View Full Version : CHAPPAQUIDDICK: A New Movie and "The Truth"

Doc Safari
04-04-18, 11:24
So, we have a movie coming out about Chappaquiddick, the notorious incident that cost a young woman her life and Ted Kennedy's aspirations of ever being president. (Mary Jo Kopechne's sacrifice wasn't in vain, at least).

Will the movie be the expected liberal whitewash? The Chappaquiddick incident essentially amounts to a cowardly attempt to get out of trouble by a Senator at the expense of ignoring the death of a human being.

There are hundreds of articles on this subject. I have heard, read, and discussed various versions of what happened literally all my life. Here is the one I think is closest to the truth:


The facts are much worse than most people realize: Kennedy presumably was drunk, but that is the least of it. After his car plunged into Poucha Pond, Kennedy saved himself but left Mary Jo Kopechne to die. In all likelihood, she could have been saved if Kennedy had simply knocked on the door of the nearest house with a light on, only yards away, and called the Edgartown rescue squad. That is what the head of the rescue squad said after he discovered Kopechne’s body inside the car, where she had wedged herself into an air pocket and probably survived for several hours, expecting help that never came.

Kennedy made no effort to save his companion. Instead, he made the long walk back to the house where he and others had been partying. He summoned his cousin Joe Gargan and tried to persuade Gargan to say that he had been driving the car. Gargan sensibly refused, but insisted that they go back to the pond and try to rescue Kopechne. Kennedy sat on the bank and watched while Gargan tried to dive down to the submerged car, unsuccessfully. Kennedy never did call the authorities, but instead returned to his hotel and attempted to set up an alibi with the night clerk.

It is a sordid story, and it soon will become a Hollywood movie. I couldn’t believe it when I learned that Rathergate was to be made into a film called Truth—Lies would have been a better title–and it seems equally far-fetched that anyone would want to make or invest in a film about Chappaquiddick. But apparently it is going to happen. Hollywood Reporter has the story:

Sam Taylor-Johnson, who directed Fifty Shades of Grey, is in talks to direct Apex Entertainment’s feature Chappaquiddick.

Mark Ciardi is producing the project, with its script just named to the 2015 Blacklist. Campbell McInnes of Apex Entertainment and Chris Cowles of DMG Entertainment are also producing.

“I’ve done a lot of true life stories, many sports stories, but this one had a deep impact on this country,” said Ciardi. “Everyone has an idea of what happened on Chappaquiddick…

Actually, the facts are clear. “Everyone has an idea” only because the truth has mostly been suppressed by the liberal press.

…and this strings together the events in a compelling and emotional way.

Not, you will note, in a true way. Instead, in a “compelling and emotional way.”

You’ll see what he had to go through.”

What he had to go through? Are these people crazy?

Written by Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan, Chappaquiddick is political thriller that unveils the true story of what is described as the seven most dramatic days of Senator Ted Kennedy’s life.

True story? We’ll see. I don’t doubt that these were the seven most dramatic days of Ted’s life–only political corruption spared him from a jail term–but more significantly, it was the last day of Mary Jo Kopechne’s life.

On the eve of the moon landing, Senator Kennedy becomes entangled in a tragic car accident that results in the death of former Robert Kennedy campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne. The Senator struggles to follow his own moral compass and simultaneously protect his family’s legacy, all while simply trying to keep his own political ambitions alive.

[UPDATE: I meant to note the passive voice–Kennedy “becomes entangled in a tragic car accident…” Kennedy didn’t “become entangled,” he was the driver and singlehandedly caused the accident that killed Miss Kopechne. There was no “entanglement,” there was only Kennedy’s incompetence, cowardice and callous disregard for his passenger’s life.]

Kennedy’s own “moral compass” was so inadequate that he left Kopechne to die, tried to persuade his cousin to take the rap, and attempted to create an alibi by repeatedly leaving his hotel room and commenting pointedly on the time to his hotel’s night clerk. Then he attended Kopechne’s funeral wearing a neck brace to fool the public into thinking that he had been injured in the accident. Great moral compass!

