View Full Version : California Commits Massive Medicaid Fraud

04-02-18, 14:58
They only looked at 6 months and discovered bunches of fraud, mind this is the state signing up unqualified people but hey it's only about a billion of Federal dollars and I am sure it is racist to question this.


"The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) has found that, by exploiting Obamacare’s expansion of the program, California has enrolled hundreds of thousands of ineligible adults in Medicaid. Consequently, the state has bilked the federal government out of more than $1 billion in funding to which the state was not entitled. Indeed, these figures probably understate the amount of money that California officials have fraudulently extracted from the taxpayers. The OIG sampled a mere six-month period, from October 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015, to arrive at its damning assessment."

"Don’t be confused by the vague bureaucratic vernacular used in the above passage. When the OIG says, “the State agency made Medicaid payments (Federal Share),” it means all of the money used to cover these ineligible enrollees was provided by the federal government. For the period of time covered by the OIG audit, the federal Share of the costs for newly eligible, adult enrollees is 100 percent (which isn’t true in the case of low-income beneficiaries for whom the program was originally created). In other words, every dime California ostensibly “paid” for the people described above came straight out of your federal tax bill."

Alex V
04-02-18, 15:13
Is anyone going to go to prison? Doubt it.

04-02-18, 15:19
Go to prision? This is the State itself signing up people whether without checking if they qualify, ie this is State sponsored fraud.

Alex V
04-02-18, 15:41
Go to prision? This is the State itself signing up people whether without checking if they qualify, ie this is State sponsored fraud.

The state doesn't have hands to enter peoples' names into the computer. There is a person or two or one hundred involved. They SHOULD go to prison.

04-02-18, 18:56
California is politically a cancer to the rest of the United States.
Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown is doing everything possible to undermine POTUS Trumps Administration.
Thumbing his nose at every turn on immigration and now this? I don't think a sitting Governor has been arrested, charged and held until trial without bail, but oh how I wish just this once.
Treason should be painful for those who promote open rebellion.

04-02-18, 21:38
Cut the state off from all federal $$ until they show proof that they are entitled to every penny they want to use. Kind of like you and I have to do when we claim something against any of our insurance policies. Not going to happen, nor is anything going to come of this. It will be swept under the rug faster than a speeding bullet.

04-02-18, 21:50
Just turn each and every request for Federal Dollars to fund any and everything through the IG. Turn the accountants at the IG loose on everything and have an exact accounting down to the penny being spent.
Although they're going to scream bloody murder when you delay their expected funding by 180 days or more, this is warranted.

04-02-18, 23:06
Everyone knows these politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt and committing fraud. So what harm would there be if the DoJ invesigated them and perp walked a bunch of them on prime time tv? Oh, wait, Sessions is AG. Never mind. :rolleyes:

04-03-18, 00:41
CA stealing a billion is chump change when Congress steals trillions to give to banks. Oh hum. Just another day of politicians doing what they do best.

04-03-18, 07:09
CA stealing a billion is chump change when Congress steals trillions to give to banks. Oh hum. Just another day of politicians doing what they do best.

Pretty sure most US got all of the $ back and even made some on the deal.

04-03-18, 07:17
How long til all the Hooterville refugees rise up and revolt against the lawmakers? Those aren't just druggies and crooks, Cali made it impossible for low income folks to keep a roof over their head. That's our Vets and elderly on those sidewalk shanty towns, too. Being broke doesn't automatically make you part of the "zombie apocalypse", but 6 missed meals will make anybody strike out in anger.

04-03-18, 10:39
Pretty sure most US got all of the $ back and even made some on the deal.

I'm not talking just the TARP like programs that directly gave funds to the banks to buy "troubled" assets from competitors. I also mean the QE1, QE2, QE3, QE 3.5, QE4, etc that essentially let the govt and banks get full value on expanded money supply while we individuals get the watered down remnants of dollars' value. Anyone big enough to be at the top of the lending and borrowing heap benefited from the old dollar value while those of us at the end of the pipeline get inflated dollars and smaller boxes at the grocery store. That is stealing, or as stated elsewhere, inflation is just another form of taxation. California is just being a bit more blatant about it, on a much smaller scale. We can't be running $500 billion to $1.3 trillion deficits every year for over a decade without it eroding our economy, but it is done in such a way that the big banks and corps and politicians get first grab at the money and individuals get the clean up dregs.

And if you want to talk about stealing medical related funds specifically, the Obamacare TAX program is nothing short of strong arm extortion to funnel more money into insurers and hospitals and big Pharm. It was never intended to improve health care, it was intended to win campaigns and give financial protection to insurers so they would back the Lala fantasy program. With the end goal it will all fail and the people will cry for single payer (govt) health care. A billion is literally pocket change compared to the larceny we are victims of every single day at the hands of the feds. Everyone I know had their premium and/or out of pocket medical expenses at least double or triple. For no better care and much fewer options. That is larceny writ large.

04-03-18, 14:00
California is politically a cancer to the rest of the United States.
Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown is doing everything possible to undermine POTUS Trumps Administration.
Thumbing his nose at every turn on immigration and now this? I don't think a sitting Governor has been arrested, charged and held until trial without bail, but oh how I wish just this once.
Treason should be painful for those who promote open rebellion.

You know it would be if someone on the Right would have openly rebelled against Obama's admin.

04-03-18, 14:09
You know it would be if someone on the Right would have openly rebelled against Obama's admin.

That is racist......:suicide:

04-03-18, 16:42
Our Right is center Left.

04-03-18, 18:06
Get CA to pay all the money back.....:laugh::dance3:

04-03-18, 18:09
As someone who grew up in CA it is no wonder to me why taxpayers in other states have no use for the State itself.

The majority of the people who live there now can best best described as Ostriches, and is the main reason why the State continues as it has. The few who admit it is not what it once was are apparently too few to make a difference. Thus, CA needs to be taught a heavy lesson by those outside, namely the Feds.

04-07-18, 09:03
Politicians andunionized government employees are pretty much a top to bottom crime gang. They are the biggest threat this nation has