View Full Version : Goodbye, X-Files?

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 11:37
I just finished watching the limited 10-episode Season 11 of X-Files. It's a resurrection of the 1990's series, with the first "new season" since 2002 being Season 10 in 2016.

All in all, I enjoyed it. Of particular note is the episode "The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat":


In classic X-Files tradition, it's more of a send-up than a serious episode, but in this particular case, it seems to have a subtle "goodbye" to the fans buried near the end.

After all the mind games with fans' memories of the series, at the end of the episode Agents Scully and Mulder are about to eat a bite of a lost childhood treat. Scully starts to put the spoon down as she laments, that instead of partaking, she'd rather remember things the way they were.

With Gillian Anderson claiming to not want to do any more X-Files, it's a fitting hint to fans that even these veteran actors know that the series' best days are behind it, and it's better to enjoy all the previous episodes and not expect more.

With than in mind, I've been watching the old episodes starting with Season One, Episode One, The Pilot, and I plan to continue at least through the glory days of the series.

Truly, X-Files will be missed, but I'd rather remember the series in its heyday than watch them run it into the ground.

Alex V
03-30-18, 11:57
That was the last episode of the new season that I saw. Just haven't had time to go back to it and finish up the season. X-Files really is my favorite show and I would also like to see it go out in a blaze of glory rather than slowly whither away with crap content.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 12:07
That was the last episode of the new season that I saw. Just haven't had time to go back to it and finish up the season. X-Files really is my favorite show and I would also like to see it go out in a blaze of glory rather than slowly whither away with crap content.

I just hope Disney doesn't resurrect the X-Files as a botched reboot.


03-30-18, 12:23
I just hope Disney doesn't resurrect the X-Files as a botched reboot.


Count on an SJWified version, just like Star Wars... I'm surprised they haven't SJW-ed Indy yet. :( I tell ya, Kathleen Kennedy is even more a blight on everything she touches than Jar Jar Abrams... this is a woman who after being groomed for her entire career and handed all the ingredients for Blockbuster on a silver platter by Steven Spielberg himself, turned around and made Michael Crichton's Congo a flop when Crichton was a name that made stuff print money.

I've been hearing rumblings that if Solo flops like TLJ she's toast, because while Post-Walt Disney loves its SJW'ing, they don't like flushing money down the crapper without return on investment.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 12:26
.. I'm surprised they haven't SJW-ed Indy yet. .

Lord....if You have any mercy at all left for the TV and movie industry...Please, God....don't let it.......happen

03-30-18, 12:32
Lord....if You have any mercy at all left for the TV and movie industry...Please, God....don't let it.......happen

They did announce last month they've started work on Indy 5 :-(

03-30-18, 12:35
They did announce last month they've started work on Indy 5 :-(

Hopefully without Shithead LaButtf*** to screw it up like he did the last one... if they're gonna do it without Harrison Ford, I'd rather they go back to the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles concept and tell more "origin story," have Ford do opening/closing bookends like Aging Indy telling war-stories with his bar-buddies or some favorite students.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 12:35
They did announce last month they've started work on Indy 5 :-(

They purty near merged Indy with X-Files for "Crystal Skull". "Nuke the fridge" almost became synonymous with "jump the shark".

I would rather have had an Indy story involving Victorio Peak or something, instead of friggin' UFO aliens. Jeez. and Effing Louise.

They will probably keep going until they run it into the ground, just like they kept making Fast and Furious until they should have called it Slow and Tedious.

I think I want my tombstone to read, "WHY CAN'T THEY JUST LEAVE SHIT ALONE?"

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 12:37
if they're gonna do it without Harrison Ford, I'd rather they go back to the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles concept and tell more "origin story," have Ford do opening/closing bookends like Aging Indy telling war-stories with his bar-buddies or some favorite students.

Damn good idea. That's why they'll never do it.

03-30-18, 12:37
IIRC, Ford is in it, no word on Shia (thinking probably won't be in it since he's...well, "special"), confirmed there would be Nazi's again.

