View Full Version : For God's sake, buy a cup of coffee....

04-17-18, 20:00
Watched the whole video. Cops showed incredible restraint.

-I'm a middle aged white guy and I know I can't just go in and sit down with out buying anything.
-The white guy that got lippy should have gotten a ride in the name of equality.
-You are being questioned by the cops and you are screwing around on your phone?
-No one reached in their pocket to get a brother a cup of coffee or a scone?

Whole thing takes over 10 minutes. Why it lasted more than a minute, I don't know. They didn't buy anything and were asked to leave. They didn't leave. How many pretty's do you have to put in front of the please?

The beauty is that this isn't a Chik-fil-a, its the high Church of Progressives where they get their daily dispensation along with the body and blood.

Want to have fun, run their rap sheets....

All I know is, Starbucks is going to get pretty smelly with all the homeless people that now know that Starbucks is a free-for-all.

How much creamer can you drink.


Interesting video by a former cop.


04-17-18, 20:54
I'm pissed that starbutt is bending over and having their re-education camp for their employees in May. I rarely buy their coffee as I think $4 or more for a cup of coffee is a bit much. Believe it or not I probably buy their high priced coffee 3 or 4 times a YEAR !

It's outrageous to see a line of cars backing out into the main road lining up to go through the drive through kiosk at starbutt for their machlattechinochaiskinnyfrappe.

Well my 3 or 4 cup a year just got cut down to at least half or less. BTW, I'm 0 for starbutt this year.

04-17-18, 21:01
I haven't been there but once in my life. Don't think I'd be doing much more now. Not that I was planning on anyway.

04-17-18, 21:16
I don't buy there as I really dislike their coffee. And I am a coffee junkie. But I found the irony of this event really entertaining

04-17-18, 22:06
Just another reason to patronize local places with true gourmet coffee. I just drink it black with an occaisional shot of espresso if I’m dragging. Starbutts seems to only offer “blends” - quality beans mixed with who knows what. Well meaning loved
ones keep giving me gift cards so I bring guests along to use them up quickly.

04-17-18, 22:06
If I'm meeting someone for coffee in order to have a meeting or a friendly chat, I don't expect this to happen to the people I'm going to meet.
If it was in reference to some sort of construction work those guys might be dressed for work, not making Yuppies comfortable.
I've had their coffee, it's not worth all this drama.

04-18-18, 00:11
More entitlement BS.

04-18-18, 01:56
Charbucks sucks as in flavor quality etc...

But it’s like McDonalds

crap people who don’t know

Do think it’s funny being who what they are but they used to be ok with folks just hanging out did not know they changed it
Ironic is for the idiots they hire would like to see surveillance tape but why bother hahahahahahaah

04-18-18, 07:09
-I'm a middle aged white guy and I know I can't just go in and sit down with out buying anything.

Me too, and I live in the suburbs of this city. However, I've walked into plenty of places and not bought anything. Usually for the same reason they did. I was waiting for someone. Never had a problem. Friend shows up with 5-10 min and orders are placed. .

When it comes to Starbucks I see it often. People just sitting around on their laptops or phones, or with a book and no coffee or food in hand. Starbucks here have always been a place where people just hangout. Especially in that area. It's a huge business area with lots of yuppies who work and live near by. Not to mention several hospital campuses, expensive 5 star restaurants and steps away from city hall. If you're a college kid or a young millionaire it's the place to live and work

Agree with the rest of it

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04-18-18, 07:36
Just another reason to patronize local places with true gourmet coffee. I just drink it black with an occaisional shot of espresso if I’m dragging. Starbutts seems to only offer “blends” - quality beans mixed with who knows what. Well meaning loved
ones keep giving me gift cards so I bring guests along to use them up quickly.

Give them to homeless people...

The most amazing thing is that the concentration of attention is on how good the Starbucks microagression or implicit bias training is.

I've said it before; if I end up in white privilege training, I'm going to get up and walk out. If asked why, I'll say that if there is white privilege, I don't have to stay. If I have to stay, that means there is no white privilege, so we all get to leave.

Implicit bias, gender training, income inequality. We are past 'first world problems'. Past 'white people problems'. We are in the 'looking for problems'.

04-18-18, 07:59
Weren't they in there for something like 4 hours before being asked to leave, first by employees then by the cops? Pretty sure that still falls under trespassing.
Private property rights and all that....

Doc Safari
04-18-18, 09:10
I have zero sympathy for anti-gun StarF**ks.

I'm also hoping the entitlement mentality, and "you're racist if you don't kowtow to us" attitude will lead to such a backlash that leftists will start leaving the US in droves so we real Americans can finally clean the country up.

