View Full Version : If you are not convinced mainstream media

04-01-18, 11:19
Is a coordinated tool of indoctrination,
Or people you know think you are nuts regarding it as serving an agenda,

This may help put things in perspective.


Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 11:45
The reason why I stopped watching news altogether, and life has been so much sweeter ever since. We got rid of our satellite cable subscription and we only watch what we choose to watch, and all in moderation. I have to keep up on current events for the line of work I'm in, but 5 or 10 minute tops per day on various news feeds is more than enough. No longer in front of the TV getting bombarded with all the BS 24 hour news cycles, which is probably 10% actual news and 90% BS commentary meant to shape public opinion. Yeah, we're done with it. Free your mind, your ass will follow.

04-01-18, 11:48
Is a coordinated tool of indoctrination,
Or people you know think you are nuts regarding it as serving an agenda,

This may help put things in perspective.


That type of video always makes me laugh :-)

I can give you an explanation, first hand, as to the reasons we see such things.

One thing to keep in mind is there are only a handful of companies that own the majority of media affiliate stations. The rest are owned and operated (O&O) by the corporations themselves. In order to keep their affiliations the non-O&O stations are contractually obligated to participate in some "promotional" campaigns. The networks will post online the tool kits with the scripts, graphical ideas, and basic templates for how any on-air spots should look.

Since the media world is a business, many station owners will just "go with the flow" so to speak. Some however will push what they agree with politically and ignore the things they don't. Sinclair is one of the companies that is known for pushing the owner's political views. They also have a major acquisition going through the approval process with the FCC (still heavily Left) right now.

While Sinclair isn't what most would consider "mainstream media" they do own a large chunk of affiliates from various networks.

04-01-18, 11:50
Free your mind, your ass will follow.

I so have to start using that phrase at work :-)

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 11:51
That type of video always makes me laugh :-)

I can give you an explanation, first hand, as to the reasons we see such things.

One thing to keep in mind is there are only a handful of companies that own the majority of media affiliate stations. The rest are owned and operated (O&O) by the corporations themselves. In order to keep their affiliations the non-O&O stations are contractually obligated to participate in some "promotional" campaigns. The networks will post online the tool kits with the scripts, graphical ideas, and basic templates for how any on-air spots should look.

Since the media world is a business, many station owners will just "go with the flow" so to speak. Some however will push what they agree with politically and ignore the things they don't. Sinclair is one of the companies that is known for pushing the owner's political views. They also have a major acquisition going through the approval process with the FCC (still heavily Left) right now.

While Sinclair isn't what most would consider "mainstream media" they do own a large chunk of affiliates from various networks.

So explain how this isn't some form of indoctrination, because what you just described sure as hell sounds like it.

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 11:53
I so have to start using that phrase at work :-)

I've been saying it since high school (over 2 decades ago), and it's a lovely phrase. ;)

04-01-18, 12:01
So explain how this isn't some form of indoctrination, because what you just described sure as hell sounds like it.

By no means am I saying it isn't indoctrination. It is obviously Sinclair pushing their views and trying to convince viewers in their markets to watch them over the competition. Heartland and Grey are about the only two affiliate station owners that come even close to being described as "neutral" but that's only because they don't like being forced to air time they could be selling to advertisers. Otherwise they push political agenda big time like all the others. There's a reason more stations use blue in their logos/graphics than any other color and it isn't for technical reasons.

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 12:07
By no means am I saying it isn't indoctrination. It is obviously Sinclair pushing their views and trying to convince viewers in their markets to watch them over the competition. Heartland and Grey are about the only two affiliate station owners that come even close to being described as "neutral" but that's only because they don't like being forced to air time they could be selling to advertisers. Otherwise they push political agenda big time like all the others. There's a reason more stations use blue in their logos/graphics than any other color and it isn't for technical reasons.

Gotcha. I think more and more people are becoming switched on. For a lot of us, the gig is already up. For others, no red pill, no rabbit hole.

04-01-18, 12:17
Gotcha. I think more and more people are becoming switched on. For a lot of us, the gig is already up. For others, no red pill, no rabbit hole.

