View Full Version : The city council of Boulder, Colorado,*voted last week to ban “assault weapons,"*

04-09-18, 14:20

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04-09-18, 14:21
"The controversial city ordinance, which would also ban bump stocks and high-capacity magazines, passed unanimously on its first reading,*according to the Denver Post."

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04-09-18, 14:33
purely cosmetic features, such as pistol grips, adjustable stocks, flash suppressors, bayonet mounds, and high-capacity magazines, that put them in a category of their own. They include a large portion of the long-gun market.

hahaah cause holding and controlling the gun making it fit you etc.. is purely cosmetic :)

04-09-18, 14:45
Is “faggots” too harsh?

04-09-18, 14:50
It'll pass and be upheld when challenged.

04-09-18, 15:03
This may be just the beginning of a terrible trend thanks to Deerville.

04-09-18, 15:23
This may be just the beginning of a terrible trend thanks to Deerville.

Unless the courts decide to overturn them, like that will happen, unless it goes to the Supreme Court, and then still, who knows. Damn totalitarian scum.

04-09-18, 15:50
This may be just the beginning of a terrible trend thanks to Deerville.That is what I am afraid of.

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04-09-18, 15:53
Don't see how this can stand since Colorado had preemption laws.

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04-09-18, 16:00
Don't see how this can stand since Colorado had preemption laws.

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It'll stand for the same reason that all the other laws like this do...Some activist judge will dance around the issue then declare it so. It could say "Boulder shall not make any assault weapons bans" in the Colorado constitution and this shit would almost certainly still hold up to a challenge.

This is the future of gun control in the US...

04-09-18, 16:51
Don't see how this can stand since Colorado had preemption laws.

And the United States has a Constitution that says "...Shall Not Be Infringed". Words mean nothing to activist judges.

04-09-18, 20:23
This is what I have a hard time with...makes my blood boil. We have already had our right infringed by the 1934 NFA, GCA of 1968, 1986...and it keeps going and going.

And the United States has a Constitution that says "...Shall Not Be Infringed". Words mean nothing to activist judges.

04-09-18, 21:16
Boulder, Colorado, an enclave of high dollar leftists who produce stoned slacker offspring, living off of trust funds. They show up here in New Mexico with their dreadlocks and knitted hats. Worthless bunch.

04-09-18, 22:10
And the United States has a Constitution that says "...Shall Not Be Infringed". Words mean nothing to activist judges.

The judges treat the Bill of Rights like the Pirates' Code from Pirates of the Caribbean: More like guidelines than actual rules. They make up exceptions with no basis in history or legal reality in order to interpret the Constitution, and in some cases, they use the Constitution against itself. Their rulings against semi-auto weapons have basically come down to the weapons not being protected by the Constitution because they just...aren't.

What's more ironic is that the left even ignores and violates their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment! They are still adamant that the 2nd Amendment only applies to people serving in the military, and yet, servicemen are prohibited from keeping and bearing arms unless they are deployed or in training. Weapons are banned on military bases, any serviceman who carries a weapon off duty does so as a private citizen under civilian laws.

04-09-18, 22:53
Boulder, Colorado, an enclave of high dollar leftists who produce stoned slacker offspring, living off of trust funds. They show up here in New Mexico with their dreadlocks and knitted hats. Worthless bunch.

And supposedly one of the highest NFA item ownerships in the nation... There is a reason that the law has in it that NFA items are exempt and there is even a clause that if you are active in competitive shooting, you can keep them. I don’t think that applies for the mags though. A machine gun with 10 round mags...... what fun. Not saying it is a good law boy any means, but it has to be one of the oddest AWBs in the running.

It should be thrown out based on previous decisions. But I don’t know how left the SCOCS looks now.

It is so bad with confiscations with out compensation, that it should be preliminarily injunctioned.

People say that even if it went to a popular vote, it would fail. I kind of doubt that.

CO has a lot of Libertarian that looks Progressive, but doesn’t go for all the silliness. More classical Liberal that 21st century progressive.

If this passes, Denver will be back at it.

04-09-18, 22:58
Noticed you can keep them if you register and pay a fee

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04-10-18, 00:31
When the town of Granby, CO took on muffler shop owner Marvin Heemeyer he up-armored his bulldozer and destroyed the town hall as well as some buldings owned by various parties connected to the city government.

04-10-18, 07:43
So when is this vaunted push back everyone keeps talking about? Because where I’m standing it sure looks like a lot of tough talk while simultaneously taking it right up the ***.

This trend will continue and nothing will be done in regards to pushing back against it, well unless you consider internet whining pushback.

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Alex V
04-10-18, 08:08
So when is this vaunted push back everyone keeps talking about? Because where I’m standing it sure looks like a lot of tough talk while simultaneously taking it right up the ***.

This trend will continue and nothing will be done in regards to pushing back against it, well unless you consider internet whining pushback.

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Been saying this for some time.