04-18-18, 09:19
I rarely buy their coffee as I think $4 or more for a cup of coffee is a bit much.

Let's get this straight. A 16 oz cup of coffee is $2.10 at Starbucks, not $4. That's about twice as much as gas station coffee, but it is also ten times as good.

Coal Dragger
04-18-18, 13:26
I can make good coffee at home for a hell of a lot less. Plus I don’t have to drink it in the company of hipsters, libtards, and other understandables.

04-18-18, 14:05
I use Starbucks for meetings all the time. Half the time I never buy anything there and have never been asked to leave.

04-18-18, 14:48
Weren't they in there for something like 4 hours before being asked to leave, first by employees then by the cops? Pretty sure that still falls under trespassing.
Private property rights and all that....

Good Q, but seems we are short on facts and long on race bating BS with this one. Other then the manager asking them to leave and calling the po po when they didn't, I have not seen any real time lines, etc on this thing.

04-18-18, 14:54
I use Starbucks for meetings all the time. Half the time I never buy anything there and have never been asked to leave.

That's key to what I was saying earlier.
If I was meeting someone at Starbucks and was running late, the last thing I would want to see is the guys I was meeting being perp walked out the door because I was late.
If someone in your business is making you uncomfortable by their presence, maybe you should be nice and ask whats going on? I worked construction in my younger days and likely as not looked like a bum while wearing my work clothes.
I think if you combine the facts together and let the chips fall where they may, well, it might have been about race.

04-18-18, 15:11
That's key to what I was saying earlier.
If I was meeting someone at Starbucks and was running late, the last thing I would want to see is the guys I was meeting being perp walked out the door because I was late.
If someone in your business is making you uncomfortable by their presence, maybe you should be nice and ask whats going on? I worked construction in my younger days and likely as not looked like a bum while wearing my work clothes.
I think if you combine the facts together and let the chips fall where they may, well, it might have been about race.

Honestly it probably was about race given how people usually use Starbucks and How Starbucks usually doesn't care.

That being said none of the fault falls on the Officers. It doesn't matter why someone is trespassed, once they are they need to leave. If the reason is discriminatory that falls under civil not criminal law. The officers don't have discretion is removing someone, and they asked the people to leave a number of times. They should have left and then filed a complaint against the store once the police were involved.

04-18-18, 15:25
hahahahahahahahah OH I love that :) would be so funny to do and see what happens
Give them to homeless people...

The most amazing thing is that the concentration of attention is on how good the Starbucks microagression or implicit bias training is.

I've said it before; if I end up in white privilege training, I'm going to get up and walk out. If asked why, I'll say that if there is white privilege, I don't have to stay. If I have to stay, that means there is no white privilege, so we all get to leave.

Implicit bias, gender training, income inequality. We are past 'first world problems'. Past 'white people problems'. We are in the 'looking for problems'.

04-18-18, 15:26
Let's get this straight. A 16 oz cup of coffee is $2.10 at Starbucks, not $4. That's about twice as much as gas station coffee, but it is also ten times as good.

you have never had good coffee then :) hahahahahah

04-18-18, 16:23
Weren't they in there for something like 4 hours before being asked to leave, first by employees then by the cops? Pretty sure that still falls under trespassing.
Private property rights and all that....

Honestly it probably was about race given how people usually use Starbucks and How Starbucks usually doesn't care.

That being said none of the fault falls on the Officers. It doesn't matter why someone is trespassed, once they are they need to leave. If the reason is discriminatory that falls under civil not criminal law. The officers don't have discretion is removing someone, and they asked the people to leave a number of times. They should have left and then filed a complaint against the store once the police were involved.

I think that asking for the bathroom code and not paying raised their profile. We don't know if they acted snitty to the workers about it. If they had just come in and sat down and waited, especially a few minutes, they probably wouldn't have had a problem. "We are waiting for our friend to order."

Something seems amiss here. Like the title says, buy a cup of coffee. Leave when asked. I agree that the arresting them seems really bad, but these guys brought it on themselves and had at least 4 different way to beat the ride.

I can't imagine sitting there and refusing to leave 3 times when asked by the cops. When you know you are in the wrong. I'd like to see security footage of the street. Their friend showing up just as they are arrested is interesting timing.

Doc Safari
04-18-18, 16:25
I think that asking for the bathroom code and not paying raised their profile. We don't know if they acted snitty to the workers about it. If they had just come in and sat down and waited, especially a few minutes, they probably wouldn't have had a problem. "We are waiting for our friend to order."

Something seems amiss here. Like the title says, buy a cup of coffee. Leave when asked. I agree that the arresting them seems really bad, but these guys brought it on themselves and had at least 4 different way to beat the ride.