The mandated switch to digital TV transmission didn't help much either. One company can now potentially own a channel from each of the major networks, as well a various number of non-network affiliated channels in each market. Created the perfect opportunity for monopoly, especially in states with smaller/spread out populations where over-the-air TV relies a lot on re-transmission towers. In some markets its not unusual to see all three big networks, plus FOX and sometimes CW all originating from the same transmitter and physical control room, with satellite newsroom locations in other cities thanks to the internet and fiber optic networks.

Best part (sarcasm) is our tax dollars paid for most of the transition costs for the switch to digital. Same with FCC spectrum "auctions" that are only halfway through their sales period. We are being screwed.

04-01-18, 16:44
So how come we don't suffer from group think? I mean here is a small enclave of firearms owners from across the country, all with different backgrounds, education levels, religions, yet we aren't programmed bots. How did we slip through the cracks? How long until they notice that we aren't assimilated?

04-01-18, 16:54
So how come we don't suffer from group think? I mean here is a small enclave of firearms owners from across the country, all with different backgrounds, education levels, religions, yet we aren't programmed bots. How did we slip through the cracks? How long until they notice that we aren't assimilated?

Internet forums will be next on the hit list. Conservative talk radio has been on it for years.

Boba Fett v2
04-01-18, 17:05
So how come we don't suffer from group think? I mean here is a small enclave of firearms owners from across the country, all with different backgrounds, education levels, religions, yet we aren't programmed bots. How did we slip through the cracks? How long until they notice that we aren't assimilated?

Are you sure about that?

04-01-18, 20:09
So how come we don't suffer from group think? I mean here is a small enclave of firearms owners from across the country, all with different backgrounds, education levels, religions, yet we aren't programmed bots. How did we slip through the cracks? How long until they notice that we aren't assimilated?

I see it here sometimes.
I tend to avoid the pro's and con's of discussing the quality of some parts and even if it is based upon my personal experience because, a random sample of one isn't a trend nor does it speak to the overall quality of the brand.
Even still it seems to take a random sample of one on a bad day for the poo flinging to begin. Guys like Iraqguns usually step in and fix it rather quickly, usually in a firm and expert way.
that's the difference between here and TOS.

04-01-18, 20:15
So how come we don't suffer from group think? I mean here is a small enclave of firearms owners from across the country, all with different backgrounds, education levels, religions, yet we aren't programmed bots. How did we slip through the cracks? How long until they notice that we aren't assimilated?

reckon most of it has to do with parenting and a bit of our own internal self :)

I look at the trendy kids in school now and they are almost all liberal global warming idiots and I am in my mid 50s so they are still only doing what is trendy
where the rest of the folks vary quite a bit and ironic those that vary do like guns but they also mostly post life things on fb where the liberal ones just post talking points ? and whine and cry about shutting down others rather then the things they are doing

04-01-18, 20:23
Are you sure about that?

Actually you are right, but so he. When it comes to dogma of certain things, which ARs to buy, what optics to use, what lights are GTG, there is a fair bit of group think. Let's be honest. Outside of that, then things tend to go completely off the rails. Hell, I've been involved in threads which you get into things that even in joking are, outside of accepted norms, then people get all kinds of weirded out. I mean, as a community, we are so fractured that we can't come to the agreement that perhaps we need to vote for the lesser of evils to buy ourselves time to bring a better candidate to the fold. Instead we get guys screaming that they will hold the moral high ground and vote for ****ing Snoopy because candidate X doesn't have their particular religious values, and they can't vote for someone unless they believe that everyone should swing a dead cat counter clockwise over their head while jumping up and down under a fool moon. Where at the opposition is happy to vote for the candidate that is the lesser, or perhaps greater, evil to them to advance their long term goals.

04-01-18, 21:03
Actually you are right, but so he. When it comes to dogma of certain things, which ARs to buy, what optics to use, what lights are GTG, there is a fair bit of group think. Let's be honest. Outside of that, then things tend to go completely off the rails. Hell, I've been involved in threads which you get into things that even in joking are, outside of accepted norms, then people get all kinds of weirded out. I mean, as a community, we are so fractured that we can't come to the agreement that perhaps we need to vote for the lesser of evils to buy ourselves time to bring a better candidate to the fold. Instead we get guys screaming that they will hold the moral high ground and vote for ****ing Snoopy because candidate X doesn't have their particular religious values, and they can't vote for someone unless they believe that everyone should swing a dead cat counter clockwise over their head while jumping up and down under a fool moon. Where at the opposition is happy to vote for the candidate that is the lesser, or perhaps greater, evil to them to advance their long term goals.
This X 1000.

