View Full Version : Shall not be Infringed V Right to protest

04-07-18, 20:20
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

To me this means my right to own guns is not open to debate be it members of the court, Congress, or a bunch of snot nosed kids.

Why do I bring this up?

Today the Rabbi at the synagogue in his sermon basically stated the following; without getting into anything about gun control, he was happy to see the March of the snot nosed brats demanding we lose our right to own guns. Because it is wonderful that young people get engaged and show passion.

My question is, do they really have a right to protest the freedom that the Constitution awards us to own guns.

Isn't this an attempt to infringe on our Second Amendment rights?

04-07-18, 20:36
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

To me this means my right to own guns is not open to debate be it members of the court, Congress, or a bunch of snot nosed kids.

Why do I bring this up?

Today the Rabbi at the synagogue in his sermon basically stated the following; without getting into anything about gun control, he was happy to see the March of the snot nosed brats demanding we lose our right to own guns. Because it is wonderful that young people get engaged and show passion.

My question is, do they really have a right to protest the freedom that the Constitution awards us to own guns.

Isn't this an attempt to infringe on our Second Amendment rights?

I forget who said "Your Right to swing your fist in anger ends at the tip of my Nose." In other words, you cannot expect to be so free as to allow your freedoms to imperil the freedoms of others. Or, live and let live.
There are numerous examples out there of people who used their freedom of expression to hurt others and to take away their freedoms.
Just because you are engaged in political debate does not mean that the purpose or end result of your debate is harmless. These people want my guns, what if they wanted my voting rights? What if they wanted my Freedom of Speech? What if they wanted the Government to arbitrarily take my property without justification?

There are too many examples of someone using their freedom of speech to eventually subjugate the freedoms of others. Perhaps if there is an example of "Hate Speech" it would be speech that is used to demean or to attempt to rally others to remove the freedoms of some one, or some group of people.
I'm sure that made your ears burn.

BTW, I've always enjoyed your posts.

Heavy Metal
04-07-18, 20:41
I remember when a bunch of young German youths got excited about participation. We all know how that ended.

Not all passionate involvement is a good thing.

04-07-18, 20:53
Arms are not firearms, its all arms. Any infringment should take an amendment, including nuclear, chemical, etc.

04-07-18, 21:15
it is wonderful that young people get engaged and show passion.

It is in general, but allowing unbridled ignorant speech by those who are immature, who do no research on the issues to form an educated opinion, tends to lead to lifelong immature adults who think they can get away with it.

04-07-18, 21:22
I remember when a bunch of young German youths got excited about participation. We all know how that ended.

Not all passionate involvement is a good thing.

And nazi youth were encouraged to over talk and go after adults ridicule them since the kids were deem superior if the adults tried to defend ridicule more then turn them in

04-07-18, 22:29
Cold hard facts:

1)The infringement on our Rights and Liberty as a whole is sickening and beyond what virtuous and free men should allow. It's not just 2A that's under attack and been chisled away, it's all of them.

2) Too many people have gone beyond the pale. They actively protest and demand that their own government take away more of their Rights.

3) It will and always has throughout time come down to the drawing of sides and armed conflict one way or another, sooner or later. Likely in our lifetime it will happen again.

We cannot allow those who seek to restrict and deny our inalienable Rights to succeed. We must, and will, sooner or later meet them head on. I don't believe for a second any man in his right mind would hope for it, but we can only delay it so long and likely the longer we delay, the more brutal and reality altering it will become.

There are just too many people domestic and abroad that not only hope for, but actively engage in controlling the people of the USA and all people in general; and too many brain dead sheep following them bought in to their propaganda, that no amount of phone calling, emailing, voting or talking will resolve this.

04-08-18, 05:38
I just wonder what the response would be if they had marched to end women's right to vote, or to make slavery legal again.

04-08-18, 06:24

What is it with these milquetoast Jews? Like if ANYBODY had needed justification to be armed it is the Jewish population.

What’s the deal?

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04-08-18, 06:44
Today in the world you have 2 kinds of Jews.

Jews like me.

Jews that are weak .

The vast majority of American Jews are weak. They are smart as can be, successful as can be and when it comes to the real world, dumb as can be.

In history we had basically 3 groups of Jews post us getting thrown out of Israel by the Romans.

Jews of Arab countries, which for the most part are today guys just like me.

