View Full Version : Governor Moonbeam restores gun rights

03-31-18, 19:03
For convicted felon so he won't be deported and Trump is the crazy one.


"California “sanctuary state” Gov. Jerry Brown has empowered the lawyers for five convicts facing deportation with pardons for the crimes upon which their deportations are based.

Between the five foreign nationals are convictions of domestic violence, threatening a crime with intent to terrorize, drug possession, dealing drugs, obstructing a police officer, kidnapping, robbery, felon in possession of a firearm, and auto theft. Sokha Chhan and Phann Pheach face deportation to Cambodia, and Daniel Maher faces deportation to China, according to the Sacramento Bee. The home countries of Daniel Mena and Francisco Acevedo Alaniz were not immediately known.

Brown’s pardon of Maher for kidnapping, robbery, felon in possession of a firearm, and use of a firearm included a reinstatement of Maher’s “right to own, possess, and keep a firearm” to the extent allowable under the state penal code."

03-31-18, 22:51
And if you think this is bad, wait until Gavin "I boned my best friend's wife" Newson gets his hot little hands on the reins of power.

26 Inf
04-01-18, 04:54
Wow, for a moment I thought Brown had stroked out and actually made it so Californians ditch the bullet buttons and have shall issue CCW.


04-01-18, 15:14
From the SacBee reporting cited by Breitbart (link (http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/article207534389.html)):

Three are permanent residents who have exhausted their legal appeals to being deported: Phann Pheach, Sokha Chhan, and Daniel Maher.

Phann Pheach was convicted of drug possession and obstructing a police officer. Is apparently in federal custody, but if the only crimes he's been convicted of are those two, I don't see why he should be deported - apart from having exhausted all legal appeals to being deported.

Sokha Chhan was convicted of two counts of domestic violence and served 364 days in prison. That one I'm OK with deporting.

Daniel Maher was convicted of robbery, kidnapping, and felon in possession of a firearm. I'm also OK with deporting this one.

The other two: Daniel Mena was convicted of drug possession and auto theft. One big whoop, who cares, and another one that ought to see him deported.

Finally, Fransico Acevedo Alaniz. Whose crimes are not reported. I would guess, if Breitbart is reporting it correctly, that his would be the terroristic threats and drug dealing. Which both warrant deportation (at a minimum).

04-02-18, 12:05
Governor Brown is the leader of the politician and government employee criminal gang raping the taxpayers of California, Most taxpayers seem to enjoy the rape.

04-02-18, 13:19
So, supposedly there is a caravan of illegal aliens trying now to make it through Mexico and enter the United States via the Texas border.
Thus the harsh tweets this morning concerning Mexico, NAFTA and DACA.
I would guess the intent is to turn Texas Blue with this invasion because, honestly, once they are here and have crossed the border, they aint going back. When they don't go back, they get an ID Card of some sort and then of course they vote.
Voting Texas in to a Sanctuary State is the objective, your tax dollars going to fund the non-citizen take over is the reward.
The area where the citizens encountered the 21 illegal immigrants and the private property where Breitbart Texas encountered the 43 illegal immigrants is an area used by the Gulf Cartel to move illegal immigrants from Central America and countries other than Mexico across the Texas border with Mexico. The criminal organization uses an area in Starr County to smuggle Mexican nationals, convicted criminals and previously deported aliens. It is in that same area where the Gulf Cartel moves the bulk of their drugs–taking advantage of lack of physical border barriers and the decreased presence of law enforcement.
Americans aren’t the only ones motivated by Tuesday’s election. The presidential race has immigrants from around the world racing to the U.S.-Mexican border, as the cartels exploit a powerful narrative: get into the U.S. while you still can.
“Smugglers are telling them that they need to come across now while there’s a chance,” said Art Del Cueto, a Border Patrol agent in Tucson, Ariz., whose views were echoed by another agent in Texas.
“People think if one candidate wins, certain things will happen, like a giant wall being built and then they can never get through,” said Chris Cabrera, an agent in the Rio Grande Valley. “Another faction believes that if the other candidate wins, they’ll get amnesty if they’re here by a certain date.”

"Moodbeam gets away with this stuff because there are no consequences for such acts. The Left is not only allowing violent criminals to go free, they are importing them in mass as a future voting block to take power.

In the meantime Jim Acosta of CNN interrupted the POTUS during the White House Easter event by screaming "What about the DACA kids?, What about the DACA kids?"
How about sending them to Moonbeam's house?