View Full Version : North to be NRA Pres

05-07-18, 15:03
Oly North is to be pres of the NRA. Per a recent post (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?203232-Oliver-North), I wonder if that's a good idea. I suspect few really know North's full involvement in the Iran/Contra scandal, but not clear how that choice a benefit to the NRA:

Oliver North named president of the National Rifle Association

Retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, a central figure in the Iran-contra affair in the 1980s, has been named president of the National Rifle Association.

The NRA’s board of directors chose North to be the organization’s president Monday morning after NRA President Pete Brownell decided not to seek a second term.

“This is the most exciting news for our members since Charlton Heston became president of our Association,” NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre said. “Oliver North is a legendary warrior for American freedom, a gifted communicator and skilled leader. In these times, I can think of no one better suited to serve as our president.”


05-07-18, 15:15
They could elect Mr. Rogers (yes, I KNOW he's been dead for 15 years...), and libtards would INSTANTLY hate his guts. :rolleyes:


Ollie's articulate, knowledgeable, & does not seem to brook fools lightly - all of which will be BAD news when the fake media tries to paint him into a corner. They could've done a lot WORSE...

26 Inf
05-07-18, 15:43
The world will go on.

I'll still belong to the NRA, regardless of who is President, because membership is a condition of membership and my club, due to insurance coverage.

05-07-18, 15:48
The world will go on.

I'll still belong to the NRA, regardless of who is President, because membership is a condition of membership and my club, due to insurance coverage.

North is no Heston, but yes, the world will not stop spinning.

05-07-18, 16:19
Nothing says, "Our organization is all about non-partisan civil rights advocacy," like making Oly North your organization's president.

He's replacing Pete Brownell as president. Did Pete Brownell ever go toe-to-toe with the media?

Straight Shooter
05-07-18, 16:19
I give NO FVCKS about Iran/Contra..NONE. The man is a PATRIOT, has risked life & limb for God & Country, Kith & Kin, and for me, an EXCELLENT choice to lead the NRA.
I say GOOD.

05-07-18, 17:02
He is a war hero. As for Iran-Contra most are going off of what the liberal media tells you. I was in Central and South America in the late 80's. A lowly Lt Colonel in Washington was not running the entire show. It's funny you always hear of his Congressional testimony and the list of felon convictions. No one ever mentions the convictions were all tossed on appeal. Not 10 years of appeals but as I recall the first round of appeals. The libs are going to hate the NRA no matter what. We might as well have an articulate spokesman who is not afraid to speak up. David

05-07-18, 17:15
HE went up to the hill. He could have refused to answer, instead he stood there in his uniform, raised his right hand, and lied. Convictions not with standing, he lied. It doesn't make him not a war hero, it just makes him a liar. The best thing that happened to Iran Contra is that the DCI died. We knew who was going to get blamed after that...

05-07-18, 17:21
HE went up to the hill. He could have refused to answer, instead he stood there in his uniform, raised his right hand, and lied. Convictions not with standing, he lied. It doesn't make him not a war hero, it just makes him a liar. The best thing that happened to Iran Contra is that the DCI died. We knew who was going to get blamed after that...

Some in the Corp were none to pleased about that too. I still have a tough time viewing him as a heroic fall guy for that cluster, where we let the world know we do negotiate with terrorists. I will not lose any sleep over this, but still seems an odd choice to me. Like him or not, he comes with too much baggage for the position, but what ever.

05-07-18, 17:42
Has someone been watching too much of Youtube's "Karate Kid"? Way to face the 21st Century by going with a 1980s Cold-War Warrior. Please tell me that we'll see less of Wayne "I look like a child molester" Lapier? We can't find a WOT person to front it? Someone whose vidoes on Youtube weren't originally on VHS tape?

26 Inf
05-07-18, 18:18
North is no Heston, but yes, the world will not stop spinning.

Nope, as far as I know, Hesston never betrayed an oath and was never convicted of numerous felonies, conveniently overturned.

05-07-18, 19:17
The NRA is out of touch and quickly stagnating.

William B.
05-07-18, 20:10
He was embedded with my unit during 2 combat deployments. I'm aware of several instances where the info he reported back home didn't quite line up with what happened on the ground. Not a fan.