Jews that were thrown out of Spain and Portugal, which for the most part are like me.

Not enough of these live in the USA.

Then we have the Jews from Europe that came to the USA, and they are as much a mystery to me why they are so different. These are the people that love socialism, gun control and think in the USA they will never be hunted down like their families were 70 years ago in Europe.

04-08-18, 06:45
My email to my former Rabbi.


If you had left your ill advised praise for the mobs that marched on March 24, your sermon would have been one of the best you have ever given.

You praised the mob, when it was the mob 80 years ago that brought Hitler to power. Ask Max if he wished his family had owned assault rifles.

The Second Amendment is the only one that contains the language "shall not be infringed".

Which to me and millions like me, means those snot nosed kids are enemies of the Constitution and the on going freedom in the USA that has treated Jews so well.

Jews in the USA, are just plain stupid when it comes to this issue. First we should be the most heavily armed population in the USA given our history, but sadly we aren't. So many Jews speak for gun control, and it has been noted by the gun carrying goyim.

If the left get's it's wish and guns are outlawed for real and not just a stupid cosmetic ban which was all the so called assault weapons ban was, Jews will not fair well.

I know that millions of ex soldiers and police along with current duty police and military will fight to keep the second amendment alive. How many people are go to have to die, because many people thought it was cute that hundreds of thousands of little socialist demand our freedom.

If we know that we are commanded to defend human life, how can we do it without the weapons to fight with.

But as Margalit noted after a NPR story on gun control that featured only Jews demanding our rights be taken away. "What is wrong with these American Jews, it seems they want a holocaust here".


04-08-18, 08:16
Then we have the Jews from Europe that came to the USA, and they are as much a mystery to me why they are so different. These are the people that love socialism, gun control and think in the USA they will never be hunted down like their families were 70 years ago in Europe.

Many of these Jews came from Eastern Europe, and Russia, and still embrace the Bolshevik traditions. It perplexes me as much as my conservative Jewish friends here, and in Israel. However, they are the vast minority here in the U.S. Many are vehement PROGRESSIVES, and urban dwellers. More than 80% voted for Hillary. That's all you have to know. They believe their anti legal gun stance shows, they are enlightened, evolved, and intellectual.

04-08-18, 08:47
I just wonder what the response would be if they had marched to end women's right to vote, or to make slavery legal again.

Maybe we need to call them out as Nazis?

04-08-18, 08:51
This is from the Rabbi

I think we were at different sermons! I don’t recall praising the mob certainly not the German mob!!

Hope you have a great week!

Yisrael M

Yoni Tidi
Sun 4/8/2018, 1:45 PM
No you didn't praise the German mobs in the 1930's. But you did praise the mob on March 24th that was calling for taking away freedom.

Freedom for Jews to defend themselves, like they have never had in history any other place but Israel.

Fascist don't all wear brawn shirts, those kids you praise were no different from jack booted thugs in brown shirts screaming for Jewish blood.

The fact you don't see it, just proves your as blind as all the rest of the Jews in the USA.

The USA practiced genocide before it was even called genocide, and we have citizens today alive in the USA that were rounded up based on race and put in concentration camps.

This is why Jews not only should own assault rifle but must own assault rifles. But the Jews in the USA as a whole are too fat in body and brain to take survival serious. We learned nothing from the Shoah and history will repeat itself one day.


04-08-18, 09:03
We are at a time in the US when one group gains a Right, another group loses a Right; and it seems the Left is gaining all the Rights.

It's happening in all aspects of our society - freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association........The Left is winning in all categories, a little at a time. And the uniformed, drone citizen is going along with all of it. In the area of firearms, they Feds won't have to do anything. States and local communities will do the disarming.

04-08-18, 09:18
We are at a time in the US when one group gains a Right, another group loses a Right; and it seems the Left is gaining all the Rights.

It's happening in all aspects of our society - freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association........The Left is winning in all categories, a little at a time. And the uniformed, drone citizen is going along with all of it. In the area of firearms, they Feds won't have to do anything. States and local communities will do the disarming.

Actually the left are losing the same rights we are, they are just too stupid to realize it. But Mark Robinson, the gentleman who addressed the Greensboro city council, gives me hope that more and more Americans are standing up and being vocal about NOT abridging our rights.

