View Full Version : Pennsylvania under attack by gun grabbing Republicans and democrats.

04-12-18, 07:25
If you live in PA get writing calling

Starting this week, at the direction of Chairman Ron Marisco, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee held week-long “Public Safety – gun laws and violence” hearings regarding numerous pending firearms-related bills, which seek to restrict firearm rights in Pennsylvania in every regard from outright banning all semi-automatic firearms and high capacity magazines to banning any part that “accelerates the rate of fire of semi-automatic firearm[s].” More disconcerting than Chairman Marisco’s scheduling of these hearings is the fact that seemingly in violation of Article 1, Section 20 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, even though he acknowledges that they are “public hearings,” he specifically precluded interested parties in testifying regarding these bills and stated to Bobby Lawrence (former US Senate Candidate) that if others want a voice then let them do it through e-mails to legislators or by Letters to the Editor.

04-12-18, 08:34
I'm in the Philly burbs. The Commonwealth of PA's Constitution states, “The right of citizens to bear arms, in defence of themselves and the State, shall not be questioned”. The language is stronger than the U.S. Constitution. What these Leftist politicians are attempting to do is redefine semi automatic firearms as not being covered by the 2A, or the PA law. They are of course very wrong.

Alex V
04-12-18, 09:04
No safe state is safe right now.

04-12-18, 10:21
I'm in the Philly burbs. The Commonwealth of PA's Constitution states, “The right of citizens to bear arms, in defence of themselves and the State, shall not be questioned”. The language is stronger than the U.S. Constitution. What these Leftist politicians are attempting to do is redefine semi automatic firearms as not being covered by the 2A, or the PA law. They are of course very wrong.
They don't care about what the constitution states and the supreme court will say it's constitutional to have any gun ban they want

04-12-18, 10:22
It still blows my mind with Trump in office, and the number of republicans in office that we are running around like it’s 1993 with the worst threats to the 2A we have ever seen.

04-12-18, 10:45
It still blows my mind with Trump in office, and the number of republicans in office that we are running around like it’s 1993 with the worst threats to the 2A we have ever seen.

It's because the Bipartisan Deep State knows they've turned us into a powder keg, and don't want us able to push back when it all blows up and they bring the Fourth Reich into the open. (Godwintards can eat my rancid, flatulent ass; I know full well what Godwin's politics are and how he crafted his little "law" to try to muzzle the voice of History.)

04-12-18, 11:32
If gun control wins out in Penn’s forested land, we are in deep shit as a country. Even the democrats that I knew when I lived in PA were pro-2a. As already stated, with the state constitution being written as it is, if gun control passes muster, then words on documents becomes meaningless.

04-12-18, 14:27
If gun control wins out in Penn’s forested land, we are in deep shit as a country. Even the democrats that I knew when I lived in PA were pro-2a. As already stated, with the state constitution being written as it is, if gun control passes muster, then words on documents becomes meaningless.
Sounds like it's getting very close to using the second amendment for it's true intentions

04-12-18, 14:33
times like this I often wonder what the Romans would have been saying on forums :)

or the Russians before the fall etc...

04-12-18, 14:43
It still blows my mind with Trump in office, and the number of republicans in office that we are running around like it’s 1993 with the worst threats to the 2A we have ever seen.

Sure seems like it doesn't it? It's a damn shame the Tea Party hasn't taken over as the voice of the right in America.

04-12-18, 15:26
They do this a lot. It's concerning, no doubt, but this happens all the time here in PA. Hopefully this time it's the same, and the worst bills don't make it out of committee. I've already written to my rep and senator and both stated they have no intention of voting for any gun ban. Now, I don't trust politicians as far as I can throw them, but it's not over yet.

04-12-18, 16:21
times like this I often wonder what the Romans would have been saying on forums :)

Magis placet, panem et circenses!

Sure seems like it doesn't it? It's a damn shame the Tea Party hasn't taken over as the voice of the right in America.

I backed Rand Paul until he withdrew his candidacy, I voted for Ted Cruz in our states GOP primary and he won the state. Not much more I could have done to see a Tea Party conservative have a shot at the White House.

04-12-18, 17:46
The Left in the US is working overtime on Gun Control because they think Trump is damaged goods. Even in their twisted minds, they have figured out we have no articulate champion for the 2nd Amendment unless it's prominent NRA people or the likes of Tucker Carlson.

It's all going down at the State level with the attacks coming piecemeal, a little at a time. States Rights and all that.

04-12-18, 18:57
The Left in the US is working overtime on Gun Control because they think Trump is damaged goods. Even in their twisted minds, they have figured out we have no articulate champion for the 2nd Amendment unless it's prominent NRA people or the likes of Tucker Carlson.