05-07-18, 23:47
Two words: Colion Noir

05-07-18, 23:53
Two words: Colion Noir

Two more words, "No thanks". Colion is an interesting character and is doing well in his roll. However, he has had moments of choosing being black over being a gun rights advocate. (No I'm not going to dig up his Face Book posts, but they existed.) He seems like a good dude, but I don't think he has the maturity level to be the president of the NRA yet.

I'm also not a big North fan either. I'm not sure whom they should have chosen, but North will be divisive among gun owners, as already shown in this threat.

05-08-18, 00:47
Did Heston serve in the military?

William B.
05-08-18, 06:09
Did Heston serve in the military?



05-08-18, 09:11
Deleted... We all know who the problem is at the NRA. Hint; It's not North.

Doc Safari
05-08-18, 11:11
I can hear it now, "He ran guns to Iran; now he'll run guns to school shooters."

Sometimes the NRA is just clueless. Too bad R. Lee Ermey is gone. He'd be my choice. Or the Nuge? How about Ted Nugent. Ollie North may have street cred for his military service, but to my mind he's also a little tainted like G. Gordon Liddy (who would make an excellent NRA prez himself.)

26 Inf
05-08-18, 11:34
G. Gordon Liddy (who would make an excellent NRA prez himself.)

Shouldn't an NRA President be able to own firearms? I thought felons were prohibited.

26 Inf
05-08-18, 11:35
Did Heston serve in the military?

Careful, those questions irk the ones who never did.

05-08-18, 11:37
Two words: Colion Noir

Sure. If YouTube hits was somehow a valid measure of qualification.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
05-08-18, 11:40
Shouldn't an NRA President be able to own firearms? I thought felons were prohibited.

I was actually only half serious. I used to listen to his radio show in the 1990's. He kept repeating that he couldn't own firearms, but his wife sure had a huge collection. It was very tongue-in-cheek and humorous and most people have probably forgotten all about him and his radio show.

05-08-18, 11:48
Sure. If YouTube hits was somehow a valid measure of qualification.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Noir has solid, logical arguments, a good knowledge of firearms and firearm culture, a focus on the real issues of gun rights (self defense, not hunting)...AND he has a law degree. I'd say he's pretty qualified!

05-08-18, 12:01
Well at least libtard's heads are imploding everywhere and that always makes me smile.

Noir has solid, logical arguments, a good knowledge of firearms and firearm culture, a focus on the real issues of gun rights (self defense, not hunting)...AND he has a law degree. I'd say he's pretty qualified!

I agree, plus the whole "white guys with guns club" moniker wouldn't hold much water.

05-08-18, 12:16
I agree, plus the whole "white guys with guns club" moniker wouldn't hold much water.

They just get racist towards him. He's been called "house n***er" and "porch monkey" by the left already, even white leftists. He's either brainwashed, weak, or a traitor unless he locks step with the Democratic party.

05-08-18, 12:33
They just get racist towards him. He's been called "house n***er" and "porch monkey" by the left already, even white leftists. He's either brainwashed, weak, or a traitor unless he locks step with the Democratic party.

Of course, but what self-respecting white man's club makes a "porch monkey" it's president? A spokesman is one thing but president. I think it would blow up in racist bastard's faces.

I think Colion would have been a better choice, I think North is going to be too devisive and the 2A doesn't need anymore of that.

05-08-18, 13:27
If the NRA President is supposed to be the public face of the organization, giving speeches and sound bites, etc -- why not just pick Tom Selleck? I'm pretty sure the NRA President has no real power in the organization, so "qualifications" is sort of a moot point.

05-08-18, 13:27
Of course, but what self-respecting white man's club makes a "porch monkey" it's president? A spokesman is one thing but president. I think it would blow up in racist bastard's faces.

I think Colion would have been a better choice, I think North is going to be too devisive and the 2A doesn't need anymore of that.

Indeed. I think that move would be really interesting as to it's effects on memberships, both who left and what new people joined... Colion probably a tad too young for it, but I wouldn't count him out for the future. We know North certainly not going to help dispel the "old white mans" club rep of the NRA.

05-08-18, 13:49
Shouldn't an NRA President be able to own firearms? I thought felons were prohibited.
I was thinking the same thing.

05-08-18, 15:02
Shouldn't an NRA President be able to own firearms? I thought felons were prohibited.

Yah that could be a problem, they need to find someone else.