I can't imagine sitting there and refusing to leave 3 times when asked by the cops. When you know you are in the wrong. I'd like to see security footage of the street. Their friend showing up just as they are arrested is interesting timing.

It reeks of a setup, that's for sure. Everybody in retail had better watch their six: this may be the new lefty tactic for disrupting things.

04-18-18, 16:33
It reeks of a setup, that's for sure. Everybody in retail had better watch their six: this may be the new lefty tactic for disrupting things.

Like I said, the funny thing is that they went after Starbucks. That means that they are more profit than cause oriented. The only place holier than Starbucks is Whole Foods.

If you are black, go in there, get a buffet plate full and eat it with out paying.

Doc Safari
04-18-18, 16:34
Like I said, the funny thing is that they went after Starbucks. That means that they are more profit than cause oriented. The only place holier than Starbucks is Whole Foods.

If you are black, go in there, get a buffet plate full and eat it with out paying.

It just smells of someone trying to set up confrontations that end in violence against blacks by the cops or something to further the Black Lives Matter movement.

04-18-18, 16:44
I think that asking for the bathroom code and not paying raised their profile. We don't know if they acted snitty to the workers about it. If they had just come in and sat down and waited, especially a few minutes, they probably wouldn't have had a problem. "We are waiting for our friend to order."

Something seems amiss here. Like the title says, buy a cup of coffee. Leave when asked. I agree that the arresting them seems really bad, but these guys brought it on themselves and had at least 4 different way to beat the ride.

I can't imagine sitting there and refusing to leave 3 times when asked by the cops. When you know you are in the wrong. I'd like to see security footage of the street. Their friend showing up just as they are arrested is interesting timing.

have not read much but I also think it could be a setup like Doc said above
totally %100 would believe so
acting like idiots being rude and so on just to hope this happens and get a huge lawsuit payout over racism etc..

anymore so much of the so called hate/racial crime is fake and setup we are finding out
unless it happens to a white guy or conservatives then its crickets

04-18-18, 18:50
It just smells of someone trying to set up confrontations that end in violence against blacks by the cops or something to further the Black Lives Matter movement.

Has this been linked to BLM?
Do any of the Attorneys have associations or links to BLM?
Has anyone asked for a settlement?
Maybe it's a bit of Socialist Progressive Hipster Coffee snob Corporate big wigs vs BLM?

Or did a couple of lower middle class blue collar working stiffs waiting for a meeting make some liberal college students and Soccer Mom's nervous?

I really don't care how this turns out in my opinion, if it is BLM vs a Socialist Progressive Company that pushes over priced crap, they deserve each other.

If it's a couple of working stiffs that got treated like crap, a story got spun and caused all hell to break loose, well good on them

04-18-18, 19:29
you have never had good coffee then :) hahahahahah

Second that..I've been to starbucks exactly once..coffee tasted like they used somebodys dirty socks as a filter, I dumped it out while stopped for a red light.. Worse coffee I ever drank, period. I'll never go back..

04-18-18, 20:00
I'll just leave this here:


26 Inf
04-18-18, 20:29
I use Starbucks for meetings all the time. Half the time I never buy anything there and have never been asked to leave.

That's where we differ, if I go into a convenience store and use their restroom, I always buy something, seems the right thing to do.

I couldn't imagine holding a meeting in a restaurant/coffee shop and not buying something.

04-18-18, 20:55
The only time I don’t feel guilty about not buying something is when I’m on a driving trip and I eat at McDs and make a pit stop at another one later.

04-19-18, 04:34
I love the internet....:cool:


04-19-18, 10:41
Looks like it may have been a set up.


Doc Safari
04-19-18, 10:44
Looks like it may have been a set up.



04-19-18, 10:50
Probably a new twist on race based (bait) extortion. There's gotta be some palm greasing happening soon.

04-19-18, 11:18
Looks like it may have been a set up.


Not that I expect actual journalism from the American Thinker but nothing in that article provides evidence of a set up

Doc Safari
04-19-18, 11:20
Not that I expect actual journalism from the American Thinker but nothing in that article provides evidence of a set up

Be that as it may don't you think there are just too many coincidences?

04-19-18, 11:39
Be that as it may don't you think there are just too many coincidences?

There aren’t really many coincidences unless you really want them to be there. You know that lots people still act in racist ways right?

04-19-18, 11:39
Names were released

Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson

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Doc Safari
04-19-18, 11:40
There aren’t really many coincidences unless you really want them to be there. You know that lots people still act in racist ways right?

Of course. And that happens on both sides.

04-19-18, 12:02
I should stress my discontent with starbutt from my original response.

