View Full Version : Murderer of 10 people released from prison

03-31-18, 12:13
'Palm Sunday Massacre' gunman who killed 10 people in 1984 discreetly released from prison:

On Palm Sunday in 1984, Thomas shot and killed 10 people in an apartment in Brooklyn. Thomas was embroiled in a dispute with the apartment owner, convicted drug dealer Enrique Bermudez. The victims of the slaying were Bermudez’s pregnant wife, another adult woman, and eight children.

.....Thomas was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 25 to 50 years in 1985, following the massacre. He was able to avoid a murder rap because it was determined his heavy cocaine usage “contributed to his actions.”


What the royal f**k is this shit????? And we wonder what is wrong with this country.

He should have ceased breathing perfectly good air 34 years ago. Un-freaking-real.........:angry:

03-31-18, 12:28
I don't care how much cocaine he was doing, he killed eight kids in a row, that's stone cold psycho. He will never get justice in this life, we should then hurry him on to the after life for his justice.

Dist. Expert 26
03-31-18, 12:40
But we need more laws to save the children, right?

03-31-18, 12:50
'Palm Sunday Massacre' gunman who killed 10 people in 1984 discreetly released from prison:

On Palm Sunday in 1984, Thomas shot and killed 10 people in an apartment in Brooklyn. Thomas was embroiled in a dispute with the apartment owner, convicted drug dealer Enrique Bermudez. The victims of the slaying were Bermudez’s pregnant wife, another adult woman, and eight children.

.....Thomas was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 25 to 50 years in 1985, following the massacre. He was able to avoid a murder rap because it was determined his heavy cocaine usage “contributed to his actions.”


What the royal f**k is this shit????? And we wonder what is wrong with this country.

He should have ceased breathing perfectly good air 34 years ago. Un-freaking-real.........:angry:

convicted of manslaughter?! Hows that possible? That's why the POS is getting out.

03-31-18, 13:10
convicted of manslaughter?! Hows that possible? That's why the POS is getting out.


What's the name of his lawyer and what other connections does this Thomas child murderer have that has allowed him to get such special treatment?

03-31-18, 13:13
convicted of manslaughter?! Hows that possible? That's why the POS is getting out.

Probably a deal the DA and defense attorney worked out over one of their daily lunches.

03-31-18, 15:03
Probably a combination of sentencing guidelines and guilty white jurors. The poor guy had to drown his sorrows with the coke. If he had more privilege he wouldn't have been a drug addict in the first place! Good news... At least he took 1 dealer off of the street.

03-31-18, 15:56
The government released the convicted drug dealer to sell drugs to the murderer whom they now also released.

03-31-18, 16:26
Appropriate words fail me.

03-31-18, 16:31
kinda like NZ where life sentence means 10 years then parole

03-31-18, 16:55
The government released the convicted drug dealer to sell drugs to the murderer whom they now also released.
That's the circle of ghetto life.

03-31-18, 17:44
That's the circle of ghetto life.

Nothing to do with the ghetto. Years ago down here there were 3 generations of one family that were all in jail at the same time. Something like 30 people all related incarcerated simultaneously. You have to remember that a new generation starts every 12-15 years. We pay them $$$ for each child born. Having kids is a guaranteed income source. We pay for their healthcare. We pay for their housing. We pay for their food and drink. We pay for their fu--ing cell phone. Why would they work? The guys selling dope are trying to get ahead (or get more pussy). I'll give them that. Unfortunately they cannot escape where they came from because that is where their customer base is. A few are smart enough to sell dope to affluent whites. If more than 2 of them are smart enough it always ends up in a turf war. Just last week 3 white people were shot outside a bar by 2 black people. Nothing to do with race. It was all about turf. I am not talking about Detroit, Philly or LA. I am talking about Hilton Head Island, SC.

03-31-18, 18:23
'Palm Sunday Massacre' gunman who killed 10 people in 1984 discreetly released from prison:

On Palm Sunday in 1984, Thomas shot and killed 10 people in an apartment in Brooklyn. Thomas was embroiled in a dispute with the apartment owner, convicted drug dealer Enrique Bermudez. The victims of the slaying were Bermudez’s pregnant wife, another adult woman, and eight children.

.....Thomas was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 25 to 50 years in 1985, following the massacre. He was able to avoid a murder rap because it was determined his heavy cocaine usage “contributed to his actions.”


What the royal f**k is this shit????? And we wonder what is wrong with this country.

He should have ceased breathing perfectly good air 34 years ago. Un-freaking-real.........:angry:

In friggin' insane! If they really cared about the children they'd make more laws to expedite the execution of a PODS like that and save us taxpayers a whole bunch of money along the way too...

03-31-18, 18:41
And when can we expect him to kill again?

03-31-18, 18:54
I am sure you can thank governor Andrew Cuomo and mayor Bill de Blasio for this.

03-31-18, 20:06
Moving in to a house...right...next...to yours'.

03-31-18, 20:45
Too many rats released and innocent condemned unfortunately.

03-31-18, 22:32
When he killed the first (8) time(s), it was the cocain’s fault.
And when he kills again, it will be the gun’s fault.

Too many rats released and innocent condemned unfortunately.

There was a guy that cut his wife into pieces and placed her body around a few town’s McDonald trash bins. He got out in 8 yrs. Grow the wrong plant and get caught too many times, life in prison. Its like the patients run the asylum, or there is a goal?

03-31-18, 22:36
When he killed the first (8) time(s), it was the cocain’s fault.
And when he kills again, it will be the gun’s fault.

We should make cocain illegal and we could have avoided the entire mess.

04-01-18, 00:44
We should make cocain illegal and we could have avoided the entire mess.

We should sue cocaine manufacturers and importers...oh wait.

04-03-18, 04:22
.....Thomas was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 25 to 50 years in 1985, following the massacre. He was able to avoid a murder rap because it was determined his heavy cocaine usage “contributed to his actions.”

What the royal f**k is this shit?????

Bleeding heart liberalism. :bad:

26 Inf
04-03-18, 14:31
I did not think voluntary intoxication was a defense.

04-03-18, 18:18
I am pretty sure the guy that runs that hot, fire filled place is smiling......and waiting for ALL involved in the case. Lawyers don’t get away either.....