05-08-18, 15:18
I'm ambivalent about North anyway, but is there some requirement that these positions be limited to geezers only? Seems like the only way to get them off the stage is feet first.

05-08-18, 15:58
Yah that could be a problem, they need to find someone else.

North isn't a felon.

26 Inf
05-08-18, 16:33
I was thinking the same thing.

I was referring to G. Gordon Libby, I think DocGlockster mentioned him.

North's convictions were overturned and the DOJ decided not to refile. The ACLU helped him out big time on that deal.

North's still a felon as fair as I'm concerned.

I can not believe the NRA is that out of touch.

05-08-18, 16:34
Yah that could be a problem, they need to find someone else.

Was dismissed all charges against North on September 16, 1991 by Judge Gesell. Seems rather late in the game for that, but I looked it up. So, that one appears to be anon issue.

Doc Safari
05-08-18, 16:36
I was referring to G. Gordon Libby, I think DocGlockster mentioned him.

North's convictions were overturned and the DOJ decided not to refile. The ACLU helped him out big time on that deal.

North's still a felon as fair as I'm concerned.

I can not believe the NRA is that out of touch.

Yeah, even if his "crime" is not one of moral turpitude, it still is a stain on an organization's reputation. But then again NRA tolerates Grover Norquist, who Glenn Beck claims is a Muslim Brotherhood pawn, so maybe North will bring balance back to the Force.

05-08-18, 17:29
I was referring to G. Gordon Libby, I think DocGlockster mentioned him.

North's convictions were overturned and the DOJ decided not to refile. The ACLU helped him out big time on that deal.

North's still a felon as fair as I'm concerned.

I can not believe the NRA is that out of touch.

This is the same NRA that responded to the Las Vegas shooting by calling for bump stocks to be re-classified as machine guns and has backed every major piece of gun legislation to pass into law at the federal level since at least 1934. Who sent Wayne LaPierre to gormlessly attempt to defend the Second Amendment on CNN and other major media outlets and has continued to keep him on in the same position he has held for... decades, I'm guessing, now. Many, many years, anyway.

05-08-18, 18:44
edit: n/m

Dist. Expert 26
05-09-18, 05:46
This is the same NRA that responded to the Las Vegas shooting by calling for bump stocks to be re-classified as machine guns and has backed every major piece of gun legislation to pass into law at the federal level since at least 1934. Who sent Wayne LaPierre to gormlessly attempt to defend the Second Amendment on CNN and other major media outlets and has continued to keep him on in the same position he has held for... decades, I'm guessing, now. Many, many years, anyway.

Hey, without the NRA the 2nd Amendment wouldn't exist.

That's the line, right?

05-09-18, 09:18
North's still a felon as fair as I'm concerned.

And he's a hero as far as others are concerned. Feelings don't matter.

I stopped trying to make sense of the NRA's actions several years ago, I can't say the North decision surprises me.

26 Inf
05-09-18, 11:42
And he's a hero as far as others are concerned. Feelings don't matter.

I agree on that. According to our Rule of Law he isn't a felon. What I feel has no bearing on that outcome.

If I was in a room with North, I'd keep my distance while not being obvious about doing so. If circumstances dictated that was not possible, I'd be courteous.

Also, your second sentence is spot on.

05-09-18, 11:59
I agree on that. According to our Rule of Law he isn't a felon. What I feel has no bearing on that outcome.

If I was in a room with North, I'd keep my distance while not being obvious about doing so. If circumstances dictated that was not possible, I'd be courteous.

Also, your second sentence is spot on.

I get where you're coming from. There's a sex offender that lives in my area. He confessed to raping 3 women over the course of a 2 year period and they suspected him of many more. Because of some technicality, he was removed from the sex offender registry despite the fact he did 2 years in prison. He may not legally be a sex offender, but he's a sex offender.

05-09-18, 13:26
I don't see what he will bring, being worth more than giving the opposition the able to just focus on his past.

On the man. It was a little before my time. But I never could understand the personal hatred. He worked for an Admiral who worked directly for the President.

26 Inf
05-09-18, 14:45
I don't see what he will bring, being worth more than giving the opposition the able to just focus on his past.

On the man. It was a little before my time. But I never could understand the personal hatred. He worked for an Admiral who worked directly for the President.

Are you talking about Oliver North?