Want to say it was either Extra (Mario Lopez is a big Star Wars and Indiana Jones geek) or What Culture (YouTube) that I saw it on.

03-30-18, 12:45
Damn good idea. That's why they'll never do it.

Actually, they already did it once for once of the post-series YIJC TV-movies... it'd be an efficient way to wring maximum profit out of what time Ford has left, get all the scripts prewritten, shoot his up to 30 minutes or so per movie and record voiceover then make the rest at leisure.

Not that I'm going to see it... Lucasfilm is dead to me after how they chumpkilled Han and un-retconned chumpkilling Boba Fett.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 12:48
Actually, they already did it once for once of the post-series YIJC TV-movies...

I remember that. Decent TV show. They ran it on Sunday mornings for a while.

Lucasfilm is dead to me after how they chumpkilled Han and un-retconned chumpkilling Boba Fett.

Lucasfilm died to me with the Teddy Bear people in Return of the Jedi. I've soldiered on and watched every subsequent Star Wars movie, but it's like visiting the grave of a beloved friend more than anything.

03-30-18, 12:55
Lucasfilm died to me with the Teddy Bear people in Return of the Jedi. I've soldiered on and watched every subsequent Star Wars movie, but it's like visiting the grave of a beloved friend more than anything.

I will never forget as a kid getting home from seeing Jedi with my dad at the theatre and watching how excitedly he explained the battle scenes with those teddy bears to my mother. Despite our differences as I got older, that movie series has always remained a constant thing we agree on. When the sequels started coming out I made it a point to see the two so far with my son to carry on the tradition so to speak. Still can't understand why people don't realize the Falcon is actually the most important character in any of the movies in the series.

Doc Safari
03-30-18, 16:26
I will never forget as a kid getting home from seeing Jedi with my dad at the theatre and watching how excitedly he explained the battle scenes with those teddy bears to my mother. Despite our differences as I got older, that movie series has always remained a constant thing we agree on. When the sequels started coming out I made it a point to see the two so far with my son to carry on the tradition so to speak. Still can't understand why people don't realize the Falcon is actually the most important character in any of the movies in the series.

A long time ago in an interview far, far away....the 1970's or 1980's to be exact...George Lucas stated he thought R2D2 and C3PO were the stars of the show. Of course, that's when they had only made one...maybe two...of the movies.

03-30-18, 19:39
With than in mind, I've been watching the old episodes starting with Season One, Episode One, The Pilot, and I plan to continue at least through the glory days of the series.

Truly, X-Files will be missed, but I'd rather remember the series in its heyday than watch them run it into the ground.

I started last year trying to watch them all in order from the start. I had forgotten sooo much and enjoyed so many episodes again and I'm not even half way through it.

03-30-18, 21:04
A long time ago in an interview far, far away....the 1970's or 1980's to be exact...George Lucas stated he thought R2D2 and C3PO were the stars of the show. Of course, that's when they had only made one...maybe two...of the movies.

Ah, but without the Falcon none of the important events would've ever happened. No rescued old Jedi, no getting to a Death Star, much less no getting to Bespin or blowing up a second Death Star. Just my take tho. The Falcon was my second favorite poster when I was a kid, second only to Carrie Fisher in that outfit from Jabba's barge ;-)

03-30-18, 21:16
Ah, but without the Falcon none of the important events would've ever happened. No rescued old Jedi, no getting to a Death Star, much less no getting to Bespin or blowing up a second Death Star. Just my take tho. The Falcon was my second favorite poster when I was a kid, second only to Carrie Fisher in that outfit from Jabba's barge ;-)

Lol, what does it say about me that as a kid I wanted my own Star Destroyer? (Hopefully without pesky Imperial bureaucracy... more like the Errant Venture from the novels.)

03-30-18, 21:21
Lol, what does it say about me that as a kid I wanted my own Star Destroyer? (Hopefully without pesky Imperial bureaucracy... more like the Errant Venture from the novels.)

