View Full Version : Obama is back via Time

04-27-18, 17:22
And doubling down on the anti gun mythology and inventing facts as they suit his agenda. Some really cringeworthy stuff:

"America’s response to mass shootings has long followed a predictable pattern. We mourn. Offer thoughts and prayers. Speculate about the motives. And then—even as no developed country endures a homicide rate like ours, a difference explained largely by pervasive accessibility to guns; even as the majority of gun owners support commonsense reforms—the political debate spirals into acrimony and paralysis.

This time, something different is happening. This time, our children are calling us to account.

The Parkland, Fla., students don’t have the kind of lobbyists or big budgets for attack ads that their opponents do. Most of them can’t even vote yet."


In bold, the truth is quite the opposite and Lott breaks that down nicely:


04-27-18, 17:36
I had to "buy" something with my airline miles a while back and the cheapest thing was a magazine subscription. I picked Time, honestly not realizing what a leftist rag it was. I'm embarrassed for myself each time that shit shows up in my mailbox. What a waste of paper. I shed a tear for the trees they murdered.

04-27-18, 18:28
They had both house's and the oval office and accomplished?
They don't even believe their own BS.

04-27-18, 18:31
They had both house's and the oval office and accomplished?
They don't even believe their own BS.

The cluster F that is the (un) affordable health care act modeled after the "success" that was Romney Care in MA.

04-27-18, 19:58
As I felt for > 8 years, Obama can still go f**k himself.

04-27-18, 23:01
As I felt for > 8 years, Obama can still go f**k himself.

Who? ...Not ringing a bell...

04-28-18, 00:05
I'm embarrassed for myself each time that shit shows up in my mailbox. What a waste of paper. I shed a tear for the trees they murdered.

They had both house's and the oval office and accomplished?
They don't even believe their own BS.

Obama can still go f**k himself.

This is why this forum needs a "Like" button!

04-28-18, 08:05
They had both house's and the oval office and accomplished?
They don't even believe their own BS.

"They" have more capability to do more damage out of office and the public eye, stealthfully working behind the scenes planning and doing what they were ever capable of doing while holding public office.

So pay attention to "pressure" from all directions with the many congress critters "retiring". I'd be looking for any new lobbyist groups or think tanks and determine who is in them.

If you have school aged children, and in public school, I'd be paying even closer attention to curricula, textbook content and who their teachers are. Or figure out a way to get them into a private school or home school if it's financially possible. College - well that's been a total crapshoot for years.

Spend time with your children teaching them about character, history and having integrity and your personal values - that's the best way to ensure they don't become the next generation of useful idiots.

04-28-18, 09:14
“Spend time with your children teaching them about character, history and having integrity and your personal values - that's the best way to ensure they don't become the next generation of useful idiots.”

Yeah, if your wife doesn’t divorce you, take your kids, and flip you the bird with the help of a complicit court system.

04-28-18, 13:44
They had both house's and the oval office and accomplished?
They don't even believe their own BS.

destroying america freedom as we knew it (speech hate laws and so on)
forcing the trans freak alphabet people onto the rest of the country that we have to cater to them protect them give them special privilege
a lot to destroy the idea that a family is a good thing
brought race relations back to a level we had not seen in years
hatred and making LEO enemies
drove our debt deeper and gave insane amounts to our enemies
put tons of his communist progressive leaders into places that are still there

knowing things might switch they were fine they laid the foundation to keep destroying this country and with really bad things they do not want to have their name on it so they can force the whimpy republicans into it

04-29-18, 16:41
Time Magazine had Adolph Hitler as Man of the Year in 1938.

From their own website.


04-29-18, 20:57
Time Magazine had Adolph Hitler as Man of the Year in 1938.

From their own website.


Um....don't forget that Time Magazine named Joseph Stalin "Man of the Year" twice. Once in 1939 and again in 1942.

Time's "Man of the Year"- Nikita Khruchchev in 1957

Time also name Ayatullah Khomeini "Man of the Year" in 1979.

Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin- "Man of the Year" in 1993:

04-29-18, 22:07
It’s almost like you guys don’t understand what the man of the year actually signifies. As Time puts it, it represents: "for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year"

04-30-18, 05:50
Um....don't forget that Time Magazine named Joseph Stalin "Man of the Year" twice. Once in 1939 and again in 1942.

Time's "Man of the Year"- Nikita Khruchchev in 1957

Time also name Ayatullah Khomeini "Man of the Year" in 1979.

Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin- "Man of the Year" in 1993:

So it looks like you have to be a mass murderer to be man of the year at Time. Obummer, fortunately, does not qualify.

04-30-18, 09:09
So it looks like you have to be a mass murderer to be man of the year at Time. Obummer, fortunately, does not qualify.

Tell that to the civilians that were the victim of his drone attacks.

04-30-18, 13:54
Tell that to the civilians that were the victim of his drone attacks.

agree !

and the murders of LEO that happened directly cause of his making the race issues forefront

04-30-18, 18:01
Tell that to the civilians that were the victim of his drone attacks.

I stand corrected!

26 Inf
04-30-18, 19:22
Tell that to the civilians that were the victim of his drone attacks.

This is a perfect example of just wanting something, anything, to bitch about Obama. There are plenty of legit things to bitch about, this isn't one of them.

04-30-18, 20:00
This is a perfect example of just wanting something, anything, to bitch about Obama. There are plenty of legit things to bitch about, this isn't one of them.

You are right... Tell that to the victims of his Fast and Furious be plan......

04-30-18, 20:50
http://static.thepeoplescube.com/peoples_resource/image/44688-ObamaKoreaTweet.jpg :jester:

26 Inf
04-30-18, 20:51
You are right... Tell that to the victims of his Fast and Furious be plan......

Much more legit example.

I don't buy the drone thing, Obama took responsibility for the final decision on them, but, then again it wasn't like he was sitting in the President's quarters with the kids playing Chutes and Ladders to pick targets. The military brought him the targets and intel he did the final approval.

Several sources report that the Trump administration, has already accounted for more civilian (counted as those who aren't military-aged males) casualties than Obama did in eight years. Largely because President Trump has taken a hand's off approach. Whether that is right or wrong is open for interpretation.

For my part, I tend to think that Secretary Mattis and Company are not into indiscriminately blowing up stuff, so I have no problem with President Trump's approach. Perhaps Obama's belief that it was his duty to make the final decision prevented him from doing other things that would have been better for the Nation. IDK.

If you ( not you docsherm) want to get po'ed about civilian deaths, look no further than either side of the Israeli-Palestinian mess.


04-30-18, 20:53
Much more legit example.


Thanks, I try..... :jester:

26 Inf
04-30-18, 20:54
http://static.thepeoplescube.com/peoples_resource/image/44688-ObamaKoreaTweet.jpg :jester:

Kim and Moon will get Nobel Peace Prizes. You read it here.

04-30-18, 20:54
I just love how Berry takes credit for stuff that he had no part in........

05-01-18, 06:29
I just love how Berry takes credit for stuff that he had no part in........

Wtf is Fine about NK??!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-01-18, 07:54
Yesterday Bibi showed the world what an idiot obama was and is.

05-01-18, 08:30
http://static.thepeoplescube.com/peoples_resource/image/44688-ObamaKoreaTweet.jpg :jester:

Do you have an actual link to this quote? I went to his twitter page thinking it was likely fake and did not see the above tweet. I believe the supreme leader would call this one, fake news.

05-01-18, 09:09
http://static.thepeoplescube.com/peoples_resource/image/44688-ObamaKoreaTweet.jpg :jester:

Yes, please link to this, if this is not fake news that man needs some serious mental health care.

05-01-18, 17:16
Wasn't that dumbass paying Iran $500B a year to stop their nuclear program? I remember when his failed administration brought over some jet full of cash for them. I believe someone hit Iran's base the other day in Syria- so hopefully they are getting the point, stop with the nuke program or we'll just end you, done paying bribes.

05-01-18, 19:18
Yesterday Bibi showed the world what an idiot obama was and is.
And this needs to be shouted from roof tops.
I have a feeling POTUS Obama knew this was the likely scenario and went ahead with the payoffs and the deal anyway.
Bibi likely made at least part of this available at the time and Barry blew him off because it was the cool European thing to do.
Between North Korea, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and Iran, his foreign policy debacle brought us far closer to war than peace at every step.
He did everything he could to ruin America from the inside and outside.
His legacy is one failure after another.

05-01-18, 23:19
Israel hit the Iranian base in syria killing maybe 100 IRG including a general, the blast of the secondary was so big it rated 2.8 on the Richter scale.

Bibi couldn't have shown obama the documents since Israel has only had then since January.

If anyone cares I can do a write up on the Israeli Mossad operation.