If you are really wanting to know, read up on the Iran-Contra Affair - from both left and right perspectives, then see what you think.

My take: I think he violated his oath as a Marine Officer and, his oath before Congress, if he was required to give one.

He was convicted of accepting a security system for his home (accepting an illegal gratuity), as well aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry (for lying to Congress during his initial testimony) and ordering the destruction of documents (he had his Secretary Fawn Hall shred them).

With help from the ACLU, his convictions were overturned: https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/21/us/civil-liberties-union-asks-court-to-quash-iran-contra-indictment.html

05-09-18, 15:57
Are you talking about Oliver North?

If you are really wanting to know, read up on the Iran-Contra Affair - from both left and right perspectives, then see what you think.

My take: I think he violated his oath as a Marine Officer and, his oath before Congress, if he was required to give one.

He was convicted of accepting a security system for his home (accepting an illegal gratuity), as well aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry (for lying to Congress during his initial testimony) and ordering the destruction of documents (he had his Secretary Fawn Hall shred them).

With help from the ACLU, his convictions were overturned: https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/21/us/civil-liberties-union-asks-court-to-quash-iran-contra-indictment.html

He knowingly broke the laws, he followed orders like a good soldier for his POTUS, and fell on his sword when caught, and many willing to overlook the fact he et al broke the laws to paint him a noble hero for falling on his sword. I don't see it that way. Reagan should have been impeached for that, and selling arms to terrorists (totally blowing any "we don't negotiate with terrorists" international credibility we had...) to fight the commies by funding an equally horrible group in SA, was a low point all around. This was a good summary without judgement I thought for those who want a quick intel dump:


05-09-18, 17:13
The NRA's credibility isn't enhanced by North, but it might not be much hurt.
I believe that there are less controversial choices that might be smarter, but. I also believe it might be time to clean house and send Wayne packing.
People become stagnant and this is a rather pivotal time.
We can't remain relevant with these kinds of choices.

Doc Safari
05-09-18, 17:19
We need a president like Dana Loesch:

1. Female: represents the changing face of 2A that women have a right to defend themselves and own "assault weapons".
2. Young: Isn't a grey haired old white guy in a suit
3. From the heartland: Doesn't live in an out-of-touch big city; lives in Dallas in the midst of the Republic of Texas
4. Intelligent: Writes books
5. Famous: Has her own radio show and was a part of Glenn Beck's empire for years.


05-09-18, 17:23
She would be appealing on a lot of levels for sure.

05-09-18, 17:24
I know about Iran-Contra. North ended up being the public face of some cold war policy decisions (some that the D Congress hobbled Regan from doing, some politically difficult) that couldn't quite be pinned directly on Regan.

Congress went for public theater, and screwed the ability for a fair trial.

I get neither the "traitor" nor "Ollie for president" sides.

05-09-18, 17:29
We need a president like Dana Loesch:

1. Female: represents the changing face of 2A that women have a right to defend themselves and own "assault weapons".
2. Young: Isn't a grey haired old white guy in a suit
3. From the heartland: Doesn't live in an out-of-touch big city; lives in Dallas in the midst of the Republic of Texas
4. Intelligent: Writes books
5. Famous: Has her own radio show and was a part of Glenn Beck's empire for years.


Absolutely. This is a big reason why I mentioned Noir earlier. I think that those two would be great figure heads for a group that is otherwise labeled: old, white, racist and out of date.

It sure would be nice to point to executive management of the NRA and ask how they get that a racist and bigoted group has ethnic & females in their highest positions. Right now, it's really difficult when most of the "faces" match what those against the group claim that said group is comprised of.

05-09-18, 17:32
Sadly, to see anything change--I woulda preferred Dana or even Tom Selleck over North, but I don't get to vote for another two years until my Life Membership's paid off--it's going to mean finding a way to root-canal the abscessed tooth that is Weasel Wayne and his Wanker Wonks.

We need an NRA that will PARTNER with other gun rights orgs, not undermine their efforts and then steal credit for their successes, as they tried to do to SAF on Heller. Problem is... how do we get from "here" to "Wayne Shitcanned" in the post-Knox Revolt failure world? Knox struck at King Frenchy the Fudd and missed... as a result, our task taking a next bite at the apple is much harder, and we can't afford to miss when we try our hand at the Game of Thrones.