I am for every business to make money. The more the better. I don't have any problem with starbutt selling buckets of overpriced coffee. This is not about the taste of their coffee, that's a different subject.
I am NOT for people using a business location to conduct any kind of business WITHOUT imbursing such business. Whether it's starbutt or any other coffee shop, if I'm there to hangout with a friend or meeting someone on business, I'll buy something AND I'll leave when I'm done.
I do NOT condone what the two bums did. I applaud the manager for throwing them out.
I do not however support their corporation for firing or asking the manager to resign.
I do not agree with their corporation to have a reeducation day for their employees so they can be kinder toward bums and troublemakers.

Where does that stop? what is the next business establishment that will have this happen to them?

So my "boycott" if you can call cutting my 3 or 4 visit a year, to less or none, is done reluctantly, not against the rank and file employees but the corporation and their lawyers.

04-19-18, 12:37
Of course. And that happens on both sides.

And at this point, there's not an excuse for it.
As if we as a Nation aren't divided enough, we have this type of stuff going on.
If it's a set up and Starbucks took the bait, oh well, they deserve each other.
If it's not a set up and pure coincidence that these guys innocently chose Starbucks to wait for a friend, oh well, Starbucks deserve the negative attention.
Ask yourself in either case, "What's really been achieved?"
Pretty much some Karma.
They wanted to be "The Place" for social justice hipsters to hang out, they've just shown us the soft underbelly of that movement.
Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy.

04-19-18, 14:03
I can not stand dark roast and I think that's all they have and their prices are awful. I just want good black coffee; sometimes I want cream in it but not all that other BS. It's a cup of coffee! I saw this clip last week and almost pissed myself, he is spot on!


Coal Dragger
04-19-18, 14:17
I prefer dark roasts, but aside from some cream and a bit of sugar all the other shit can stay out of my coffee.

04-19-18, 15:16
I prefer dark roasts, but aside from some cream and a bit of sugar all the other shit can stay out of my coffee.

If we're talking about what we prefer for coffee, this is the best damn coffee recipe on planet earth ==> Bomb Proof Coffee (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?175186-Bomb-Proof-Coffee)

04-19-18, 15:22
I prefer dark roasts, but aside from some cream and a bit of sugar all the other shit can stay out of my coffee.

I used to drink dark roasts because I thought it had more caffeine. I was told I had it backwards by someone working in the industry. Who knows. I like the light roast when I have a choice.


04-19-18, 15:31
I used to drink dark roasts because I thought it had more caffeine. I was told I had it backwards by someone working in the industry. Who knows. I like the light roast when I have a choice.


Light roast definitely has more caffeine but I thought the same as well. I think it’s the fact that we associate darker coffee with strength because too many people make their coffee too weak and it looks lighter that way. Once you get used to a good light roast you won’t want to go back, it’s more finicky I’ve found (grind size and whatnot) but the flavor profiles are way more interesting imo.

Another misconception is espresso has more caffeine in it but properly made drip coffee is way stronger (at typical consumption volumes). I think Starbucks is trash but back in my consulting days we drank tons of it since it is what you found in airports and hotels. I could easily drink a quad americano and hardly notice but a large drip coffee would have me twitching.

04-19-18, 15:58
Not that I expect actual journalism from the American Thinker but nothing in that article provides evidence of a set up

That's why I said "MAY" be a set up. But gee, what a great thing it was that a race huckster just happen to be there to get the whole thing on video.

04-19-18, 16:00
There aren’t really many coincidences unless you really want them to be there. You know that lots people still act in racist ways right?

Lot's of people you say? How bout you, do act in racist ways? Or is it just "them".

04-19-18, 16:39
Lot's of people you say? How bout you, do act in racist ways? Or is it just "them".

Tom criticizing people as holier than thou, can’t make that up

04-19-18, 16:40
I prefer dark roasts, but aside from some cream and a bit of sugar all the other shit can stay out of my coffee.

Are we still really talking about coffee?

04-20-18, 00:04
Mine has to contain chicory.

04-20-18, 02:36
Tom criticizing people as holier than thou, can’t make that up

Holier than thou? It's seems to me that that's the pot calling the kettle black. I'm pretty sure I've had a pretty good look at my many faults. Please tell me about all those many people acting like racists out there some more.

You know I can understand your criticism of AT. But then again everyone has a bias, don't they. AT may not be "good" journalism to you, but at least they are conservative and don't despise Christians. And I've never known them to put out bald face lies. You know like stuff that the MSM and journalism like Salon, GQ, Rolling Stone and the other Marxist driven media put out on a daily basis. And when it comes to this forum you have to put on a thick skin just to keep your coffee down when soft leftists spew their drivel.

Criticizing me for criticizing you and complaining about it just seems a bit like you're unaware. You can't make that up either.