View Full Version : Democrat party sinks to new lows

Doc Safari
04-20-18, 10:44

Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign

The Democratic National Committee filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit Friday against the Russian government, the Trump campaign and the WikiLeaks organization alleging a far-reaching conspiracy to disrupt the 2016 campaign and tilt the election to Donald Trump.

The complaint, filed in federal district court in Manhattan, alleges that top Trump campaign officials conspired with the Russian government and its military spy agency to hurt Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and help Trump by hacking the computer networks of the Democratic Party and disseminating stolen material found there.

“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russia launched an all-out assault on our democracy, and it found a willing and active partner in Donald Trump’s campaign,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.

“This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for President of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency,” he said.

The case asserts that the Russian hacking campaign — combined with Trump associates’ contacts with Russia and the campaign’s public cheerleading of the hacks — amounted to an illegal conspiracy to interfere in the election that caused serious damage to the Democratic Party.

My take:

YOU LOST. YOU LOST. YOU LOST. YOU LOST. Learn it; live it; BE it.

04-20-18, 10:54
The people running the DNC are giving the tyrants running N. Korea and ISIS a run for their money on who are the worst people on the planet.

04-20-18, 11:24
DNC... because everyone gets a trophy!

04-20-18, 11:32
1. This is pretty much and admission to the fact that Meuller isn't going to find anything.

2. It is all about discovery. They want to be able to start going through all these GOP files, and some judge will let them.

3. Do they REALLY want to start to play this game? With all the Fusion GPS and links to press people that probably pollute their email on online communications?

They can't 'candidate'. (Hillary)

They can't legislate. (Don't POTUS, Congress)

They can't investigate. (Meuller has found squat.)

The ponitificate isn't working.

Now they turn to litigate.

04-20-18, 11:32
The people running the DNC are giving the tyrants running N. Korea and ISIS a run for their money on who are the worst people on the planet.

And further alienating themselves from middle America.

Doc Safari
04-20-18, 14:47
And further alienating themselves from middle America.

Case in point: I just found this article where the DNC wants "reparations" to be apart of their platform:


The Democratic Party is looking to include reparations in their 2022 platform, along with Medicare for all United States residents, and free higher education that is fully paid for by American taxpayers.

And for those of you who don't believe what Breitbart posts, here's another source:


A wealthy Democratic donor club plotting the future of the liberal movement hopes to be fighting for reparations by 2022, according to a document obtained by the Washington Free Beacon from the Democracy Alliance's spring conference this week in Atlanta.

The desire was stated in the invitation for a Monday reception during the annual spring gathering, which was attended by top Democratic Party officials such as DNC chairman Tom Perez, former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, and Reps. Raul Grijalva (Ariz.) and Mark Pocan (Wis.).

The reception, "Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party," was presented as a look forward at what's possible if Democrats can be effective in coming elections.

"It's 2022 and we are celebrating policy victories across the nation: Medicare for All and Free College, and next on the agenda is Reparations," the group projected, according to an invitation to the event.

"Take a ride in our time machine to hear from the true political geniuses who made this happen," it says.

Representatives for the DNC, which had a substantial presence at this week’s conference, did not respond to a request for comment on whether it thinks a push for policies such as reparations would be politically wise for the party.

My take: the only way the Democrat party wins is through cheating, thuggery, intimidation, lying, stealing elections, demagoguery, and the expansion of the Free Shit Army.

04-20-18, 14:52
Republicans would be playing the same game if Hillary won. It's politics, that's what they do.

04-20-18, 15:47
Republicans would be playing the same game if Hillary won. It's politics, that's what they do.

Really? I don't have much of a fondness for Republicans, but I don't see them doing something like this. It just isn't and hasn't been their MO.

04-20-18, 16:20
Republicans would be playing the same game if Hillary won. It's politics, that's what they do.

No, actually they are more adept at dropping their pants and bending over en mass.