Doc Safari
05-09-18, 17:42
Let me tell you about Wayne LaPierre. During the bad ol' days of the Brady Law and the 1994 AWB, I watched every TV show that sorry piece of wimpy burger was on. Throughout every interview the premise was that NRA was accepting of the fact that legislation was going to pass, and they were going to get the best deal they could.

What happened to "from my cold dead hands?" I guess as long as LaPierre's expensive duck guns weren't affected, he was okay with losing a whole class of firearms and having a five-day waiting period for a handgun.

Oh, and the dude was so clueless he offered the NICS check as an alternative to the five-day wait. Guess what? The liberals glommed onto that and immediately wanted both. If he had just pushed for a sunset of the five-day wait we would have been better off. Luckily they put a sunset provision in the AWB, but that was a last-minute fluke to get it passed IIRC.

Wayne LaPierre is about keeping the status quo. He's not about actually...cough...ADVANCING our rights. No, as long as we don't lose the Second Amendment he was resigned to the fact that the NRA was going to accept more restrictions. If I could have been a fly on the wall, I would have bet money that signing onto the ban of bump stocks came straight from the mouth of one Wayne LaPierre.

05-09-18, 17:43

05-09-18, 17:44
I know about Iran-Contra. North ended up being the public face of some cold war policy decisions (some that the D Congress hobbled Regan from doing, some politically difficult) that couldn't quite be pinned directly on Regan.

Congress went for public theater, and screwed the ability for a fair trial.

I get neither the "traitor" nor "Ollie for president" sides.I'm sitting here thinking the same. Wondering how many commenting were functioning adults then.

Not that I think he's good for the NRA.

He's a cold war relic. Not hero, nor do I think criminal.

Just not relevant, and that makes him a bad pick.

All that said, do we really think anyone that is picked will be met with approval????

Answer is no. So might as well pick someone good for the org and cause.

05-09-18, 17:47
Absolutely. This is a big reason why I mentioned Noir earlier. I think that those two would be great figure heads for a group that is otherwise labeled: old, white, racist and out of date.

It sure would be nice to point to executive management of the NRA and ask how they get that a racist and bigoted group has ethnic & females in their highest positions. Right now, it's really difficult when most of the "faces" match what those against the group claim that said group is comprised of.I would not be opposed to either, but we saw how DL was treated by the mainstream press. How Kayne is being almost white'd now. You really think Colin would fare better in the press?

05-09-18, 17:58
I would not be opposed to either, but we saw how DL was treated by the mainstream press. How Kayne is being almost white'd now. You really think Colin would fare better in the press?
You know that regardless of which Black Person stands up to defend any conservative value, they will catch hell.
Those challenging these truths, don't have viable answer just accusing pointy fingers.
Talking to people I've worked with was very enlightening on these sorts of matters.
The truth isn't hidden it's pretty obvious to everyone concerned.
These were the same gentleman who explained to me that POTUS Obama wasn't black and I must say the made a very good case.

05-09-18, 18:52
I would not be opposed to either, but we saw how DL was treated by the mainstream press. How Kayne is being almost white'd now. You really think Colin would fare better in the press?

I would hope Colion would be smart enough not to say that being a slave is a choice.

05-09-18, 19:19
I would hope Colion would be smart enough not to say that being a slave is a choice.So I'm Caucasian and probably suspect. But even in my limited wokeness I understood what he was saying and it was not referring to literal slavery.

And I'm pretty sure you know what he was referring to as well. Context matters.

The whole topic was Political Correctness run amuck, and the false choice that Kayne could not be black and have any point of alignment with ANY Trump policies, much less have anything but hatred for him.

This is the new "thing" from media and the antis... Take something out of context and assume it's worse literal interpretation.

Deliberately misinterpreting or too ignorant to understand the core point. The former are worse than the later, at least the ignorant have an excuse. The former are simply dishonest. Which are you?

05-09-18, 23:57
I like Olly but..would like to see Alan West , Dana, or Tom Seleck up there.

05-10-18, 00:51
" From the heartland: Doesn't live in an out-of-touch big city; lives in Dallas in the midst of the Republic of Texas"

Sounds like an oxymoron.

05-10-18, 02:15
So I'm Caucasian and probably suspect. But even in my limited wokeness I understood what he was saying and it was not referring to literal slavery.

And I'm pretty sure you know what he was referring to as well. Context matters.