04-08-18, 10:06
Actually the left are losing the same rights we are, they are just too stupid to realize it. But Mark Robinson, the gentleman who addressed the Greensboro city council, gives me hope that more and more Americans are standing up and being vocal about NOT abridging our rights.

They don't get it. Look how the angry mob squealed in indignation when they returned to school to find out they now have to carry a clear backpack and submit to the heightened security measures that they have been screaming for.

LMT Shooter
04-08-18, 10:32

I have read many of your posts, and I think you are an articulate & intelligent person. I've enjoyed your posts far more than most others. I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with this issue in your synagogue, as I've also read your posts telling about how important your faith is to you.

I do, however, believe that these, as you correctly described, snot nosed brats do have the right to protest. I disagree with them also, but just because they are idiots & wrong doesn't devalue their natural rights protected by the First Amendment. If any one of our rights, natural or Constitutional, are devalued in any way, then all of our rights lose value.

In a strange way, I feel sorry for most of them. They have been lied to, mislead, & deceived about what our rights really are, what they mean, and how important they are to every single citizen, even those who do not exercise those rights, which is their choice. Now those misinformed people are being used as pawns by powers they do not see.

I also actually like that Justice Stevens made the remarks about getting rid of the Second Amendment, as it's about time that these gun-grabbing gonads admit that the Second Amendment does protect a right that, "Shall Not Be Infringed." Give credit for the fact that some of them know that they must abolish this right constitutionally before passing any anti-gun laws. This is irrelevant to me, anyways, as my natural rights come from God. No man, no court, no politicians, no crowd of protesters can rightfully take from me that which God has bestowed upon me.

04-08-18, 13:38
kids can protest but when they protest things they know nothing about then lie and the press backs them up is the issue

to me the kids are not the biggest issue its the adults using and abusing them then parading them around
of course that is only for the ones who they can manipulate

04-08-18, 14:01
I really don't think they have the right to protest. For the protest call for an infringement on the Second, which shall not be infringed.

04-08-18, 14:15
Many of these Jews came from Eastern Europe, and Russia, and still embrace the Bolshevik traditions. It perplexes me as much as my conservative Jewish friends here, and in Israel. However, they are the vast minority here in the U.S. Many are vehement PROGRESSIVES, and urban dwellers. More than 80% voted for Hillary. That's all you have to know. They believe their anti legal gun stance shows, they are enlightened, evolved, and intellectual.It's not difficult. Those that came 100 years ago their descendants are no different than any other American. Some libral some not. Those who came in the 70 - today tend to be more conservative. Their kids that were born here and are of college age are like the descendants of those who came a century ago. I have a 19 year old cousin who's conservative and I have 25 year old relatives who are anything but

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04-08-18, 14:21
I really don't think they have the right to protest. For the protest call for an infringement on the Second, which shall not be infringed.

This photo is spot on! I argued with someone who said stop showing this photo, it's over 100 years old. They just don't get it.


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04-08-18, 14:33
This is from the Rabbi

I think we were at different sermons! I don’t recall praising the mob certainly not the German mob!!

Hope you have a great week!

Yisrael M

Yoni Tidi
Sun 4/8/2018, 1:45 PM
No you didn't praise the German mobs in the 1930's. But you did praise the mob on March 24th that was calling for taking away freedom.

Freedom for Jews to defend themselves, like they have never had in history any other place but Israel.

Fascist don't all wear brawn shirts, those kids you praise were no different from jack booted thugs in brown shirts screaming for Jewish blood.

The fact you don't see it, just proves your as blind as all the rest of the Jews in the USA.

The USA practiced genocide before it was even called genocide, and we have citizens today alive in the USA that were rounded up based on race and put in concentration camps.

This is why Jews not only should own assault rifle but must own assault rifles. But the Jews in the USA as a whole are too fat in body and brain to take survival serious. We learned nothing from the Shoah and history will repeat itself one day.


Six million Jews died in the Holocaust but another two hundred fifty million people last century died under Communism and Socialism. Evil globalist ideology knows no bounds and what these fascist leftists are screaming for "common sense" gun control is really about them wanting to disarm their political adversaries.

04-08-18, 14:42
The majority of congress and the senate as well as federal judges believe that every constitutional right is subject to be regulated to some degree. Not just regulated, but interpreted. This is why the US had the Civil Rights Act, because our government interpreted our constitution as well as our Bill of Rights to the point where they felt it wasn't talking about certain people. We read "all men" and yet our government believed this only applied to white males.