04-20-18, 16:31
Case in point: I just found this article where the DNC wants "reparations" to be apart of their platform:


And for those of you who don't believe what Breitbart posts, here's another source:


My take: the only way the Democrat party wins is through cheating, thuggery, intimidation, lying, stealing elections, demagoguery, and the expansion of the Free Shit Army.

The only way the American people can win, involves using the Second Amendment.

I absolutely support reparations. You show me a living person that was a slave in the USA, give them a billion dollars.

On the other hand, the day reparations are forced on me as a way to give my money to any group of people based on wrongs done hundreds of years ago I will be done paying income tax.

Bubba FAL
04-20-18, 17:23
The only way the American people can win, involves using the Second Amendment.

I absolutely support reparations. You show me a living person that was a slave in the USA, give them a billion dollars.

On the other hand, the day reparations are forced on me as a way to give my money to any group of people based on wrongs done hundreds of years ago I will be done paying income tax.

This. My ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery was legal, so why do I somehow owe someone reparations? They can kiss my white butt, then foad.

Doc Safari
04-20-18, 17:27
This. My ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery was legal, so why do I somehow owe someone reparations? They can kiss my white butt, then foad.

I have Irish ancestors who were indentured servants. Do I get reparations?

04-20-18, 20:16
reckon they trace down all the black slave owners and make them pay william ellison had over 60 slaves !
our family had none !!!

what about the over 170 black slave owners in South Carolina alone

how about we just go after the first horrid racist who wanted to register his slaves anothy johnson who they are trying to wipe as the first registered slave owner I notice wiki has change the info and lefty snopes said not really there were other registered but NO he was the first quite proud of it to

the lefty and wiki snopes are changing history big time

04-21-18, 11:42
1. This is pretty much and admission to the fact that Meuller isn't going to find anything.

2. It is all about discovery. They want to be able to start going through all these GOP files, and some judge will let them.

3. Do they REALLY want to start to play this game? With all the Fusion GPS and links to press people that probably pollute their email on online communications?

They can't 'candidate'. (Hillary)

They can't legislate. (Don't POTUS, Congress)

They can't investigate. (Meuller has found squat.)

The ponitificate isn't working.

Now they turn to litigate.

Discovery is a two-way street, and Trump has smart Lawyers.
This is a scam to get donors excited about the mid-term elections.

04-21-18, 12:14
Discovery is a two-way street, and Trump has smart Lawyers.
This is a scam to get donors excited about the mid-term elections.

Just as a side note;
Comey and McCabe have been in the legal field or the upper ends of Law Enforcement for their entire lives.
It took about 48 hours of pressure and some heavy revelations concerning what these two Muppets have been up to during the Obama administration and the post Trump election fiasco for them to turn on each other like two weasels caught in the same trap.
Apply pressure and don't let them up to catch a breath, call out the MSM on their BS and all the sudden the entire house of cards will fall around them as they try to save themselves from prison.
And on that note;
Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently told the White House he might have to leave his job if President Trump fired his deputy, Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the exchange.
Sessions made his position known in a phone call to White House counsel Donald McGahn last weekend, as Trump’s fury at Rosenstein peaked after the deputy attorney general approved the FBI’s raid April 9 on the president’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.

In my opinion, I would take that to heart for about two F'ing seconds and tell Sessions "Your Fired !"
Lets see if his bestest buddy Rosenstien feels the same way about Sessions.
It would be a rather definitive litmus test for the loyalties of both of them.

04-21-18, 12:22
Just as a side note;
Comey and McCabe have been in the legal field or the upper ends of Law Enforcement for their entire lives.
It took about 48 hours of pressure and some heavy revelations concerning what these two Muppets have been up to during the Obama administration and the post Trump election fiasco for them to turn on each other like two weasels caught in the same trap.
Apply pressure and don't let them up to catch a breath, call out the MSM on their BS and all the sudden the entire house of cards will fall around them as they try to save themselves from prison.
And on that note;
Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently told the White House he might have to leave his job if President Trump fired his deputy, Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the exchange.
Sessions made his position known in a phone call to White House counsel Donald McGahn last weekend, as Trump’s fury at Rosenstein peaked after the deputy attorney general approved the FBI’s raid April 9 on the president’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.

