.

04-01-18, 18:24
Well you didn't clarify until just now. And who really gives a sh!t? This is Star Wars for a new generation moving in an entirely new direction, so it doesn't have to "feel" like the OT or even the PT. Right now all I'm seeing is bunch of old dudes acting like crybabies and whining because the new movies don't satisfy their inner 10 year old. Charlie Mike.

Wow. Easy pal. It’s just an opinion on a movie. Believe it or not, there’s more important things in life to get upset about.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset an actual 10 year old super fan. [emoji57]

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 18:36
Wow. Easy pal. It’s just an opinion on a movie. Believe it or not, there’s more important things in life to get upset about.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset an actual 10 year old super fan. [emoji57]

Lol check my record, my friend. If anything I'm the guy who's been calling out people for acting like these movies owe them something. Keep up. Kisses!