View Full Version : So Paul Ryan isn't seeking reelection???

04-11-18, 16:06
I remember when he came out saying that he didn't want to be Speaker because it would take up too much of his "personal time" with his family. I did a quick calculation and figured he was getting about five times more "personal time" than your average line unit PFC and I've hated him ever since.

But I'm sure he will have a fine career as a lobbyist and burn the midnight oil to do so.
Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ Paul.

04-11-18, 16:19
Why are so many Republicans jumping ship?? ( even the fake ones)

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04-11-18, 16:20
I remember when he came out saying that he didn't want to be Speaker because it would take up too much of his "personal time" with his family. I did a quick calculation and figured he was getting about five times more "personal time" than your average line unit PFC and I've hated him ever since.

But I'm sure he will have a fine career as a lobbyist and burn the midnight oil to do so.
Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ Paul.

And good riddance.....

Dist. Expert 26
04-11-18, 17:08
I sincerely hope the entire Republican party self destructs. Maybe then we can let true conservatives, or preferably libertarians, have a real chance.

04-11-18, 17:19
I sincerely hope the entire Republican party self destructs. Maybe then we can let true conservatives, or preferably libertarians, have a real chance.

Well 26, I'm hoping as you read this that you're not having your blood pressure checked;
Perhaps Paul Ryan will, as his predecessor seek out "greener" pastures in the lobbyist field?
John A. Boehner,*the former Republican speaker of the House who*once*said he was “unalterably opposed” to*decriminalizing*marijuana laws, has joined a board of*directors*for a cannabis company*with an eye on rolling back federal regulations.
The former Ohio congressman*has been appointed to*the board of advisers of*Acreage Holdings, invoking*the need for veterans to access the drug legally*to explain his change of heart,*Boehner said in a statement Wednesday.

Boehner said his perspective shifted after he saw the plant’s efficacy in helping a close friend deal with debilitating back pain. Marijuana’s potential use as a treatment for veterans helped sway him, too. Plus he’s been studying the problems of the U.S. criminal justice system for years.

So after decades of shoveling money at "The War on Drugs" and I'm sure someone was twisting his arm with some campaign donations to do that, he retires and Oh, what don'tcha know, he switches sides?
Yeah, well I could care one way or the other, the point is Paul is as likely to do something like this as John was.

04-11-18, 17:33
Good riddance, asscheese. Anybody dumbe enough to get rolled by Patty "Wants To Make Little Terrorist Babies With Osama" bin Murray, the Village Idiot of the Senate (and unfortunately "my" senior senator), is too dumb for any job more complicated than french-fry cook.

04-11-18, 17:36
Patty Murray, the Village Idiot of the Senate (and unfortunately "my" senior senator), is too dumb for any job more complicated than french-fry cook.

Hey now, don't be insulting some those good fry cooks. ;)

I know how you feel, she mine too.

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04-11-18, 18:04
Maybe the cuck RINOs are finally beginning to see the writing on the wall? :)

04-11-18, 18:27
I can see John Boehner after three big bong hits sending some poor unpaid intern out in to the night to buy a pack of Black Jack Chewing Gum, a six pack of Yoo-Hoo's and two cases of Ding Dong's.
But I guess every retiree deserves a little fun now and then.

04-11-18, 18:30
Imho here, but I get the feeling that those jumping ship now just don't like Trump (Ryan never did) , don't want to be a part of what he's doing and how he behaves, (let's face it, even his supporters wish he'd shut up once in awhile), or figure they are going to lose their seat anyway.

Trump's in for a huge surprise when Pelosi is speaker. And he caused it.

04-11-18, 18:44
Paul RINO? Good riddance.....

04-11-18, 19:47
Hey now, don't be insulting some those good fry cooks. ;)

I know how you feel, she mine too.

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Sorry, the Fifteentard minimum-skillers are a Pet Peeve too. As a freelancer, $15/hour is my CHARITY rate--"this is my bare minimum, I'm taking a loss on this but I believe in your cause." No benefits, no medical, no nothing--not even withholding so I have to write checks to the IRS and the various branches of the State L&I racket by hand. They want the same rates that I get, plus that much again in benefits for less than HALF my skilled-labor productivity, like some high-school or college dweeb is the equal of my networking contacts and clients, building resources and relationships one-by-one over many years that let me do what I do in Historical Research or connect them with someone suitable to help with their project? What the actual throw-some-dumbass-off-the-Space Needle MONGOLIAN GOATF***?! (Pro Tip: You can tell a lot about my feelings by how I word my response. The more syllables in my invective, the more pissed off I am.)