Similar to the V, VI, VII and VIII of the BOR. Our courts and justice system has fallen far from what our forefathers once created and established. It was established to be in "our" favor yet over the decades, courts make decisions that gives the courts more leverage. Many times, those who are being prosecuted are given excess bail, or held without bail, only written testimony is provided without witnesses, courts are filled with biased judges and jurors who were hand picked to give a verdict that aligns with the courts views. The Menendez Bros., were tried 2 times for the same crime. Because the first jury was deadlocked leading to a mistrial, they tried the brothers again with a new jury and withheld 90% of defense testimony. Courts are allowed to change definitions whenever it is convenient. "Intent without action" - or conspiracy as its called was not allowed in the courts for many years until about the 1980s. Search warrants that have no merit, seizure of private property based on a "hunch" and arrest made from sensationalizing half truths.

You see, "limited power" doesn't sit well for those who are in power. Our government has created laws that allow them to sign bills into law, before anyone has read them, the are allowed to be signed into law behind closed doors and after work hours. Our Declaration of Independence states that :Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. If you read that, you get the hint that our laws are subject to our approval first! Yet, laws created in todays times are burdens, restrictions, and overreach of federal government.

Our 2nd Amendment is a whole other story. But as long as our elected dictators believe that our rights are subject to there regulation and interpretation. Our 2nd A rights will continue to be regulated to a point of meaningless and worthlessness.

04-08-18, 14:45
I really don't think they have the right to protest. For the protest call for an infringement on the Second, which shall not be infringed.

yeah but that freedom #1 allows them to :) so they can protest but nobody should take them serious use them to promote agenda and yeah they just need to say stupid child when you grow up you will realize what this means but feel free to whine and cry

again who do you despise more the children or the press in this case ? to me its the press cause the kids are being used if the press did not put them on a pedestal nobody would know these kids were whining
IMHO the news companies who use kids should not be allowed to for stories like this

04-08-18, 14:46
You see, "limited power" doesn't sit well for those who are in power. snip....

Our 2nd Amendment is a whole other story. But as long as our elected dictators believe that our rights are subject to there regulation and interpretation. Our 2nd A rights will continue to be regulated to a point of meaningless and worthlessness.

this is the problem

04-09-18, 10:38
I really don't think they have the right to protest. For the protest call for an infringement on the Second, which shall not be infringed.

I’m not really sure what mental gymnastics you are using for this one but clearly they have a right to protest. They could protest demanding the enslavement of all people over the age of 25 and as unconstitutional as that idea would be they can sure go out and protest for it. As much as we believe in the second amendment it can still be removed legally and constitutionally so while it might say shall not be infringed, that can be removed in a constitutional manner. Let me know when some teenagers making signs and yelling about how guns are bad actually prevents you from bearing arms, then you would have an argument. It’s potential legislation that would be unconstitutional, not someone’s constitutionally protected right to free speech.

04-09-18, 11:51
I really don't think they have the right to protest. For the protest call for an infringement on the Second, which shall not be infringed.

I don't see - nor have I seen anyone else suggest that there might be - anything in the First Amendment or elsewhere in the Constitution that suggests that protesting against Constitutional protections is or ought to be illegal or is unprotected by the Constitution. If this were the case, then the Founders who thought the Bill of Rights was unnecessary would have been criminals. Those who agitated for Amendments 11-27 would be criminals. And there would be little reason to have a process in the Constitution designed for the passage of additional Amendments.

So I'm gonna go on ahead and disagree with you, here. I think these kids are idiots, but I'm 100% certain that they have a God-given, Constitutionally-protected right to be loud and proud about their idiocy.

04-09-18, 17:49
My question is, do they really have a right to protest the freedom that the Constitution awards us to own guns.

They have the right to eat Tide pods, snort condoms, get abortions, hate their parents, and protest everything under the sun...

I have the right to "....keep and bear arms." no matter what any court and or elected public employee says.

Come what may.

My email to my former Rabbi.

That's balls, bravo to you sir.