I suppose you could make an interesting movie about Chappaquiddick. It would be the story of a rich man’s privileged life, one where the death of a “little person” counts for nothing compared with his political ambitions. It would be the story of a political machine whose brain trust didn’t even include Ted–considered by them to be an idiot–in the meeting where they planned a strategy to deal with his vehicular homicide. It would be a story of political corruption and of a debased electorate whose weird devotion to the Kennedys prevented Ted from paying even a minimal price for his fatal cowardice.

My take: a selfish coward got away with negligent homicide. I hope he's paying for it in the afterlife.

04-04-18, 18:32
Yeah he really suffered having to just be a drunkard senator for 947 years.

I hope this whitewash movie backfires by spurring more discussion and coming forward of less invested witnesses to the real details. Not just about Kennedy's abhorrent actions but also of all those family, friends, cops, politicos, that covered for him and his corrupt clan. Some families just need to be burnt to the ground to get rid of the evil and corruption. Kennedy's would be a good start.

04-04-18, 18:54
If Poucha Pond had been filled with Scotch instead of water, She would have been fine.

I was in third or fourth grade when this went down. My Mom always said Mary Jo was knocked up and they found that out in the autopsy, but the Kennedy's hushed that right up.

04-04-18, 22:09
Scary that he almost got the nomination in 1980.

04-05-18, 00:56
After both of his brothers were snuffed while in office I always wondered what old Teddy did to escape their fate. This happened a year after RFK's murder, makes me wonder if this whole incident wasn't manufactured so he'd play ball.


04-05-18, 13:45
As far as the movie goes, the interviews with the cast are portraying that night as the "wake up call from God" that Kennedy needed to straighten out his life. Also find it humorous they keep playing the "who can say what really happened" card repeatedly.

04-05-18, 20:32
As far as the movie goes, the interviews with the cast are portraying that night as the "wake up call from God" that Kennedy needed to straighten out his life. Also find it humorous they keep playing the "who can say what really happened" card repeatedly.

Exactly, I think it's pretty damned clear what happened..Drunk Teddy drove the car off the bridge into Poucha Pond (AKA Teddy's car wash) , left Mary Jo to drown, and did his level best to cover this up to save his poltical career. His poltical career was more important than Mary Jo's life. The very second he broke the surface of the water, Teddy had made his mind up to cover this thing up, he did'nt for one second, give a rats ass about Mary Jo....She was expendable..

Doc Safari
04-06-18, 09:07
If Poucha Pond had been filled with Scotch instead of water, She would have been fine.

I was in third or fourth grade when this went down. My Mom always said Mary Jo was knocked up and they found that out in the autopsy, but the Kennedy's hushed that right up.

I've heard a conspiracy theory over the years that Ted very well knew she was pregnant and the "accident" was staged to get rid of her. I have my doubts: Ted could have died in that pond, too, but if he was drunk and thinking about doing something to keep her quiet anyway he might have made a spur-of-the-moment decision under the influence.

04-06-18, 21:36
There should be a special place in HELL for people like Ted Kennedy.

04-06-18, 23:30
There should be a special place in HELL for people like Ted Kennedy.

I recently got hooked on reading Dante's "Divine Comedy", a trilogy which includes The Inferno. I suspect that matter has already been dealt with.

04-08-18, 20:49
There should be a special place in HELL for people like Ted Kennedy.

If there is a hell, I imagine that special place is already warm and toasty.

Doc Safari
04-17-18, 09:16
I saw the movie this weekend. I must say it's a pretty fair treatment. Kennedy looks like a self-centered opportunistic scumbag playing the victim. I'm amazed the movie is this truthful. The only thing missing is that IIRC Kennedy tried to get Gargan to say he (Gargan) was in the car instead of Ted.

04-17-18, 21:39
Ted Kennedy got away with murder and the Democrats covered his a$$.

Ned Christiansen
04-17-18, 22:07
Aw jeez it was so long ago and the man is gone, we shouldn't be hearing about this any more so you chapsquitit! :-)

04-18-18, 17:23
This just shows how powerful the Kennedy clan was in suppressing any conjecture about the incident.
And how spineless journalists have become unless attacking the GOP.

04-18-18, 17:55
My take: a selfish coward got away with negligent homicide. I hope he's paying for it in the afterlife.

Being rich and powerful has its advantages apparently.