It's all going down at the State level with the attacks coming piecemeal, a little at a time. States Rights and all that.
They're also racing a clock having to get what they can set up before Notorious RBG finally strokes out... because if that happens, it goes from 4-3 against us with two judicial-transgenders switch-hitting (Drunken Oaf Kennedy and Barry's Little Bitch Roberts) to 4-3 FOR albeit still with two wild cards. Of course, if Kennedy retires at end-of-term as rumors indicate... then if Trump does his part again like Gorsuch that would make present 4-1-4 and post-RBG 3-1-5.

We get that, we maybe get a chance for Thomas and Alito to ramrod Cert through and play for All The Marbles on our terms. Of course, with how lower courts thumbed their noses at SCOTUS on temporary travel restrictions from designated nations, that may not mean much anyway...

04-12-18, 19:37
No safe state is safe right now.

That's what it looks like, sounds like the 2A community needs to be in preliminary strategy stages right now for the next Battle of Lexington and Concord.

04-12-18, 21:27
Magis placet, panem et circenses!

I backed Rand Paul until he withdrew his candidacy, I voted for Ted Cruz in our states GOP primary and he won the state. Not much more I could have done to see a Tea Party conservative have a shot at the White House.

I backed Rand Paul in our primary too. I know I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, and I'm pretty sure I voted for Rand Paul in the primary (I think he was still running then).

I had to hold my nose and vote for Trump in the election, but damn if the RINO Republicans haven't shown their true colors since then.

04-13-18, 09:15
Grew up in Western Pa and when I go back for visits etc, my cousins & family are against ownership of AR's and high capacity magazines. They are hunters and when they visit the range they shoot their hunting revolvers and long guns.

They aren't on our side and have the attitude you only need one round for hunting. As I have stated many times, if the hunters & shooters don't join together, we will lose our 2A rights.

How friggin sad!

04-13-18, 09:19
Grew up in Western Pa and when I go back for visits etc, my cousins & family are against ownership of AR's and high capacity magazines. They are hunters and when they visit the range they shoot their hunting revolvers and long guns.

They aren't on our side and have the attitude you only need one round for hunting. As I have stated many times, if the hunters & shooters don't join together, we will lose our 2A rights.

How friggin sad!

Won't happen until Elmer Fudd feels the pain... at which time it's too late for us.

04-13-18, 11:00
It's all going down at the State level with the attacks coming piecemeal, a little at a time. States Rights and all that.

Gun control, and the right to keep and bear arms is not a "state's rights issue". The states all AGREED to abide by the Constitution, and the 2A when they became states. Any gun control laws states, or cities pass is ILLEGAL, and unconstitutional. Why courts don't strike all these laws down is beyond all logic, and reason.

Why don't the courts do the Reasonable, and Common Sense thing?

04-13-18, 11:02
Grew up in Western Pa and when I go back for visits etc, my cousins & family are against ownership of AR's and high capacity magazines. They are hunters and when they visit the range they shoot their hunting revolvers and long guns.

They aren't on our side and have the attitude you only need one round for hunting. As I have stated many times, if the hunters & shooters don't join together, we will lose our 2A rights.

How friggin sad!

There are A LOT of Fudds in PA. You may want to remind them the Second Amendment is not about hunting. There is no "sporting purpose" clause in the 2A like many politicians want you to believe.

04-13-18, 12:39
They're also racing a clock having to get what they can set up before Notorious RBG finally strokes out... because if that happens, it goes from 4-3 against us with two judicial-transgenders switch-hitting (Drunken Oaf Kennedy and Barry's Little Bitch Roberts) to 4-3 FOR albeit still with two wild cards. Of course, if Kennedy retires at end-of-term as rumors indicate... then if Trump does his part again like Gorsuch that would make present 4-1-4 and post-RBG 3-1-5.

We get that, we maybe get a chance for Thomas and Alito to ramrod Cert through and play for All The Marbles on our terms. Of course, with how lower courts thumbed their noses at SCOTUS on temporary travel restrictions from designated nations, that may not mean much anyway...

We need ARs to be conferred holy status and then it is just mopping up in the lower courts then. Paperwork here, whining on the left there.

Frankly, I think mags are the real issue. We may end up with AWs, but 10 round mags. I agree, states are where the game is right now, waiting for the epic SCOTUS decision.

04-13-18, 12:43
Gun control, and the right to keep and bear arms is not a "state's rights issue". The states all AGREED to abide by the Constitution, and the 2A when they became states. Any gun control laws states, or cities pass is ILLEGAL, and unconstitutional. Why courts don't strike all these laws down is beyond all logic, and reason.

Why don't the courts do the Reasonable, and Common Sense thing?

Because there is an agenda.

States rights get squashed all the time, just ask states trying to defend their international borders, require voters to have a valid photo ID, et al.