In my opinion, I would take that to heart for about two F'ing seconds and tell Sessions "Your Fired !"
Lets see if his bestest buddy Rosenstien feels the same way about Sessions.
It would be a rather definitive litmus test for the loyalties of both of them.

Washington Post is CNN sister! No credibility what so ever in my book based on past articles that turned out false!

04-21-18, 13:01
The other day I read an article saying that HRC knew that she was unlikable but decided that it wasn't a big deal if people didn't like her. She felt that more people didn't like Trump and as long as she could keep her numbers steady at 40% she would win the presidency. Her campaign manager had pressed her to be herself and quit pandering and she said that the voters wanted someone who was in tune with the current world. Per HRC, Trump was the enemy and the DNC needed to pull people away from Trump and did whatever they could to make that happen. Problem is, Trump was more likable than HRC.

That's pretty sad: When more people identify with a billionaire who fly's his own personal Boeing 757 than a career politician. I mean, Trump would fly his helicopter into a fair, put on his make America great again hat, start eating corn dogs and most people say "he is just like me".

04-21-18, 21:21
Discovery is a two-way street, and Trump has smart Lawyers.
This is a scam to get donors excited about the mid-term elections.

1) Earned media opportunity. Posting this is exactly the primary DNC payoff. Congrats on doing just what they wanted.
2) Pushing turnout in the midterms, especially fundraising now in the base.
3) internal DNC power play for the Ellison and way-left faction to throw away the gloves. Remember how the Nuclear Option worked our for Harry Reid? Saul Alinski acolytes don’t care.
4) Discovery goes both ways as noted, which actually might be the Bernie acolytes goal.... Get the GOP to do the dirty work against the establishment and Blue Dog remnants.

04-24-18, 21:25
Something big is going to drop soon referred to simply as the MOAB of all drops. I have read some hints what it pertains to and if they let this stuff go public it's going to change everything. The patriots working behind the scenes are dismantling their entire global cabal. The evil elites are in total panic, they got their insiders working overtime.

Incoming MOAB, duck and cover
Apr 24 2018 17:38:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5155b4 1173273 NEW
Red carpet event tonight?
State dinner.
What will the texts reveal?
MOAB or precursor?


Straight Shooter
04-24-18, 21:54
Something big is going to drop soon referred to simply as the MOAB of all drops. I have read some hints what it pertains to and if they let this stuff go public it's going to change everything. The patriots working behind the scenes are dismantling their entire global cabal. The evil elites are in total panic, they got their insiders working overtime.

Incoming MOAB, duck and cover
Apr 24 2018 17:38:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5155b4 1173273 NEW
Red carpet event tonight?
State dinner.
What will the texts reveal?
MOAB or precursor?


I pray it's so.

04-24-18, 22:27
It won’t be so.

This is like the other side thinking that the piss tape is coming out tomorrow.

04-24-18, 22:34
Something big is going to drop soon referred to simply as the MOAB of all drops. I have read some hints what it pertains to and if they let this stuff go public it's going to change everything. The patriots working behind the scenes are dismantling their entire global cabal. The evil elites are in total panic, they got their insiders working overtime.

Incoming MOAB, duck and cover
Apr 24 2018 17:38:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5155b4 1173273 NEW
Red carpet event tonight?
State dinner.
What will the texts reveal?
MOAB or precursor?


The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache.

26 Inf
04-24-18, 23:14
The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache.

LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIgurTFaq6U

04-25-18, 05:55
LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIgurTFaq6U

Funny, when I read it I thought of the original.


