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04-28-18, 12:09

04-28-18, 14:08
What rifle was he using? It looks like a Mini 14 but it looks like he's operating it like a bolt action.
Has a Scout Scope?

04-28-18, 14:33

04-28-18, 15:53
I tried to watch this movie when it first came out on DVD but recognized it for the leftist propaganda that it is by making the American the bad guy and turned it off.
Maybe it gets better after I left it fairly early but I doubt it.

04-28-18, 16:04

04-28-18, 16:33
The only part that bothered me was when the dirtbag illegal injured Jeffrey Dean Morgan's dog.
That would have really pissed me off.

04-28-18, 16:59

04-28-18, 17:14
The movie depicts the border as weak and easily crossed- which underscores our need for a wall.
The movie depicts the coyotes as heartless criminals leaving behind the weaker people in the desert to die.
The movie depicts one of the illegal's in the group attempting to sexually assault one of the illegal females, again highlighting that many are criminals.
The movie depicts the bureaucratic deficiencies of the border patrol not being able to handle the shear vastness the border.
All true in real life.

Morgan's character seems like he's simply seen enough and decides to take matters into his own hands to defend the border from the invasion to take matters into his own hands to defend the border from the invasion.
I can not defend a civilian killing those crossing by sniping, I can only do so if they are defending themselves.

The movie fails on all levels for me, both sides are wrong.

04-28-18, 17:42

04-28-18, 19:32
All true in real life.

I can not defend a civilian killing those crossing by sniping, I can only do so if they are defending themselves.

The movie fails on all levels for me, both sides are wrong.

so what you are saying is :)

we need signs cross this line and you will be shot :)

04-28-18, 21:31
My folks had a small place North of I-10 for years.
They sold out and moved North West New Mexico. The rising crime even in the rural areas got to be pretty bad and in no small part was one of the reasons they moved on.
Nothing was safe, even things secured by locks and doors. If you wanted to keep your property you had to keep a 24-7 eye on it.
They were so bold as to burglarize your barns 500 yds from your house.
So it for me isn't about race, it's about the BS attitude of entitlement.
They can enter the Country illegally.
They can break our laws.
Steal our property.
Cut fences.
Take jobs from Citizens.

Every Year they get bolder about it too. Now they're shooting LEOs at an ever alarming rate.

04-29-18, 09:26

Ed L.
04-29-18, 17:23
This review contains some spoilers and the movie is on Netflix.

I watched Desierto because it has a Malinois dog in it and I own a few of those dogs myself.

You own a few Malinois?

How do you find time to post on this board.

From what I know about those dogs, they need constant exercise and stimulation or they will become bored and destructive.

04-29-18, 20:00
“The bigger more philosophical question that I saw in this movie was, at what point does it become necessary to defend a way of life? Don't ever say never.”

Our ‘betters’ will decide what will become of us subhumans, if, as and when they want to. Until then, shut up, peasants.

04-29-18, 20:31

04-29-18, 20:31
At what point do your property rights begin and end?
Obviously you can't shoot trespassers, but what happens when your fences are damaged, your land covered in litter and human waste, and drug runners are crossing your property can you say no more and use force to stop it?
I'm wondering if Deputising local landowners to defend their property under the increased force of law that comes with being a Deputy might be an answer?

04-30-18, 07:52
What rifle was he using? It looks like a Mini 14 but it looks like he's operating it like a bolt action.
Has a Scout Scope?

Emailed local guru on on M1 Garands, his reply:
There have been several serious attempts to convert the M1 to shoot modified high power rounds - i.e., the .458, .375, other wildcats. The power of the round severely screwed with the gas system operation, requiring manual operation to prevent the op rod from tearing up. I expect this is what the film proports to show.

04-30-18, 09:52
Having spent a barrel of money converting a M1 Garand in to a "Tanker" and to .308 and then putting a Scout scope on it I should have known that. After all of that however, that certainly wouldn't have been my first choice as a "Daily Driver" for a desert dweller.
It still looks considerably different and yes, the Op rod on those rifles can be the weak link, part of converting them was to have a beefed up Op rod installed.

05-05-18, 00:11
I saw it as a man desperately trying to stop an invasion.

I believe the movie really stresses that we are being invaded. Entire groups of people make a living smuggling people across our border every single day. Evidence of this is the tens of millions of illegals now residing in our country destroying the Republic and existing off our taxpayers. We do need to stop them and have a far greater deterrent in place to keep them from coming here. Overall the movie is worth seeing if you got the time.

Thanks for this review. I'm a JDM fan.

I viewed one of it's trailers when it first came out and wrote it off as I got a since from it that the film would be about benevolent "undocumented workers" aka misunderstood victims of climate change having hate crimes perpetrated against them by a xenophobic, racist, misogynist, fear mongering, gun toting gringo.

You've shed a different light on it for me.

05-07-18, 10:16
The real man and dog, minus the sniping, behind this Hollywood agendized story:
