View Full Version : Trump get a Nobel Peace Prize?

04-27-18, 08:13
I don't hold out much hope for real change in the Koreas, but if they do finally sign a formal end to the war, and things don't go sideways the rest of the year, how could they not give out the prize for it? Could they really give it to Moon and Un and not give it to Trump? What else this year has the potential impact on whirled peas than 'ending' the Korean War.

If we hold the House and the Senate and Trump gets a Nobel Peace prize? The left will F-ing lose it.

04-27-18, 08:24
If peace actually does happen, Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. However, it won't happen because he pushed the issue with the threat of violent, extreme prejudice against North Korea. Peace via threat of violence? That does not compute in the minds of the Nobel types, even though it's a valid technique.

04-27-18, 08:30
While NK is an area I think Trump has done well with, there is no way he gets a NPP for this. Especially considering that SK just elected a president who ran on reunification and they have been the ones leading negotiations/talks. Probably helps that NK likely accidentally blew up a bunch of their scientists as well.

04-27-18, 09:33
If peace actually does happen, Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. However, it won't happen because he pushed the issue with the threat of violent, extreme prejudice against North Korea. Peace via threat of violence? That does not compute in the minds of the Nobel types, even though it's a valid technique.

I'd say that sums it op. Obama got the NPP for a lot less. Per usual, no one person can take all the credit, but I think he probably had more to with this then say Reagan did with the Berlin Wall. Basically, policy was carrot and stick with NK, which they did nothing but take advantage of, Trump admin said no more carrots, and you will not like the stick. No doubt, back room talks with China etc was all in the works.

04-27-18, 09:34
If peace actually does happen, Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. However, it won't happen because he pushed the issue with the threat of violent, extreme prejudice against North Korea. Peace via threat of violence? That does not compute in the minds of the Nobel types, even though it's a valid technique.
However, had he sent Billions in aid and pallets of 100 dollar bills he would be a Nobel Laureate like Obama.
See how well that works?

04-27-18, 09:39
I'd say that sums it op. Obama got the NPP for a lot less. Per usual, no one person can take all the credit, but I think he probably had more to with this then say Reagan did with the Berlin Wall. Basically, policy was carrot and stick with NK, which they did nothing but take advantage of, Trump admin said no more carrots, and you will not like the stick. No doubt, back room talks with China etc was all in the works.

Un was just in China recently. Wonder what that conversation consisted of? My guess is that the US has been back channeling that the longer this goes on, the more likely US nukes based in Korea becomes. Add in the South's leader and you get some movement. That reconciliation push is strong in Korea. The Koreans I know from over there would be uncomfortable when it came to talking about how bad NK was- the 'one family' idea.

04-27-18, 11:58
Obama got a Nobel for what?? Kind of loses its significance if you think about it.

04-27-18, 12:16
Obama got a Nobel for what?? Kind of loses its significance if you think about it.

I don't know what would be more awesome- Trump showing up and turning it into a circus and watching them all cringe- or him winning and not showing up.

04-27-18, 12:17
Obama got a Nobel for what?? Kind of loses its significance if you think about it.

The NPP has been notoriously political prize for some time, but that one pretty much made it clear how bad it is.

04-27-18, 12:36
The NPP has been notoriously political prize for some time, but that one pretty much made it clear how bad it is.

Obama got his before his first year in office. Yassar Arafat, despite being the leader of the ME’s largest terrorist group, got a NPP. That should tell you how much the NPP is worth- less than nothing.

04-27-18, 13:16
Obama got his before his first year in office. Yassar Arafat, despite being the leader of the ME’s largest terrorist group, got a NPP. That should tell you how much the NPP is worth- less than nothing.

Yup. And what peace actually took place due to their efforts? Both simply made the situations worse. I don't the NPP should be an A for effort prize and capitulation, but something demonstrable, like, I don't know, two sides actually agreeing to peace? Even if Trump is nominated, the left will lose their chit. I'd say he's as deserving, probably more so, than Aracrap and Obummer.