Dist. Expert 26
04-10-18, 08:55
So when is this vaunted push back everyone keeps talking about? Because where I’m standing it sure looks like a lot of tough talk while simultaneously taking it right up the ***.

This trend will continue and nothing will be done in regards to pushing back against it, well unless you consider internet whining pushback.

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My theory- words on a piece of paper aren't enough to inspire people to risk everything. Until door-to-door confiscation becomes a reality, or an outright ban on all firearms is passed, people will bide their time.

I do hope that if someone does decide to push back, they direct their anger at the politicians rather than law enforcement.

04-10-18, 10:09
My theory- words on a piece of paper aren't enough to inspire people to risk everything. Until door-to-door confiscation becomes a reality, or an outright ban on all firearms is passed, people will bide their time.

I do hope that if someone does decide to push back, they direct their anger at the politicians rather than law enforcement.

I am not advocating breaking any laws, as I would never do that. However, like we saw with the standard capacity magazine ban in Colorado that precipitated the Magpul move, how can law enforcement even enforce these laws? I doubt we will see house, to house warrants issued for search, and seizure of these "assault rifles". I also don't think many people will be affected, as they just won't comply. Their AR's, and others will go from their house, to their car, or truck in a case, and to a range outside city limits. Will law enforcement be waiting at all these ranges to check I.D. to see where these people live? No.

04-10-18, 10:24
If the police decide to enforce these laws and/or involve themselves in door to door confiscation, why should I not view them as the enemy? Being the hired muscle for tyrants seems to require righteous anger. The police here in California have been enforcing bad gun laws for years...I sure don't view them as my friend, and I thoroughly do not trust them...they are above all agents of a corrupt and tyrannical state.

04-10-18, 10:27
My theory- words on a piece of paper aren't enough to inspire people to risk everything. Until door-to-door confiscation becomes a reality, or an outright ban on all firearms is passed, people will bide their time.

I do hope that if someone does decide to push back, they direct their anger at the politicians rather than law enforcement.

The politicians would have no power if it weren't for those willing to enforce their will.

04-10-18, 10:52
I am not advocating breaking any laws, as I would never do that. However, like we saw with the standard capacity magazine ban in Colorado that precipitated the Magpul move, how can law enforcement even enforce these laws? I doubt we will see house, to house warrants issued for search, and seizure of these "assault rifles". I also don't think many people will be affected, as they just won't comply. Their AR's, and others will go from their house, to their car, or truck in a case, and to a range outside city limits. Will law enforcement be waiting at all these ranges to check I.D. to see where these people live? No.

The hell you would face is when one of these banned firearms gets used in a home defense situation. You'd be in a pickle if you then called LE after the fact. Or you could use the time honored tactic of sanitizing the scene and disposing of the carcass in a way which allows it to join the food chain or fertilize the flora.

Dist. Expert 26
04-10-18, 11:28
The politicians would have no power if it weren't for those willing to enforce their will.

I completely agree.

However, LE are just pawns. They don't make policy decisions. They are also easily replaced.

If true victory is to be achieved those pulling the strings have to be dealt with accordingly.

04-10-18, 11:43
I wish them all the luck in the world, but this is like treating decapitation with a band aid. Their heart is in the right place, but it is ridiculous to pass additional laws when the illegality of murder isn't deterring the nut jobs, why do people think this will have any positive affect.

Dist. Expert 26
04-10-18, 11:47
I wish them all the luck in the world, but this is like treating decapitation with a band aid. Their heart is in the right place, but it is ridiculous to pass additional laws when the illegality of murder isn't deterring the nut jobs, why do people think this will have any positive affect.

They have no illusions that it will. Their goal has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with control.

Don't fall into the trap of assuming these people have honest intentions.

04-10-18, 11:48
I wish them all the luck in the world, but this is like treating decapitation with a band aid. Their heart is in the right place, but it is ridiculous to pass additional laws when the illegality of murder isn't deterring the nut jobs, why do people think this will have any positive affect.

It’s not about positive affects. It’s about control. So they will continue to push the envelope every chance they get. Again, I’m just wondering when people will finally say enough is enough and actually mean it.

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04-10-18, 11:53
I have no illusions, just that this has become an emotionally charged issue where people have separated logic from their reactions...the politicians may have agendas, but voters merely are reactionary. This is the long term affect of "getting in touch with your emotions" type of thought process...sure get in touch, but don't be ruled by them.

The reality, is the media and politicians get the populace emotionally charged (place any parent in a situation where they fear for their child's safety and watch the reaction) and then use this to get them to trade freedom for safety...Ben Franklin predicted this, as did our forefathers.

04-10-18, 12:22
I completely agree.

However, LE are just pawns. They don't make policy decisions. They are also easily replaced.

If true victory is to be achieved those pulling the strings have to be dealt with accordingly.

No, they are the acting body decidedly carrying out these un-Constitutional laws.

Dist. Expert 26
04-10-18, 12:25
No, they are the acting body decidedly carrying out these un-Constitutional laws.

That's just a different way to phrase what I said.