04-25-18, 07:01
Democrat party REMAINS low - begins DIGGING

FIFY. :rolleyes:

04-25-18, 07:50
Funny, when I read it I thought of the original.


Holy crap, I actually learned something new today.

04-25-18, 09:43
Funny, when I read it I thought of the original.


Well thanks for the education.....I thought Red Dawn was the original.

04-25-18, 10:16
It won’t be so.

This is like the other side thinking that the piss tape is coming out tomorrow.

Don’t worry, when it once again turns out to be nothing there will be some excuse about the deep state or it will just get ignored like “The Storm”

04-25-18, 11:55
Don’t worry, when it once again turns out to be nothing there will be some excuse about the deep state or it will just get ignored like “The Storm”

To paraphrase Q, once all that stuff comes forward- Barry will finally claim his Kenyan citizenship so he can't be extradited. However I'm sure our illustrious FBI are working very hard at uncovering corruption and not working directly for the DNC globalists. LOL


04-25-18, 11:58
Kind of hard to investigate the deep state when the very agencies charged with the task are the same ones covering for them. However I think the MOAB will have something to do with Barry and a ten year old girl he was very fond of. To paraphrase Q, once all that stuff comes forward- he'll finally claim his Kenyan citizenship so he can't be extradited.

I won't be holding my breath.

04-25-18, 12:13
I won't be holding my breath.

Apparently they have some evidence on that but not sure if it's the MOAB he discussed which is why I deleted that bit. Biggest issue I see is that our investigative agencies are compromised as referenced with the googledocs link I posted earlier. Since that is the case, I'm not sure how Trump can get anything done with entire agencies working for one political party to destroy their political opposition.

04-25-18, 12:36
To paraphrase Q, once all that stuff comes forward- Barry will finally claim his Kenyan citizenship so he can't be extradited. However I'm sure our illustrious FBI are working very hard at uncovering corruption and not working directly for the DNC globalists. LOL


Are you being serious or are you trolling us? I literally cannot tell.

04-25-18, 12:42
Are you being serious or are you trolling us? I literally cannot tell.

If he is trolling it has been quite the intricate troll job and I would applaud him for his dedication

04-25-18, 13:11
Are you being serious or are you trolling us? I literally cannot tell.

Does that link look like trolling to you?

04-25-18, 13:41
Does that link look like trolling to you?

Do you always answer questions with questions? ;)

04-26-18, 14:49
The supposed "MOAB" was Q and the President posting within seconds of eachother. This was on purpose. Their posts were getting closer and closer together until 0 minutes apart and then had overlapping numbers matching on purpose on the Presidents end- to verify Q. For the non-believers, basically it was a "Q is legit" moment but for the believers it was a "drink more Ovaltine" moment. Basically Q is with the President or the President himself. Some huge doc dump came out today, a lot of deep state stuff that I imagine some Anons are pouring over to release the content.

Warning, on a very serious matter, a video surfaced on the dark web over a week ago. Lot of people talking about it. Disclosure, I have not seen the video nor will I look for it as it's illegal to view. From one screen shot that is posted on youtube that is "safe to view" for the general public- it's definitely Comet Ping Pong's basement from supposedly a snuff film involving a minor recorded on CCTV with Hillary and Huma. The real video is now in authorities hands for full investigation. If they fail to act on it, I imagine whoever released it will see to it that it gets wide circulation. Perhaps this is the first sign that the global cabal is purging their ranks of those who failed them. Just my speculation.

Everything I posted is already out in public, that's all I got for now.


04-26-18, 15:26
The supposed "MOAB" was Q and the President posting within seconds of eachother. This was on purpose. Their posts were getting closer and closer together until 0 minutes apart and then had overlapping numbers matching on purpose on the Presidents end- to verify Q. For the non-believers, basically it was a "Q is legit" moment but for the believers it was a "drink more Ovaltine" moment. Basically Q is with the President or the President himself. Some huge doc dump came out today, a lot of deep state stuff that I imagine some Anons are pouring over to release the content.