04-09-18, 18:42
Anti-Constitution propaganda is neither illegal nor unconstitutional, but it is wrong. What is neither illegal, unconstitutional or wrong is me saying "I Will Not Comply." I think everyone who has an interest in maintaining the 2nd Amendment should start saying this every time some anti-American subversive proposes infringing on our rights, the response should be blunt and in their face. You can pass whatever "law" you feel like, but I Will Not Comply. " Be sure to use air quotes when you say "law" too. They need to understand that it doesn't matter what they say or do, because it's meaningless.

LMT Shooter
04-10-18, 19:28
Anti-Constitution propaganda is neither illegal nor unconstitutional, but it is wrong. What is neither illegal, unconstitutional or wrong is me saying "I Will Not Comply." I think everyone who has an interest in maintaining the 2nd Amendment should start saying this every time some anti-American subversive proposes infringing on our rights, the response should be blunt and in their face. You can pass whatever "law" you feel like, but I Will Not Comply. " Be sure to use air quotes when you say "law" too. They need to understand that it doesn't matter what they say or do, because it's meaningless.

I think that non-compliance with any gun control laws would be, according to some/many/most LEO's & almost every single judge, considered illegal. But you are correct in that it would not be unconstitutional nor wrong.

04-10-18, 19:35
Anti-Constitution propaganda is neither illegal nor unconstitutional, but it is wrong. What is neither illegal, unconstitutional or wrong is me saying "I Will Not Comply." I think everyone who has an interest in maintaining the 2nd Amendment should start saying this every time some anti-American subversive proposes infringing on our rights, the response should be blunt and in their face. You can pass whatever "law" you feel like, but I Will Not Comply. " Be sure to use air quotes when you say "law" too. They need to understand that it doesn't matter what they say or do, because it's meaningless.
I agree with you in principle, but try telling that to the swat team that kicks in your door @ 3am because your neighbors kid told teacher that it saw you with one of those scary rifles. You'll get shot in the face and they'll all slap each other on the ass and go out for a waffle afterwards. #oneless...

04-10-18, 19:52
weather you believe this or believe that or think one way or think another way: Our constitution was given to us so we didn't have to think. Our constitution was given to us by free men and our constitution was established as leverage against the elected law makers. Our constitution was created to be in our favor and was to be regarded as guidelines for governorship. To protect us from overreach and to protect us from what we have today.

Your first amendment has absolutely nothing to do with communication nor did it imply such in the 1700s. It had nothing to do with newspapers or journalist. It had nothing to do with religion or worshiping Jesus.

Freedom of religion
Freedom of exercising religion
Freedom from abridging speech
Freedom of press
Freedom to peacefully assembly
Freedom to petition government for redress of grievances

The last few words say "without fear of punishment or reprisals"

That basically says, we can do whatever we want without fear from our government.

Your 1st amendment is by far the most important article that why it came first. Why? Because, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The 1st A basically says you can practice whatever you want, say whatever you want, do whatever you want and read whatever you want. The 1st amendment is similar to the 1st commandment and lays out everything else. It explains the whole philosophy and principles of our bill or rights.

04-10-18, 19:54
I agree with you in principle, but try telling that to the swat team that kicks in your door @ 3am because your neighbors kid told teacher that it saw you with one of those scary rifles. You'll get shot in the face and they'll all slap each other on the ass and go out for a waffle afterwards. #oneless...

And while they eat those waffles, Tim McVey shows up at all if their homes......... Actions have consequences, for all.

04-10-18, 20:04
And while they eat those waffles, Tim McVey shows up at all if their homes......... Actions have consequences, for all.

Maybe. Or a councilman might get his neck stretched off an overpass.

But probably not.

04-10-18, 20:11
Maybe. Or a councilman might get his neck stretched off an overpass.

But probably not.

Those who author such "laws" should be first on the list. Just saying.

04-10-18, 20:41
Those who author such "laws" should be first on the list. Just saying.

The bad part about not teaching history is that no one knows that the Bastille was stormed by the unwashed peasants that the ruling class did innumerable crappy things to.
I believe they feel safe as tyrants, even those who live close enough to touch nearly any and every day if you wanted to.
Imagine four DC sniper type shooters operating in every major City in CONUS.
They are dangerously overestimating the lack of a response.

04-10-18, 21:10
The bad part about not teaching history is that no one knows that the Bastille was stormed by the unwashed peasants that the ruling class did innumerable crappy things to.
I believe they feel safe as tyrants, even those who live close enough to touch nearly any and every day if you wanted to.
Imagine four DC sniper type shooters operating in every major City in CONUS.
They are dangerously overestimating the lack of a response.