04-27-18, 13:23
After Arafat and the traitors Rabin and Peres got the NPP, it lost it value. Then one obama got one for nothing, the NPP lowered it's value to worthless.

04-27-18, 13:37

South Korea's foreign minister says ""Clearly, credit goes to President Trump,"

04-27-18, 13:38
I hope that when Trump accepts his he pulls up in a tiny car and seventeen tiny midget clowns climb out after him and distribute balloon animals and MAGA hats to all of the dignitaries.

The NPP is a joke.

04-27-18, 13:42
The other way that to look at it is if HRC had won and done this, imagine how the press would be going nuts and they'd hand out the NPP early before it all goes sideways.

04-27-18, 14:49
Obama got a Nobel for what?? Kind of loses its significance if you think about it.
Obama got the Nobel Prize because he was a novelty; a Black Messiah, unheard of in "old Europe".

Maybe we need another novelty President? Perhaps an Hispanic, female, midget next....with a pronounced speech impediment or lisp? Why not?

04-27-18, 15:21
Obama got the Nobel Prize because he was a novelty; a Black Messiah, unheard of in "old Europe".

Maybe we need another novelty President? Perhaps an Hispanic, female, midget next....with a pronounced speech impediment or lisp? Why not?

You don't think we have one now? He's just not the novelty the left wants, but a novelty to be sure. Maybe the novelty we needed, not sure, but better than the alternative...

This will be ignored of course:

YUGE: South Korea: 'Credit Goes To President Trump' For North Korean Peace Talks
South Korea credited President Donald Trump for the historic peace talks with North Korea on Friday


04-28-18, 00:22
Obama got his before his first year in office. Yassar Arafat, despite being the leader of the ME’s largest terrorist group, got a NPP. That should tell you how much the NPP is worth- less than nothing.

Yeah, Yassar Arafat is to peace what Jenna Jameson is to monogamy!

Yup. And what peace actually took place due to their efforts? Both simply made the situations worse. I don't the NPP should be an A for effort prize and capitulation, but something demonstrable, like, I don't know, two sides actually agreeing to peace? Even if Trump is nominated, the left will lose their chit. I'd say he's as deserving, probably more so, than Aracrap and Obummer.

I think Obama thought he could use our tax dollars to buy peace. I mean if you look at all the money that went to countries that hate us, it makes you think either he is financially helping them or he is paying the off. Either way it was a lose lose situation for USA. I honestly thing Obama was behind the Arab Spring. Obama first praised the rebellion in Tunisia and cheered for there revolution. Obama was praising the Egyptians for there violent revolutionary take over and removal of there president. Obama praised the revolution in Syria that he thought would remove Assad from from power but turned into a fiasco, then Obama retracted his statement and tried to pick sides and eventually started a proxy war. Obama praised the violent uprising of Libyans who were out to remove Gaddafi which then turned into a civil war and a assault on a US embassy that left several of our people dead. Obama got the Nobel simply for being popular. Popular because even European heads of state could manipulate him. I hope Trump does get it. At least his Nobel was won on actions.

After Arafat and the traitors Rabin and Peres got the NPP, it lost it value. Then one obama got one for nothing, the NPP lowered it's value to worthless.

Obama got a Nobel for his brilliant speeches on unity why making race relations the worst in US since pre civil rights.

04-28-18, 00:33
Let these photos of our Nobel Prize winning Commander in Chief sink in! Too me, this is disturbing. Look at his shit eating grin on his face while being in the presence of these socialist dictators. I'm sure Obama gave each of these men an autographed head shot with "best wishes" signed at the bottom. Garbage!!!