Dist. Expert 26
04-01-18, 21:31
Actually you are right, but so he. When it comes to dogma of certain things, which ARs to buy, what optics to use, what lights are GTG, there is a fair bit of group think. Let's be honest. Outside of that, then things tend to go completely off the rails. Hell, I've been involved in threads which you get into things that even in joking are, outside of accepted norms, then people get all kinds of weirded out. I mean, as a community, we are so fractured that we can't come to the agreement that perhaps we need to vote for the lesser of evils to buy ourselves time to bring a better candidate to the fold. Instead we get guys screaming that they will hold the moral high ground and vote for ****ing Snoopy because candidate X doesn't have their particular religious values, and they can't vote for someone unless they believe that everyone should swing a dead cat counter clockwise over their head while jumping up and down under a fool moon. Where at the opposition is happy to vote for the candidate that is the lesser, or perhaps greater, evil to them to advance their long term goals.

And that's why we will never, ever, win politically. Spot on.

26 Inf
04-01-18, 22:47
I mean, as a community, we are so fractured that we can't come to the agreement that perhaps we need to vote for the lesser of evils to buy ourselves time to bring a better candidate to the fold. Instead we get guys screaming that they will hold the moral high ground and vote for ****ing Snoopy because candidate X doesn't have their particular religious values, and they can't vote for someone unless they believe that everyone should swing a dead cat counter clockwise over their head while jumping up and down under a fool moon. Where at the opposition is happy to vote for the candidate that is the lesser, or perhaps greater, evil to them to advance their long term goals.

I tend to disagree with that summation.

Key difference is found here - the opposition is happy to vote for the candidate that is the lesser, or perhaps greater, evil to them to advance their long term goals - the difference is that many of us weren't particularly happy, but we did it.

If it wasn't for so many folks voting to stick it to the Republican Party in the primaries, we may have actually ended up with a President who could have done something about healthcare, and the budget. Instead we end up with 'the lesser of two evils' a President with the attention span of a one-year old with a dirty diaper.

I know, he's playing 3-D chess.

04-02-18, 00:42
And which candidate that failed in the primaries is standing tall today in Congress against Obamacare and gun laws? Oh yeah Jiminy CRICKET.

I don't think any candidate had or has any intention to roll any of this crap back. They had several chances and fought AGAINST repeal.

04-02-18, 01:03
There was a video a while ago running two different news broadcast side by side. The broadcast itself was old and about the current (at that time) fighting in the Balkans. The news person said something about side A burning and pillaging, raping and killing the people of a village of side B. The other news cast said literally word for word except switched the sides. This time side B was the aggressor

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

04-02-18, 06:27
If it wasn't for so many folks voting to stick it to the Republican Party in the primaries, we may have actually ended up with a President who could have done something about healthcare, and the budget. Instead we end up with 'the lesser of two evils' a President with the attention span of a one-year old with a dirty diaper.

No other candidate could have won.

04-02-18, 08:50
Soooo... the NEW zombies... are in fact, NEWS zombies! :eek:

04-02-18, 09:02
So how come we don't suffer from group think? I mean here is a small enclave of firearms owners from across the country, all with different backgrounds, education levels, religions, yet we aren't programmed bots. How did we slip through the cracks? How long until they notice that we aren't assimilated?

This is, without a doubt, the most hilarious thing I have ever read on this message board.

04-02-18, 09:39
This is, without a doubt, the most hilarious thing I have ever read on this message board.

What did I state that wasn't true?

Here we go.


04-02-18, 10:37
Soooo... the NEW zombies... are in fact, NEWS zombies! :eek:

Be glad you have no idea just how close to the truth that statement is. Especially if they are denied their internet/cell phones.

04-02-18, 10:55
We, the people of the gun, absolutely have problems with group think. It is especially bad on Internet forums, where “norms” get established.

I remember after Sandy Hook, and everyone was sure that some sort of new control was going to pass. There was a contingent of people, including me, that said we (as gun owners) were in the best position to come up with real solutions and positions that would ultimately strengthen our “brand” while respecting our rights.