That you had the unique ability at a young age to recognize a good defensive/offensive capable system when you saw it? along with recognizing Imperial bureaucracy as a waste of time/effort?

03-31-18, 00:01
That you had the unique ability at a young age to recognize a good defensive/offensive capable system when you saw it? along with recognizing Imperial bureaucracy as a waste of time/effort?
Considering that I was raised by a Cold Warrior and learning the strengths and weaknesses of Integrated Air Defense Systems, and how to get payloads and delivery platforms around them to turn Russia into a continent-size sheet of glass, at an age when most kids are playing with alphabet blocks... :D lol

03-31-18, 03:11
Lord....if You have any mercy at all left for the TV and movie industry...Please, God....don't let it.......happen

Hate to break it to you....

'Take A Knee': The X-Files stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny kneel in support of NFL athletes' protest


I'm halfway through season 11, grew up watching the original nine seasons, saw the feature films in the theater.

I agree, "The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat" was the best episode (that I've seen so far) of season 11.

03-31-18, 05:49
A long time ago in an interview far, far away....the 1970's or 1980's to be exact...George Lucas stated he thought R2D2 and C3PO were the stars of the show. Of course, that's when they had only made one...maybe two...of the movies.

You are correct, Lucas said it is a story about the adventures of two droids. As far as the X-Files, I said goodbye to them 20 years ago.

03-31-18, 07:51
I've lost count how many times I've watched all the episodes of the original series of X-Files. Saw the movie at the theater when it first was released. Watched the first of the recent seasons...and decided to just call it good at that point. Scully still looked hot, but Fox just seemed..."off" somehow. Over all I felt it was yet another reason why instead of trying to bring back old shows/movies Hollywood should invest the effort into coming up with new and/or original content. I get that the current generation of writers, producers, what-not grew up on their favorite shows and now are in a position to make them "how they should have been/be". Just because they can, doesn't mean they should. Heck there was even talk going around last year or so about plans to re-make "Highlander" (a movie that unquestionably should not have had sequels or a TV spin-off).

Doc Safari
03-31-18, 20:18
Hate to break it to you....

'Take A Knee': The X-Files stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny kneel in support of NFL athletes' protest


Not surprising. Look, if I let every performer's politics interfere with the entertainment I'd have to give up rock music and just about every movie and TV show I've liked. It's a sad truth that "artists" in our modern culture are a bunch of lefty loons.

I had to give up looking into people's politics with John Lennon. His political views kind of soured me on the Beatles for a long time, and so I just make it a policy to not let anybody's politics soil my enjoyment of something.

I do prefer to watch conservative actors whenever possible, though...

I'm halfway through season 11, grew up watching the original nine seasons, saw the feature films in the theater.

I agree, "The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat" was the best episode (that I've seen so far) of season 11.

Did you see that as a subtle "goodbye" to the fans like I did?

04-03-18, 03:32
You are correct, Lucas said it is a story about the adventures of two droids. As far as the X-Files, I said goodbye to them 20 years ago.

I have heard that the entire Star Wars saga is nothing more than R2D2 reminiscing his adventures to a new owner in the future.

04-03-18, 03:45
Not surprising. Look, if I let every performer's politics interfere with the entertainment I'd have to give up rock music and just about every movie and TV show I've liked. It's a sad truth that "artists" in our modern culture are a bunch of lefty loons.

I had to give up looking into people's politics with John Lennon. His political views kind of soured me on the Beatles for a long time, and so I just make it a policy to not let anybody's politics soil my enjoyment of something.

I do prefer to watch conservative actors whenever possible, though...


I'm a huge cinephile and music lover. If I only watched shows/films and listened to music by people that have the same political views as I do I probably wouldn't get to watch or listen to very much lol. Entertainers are just that, shut up and dance monkey. They should quite mixing their art with their political views.

Did you see that as a subtle "goodbye" to the fans like I did?

I can see that. That episode really tipped it's hat to A LOT of fandom for sure.