Excuse me. Rant over, I feel better now. I think...

04-11-18, 20:26
I sincerely hope the entire Republican party self destructs. Maybe then we can let true conservatives, or preferably libertarians, have a real chance.

This. Straightaway.

04-11-18, 21:08
Why are so many Republicans jumping ship?? ( even the fake ones)

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Look at the wall. Read the writing.

Buy low, sell high.

It's business.

Specifically Ryan can now go home and be the 'family man'. Come back later and say he opposed Trump but never got on his bad side. Will work across the isle, probably come back with an 'evolved' 2A stance.

The others are just variations on that theme. He really hit the jackpot though.

04-11-18, 21:28
I sincerely hope the entire Republican party self destructs. Maybe then we can let true conservatives, or preferably libertarians, have a real chance.

While I agree in princpal, I just wonder how bad are we gunowners are gonna get it in the mean time, with the democrats in control,(very probably after this fall) while this new conservative/libertarian republican party gets it's act together, and takes back the house/senate.. Flintlocks anyone?

04-12-18, 01:54
Imho here, but I get the feeling that those jumping ship now just don't like Trump (Ryan never did) , don't want to be a part of what he's doing and how he behaves, (let's face it, even his supporters wish he'd shut up once in awhile), or figure they are going to lose their seat anyway.

Trump's in for a huge surprise when Pelosi is speaker. And he caused it.

Or, you know, the GOP could have just stfu for a change and fell in line like a good bunch repubs and actually done something constructive to further their platform instead of trying to subvert Trump at every turn. But oh wait I forgot their content being the permanent minority and deep down really wanted Hillary to win.

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04-12-18, 05:58
You guys crack me up...

You do understand what is happening here right?

You know what is going to happen this election and what is going to happen in 2020?

04-12-18, 06:37
I am not sure what is going to happen in 2018 much less 2020.
The country is almost equally divided and it is going to be which side has the larger turnout.

04-12-18, 07:32
I am not sure what is going to happen in 2018 much less 2020.
The country is almost equally divided and it is going to be which side has the larger turnout.
I would guess if you pay close attention to some key events, you'll see that there are a lot more conservatives than you might think.
Constant liberal slant on ESPN, their numbers tank.
CNN goes full Trump hate 24/7 numbers drop.
Roseanne has a pro Trump show, the numbers go up.
So as much as we may be told that conservatives are in the minority, after all the "Polls" all say so, other ways to track these trends show otherwise.
A lot of this narrative is a boon for Republican fund raising, on the other hand the MSM loves to point out how backwards thinking conservative values are.
As much as the two party system is a rigged game, there are still a lot of conservatives out there.

04-12-18, 07:43
You guys crack me up...

You do understand what is happening here right?

You know what is going to happen this election and what is going to happen in 2020?

Tell me what I said isn’t true

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04-12-18, 08:36
He was a huge failure. Another big government, ESTABLISHMENT Republican. Good riddance. Enjoy your multi million dollar lobbying gig. :rolleyes:

04-12-18, 09:22
I sincerely hope the entire Republican party self destructs. Maybe then we can let true conservatives, or preferably libertarians, have a real chance.

This, so much this. I've damn sure had my fill of wolves in sheep's clothing RINO's!

04-12-18, 09:30
I am not sure what is going to happen in 2018 much less 2020.
The country is almost equally divided and it is going to be which side has the larger turnout.

The larger turn out wins an election...? You think?

The country is not equally divided population wise. You might be able to make the case that it is electoral wise.

But lets take your slant that things are even split...

33% Ultra Liberal, 33% Moderate and 33% Ultra conservative.

The Trend on the GOP side is the Moderate Republican is not able to compete with the moderate Democrat. They are losing and they know that, hence retirement and the recent slaughter at once stout districts. So where do you think those voters are turning to? The Moderate democrat? You can eliminate an entire voting base and believe all those voters are going to turn Ultra Conservative. They are going to split and that plays into the DEM part hands.

The moderate conservative

04-12-18, 09:31
Tell me what I said isn’t true

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Trump is toxic to everyone, siding with him is a one way tick out the door for most.

Outlander Systems
04-12-18, 09:39

That was pretty good. I legit belly-laughed.

Trump is toxic to everyone, siding with him is a one way tick out the door for most.

04-12-18, 11:28
G-D bless Trump and damn most of the GOP.

I was not a Trump supporter during the primary. I voted for him, duh as if I had a choice.

But he is getting things done and making people pick sides.