Obama with Leader of Iran

Obama with Gaddafi

Obama with leader of Palestine

Obama with leader of Cuba (Raul Castro)

Obama with Hugo Chavez

04-28-18, 12:38
Let these photos of our Nobel Prize winning Commander in Chief sink in! Too me, this is disturbing. Look at his shit eating grin on his face while being in the presence of these socialist dictators. I'm sure Obama gave each of these men an autographed head shot with "best wishes" signed at the bottom. Garbage!!!

Obama with Leader of Iran

Obama with Gaddafi

Obama with leader of Palestine

Obama with leader of Cuba (Raul Castro)

Obama with Hugo Chavez

Those were Hussein's personal hero's. World leaders of Socialist and Muslim regimes that he so desperately wanted to emulate. He met each one to shake their hand for inspiring him in his life.

04-29-18, 04:41
Came across the following tweet:

How long before a federal judge in Hawaii orders the Korean War must continue
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) April 27, 2018

04-29-18, 06:37
I thought the No-balls Peace Prize was awarded based on "good vibrations" (Obama), as opposed to RESULTS (Trump)? :rolleyes:

04-29-18, 11:57
The other way I look at it is, if things go on the path they are right now. De-nuclearization and a formal end to the war- what in it's place wins the NPP? Some crappy twit on a front know one knows about wins- and then Trump trolls the crap out of them that way. If just the Koreans win the NPP, Trump gets to troll the organization for excluding him.

The NPP committee must be sweating it out right now. It will be the first time the NPP is hoping for a war, or the failure of the peace process.

04-29-18, 12:37
Nobel Peace Prize isn't awarded just on results. When they consider how hard Trump slapped Rocket Boy around (and called him "Rocket Boy"), his nomination (in the unlikely event he gets one) will sink like a rock.

04-29-18, 12:46
Nobel Peace Prize isn't awarded just on results. When they consider how hard Trump slapped Rocket Boy around (and called him "Rocket Boy"), his nomination (in the unlikely event he gets one) will sink like a rock.

Even though, Ironically, it is probably one of the core components as to their mentality of disarmament.

Kim just vowed to SK that he would denuclearize if USA vows to not invade.

Sounds like someone started coming around to the idea that could actually happen with this POTUS.

When push comes to shove, Rocket Boy got scurred.

04-29-18, 14:06
Nobel Peace Prize isn't awarded just on results. When they consider how hard Trump slapped Rocket Boy around (and called him "Rocket Boy"), his nomination (in the unlikely event he gets one) will sink like a rock.

Trump simply talked to "Roket Man" on a level he would understand. I like that about Trump, He WILL come down to your level to get your attention.

04-29-18, 16:22
I think the sanctions got real. Going after Chinese companies is cutting off his last lifeline.

Kim can only keep control domestically for so long as things get worse.

04-29-18, 19:16
Trump simply talked to "Roket Man" on a level he would understand. I like that about Trump, He WILL come down to your level to get your attention.

I agree Trump has been extraordinarily effective in accomplishing the goal. But it is NOT the path to a Nobel Peace Prize.


04-29-18, 20:14
I think a number of factors are influencing this:
The sanctions are becoming painful.
China isn't backing this play and the longer it went on the more anxious they became.
I think he's got a radioactive mess under that mountain and perhaps a plethora of issues that go along with it.
He's running out of people to shoot without a possible grab for power via his military.

04-29-18, 20:57
Obama got a Nobel for what?? Kind of loses its significance if you think about it.

So did Arafat and a bunch of other actual terrorists. Basically if you are a subhuman butcher and you temporarily stop killing innocent people wholesale you get a peace prize. Obama got one for what people "hoped" he might accomplish, that really set everything to a meaningless standard, but it was still better than giving them to actual terrorists.

If I was Obama, I'd have told them to keep their "participation" award and I'd have been genuinely offended by their expectations of my ability as a world leader. If I was Trump, even given that he is a very ego driven individual, I'm not sure I'd even want that award or to be listed with that crowd of very questionable individuals.

I'd rather just make any actual contributions to peace that are within my ability to facilitate and let history record the event.