It wouldn't even need to be a conspiracy. The model has been proven already. One happens and copycats follow.

04-10-18, 21:35
I agree with you in principle, but try telling that to the swat team that kicks in your door @ 3am because your neighbors kid told teacher that it saw you with one of those scary rifles. You'll get shot in the face and they'll all slap each other on the ass and go out for a waffle afterwards. #oneless...

And after the scary assault rifles, then assault pistols, then sniper deer rifles, then assault shotguns, then bomb making muzzle loader shooters, revolvers and all .22 rimfires. Have to jump through hoops to get the heavily taxed ammo and no reloading components. Will it go that far, nobody knows right now. If it does, will people die on both sides,probably, and more than a few, IMHO.

04-10-18, 22:05
It wouldn't even need to be a conspiracy. The model has been proven already. One happens and copycats follow.

Imagine the hyperbolic reaction of the MSM, the very way they would cover it would only very likely draw more copycats to act.
It's a big giant can of anarchy they seem very anxious to open and yet seem very clueless as to the likely content.
We have a school shooting and within a week we have three more attempts and easily a half dozen threats.
Imagine the drama if this began spinning a narrative that was favourable in some weird way?

04-10-18, 22:52
Imagine the hyperbolic reaction of the MSM, the very way they would cover it would only very likely draw more copycats to act.
It's a big giant can of anarchy they seem very anxious to open and yet seem very clueless as to the likely content.
We have a school shooting and within a week we have three more attempts and easily a half dozen threats.
Imagine the drama if this began spinning a narrative that was favourable in some weird way?

One thing's for sure, we'd see their true priorities on display PDQ.

04-11-18, 00:32
I agree with you in principle, but try telling that to the swat team that kicks in your door @ 3am because your neighbors kid told teacher that it saw you with one of those scary rifles. You'll get shot in the face and they'll all slap each other on the ass and go out for a waffle afterwards. #oneless...

You don't need a Ryder truck, 14, 55g plastic barrels filled with nitrogen based fertilizer and diesel fuel these days. We saw during Waco the Branch Davidians were able to hold off FBI, ATF, Sherriff, State and local police for 51 days after an exchange of fire which left 6 Davidians dead as well as 4 federal agents dead, 5 hospitalized. We saw at Ruby Ridge that a man and his neighbor can hold off US Marshalls, FBI and National Guard for 10 days, of coarse the FBI killed the mans child and wife. Cliven Bundy and about 100 armed citizens were able to deter and force the US Government to stand down. The Bundy standoff is a good example of what 100-300 patriots can do when they have each other. No police force, sheriff or SWAT is going to stand up to 300+ armed citizens. The militia types showed up with AR's, SCARS and block off roads, created check points and wouldn't even allow government officials to pass- now that is something to learn from this. 3-500 men can make a difference.

04-11-18, 01:18
Bear in mind this was five years ago, it gives you an idea of the contingencies that are being cooked up for future internal conflict....

Holder clarifies drone strike policy on U.S. soil

Attorney General Eric Holder tells Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in a letter that strikes will not be made against American citizens on U.S. soil who are non-combatants.


Readying through the NDAAs every now and again can be educational as well like how a 'combatant' is defined.

04-11-18, 01:55
This is from the Rabbi

I think we were at different sermons! I don’t recall praising the mob certainly not the German mob!!

Hope you have a great week!

Yisrael M

Yoni Tidi
Sun 4/8/2018, 1:45 PM
No you didn't praise the German mobs in the 1930's. But you did praise the mob on March 24th that was calling for taking away freedom.

Freedom for Jews to defend themselves, like they have never had in history any other place but Israel.

Fascist don't all wear brawn shirts, those kids you praise were no different from jack booted thugs in brown shirts screaming for Jewish blood.

The fact you don't see it, just proves your as blind as all the rest of the Jews in the USA.

The USA practiced genocide before it was even called genocide, and we have citizens today alive in the USA that were rounded up based on race and put in concentration camps.

This is why Jews not only should own assault rifle but must own assault rifles. But the Jews in the USA as a whole are too fat in body and brain to take survival serious. We learned nothing from the Shoah and history will repeat itself one day.


