View Full Version : Oklahoma House & Senate pass Constitutional Carry

05-04-18, 07:45
Passed both portions of the Legislature with plenty to spare. 59-28 in the House, 33-9 in the Senate. Now up to the Governor.


Oklahoma Senate members passed a bill allowing for permit-less carry.

Senate Bill 1212, also referred to as the “Constitutional Carry” bill, was presented by Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow. It passed the Oklahoma Senate on Wednesday night by a vote of 33 to 9. If ultimately signed into law, it would allow for open carry without a permit.

On the Senate floor Wednesday night, Sen. Dahm said 12 states have already passed similar legislation; however, the measure was not met without criticism.

However, she does have a pocket veto possibility and as weird as she is, she could sit on it. It'd be a very Mary Fallin thing to do.

05-04-18, 13:44
We need to force her hand on this one and push to make more free States.
At this point we need to know who is on our side and who the Socialist Progressives really are.

05-04-18, 21:21
For those who haven't seen it yet, NRA-ILA has an email template for emailing Governor Fallin.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

05-05-18, 00:02
IIRC every county in the last national election was red.

If things go Kommiefornia here we might just migrate North of the Red River.

05-05-18, 06:30
If things go Kommiefornia here we might just migrate North of the Red River.
Unfortunitly, we are moving in that direction with all the move-in voters and their offspring from liberal states.

Congratulations to OK for doing what Texas hasn't so far been able to do.

05-05-18, 07:20
IIRC every county in the last national election was red.

If things go Kommiefornia here we might just migrate North of the Red River.

If Texas goes Kommiefornia we will never see another Republican president.

05-05-18, 09:54
If Texas goes Kommiefornia we will never see another Republican president.

That's their plan, flood the country with illegals until it turns Socialist.

05-05-18, 20:31
IIRC every county in the last national election was red.

If things go Kommiefornia here we might just migrate North of the Red River.

Every county in the last THREE elections, if I’m not mistaken.