View Full Version : MO Gov: What is really going on?

04-11-18, 21:34

It sounds like the previous charges by the STL DA are pretty much BS. I didn't realize there was more.

The woman testified that during their first sexual encounter, Greitens held his penis near her face as she was "uncontrollably crying." She said she felt coerced into oral sex, and agreed with the statement that she "didn't feel necessarily able to leave without performing oral sex" and feared for her "physical self."

When I see 'first encounter', 'agreed with the statement' and 'didn't feel necessarily able to leave'- that sounds like a PoundMeToo running on the wild side.

Is this guy that toxic that the GOP state congress critters are moving ahead with this, or is that political cover for them? What is going on?

26 Inf
04-11-18, 22:53
Read his Wiki page, it has a fairly decent summary up to March 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Greitens

Also the last part of this pretty much explains what's at stake - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/23/opinion/eric-greitens-sex-scandal.html

My take - Greitens is way bright, he is a charismatic speaker. Not discounting his service when I say this: I think he has the whole 'humble brag' thing down pretty pat. That being said he has done a lot of good things since he got out of the Navy.

Personally, I've known a couple of holier than thou guys who behaved quite differently in their personal lives than they projected in public.

Greitens was a Democrat who switched to run for Governor. He is taking a page out of the Slick Willy playbook by denying he attempted to blackmail the woman and refusing to answer whether he took the photos - as in 'define sex, er, I mean blackmail.'

And a bunch of SEALS apparently are not on board with what they say are exagerations of his SEAL service: https://themissouritimes.com/27600/navy-seals-claim-credit-for-video-critical-of-greitens/

Here is their video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n80ED088t5A

Here is the campaign's rebuttal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5baUqF00hSo

Who knows what is true, all I can say is that with the shit that is usually going on in Kansas politics, it is nice to have our neighbors to the East taking some of the heat off us.

04-11-18, 23:04
After reading about three stories about this over the past six months it sounds very convoluted.
Nude pictures, intimidation, and extra marital affairs, then it turned in to a "he said she said". When it comes to this sort of thing, I usually give the woman the benefit of the doubt in cases of rape, but this sounds a lot more like an affair gone bad.
I was a single guy for a long time and in my experience if a woman is sketchy on what's going on;
she "didn't feel necessarily able to leave without performing oral sex"
Isn't usually a parting gift from a woman scorned or intimidated and doing that with someone who's really angry with you, doesn't sound like something a Rhodes Scholar kind of guy might think to be the wisest move.

04-13-18, 19:43
In the Press Confrence at the White House this was mentioned today.
Aparently some folks from Mo have sent the POTUS a letter suggesting that he speak directly to Greiten and ask him to step down. Being that he is the C&C they felt he would do so.
I'm doubting that's going to happen.....I mean, considering everything....

Coal Dragger
04-13-18, 22:12
LOL, they’re more likely to compare notes.