Yoni, I chatted with 3 Jewish men yesterday. All late teens early 20s. They just kept lamenting in about how bad Trump is and they wish Obama was still POTUS.

So dude you have some seriously delusional folks amongst your faith.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26 Inf
04-11-18, 19:12
You don't need a Ryder truck, 14, 55g plastic barrels filled with nitrogen based fertilizer and diesel fuel these days. We saw during Waco the Branch Davidians were able to hold off FBI, ATF, Sherriff, State and local police for 51 days after an exchange of fire which left 6 Davidians dead as well as 4 federal agents dead, 5 hospitalized. We saw at Ruby Ridge that a man and his neighbor can hold off US Marshalls, FBI and National Guard for 10 days, of coarse the FBI killed the mans child and wife. Cliven Bundy and about 100 armed citizens were able to deter and force the US Government to stand down. The Bundy standoff is a good example of what 100-300 patriots can do when they have each other. No police force, sheriff or SWAT is going to stand up to 300+ armed citizens. The militia types showed up with AR's, SCARS and block off roads, created check points and wouldn't even allow government officials to pass- now that is something to learn from this. 3-500 men can make a difference.

The feds in all those cases did some dumb things, but by-and-large were trying to minimize loss of life and bad press.

With the Bundy's in particular, as they were most recent, do you have any doubt that the DOJ could have brought more resources to bear at anytime they wished?

So, I wouldn't use any of those as examples of real conflicts.

It is all a moot discussion, confiscation is not going to happen.

04-11-18, 19:45
Yoni, I chatted with 3 Jewish men yesterday. All late teens early 20s. They just kept lamenting in about how bad Trump is and they wish Obama was still POTUS.

So dude you have some seriously delusional folks amongst your faith.

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I don't get a long with a huge part of American Jews. At the synagogue I just quit because of the Rabbi's support for the March of the useful idiots. We have one guy that is like 70 years old still lives with his mother and behing my back I have been told calls me Lex Luther because he views me as pure evil.
So I don't hangout with such worthless people.

04-11-18, 21:01
Isn't this an attempt to infringe on our Second Amendment rights?

The 'government' doesn't need to infringe on our rights if they can get citizens to do it. Citizens can infringe, march in the streets, convince others the sky is falling, doesn't matter what the issue is.

Here is what is more worrisome. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/gop-vermont-governor-signs-significant-gun-restrictions-into-law/ar-AAvMnSE?OCID=ansmsnnews11

A soul searching RINO with a NRA rating of 93..... oops, guess the NRA missed that one.
Vermont on Wednesday raised the age to buy firearms, banned high-capacity magazines and made it easier to take guns from people who pose a threat — the first significant gun ownership restrictions in state history, signed into law by the Republican governor.

Earth to NRA.... all politicians are F rated. You are basing your support of them on the lies they tell.

04-11-18, 21:04
With the Bundy's in particular, as they were most recent, do you have any doubt that the DOJ could have brought more resources to bear at anytime they wished?

Absolutely but it would have gotten nasty. Why I used this as an illustration is because this was a simple 300-400 strong group who wouldn't back down nor negotiate. They came from Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma and surrounding states. If the DOJ would have called in more resources, that 300-400 size group would have grown to a 10,000-15,000 man group over night. That's why Obama, Lynch, State of Nevada and BLM backed down and gave in and returned his cattle and called off his debt.

Hundreds of people with signs showed up for Ruby Ridge.
But hundreds of people with guns showed up for Cliven!- See the difference.

04-12-18, 09:46
I don't get a long with a huge part of American Jews. At the synagogue I just quit because of the Rabbi's support for the March of the useful idiots. We have one guy that is like 70 years old still lives with his mother and behing my back I have been told calls me Lex Luther because he views me as pure evil.
So I don't hangout with such worthless people.

This is perplexing to me Yoni. With centuries of history up to recent times how can they not see this once again. It really is a blindness.

04-12-18, 11:23
Today the Anne Frank Foundation and New Israel Fund have joined forces to hurt Israel and lie in bed like cheap whores with arabs.

These are not Jews, they are the biggest scum ever and if I could I would command the missions that Israel should under take to kill ever single traitor. I hate these scum more than I hate the arabs.

Is Yoni engaging in hate speech, yep. These scum are putting my children lives at risk.