I just wonder if the Dems and the Rhino's get their fantasy and impeach him, if Pence is going to toe the party line or go Roman?

Be careful what you wish for you might get it, and then karma rapes you.

04-12-18, 12:35
Ya know, there are times when I think the Deep State actually WANTS a second Civil War as an excuse to "sweep the last remnants of the Old Republic away" and bring the Fourth Reich out into the open...

04-12-18, 12:40
I never really believed in the Deep State until the Clinton crimes were swept under the carpet and after she lost the election, the DOJ and FBI started a coup.

The actions of the FBI and DOJ, are the most concerning events for freedom, liberty and the future of the country. Regarding the FBI, it seems the culture hasn't changed since it was run by a cross dressing homosexual.

04-12-18, 12:50
I never really believed in the Deep State until the Clinton crimes were swept under the carpet and after she lost the election, the DOJ and FBI started a coup.

The actions of the FBI and DOJ, are the most concerning events for freedom, liberty and the future of the country. Regarding the FBI, it seems the culture hasn't changed since it was run by a cross dressing homosexual.

Actually, it has. Hoover was a drag-queen and a thug, a real Heinrich Mueller (gee, where have we heard THAT name before?) wannabe, but at least he was serious about fighting Communism; to this day his Masters of Deceit is frighteningly prescient in describing the rise and tactics of the Radical Left. It's only gotten even WORSE, at least this side of Bill Sessions's day, maybe before.

04-12-18, 18:09
Ya know, there are times when I think the Deep State actually WANTS a second Civil War as an excuse to "sweep the last remnants of the Old Republic away" and bring the Fourth Reich out into the open...

I've no doubt that's what they want.. Now how that works out is another matter, could be they will have bitten off more than they can chew, once that happens, they'll have no choice but to play their cards..And frankly, the sooner it happens the better, we can get this settled once and for all..

04-12-18, 20:38
Or, you know, the GOP could have just stfu for a change and fell in line like a good bunch repubs and actually done something constructive to further their platform instead of trying to subvert Trump at every turn. But oh wait I forgot their content being the permanent minority and deep down really wanted Hillary to win.

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The fact they hate Trump more than Hillary exposes their true beliefs and it is NOTHING conservative. I hope the party burns down too, and makes room from a real alternative that gets back to smaller govt, balanced budgets, strong military that is not wasted on Saudi whims and spreading Wahhabism, and stops fighting stupid "wars" on drugs and guns, and kills Obamacare and every other socialist idea.

The Republican party already died in 1999 when they caved to Clinton on a "reduced spending growth" budget face off. All we have had since then is the smell of a rotting corpse. Just in case that was not the end of the party, Bush abandoned the winning campaign in Afghanistan on the brink of victory to start the never ending "war" on terror (except where it begins and is funded and is protected), and then again when they jumped on board en masse with Tarp and QE-Infinitum. Between 1999 and 2008 the Republican party committed suicide and forgot to stay dead. We should call it the Z(ombie)-Party and dispose of it as such.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-13-18, 14:32
Another move in Trumps master plan to hand over the whole government to the Democrats I’m sure.

04-13-18, 15:53
Another move in Trumps master plan to hand over the whole government to the Democrats I’m sure.

No that is the RNC master plan.

04-13-18, 23:12
And in True RINO fashion;


House Speaker Paul Ryan will push his open borders agenda during his last months in Congress, telling the media that he is interested in passing an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Ryan announced this week that he will leave Congress after his current term is up, but now he says he will continue pushing for a DACA amnesty despite his exit.
Ryan’s decision to continue pushing a DACA amnesty, even though he plans to exit Congress next year, is one of his many last-ditch efforts to move forward an unpopular Koch Brothers-approved agenda centered around tax reform, cuts to entitlements, free trade, and mass immigration.

While a DACA amnesty would reward illegal aliens enrolled in the program with a potential pathway to U.S. citizenship, it would come with tremendous costs for American citizens.

For example, a DACA amnesty would put more citizen children of illegal aliens — known as “anchor babies” — on federal welfare, as Breitbart News reported, while American taxpayers would be left potentially with a $26 billion bill.

Additionally, about one in five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one in seven would go on Medicaid.

Any plan to give amnesty to DACA illegal aliens that does not also include provisions to halve legal immigration levels — the U.S. admits more than one million legal immigrants a year at the expense of America’s working and middle class — would give amnestied illegal aliens the opportunity to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.

What a way to go out the door, bend the American Taxpayer over and give him the Koch

Brothers plan.