The groupthink then, as now, was that anything other than the words “shall not be infringed” was worthy of tar and feathering. I’ve routinely been called an “anti” by nature of offering up opinions that go against that grain.

Whether you agree with the sentiment or not, that is cultural groupthink at work.

26 Inf
04-02-18, 10:56
No other candidate could have won.

I believe if the field hadn't been 17 and folks had a chance to discern between 2 to 3 candidates in debate rather than the reality TV style debates we had, it may have been a different story.

Ted Cruz may look like GrandPa Munster, but he is consistent, and perhaps the most intellectual of all the candidates who ran. Those with IQ's above room temperature might have been persuaded to vote for him instead of Trump and many of the folks who stayed home rather than vote for Trump, or voted for Hilary rather than Trump might have showed up at the polls to vote for Cruz.

But we will never know.

Boba Fett v2
04-02-18, 11:14
I voted for Trump because it had to be done in order to do my part in preventing HRC from happening, not because I really wanted him to be President. I'm inclined to think a lot of people did the same. Personally, I think the guy is a pretty sh!tty President, not that we've had any really good ones. But hey, at least he ain't Hillary. (Group think BTW)

04-02-18, 11:30
I believe if the field hadn't been 17 and folks had a chance to discern between 2 to 3 candidates in debate rather than the reality TV style debates we had, it may have been a different story.

Ted Cruz may look like GrandPa Munster, but he is consistent, and perhaps the most intellectual of all the candidates who ran. Those with IQ's above room temperature might have been persuaded to vote for him instead of Trump and many of the folks who stayed home rather than vote for Trump, or voted for Hilary rather than Trump might have showed up at the polls to vote for Cruz.

But we will never know.

You're not seeing the bigger picture. If the GOP was serious about winning this election- then why did they allow seventeen candidates to debate each other? How much more of a divided front can you show the American people? They wanted us so divided amongst ourselves that we couldn't even agree to stand behind one candidate hardly. I'm sure they were planning on most of their base sitting home in anger because one of our favorite among that huge rabble didn't get the nod. Thank God Trump ran. I think he knew the GOP was fixing to lose and is the reason why he was so brash because someone had to emerge from that rabble very quickly or risk not having the majority of the people's support. He's not perfect but that entire election was rigged so Queen Kuru would be crowned.

Boba Fett v2
04-02-18, 11:36
You're not seeing the bigger picture. If the GOP was serious about winning this election- then why did they allow seventeen candidates to debate each other? How much more of a divided front can you show the American people? They wanted us so divided amongst ourselves that we couldn't even agree to stand behind one candidate hardly. I'm sure they were planning on most of their base sitting home in anger because one of our favorite among that huge rabble didn't get the nod. Thank God Trump ran. I think he knew the GOP was fixing to lose and is the reason why he was so brash because someone had to emerge from that rabble very quickly or risk not having the majority of the people's support. He's not perfect but that entire election was rigged so Queen Kuru would be crowned.

Victory caught Trump by surprise. I think he planned on losing. But it didn't happen, so here we are.

04-02-18, 12:18
Victory caught Trump by surprise. I think he planned on losing. But it didn't happen, so here we are.

I think once Trump saw how large his town hall tour meets were- he thought he could win. I'm 100% convinced the GOP broke down their constituents into select researched categories, then placed a candidate to appeal to each individual category to purposely divide their base. That's the big picture of just how completely rigged that election was supposed to be. People are still crying even now, even after we won- that their little candidate that wouldn't have stood a chance on the national stage didn't even win the primary. Think about that, then look what happened. The entire MSM, DNC, and GOP was slated to hand that election over to Hillary. Saying Gun Owners/Conservatives suffer from group think? I wish we did- honestly. We would be a hell of force to reckon with if we ever actually started thinking as a group. It's like herding cats.


04-02-18, 12:52
I think once Trump saw how large his town hall tour meets were- he thought he could win. I'm 100% convinced the GOP broke down their constituents into select researched categories, then placed a candidate to appeal to each individual category to purposely divide their base. That's the big picture of just how completely rigged that election was supposed to be. People are still crying even now, even after we won- that their little candidate that wouldn't have stood a chance on the national stage didn't even win the primary. Think about that, then look what happened. The entire MSM, DNC, and GOP was slated to hand that election over to Hillary. Saying Gun Owners/Conservatives suffer from group think? I wish we did- honestly. We would be a hell of force to reckon with if we ever actually started thinking as a group. It's like herding cats.