04-12-18, 14:29
This is perplexing to me Yoni. With centuries of history up to recent times how can they not see this once again. It really is a blindness.
I often think the same thing ? its bizarre and insane

I think its the devil :) he does not need generations to persuade just a week heart/soul/mind IMHO of course

I have some east coast Jewish clients I do work for post production in photography and I see a lot of the mitzvah editing etc.. these days and they are basically showing off ones wealth and seeing who can out do the others exotic dancers at them etc.. some of it is quite bizarre freaky even :)

I do think a lot of the Jews and the Christians these days use the churches and their religions as a way to feel good about themselves and a networking group of others they are like minded with
cause the moment you confront them on things of faith they often show the true colors :)

04-13-18, 23:39
My email to my former Rabbi.


If you had left your ill advised praise for the mobs that marched on March 24, your sermon would have been one of the best you have ever given.

You praised the mob, when it was the mob 80 years ago that brought Hitler to power. Ask Max if he wished his family had owned assault rifles.

The Second Amendment is the only one that contains the language "shall not be infringed".

Which to me and millions like me, means those snot nosed kids are enemies of the Constitution and the on going freedom in the USA that has treated Jews so well.

Jews in the USA, are just plain stupid when it comes to this issue. First we should be the most heavily armed population in the USA given our history, but sadly we aren't. So many Jews speak for gun control, and it has been noted by the gun carrying goyim.

If the left get's it's wish and guns are outlawed for real and not just a stupid cosmetic ban which was all the so called assault weapons ban was, Jews will not fair well.

I know that millions of ex soldiers and police along with current duty police and military will fight to keep the second amendment alive. How many people are go to have to die, because many people thought it was cute that hundreds of thousands of little socialist demand our freedom.

If we know that we are commanded to defend human life, how can we do it without the weapons to fight with.

But as Margalit noted after a NPR story on gun control that featured only Jews demanding our rights be taken away. "What is wrong with these American Jews, it seems they want a holocaust here".


Give the progressives hate Israel it wouldn't be much of a stretch for them to take it out on Jews here in America.

04-14-18, 00:07
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

To me this means my right to own guns is not open to debate be it members of the court, Congress, or a bunch of snot nosed kids.

Correct. You need a NEW Synagogue.

I'd suggest contacting these guys (http://jpfo.org/), for some assistance.

I tell Christians this all the time. If your namby-pamby Pastor is preaching against guns, ask him (if it's a "her," just run already!) to PROPERLY exegete Ex.22: 2, in light of Mt.12: 29 (Mk.3: 27 & Lk.11: 21). If they can't, RUN... to a church and Pastors who CAN.

04-14-18, 02:04
It is in general, but allowing unbridled ignorant speech by those who are immature, who do no research on the issues to form an educated opinion, tends to lead to lifelong immature adults who think they can get away with it.

Which tends, in extreme cases, to lead to mass graves.

04-14-18, 18:37

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04-15-18, 17:09

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So, if someone from out of state sells on their website (which is probably managed overseas) to someone in one of these states, what is the legal pathway for the seller to get in trouble? That is an interstate transaction, a bozo no-no for states to interfere in. I know the buyer would be in legal jeopardy, but not the seller. I guess they could get a warrant for the seller (the company? The CEO?). My guess is UPS and FedEx might cut them off. USPS would be an interesting shipper.

Seems like a really good test case, since it would be quickly kicked to federal courts.

04-15-18, 18:42
So, if someone from out of state sells on their website (which is probably managed overseas) to someone in one of these states, what is the legal pathway for the seller to get in trouble? That is an interstate transaction, a bozo no-no for states to interfere in. I know the buyer would be in legal jeopardy, but not the seller. I guess they could get a warrant for the seller (the company? The CEO?). My guess is UPS and FedEx might cut them off. USPS would be an interesting shipper.

Seems like a really good test case, since it would be quickly kicked to federal courts.

I spoke to my buddy who owns a LGS. He told me as an FFL holder he needs to follow the gun laws in the buyers State. He gave an example of asking for a buyers FFL and enforcing a waiting period if necessary. .

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04-16-18, 20:10
My heart was just warmed a little more. I’m watching the original Red Dawn with my kids and my 10 year old daughter just said I like this as the Wolverines had their first successful ambush outside the gas station! Then her 12 year old sister said go girl during the second ambush!