View Full Version : "Respect This" by Aaron Barruga of Guerrilla Approach

04-06-18, 12:05
This is one of the most eloquently written, level-headed, and factual assessments of the matter of the most recent assaults on our rights and traditional American values that I have read in quite some time so I have been sharing it around. The article is definitely worth your time to read so please check it out and spread the word. Unfortunately Facebook and Instagram have both removed any and all posts, tags, and links I've shared referencing Aaron Barruga and/or Guerrilla Approach. In fact, my Facebook profile was marked as a "spam account" today for requesting a review of the removed link. Upon review, I was told that I "violated community guidelines". I very rarely share anything so the "spam account" label is laughable, this is just blatant censorship. Help me give them the bird by sharing this far and wide if you agree.

https://guerrillaapproach.com/respect-this/ (https://guerrillaapproach.com/respect-this/)

04-06-18, 14:48
Cute 20th Century sentiment. I don't know if there is a middle anymore. They are coming for our guns and they are coming for us. I'm all for pointing out the problems with their logic and facts that they espouse. I try to change minds. Much to chagrin of my wife I have gotten active and vocal in the local community about it. But with the modern media, it isn't working.

Trump gave us a window to save the situation, and the other side is doubling down on dumb. I really did think that with him winning that their was a path out, everyday I see that probability dwindling.

04-06-18, 15:01
This is one of the most eloquently written, level-headed, and factual assessments of the matter of the most recent assaults on our rights and traditional American values that I have read in quite some time so I have been sharing it around. The article is definitely worth your time to read so please check it out and spread the word. Unfortunately Facebook and Instagram have both removed any and all posts, tags, and links I've shared referencing Aaron Barruga and/or Guerrilla Approach. In fact, my Facebook profile was marked as a "spam account" today for requesting a review of the removed link. Upon review, I was told that I "violated community guidelines". I very rarely share anything so the "spam account" label is laughable, this is just blatant censorship. Help me give them the bird by sharing this far and wide if you agree.

https://guerrillaapproach.com/respect-this/ (https://guerrillaapproach.com/respect-this/)

Thanks for posting this.

Many FB pages I have followed have been silenced. Time for FB to get the Myspace treatment. It's dated and their leftism is overbearing to the point they are censoring content.

04-06-18, 15:01
I do like his sentiment, about teaching others - even in the dark heart of Libtardia, like a CA university. That's where the REAL difference is made, and minds are changed. To OUR way of thinking.