It was her turn afterall...

04-02-18, 15:58
Totally agree the RNC had planned to lose so the wicked witch would be POTUS. Several top Repubs supported her, like Bush and McCain. The RNC did not even support their own candidate. The blue blood Repubs prefer to mot have the White House and be able to use resulting conservative angst to fund raise Congressional campaigns.

If Trump never showed up we would have Hitlery as President. Period. Believing there was some good candidate to win and Trumpers sabotaged it is pure fantasy. The enemy if good Repub candidates is not some third rail guy, but the RNC leadership itself.

04-02-18, 19:00
Think of the Hundreds of Millions in donations to the Clinton Foundation that were either renigged on or had to be returned to criminals or tyrants when she didn't get her coronation.
First you have to launder the money, then you have to insure it goes back even cleaner.

04-02-18, 19:10
Had this start playing (forgot to turn auto-play off):


Not sure who is playing who in this situation, Sinclair or the President. To Mr. Rather I would say "conservative my @ss!" in regards to "not uncommon among media owners".

I do find it surprising he actually does explain how most media, at least on the local levels, actually do operate. His list brings up a number of valid points, especially his comment on what the news chooses to report on is almost more important than how they report things.

04-02-18, 20:46
saw this


sadly folks believe everything on FB and or the talk shows as news ?

things do not look good for the future

04-02-18, 20:52
from the desc:
Dan Rather discusses Sinclair Broadcasting's right-wing propaganda machine; black students from Marjory Stoneman Douglass have their own need to speak out; Ruger faces a reckoning; Trump's V.A.; and more

hahahaha OK conservatives are racist is his angle :)

but the yt are a radical anti American socialist communist progressive etc.. type group hard core to big time hate in them

Had this start playing (forgot to turn auto-play off):


Not sure who is playing who in this situation, Sinclair or the President. To Mr. Rather I would say "conservative my @ss!" in regards to "not uncommon among media owners".

I do find it surprising he actually does explain how most media, at least on the local levels, actually do operate. His list brings up a number of valid points, especially his comment on what the news chooses to report on is almost more important than how they report things.

04-03-18, 09:28
from the desc:
Dan Rather discusses Sinclair Broadcasting's right-wing propaganda machine; black students from Marjory Stoneman Douglass have their own need to speak out; Ruger faces a reckoning; Trump's V.A.; and more

hahahaha OK conservatives are racist is his angle :)

but the yt are a radical anti American socialist communist progressive etc.. type group hard core to big time hate in them

What Rather doesn't point out is the media companies shift allegiances with whichever direction the wind is blowing. During the beginning of the campaign they loved Trump because coverage got them eyeballs. The afternoon he was interviewed at my station was embarrassing with all the office and news types fawning over him and wanting selfies. Now none of them can bring themselves to say "President" before "Trump" without looking like they are choking. Only good parts of that day was seeing Ivanka in person and talking shop with some of his security detail in regards to upgrades to our station.

04-03-18, 13:59
What Rather doesn't point out is the media companies shift allegiances with whichever direction the wind is blowing. During the beginning of the campaign they loved Trump because coverage got them eyeballs. The afternoon he was interviewed at my station was embarrassing with all the office and news types fawning over him and wanting selfies. Now none of them can bring themselves to say "President" before "Trump" without looking like they are choking. Only good parts of that day was seeing Ivanka in person and talking shop with some of his security detail in regards to upgrades to our station.

sounds like a fun day :)

I hear ya about the other points shallow people for the most part :)

04-04-18, 03:25
Is a coordinated tool of indoctrination,
Or people you know think you are nuts regarding it as serving an agenda,

This may help put things in perspective.


That is mass persuasion at a level the likes of Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels could only dream about. :bad:

Operation Mockingbird anyone?

"The fourth estate is now the fifth-column".

04-05-18, 13:00
Canceled my cable years ago. Never missed it. Staying at a hotel right now. I’ve turned the tv on some, but end up turning it off because it’s such crap.