04-13-18, 23:35
And in True RINO fashion;


House Speaker Paul Ryan will push his open borders agenda during his last months in Congress, telling the media that he is interested in passing an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Ryan announced this week that he will leave Congress after his current term is up, but now he says he will continue pushing for a DACA amnesty despite his exit.
Ryan’s decision to continue pushing a DACA amnesty, even though he plans to exit Congress next year, is one of his many last-ditch efforts to move forward an unpopular Koch Brothers-approved agenda centered around tax reform, cuts to entitlements, free trade, and mass immigration.

While a DACA amnesty would reward illegal aliens enrolled in the program with a potential pathway to U.S. citizenship, it would come with tremendous costs for American citizens.

For example, a DACA amnesty would put more citizen children of illegal aliens — known as “anchor babies” — on federal welfare, as Breitbart News reported, while American taxpayers would be left potentially with a $26 billion bill.

Additionally, about one in five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one in seven would go on Medicaid.

Any plan to give amnesty to DACA illegal aliens that does not also include provisions to halve legal immigration levels — the U.S. admits more than one million legal immigrants a year at the expense of America’s working and middle class — would give amnestied illegal aliens the opportunity to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country.

What a way to go out the door, bend the American Taxpayer over and give him the Koch

Brothers plan.

So Boehner sells pot and Ryan sells free U.S. citizenship? Is this what the GOP has been reduced to?

04-14-18, 04:40
So Boehner sells pot and Ryan sells free U.S. citizenship? Is this what the GOP has been reduced to?

No that is the pinnacle of the RNC. The depths are McCain supporting Hillary and colluding with Dems as the Gang of Eight (yeah really honorable, trustworthy, incorruptible people call themselves a "gang", proudly). Boehner reminds me of gutless Dole who pilloried his fellow Repubs and fawned over his Democrat "opponent"...yeah another Clinton! Are all of these old geezer politicians spawned from the same she-devil??

04-14-18, 20:03
Why are so many Republicans jumping ship?? ( even the fake ones)

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Better to not run than lose the primary.

04-14-18, 20:32
Conservatives, Constitutional Loving, Bill of Rights reading, Conservatives need to wrest control of the GOP or drive a stake through it's heart and burn the entire Party down to ashes.
The complete an utter distrust and disgust I have for both Ryan and McConnel know no bounds, as a matter of fact the only one I can think of who is a bigger piece of a RINO's ass is McCain.
The problem as I see it is that there are no conservatives in the GOP until it is time to get reelected.
It's a shame when you have to choose between bad or worse for our Country as you stand in the voting booth.

04-14-18, 21:58
Another move in Trumps master plan to hand over the whole government to the Democrats I’m sure.

if anything could be the point when we know the right and left are buds look at so much way before trump came in

I reckon if anything its more like OK lets put all the blame on him so we can say we told you so !
we being the gov folks who want to control
the whole republican democrat thing is a big joke they are working together to control the poppers

04-15-18, 00:27
It's a shame when you have to choose between bad or worse for our Country as you stand in the voting booth.

It's sad, but damn true! I agree with everything else you said, but choosing between bad and worse is really starting to get old! We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't!

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-15-18, 00:40
All I know is the alleged Rinos kept obama and bush from getting a new AWB. Trump is already banning Russian rifles and soon bump stocks. I’m sure he will bend over on assault weapons as soon as he gets a chance and his drones will argue it is all part of his genius plan and we are all not “conservatives “ for not supporting him.

04-15-18, 07:42
It's sad, but damn true! I agree with everything else you said, but choosing between bad and worse is really starting to get old! We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't!

That's exactly what my wife and I felt this past election...

04-15-18, 09:50
All I know is the alleged Rinos kept obama and bush from getting a new AWB. Trump is already banning Russian rifles and soon bump stocks. I’m sure he will bend over on assault weapons as soon as he gets a chance and his drones will argue it is all part of his genius plan and we are all not “conservatives “ for not supporting him.

Please direct me to what specific firearm law (s) was enacted as a result of Trump.

04-15-18, 10:04
That's exactly what my wife and I felt this past election...

My father, in his elderly wisdom, said that we have devolved into a two party system- the party of evil and the party of stupid. The DNC is the evil party and the GOP is the party of stupid for letting the DNC run allover them.

04-15-18, 11:34
On the Subject of Bohener, I mean Ryan, afterall it is hard to pick out an individual RINO from the herd.
This from "Meet the Press";


“First of all, I don't think he should be fired,” Ryan reiterated. “I think he should be left to do his job, and I don't think they're really contemplating this. We’ve had plenty of conversations about this. It's not in the president's interest to do that. We have a rule of law system. No one is above that rule of law system.”

