View Full Version : Conor McGregor Wanted By NYPD For Questioning

04-05-18, 19:23
I know we have some MMA fans in here. Looks like McGregor and a bunch of his buddies/goons/entourage attacked a bus today at Barclay's resulting in sever damage to property and causing serious lacerations to Michael Chiesa. Dana White was pretty pissed off in his interview with MMA Junkie. There is video of McGregor's involvement along with a bunch of other people. Personally, I hope the civil suits render him penniless.


04-05-18, 19:56
I know we have some MMA fans in here. Looks like McGregor and a bunch of his buddies/goons/entourage attacked a bus today at Barclay's resulting in sever damage to property and causing serious lacerations to Michael Chiesa. Dana White was pretty pissed off in his interview with MMA Junkie. There is video of McGregor's involvement along with a bunch of other people. Personally, I hope the civil suits render him penniless.


same as other sports folks that make it these days punks and criminals are what they really are

strip em of his titles and his fight days are over

same as these other athletes you are done

but the promoters and money folks make to much off them

04-05-18, 22:27
Just read that he was taken into custody by NYPD.

04-06-18, 04:11
The celebrity athlete thug culture strikes again....

Que the attorneys and let the suits be filed


04-06-18, 04:41
Who's Connor McGregor?

04-06-18, 05:04
He is just a punk who made some money

04-06-18, 15:06
Who's Connor McGregor?

Well this who he was....


04-06-18, 16:00
I think we glamorise people for Thier athletic prowess and expect them to behave at a higher level when in fact we are the reason they are allowed to remain at the emotional and sometimes intellectually level of adolescents.
Not many entertainers are someone you should place on a pedestal to admire.
It's not their fault we allow them to behave badly and still become wealthy "legends", we just really suck at picking our hero's.

04-06-18, 16:43
I think we glamorise people for Thier athletic prowess and expect them to behave at a higher level when in fact we are the reason they are allowed to remain at the emotional and sometimes intellectually level of adolescents.
Not many entertainers are someone you should place on a pedestal to admire.
It's not their fault we allow them to behave badly and still become wealthy "legends", we just really suck at picking our hero's.

I always liked Charles Barkley, he said it best; "I'm not a role model... Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids".

I have to admit, even though Dana White has denied it I still can't help but to think this was a publicity stunt.

04-06-18, 16:51
I have to admit, even though Dana White has denied it I still can't help but to think this was a publicity stunt.
I agree...The whole deal seems very WWE to me.

Whatevs...thugs gonna do thug shit.

04-06-18, 16:53
Well this who he was....


Well without watching the video the picture tells me everything I need to know about him.

Alex V
04-06-18, 19:23
You guys are so judgmental. It's really unbecoming.

04-08-18, 20:47
I love it. Very thug and criminal, and totally unbecoming of a supposed role model, but if it fires up an eventual Khabib v McGregor fight.....I'll buy it.

04-08-18, 21:23
I love it. Very thug and criminal, and totally unbecoming of a supposed role model, but if it fires up an eventual Khabib v McGregor fight.....I'll buy it.

The Ferguson fight needs to happen. After injuring two fighters Nuggets shouldn't be allowed to fight in the UFC.

04-08-18, 21:40
The outcome of this situation is key to the future of the UFC.
Let him fight, then be prepared for more of this behaviour.
Kick him out and lose the revenue.
Or simply strip his belts and give him a six month suspension and start him over at the bottom.
I believe that the third option would be my choice.

04-08-18, 23:56
The outcome of this situation is key to the future of the UFC.
Let him fight, then be prepared for more of this behaviour.
Kick him out and lose the revenue.
Or simply strip his belts and give him a six month suspension and start him over at the bottom.
I believe that the third option would be my choice.

Totally agree, legitimize the sport completely by administering a suspension and strip the titles. Give the title fight to Khabib v Tony when healthy. Connor, after serving his suspension, can fight for ranking again if his pride allows him to do so, or he can fade away into UFC obscurity. I love how he fights and trains, but the fact that he starts shit while not defending his titles makes me angry.

04-09-18, 07:38
Let a wild animal in your house and it shits on the floor and tears up the furniture , who’d a thunk it :rolleyes: I get that it’s entertainmet, but the money that people like him make is insane. Without the UFC he would be in jail or dead by now, but because he can beat the crap out of someone he gets put on a pedistal, and paid millions. Someone who saves lives or changes them, a fireman or teacher get neither. That’s F...d up and why I won’t watch sports, see new movies etc.

04-09-18, 10:41
Totally agree, legitimize the sport completely by administering a suspension and strip the titles. Give the title fight to Khabib v Tony when healthy. Connor, after serving his suspension, can fight for ranking again if his pride allows him to do so, or he can fade away into UFC obscurity. I love how he fights and trains, but the fact that he starts shit while not defending his titles makes me angry.

This. The guy can legally settle this via hand to hand combat all while getting paid to do it. What he did was a pathetic move and I hope he gets stripped, suspended, and then comes back and Khabib pounds his face into the mat.

04-09-18, 15:40
This. The guy can legally settle this via hand to hand combat all while getting paid to do it. What he did was a pathetic move and I hope he gets stripped, suspended, and then comes back and Khabib pounds his face into the mat.

He’s already stripped. Khabib is champ.