Wait, this was the mother of all drops? The fact that he tweeted with a close time stamp to Trump? Something that anyone could do with a simple script? This is hilarious. You will literally believe anything this guy says.

Warning, on a very serious matter, a video surfaced on the dark web over a week ago. Lot of people talking about it. Disclosure, I have not seen the video nor will I look for it as it's illegal to view. From one screen shot that is posted on youtube that is "safe to view" for the general public- it's definitely Comet Ping Pong's basement from supposedly a snuff film involving a minor recorded on CCTV with Hillary and Huma. The real video is now in authorities hands for full investigation. If they fail to act on it, I imagine whoever released it will see to it that it gets wide circulation. Perhaps this is the first sign that the global cabal is purging their ranks of those who failed them. Just my speculation.

Everything I posted is already out in public, that's all I got for now.


None of this will happen

04-26-18, 16:10
Wait, this was the mother of all drops? The fact that he tweeted with a close time stamp to Trump? Something that anyone could do with a simple script? This is hilarious. You will literally believe anything this guy says.

None of this will happen

Use the Schwartz Lone Starr, if Trump himself posted an overlapping tweet specific with a Q code within seconds of Q- then that is the signal for anyone paying attention. Not even the CTR shills can keep feeding tide pods to the masses, the people are red pilled and woke. As far as the video goes, we'll see. I wouldn't be surprised if the authorities refuse to do anything with it due to the nature of the content and who it involves but then it will go viral- at least the portions that can go viral. There's been thousands upon thousands of arrests overseas and now here for these child trafficking rings since Trump took office, nearly ten times the amount in the previous two administrations. That's the leftist globalists main currency and their means of control among their ranks. The good people are fighting these evil dirtbags and moving from the bottom up to snare these corrupt elites. From what I know, they now have complete lists of people who were with Epstein on his underage whore island that are going to go public and even the Haitian government is involved with connecting the Clintons to child trafficking. The fat lady may have slipped and fell down the steps in India but I imagine as the circle closes- she'll be singing real soon. In the meantime, the anons will keep digging and will expose everything.


04-26-18, 16:23
Greatest summation of who is involved within government for Q intel, pulled from Arfcom.


"Every conspiracy you ever hear is real, and worse.

The CIA killed Kennedy.
Child abuse is rampant in the higher levels of government. The evidence is how they keep each other in line.
The Muslim Brotherhood holds several critical and key offices within the government.
People who work in media, for one reason or another, tend to lean left. They coordinate stories with the DNC and do everything they can to prop up their guy and tear down not their guy. Many in the Mainstream media are participants in the corruption and child abuse.

In the 80's and 90's US SF worked with the CIA to interdict and destroy drug dens around the world. The SF community discovered that the CIA was using their community to kill competitors and protect the CIA's own human trafficking pipelines.

These SF, Military intelligence, and possibly NSA types now hold senior positions within the DOD and certain other government agencies.
There is a very, very strong correlation between these agencies and a culture of patriotism.

This Patriotic community started looking into old wounds and found the CIA and other agencies were suspiciously present for all of them.
The evidence of child abuse, human and drug trafficking, and murder is kept by the cabal to control each other.
The Rothschild Family, Saudi Arabia, and Soros (whom Clinton falls under) were three legs of a triangle who financed almost every war since antiquity ensuring that they met both their goals of human sacrifice and maintaining control over the various peoples of the world. the War of 1812 was specifically financed by the Rothschild family to bankrupt the United States and force the re-establishment of the Federal Reserve.