I'm really beginning to believe that Washington is a toxic battlefield. It doesn't matter what "Hero" we send, they end up like this.
Ryan didn't come in to office like this, he's changed, he's changed so much he no longer understand public service or what is at stake here. Someone said it earlier "Bohner is selling Pot and Ryan is selling US Citizenship." and the people they were elected to represent be damned, because somewhere in this is a sweetheart deal for both of them.'
After watching how the Clinton's have operated his entire adult life, Ryan can't see that this investigation is on some ways a diversion from draining the swamp and getting things back on the right track?
We've went from "Collusion" to "Russian Influence" and now on to raiding Cohen's office to remove Attorney-Client taped interviews that have nothing to do with this investigation and everything to do with undermining POTUS Trump.
I don't mind being judged for the bad things I've done in the next life, but to face the wrath of people who's guilt is obviously being overlooked while I am filleted in front of the entire world?
Don't think so.

04-15-18, 11:53
Please direct me to what specific firearm law (s) was enacted as a result of Trump.

Exactly. For now I still support Trump. However if he bans any class of firearms- you'll see me change my tune real quick.

26 Inf
04-15-18, 16:14
All I know is the alleged Rinos kept obama and bush from getting a new AWB. Trump is already banning Russian rifles and soon bump stocks. I’m sure he will bend over on assault weapons as soon as he gets a chance and his drones will argue it is all part of his genius plan and we are all not “conservatives “ for not supporting him.

Please direct me to what specific firearm law (s) was enacted as a result of Trump.

Not actually enacted, expanded: https://warisboring.com/trump-expands-on-what-obama-started-banning-russian-rifle-imports/

Not a law, but 'regulations: US President Donald Trump has signed a memo directing the Justice Department to propose regulations to "ban all devices" like the rapid-fire bump stocks involved in last year's Las Vegas massacre.


You haven't been awake if you don's see President Trump shifting all over the place on gun control, specifically an AWB. I though Feinstein was going to mount her broomstick and fly away when President Trump mentioned her AWB:

Perhaps most remarkably, Trump even made a comment that sent Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Democrat from California, into a fit of joy.

After Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) spoke about her desire to expand background checks with the aim of curbing domestic violence, Trump asked Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) if he could add her proposal to his bipartisan bill with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

“Dianne if you could add what you have also – and I think you can — into the bill,” Trump then suggested.

Well, as it turns out what Feinstein has is a ban assault weapons — a proposal that is anathema to Republican lawmakers and the NRA.

Feinstein’s response was positively giddy, and the Democrat pointed at Manchin and joked “Joe are you ready?”

“Joe can you do that?” Trump asked. “Can you add some of the things. I’ll help. Can you add what Amy and what Dianne have?”

“I’m going to say this,” Trump continued. “We’re going to get it passed.”

So, I think the jury is out on President Trump's support of Second Amendments Rights regarding our rifles. Or, he's senile.


04-15-18, 17:59
Not actually enacted, expanded: https://warisboring.com/trump-expands-on-what-obama-started-banning-russian-rifle-imports/

Not a law, but 'regulations: US President Donald Trump has signed a memo directing the Justice Department to propose regulations to "ban all devices" like the rapid-fire bump stocks involved in last year's Las Vegas massacre.


You haven't been awake if you don's see President Trump shifting all over the place on gun control, specifically an AWB. I though Feinstein was going to mount her broomstick and fly away when President Trump mentioned her AWB:

Perhaps most remarkably, Trump even made a comment that sent Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Democrat from California, into a fit of joy.

After Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) spoke about her desire to expand background checks with the aim of curbing domestic violence, Trump asked Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) if he could add her proposal to his bipartisan bill with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

“Dianne if you could add what you have also – and I think you can — into the bill,” Trump then suggested.

Well, as it turns out what Feinstein has is a ban assault weapons — a proposal that is anathema to Republican lawmakers and the NRA.

Feinstein’s response was positively giddy, and the Democrat pointed at Manchin and joked “Joe are you ready?”

“Joe can you do that?” Trump asked. “Can you add some of the things. I’ll help. Can you add what Amy and what Dianne have?”

“I’m going to say this,” Trump continued. “We’re going to get it passed.”

So, I think the jury is out on President Trump's support of Second Amendments Rights regarding our rifles. Or, he's senile.


Yep, once he signed the Omnibus bill I knew we'd been had. Fuggem all, every last one of them Democrat and Republican alike!