LE isn't the root of the problem, politicians are.

04-10-18, 12:34
That's just a different way to phrase what I said.

LE isn't the root of the problem, politicians are.

One and the same.

04-10-18, 12:35
I have no illusions, just that this has become an emotionally charged issue where people have separated logic from their reactions...the politicians may have agendas, but voters merely are reactionary. This is the long term affect of "getting in touch with your emotions" type of thought process...sure get in touch, but don't be ruled by them.

The reality, is the media and politicians get the populace emotionally charged (place any parent in a situation where they fear for their child's safety and watch the reaction) and then use this to get them to trade freedom for safety...Ben Franklin predicted this, as did our forefathers.

There is a possibility that you're missing.
There are is a small but determined number that want you and everyone else disarmed, not for your safety, but for their own.
We've seen what has happened in Great Britain. Native Britain's by compliance and a desire to be "Progressive" and "Politically Correct" have insured their own extinction.
The daughters of the poor and middle class are being groomed (gang raped)by "Asians" (Pakistanis).
The murder rate is now higher than it was before firearms were banned.
It I now a "crime" to point out the truth of whom are committing these crimes and/or to in some cases defend yourself from criminals.

Your only hope for "help" can only come from the very people who made you defenceless in the first place.
It's the ultimate example of total control.

Dist. Expert 26
04-10-18, 12:39
One and the same.

No, it's not.

Local LE are, by and large, people just like most of us here trying to make a living in their chosen profession.

If they choose to enforce unconstitutional laws then yes, they become the enemy. But the true enemy is the people creating the laws.

Cut the head off the snake and the tail is no more a threat than a stick lying on the ground.

04-10-18, 12:46
No, it's not.

Local LE are, by and large, people just like most of us here trying to make a living in their chosen profession.

If they choose to enforce unconstitutional laws then yes, they become the enemy. But the true enemy is the people creating the laws.

Cut the head off the snake and the tail is no more a threat than a stick lying on the ground.

I have yet to hear from any police organization outside of small county sheriff's that they would not enforce un-Constitutional laws.

The people don't know which side the law is on.

04-10-18, 12:53
It I now a "crime" to point out the truth of whom are committing these crimes and/or to in some cases defend yourself from criminals.


There is case right now over there, where a old guy is being charged for murder , killed the intruder with the intruders own screw driver.

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04-10-18, 13:16
There is case right now over there, where a old guy is being charged for murder , killed the intruder with the intruders own screw driver.

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And to make it even better, the family and friends of the dead home invader have put up a shrine to the dead guy right next to the old mans house.


04-10-18, 13:27
And to make it even better, the family and friends of the dead home invader have put up a shrine to the dead guy right next to the old mans house.


That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read. At least there is one person that has not completely lost his mind there. He need the keep destroying that crap they put up.

04-10-18, 13:48
So when is this vaunted push back everyone keeps talking about? Because where I’m standing it sure looks like a lot of tough talk while simultaneously taking it right up the ***.

This trend will continue and nothing will be done in regards to pushing back against it, well unless you consider internet whining pushback.

Do you live in Boulder, CO or Deerfield, IL? I don't so who am I supposed to square off with?

Timing is everything....

The American colonists did not fire upon British troops until they marched on Concord and Lexington to disarm them.

There is still time to work within the system (rule of law), it's not quit time just yet to shoot the bastards.

04-10-18, 13:53
A few years back the city of Seattle passed a law that would prevent carry in a city park by CCW holders. It was taken to court and even the liberal courts in WA over turned the law.

So don;t give up hope.

04-10-18, 13:56
A few years back the city of Seattle passed a law that would prevent carry in a city park by CCW holders. It was taken to court and even the liberal courts in WA over turned the law.

So don;t give up hope.

I don't think anyone is giving up any hope for a peaceful resolution.

04-10-18, 18:39
I don't think anyone is giving up any hope for a peaceful resolution.
I do believe when the dust settles from the most recent school shooting in Florida some folks will settle down and remember that they know responsible gun owners, they may even be related to a few.
Others will move on to the new flavor of the week and protest something else.
But inch by inch the hard core anti's are gaining numbers and traction. One of these days they will tip the scales and once they're on top and hold the high ground on this, we're forever going to have lost the Second.
Vigilance is work.

04-11-18, 06:25
Do you live in Boulder, CO or Deerfield, IL? I don't so who am I supposed to square off with?

Timing is everything....

The American colonists did not fire upon British troops until they marched on Concord and Lexington to disarm them.

There is still time to work within the system (rule of law), it's not quit time just yet to shoot the bastards.

I do not live in either of these towns, however if I did I’d be asking who’s planning the rally, sit in, who’s calling the politicians non stop at their homes and offices? Who’s planning to get our side out to the other citizens of the town?

That’s what I meant in regards to push back. I agree, we are not at the point of having to defend ourselves yet. But if people in these areas don’t stand up now peacefully; we might find ourselves in a defense situation sooner then later.

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