A team, primarily consisting of Military Intelligence and maybe the NSA, has acquired this evidence. All of it. Starting perhaps a decade ago this team began preparations to retake our country from the nefarious actors up to and including the occupants of a Clinton White House. They asked Donald Trump to run for the presidency because he is a true believer in the American Dream and he was never a participant of the abuse. This team, working with the President, intends to rout out the child abusers, corrupt, and every other clown from around the world and raise the flag alongside the morning sun upon a once again Free America.

Their name is Q; and where we go one, we go all."

Doc Safari
04-26-18, 16:27
Greatest summation of who is involved within government for Q intel, pulled from Arfcom.


"Every conspiracy you ever hear is real, and worse.

The CIA killed Kennedy.
Child abuse is rampant in the higher levels of government. The evidence is how they keep each other in line.
The Muslim Brotherhood holds several critical and key offices within the government.
People who work in media, for one reason or another, tend to lean left. They coordinate stories with the DNC and do everything they can to prop up their guy and tear down not their guy. Many in the Mainstream media are participants in the corruption and child abuse.

In the 80's and 90's US SF worked with the CIA to interdict and destroy drug dens around the world. The SF community discovered that the CIA was using their community to kill competitors and protect the CIA's own human trafficking pipelines.

These SF, Military intelligence, and possibly NSA types now hold senior positions within the DOD and certain other government agencies.
There is a very, very strong correlation between these agencies and a culture of patriotism.

This Patriotic community started looking into old wounds and found the CIA and other agencies were suspiciously present for all of them.
The evidence of child abuse, human and drug trafficking, and murder is kept by the cabal to control each other.
The Rothschild Family, Saudi Arabia, and Soros (whom Clinton falls under) were three legs of a triangle who financed almost every war since antiquity ensuring that they met both their goals of human sacrifice and maintaining control over the various peoples of the world. the War of 1812 was specifically financed by the Rothschild family to bankrupt the United States and force the re-establishment of the Federal Reserve.

A team, primarily consisting of Military Intelligence and maybe the NSA, has acquired this evidence. All of it. Starting perhaps a decade ago this team began preparations to retake our country from the nefarious actors up to and including the occupants of a Clinton White House. They asked Donald Trump to run for the presidency because he is a true believer in the American Dream and he was never a participant of the abuse. This team, working with the President, intends to rout out the child abusers, corrupt, and every other clown from around the world and raise the flag alongside the morning sun upon a once again Free America.

Their name is Q; and where we go one, we go all."

Sounds like a good plot for an X-Files story loop, but until I see concrete proof of this or a very high official outing all of this, it's just tinfoil hat stuff.

04-26-18, 16:31
Sounds like a good plot for an X-Files story loop, but until I see concrete proof of this or a very high official outing all of this, it's just tinfoil hat stuff.

Then go seek your proof then. Not my job to prove anything. That's your job, to take it upon yourself and investigate this fully, red pill yourself and get woke. I'm just passing on information.

Congress now has those missing texts.

John Salisbury;

"Congress is now fully briefed on the rogue FBI/DOJ plans to harm Political Leaders & their families. Things will start to move fast now. Any honest Congressman is completely outraged..."


04-26-18, 16:34
The supposed "MOAB" was Q and the President posting within seconds of eachother. This was on purpose. Their posts were getting closer and closer together until 0 minutes apart and then had overlapping numbers matching on purpose on the Presidents end- to verify Q. For the non-believers, basically it was a "Q is legit" moment but for the believers it was a "drink more Ovaltine" moment. Basically Q is with the President or the President himself. Some huge doc dump came out today, a lot of deep state stuff that I imagine some Anons are pouring over to release the content.

Warning, on a very serious matter, a video surfaced on the dark web over a week ago. Lot of people talking about it. Disclosure, I have not seen the video nor will I look for it as it's illegal to view. From one screen shot that is posted on youtube that is "safe to view" for the general public- it's definitely Comet Ping Pong's basement from supposedly a snuff film involving a minor recorded on CCTV with Hillary and Huma. The real video is now in authorities hands for full investigation. If they fail to act on it, I imagine whoever released it will see to it that it gets wide circulation. Perhaps this is the first sign that the global cabal is purging their ranks of those who failed them. Just my speculation.

Everything I posted is already out in public, that's all I got for now.


Skipping the part about the president and somebody tweeting close together being evidence.....and on to the snuff film part. What I am supposed to believe is that there is a snuff film involving an underage girl and Hillary/Huma, they allowed it to be filmed, it somehow was leaked to the ominous dark web, authorities have it but probably won't do anything with it, it's illegal to own or view, and the evidence is a screenshot of the video(obviously with no Hillary or Huma in it)? Just checking.

04-26-18, 16:38
I think the rails are way over there >>>>>>

04-26-18, 16:42
Then go seek your proof then. Not my job to prove anything. That's your job, to take it upon yourself and investigate this fully, red pill yourself and get woke. I'm just passing on information.

Congress now has those missing texts.


Wait, the burden of proof that all that garbage you posted is fake is on people who don’t believe your absurd fantasies? That’s not how burden of proof works.

This is all highly entertaining though, Homeland has been a bit of a letdown this season but this, this is good stuff.

Doc Safari
04-26-18, 16:43
Then go seek your proof then. Not my job to prove anything. That's your job, to take it upon yourself and investigate this fully, red pill yourself and get woke. I'm just passing on information.

Frankly, it's not credible enough to waste my time looking into until the day comes that evidence and/or witnesses begin coming out of the woodwork. Case in point: there is enough evidence that the Uranium One scandal is true that it's a story worth following.

04-26-18, 16:59
Skipping the part about the president and somebody tweeting close together being evidence.....and on to the snuff film part. What I am supposed to believe is that there is a snuff film involving an underage girl and Hillary/Huma, they allowed it to be filmed, it somehow was leaked to the ominous dark web, authorities have it but probably won't do anything with it, it's illegal to own or view, and the evidence is a screenshot of the video(obviously with no Hillary or Huma in it)? Just checking.

The screen shots analyzed on youtube does have just Hillary and Huma in it, not the kid of course and is in the Comet Ping Pong basement. The real video was given to authorities last week from what I understand. I first read about this on Arfcom and the details are absolutely horrifying. I haven't seen the video nor would I watch it. Lot of comments on it if you want to go to youtube to learn more in a safe environment. Either way- these evil sick people need to be stopped.

Wait, the burden of proof that all that garbage you posted is fake is on people who don’t believe your absurd fantasies? That’s not how burden of proof works.

This is all highly entertaining though, Homeland has been a bit of a letdown this season but this, this is good stuff.

It's out in the open now.

Detailed deep state corruption timeline complete with news links;


Q raw;


#QAnon on twitter;


Lisa Mei Crowley does a good job analyzing some of the Q posts and behind the scenes stuff.


Thomas Paine from True Pundit also does a good job analyzing stuff going on if you want to follow him.


The 850+ page "Saudi Arabian Purge Thread" on Arfcom which is what I read mostly.

Fox news even has some info but they are last to know and update slowly.


Redacted texts;


Notable resignations from both Democrats and RINO's across large corporations and public service;


I am simply passing on what is going on behind the scenes as an observer. As major players get arrested then obviously it will make news headlines. So far the strategy has been moving from the bottom up, snagging low level players, working them for information, moving up the ranks. Given the amount of corruption within the higher levels of government- this takes time. Right now there is supposedly over 20K sealed indictments from some reports I've read. This is brilliant strategy utilizing Patriotic Anons across the country. Even if Democrats do manage to retake the House or Senate, due to the negative Democrat controlled media against Trump- the massive ensuing viral data dumps will then begin. This is really a Revolution to return our nation to a Constitutional Republic and free it from the globalist traitors.

This is the video Q says explains exactly what is going on by Trump himself- taking back the Republic for the American people.


Stay woke fellow Patriots,