The whole topic was Political Correctness run amuck, and the false choice that Kayne could not be black and have any point of alignment with ANY Trump policies, much less have anything but hatred for him.

This is the new "thing" from media and the antis... Take something out of context and assume it's worse literal interpretation.

Deliberately misinterpreting or too ignorant to understand the core point. The former are worse than the later, at least the ignorant have an excuse. The former are simply dishonest. Which are you?

I don't care what Kanye thinks of Trump.

I don't know how you can think, "When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years!? That sounds like a choice," is not literally referring to slavery.

But I also don't particularly care to find out, because he's a self-centered, disconnected-from-reality douchebag who married into a family of douchebags, all of whom are most famous for, as far as I can tell, being stupid douchebags.

So I may be wrong about Kanye West and his remarks about slavery. But I don't care enough about Kanye to care whether it's correct or not and I'm sure that, in a day or two, Kanye West will go back to being just another self-absorbed Kardashian in my mind.

05-10-18, 08:01
because he's a self-centered, disconnected-from-reality douchebag who married into a family of douchebags, all of whom are most famous for, as far as I can tell, being stupid douchebags.

And on this we agree.

What he was referring to is relevant... He has a strong belief and ongoing theme that blacks have traded literal slavery for economic and political slavery based on who they support politically and how they behave. Multiple songs on this point

And anyone who dares to not support the party line is castigated with very harsh language & terms (plantation, housewhatever, unclesomething). And now, "almost white".

Which totally supports his point, they will attack one of their own who dares to point out the folly of supporting parties/positions which at best are not helping and at worst are perpetuating the problem. Perhaps intentionally.

While I would support DL or CN as NRA leadership, they will be accused of worse, and it will be immediately branded as tokenism. Which is how the game is played. Try to address concerns of not being diverse? Tokenism.

NRA needs a leader. I don't think Ollie is that. Maybe CN could be, but it's moot.

05-10-18, 08:45
Oliver North spent a few months with my unit in Iraq. At the time, I was Lcpl Nobody, but I did have a few opportunities to speak with him one on one. For the most part, we just shot the shit and kind of talked about what we were dealing with in Iraq at the time. I do remember one particular conversation that we had. He asked me where I was from. I told him Iowa, and that led to the subject of wrestling. I told a story of how in college, a good friend of mine had to face off against Cael Sanderson (Current Penn State coach) in a tournament. Oliver asked how the match went. I said...considering the fact that Cael never lost a match in college, not so well. My buddy went on to have a pretty successful college career and is now the head wrestling coach somewhere in Oklahoma. Anyhow, I guess what I'm getting at is that Colonel North actually took the time to acknowledge me, let alone hang around and bullshit. Take it for what it is I guess.

26 Inf
05-10-18, 11:28
Oliver North spent a few months with my unit in Iraq. At the time, I was Lcpl Nobody, but I did have a few opportunities to speak with him one on one. For the most part, we just shot the shit and kind of talked about what we were dealing with in Iraq at the time. I do remember one particular conversation that we had. He asked me where I was from. I told him Iowa, and that led to the subject of wrestling. I told a story of how in college, a good friend of mine had to face off against Cael Sanderson (Current Penn State coach) in a tournament. Oliver asked how the match went. I said...considering the fact that Cael never lost a match in college, not so well. My buddy went on to have a pretty successful college career and is now the head wrestling coach somewhere in Oklahoma. Anyhow, I guess what I'm getting at is that Colonel North actually took the time to acknowledge me, let alone hang around and bullshit. Take it for what it is I guess.

I'm glad you had that experience. Liking someone and agreeing with what they've done, or what they believe in, are two different things.

I had a pretty bad accident about a decade ago, I had a couple surgeries and was in a scooter with 3 appendages disabled for a good period of time. During this time one of my co-workers kind of took on the job of helping th invalid out. He appeared at my office door at regular intervals - 'need coffee?' 'you okay?' 'ready to go to lunch?' and always helped out when I loaded to go home. He was a good friend and coworker. About a year later, he killed his wife. That doesn't change how he treated me.

05-10-18, 13:26
I would not be opposed to either, but we saw how DL was treated by the mainstream press. How Kayne is being almost white'd now. You really think Colin would fare better in the press?

I don't give a dump actually. I just know they couldn't claim it's nothing but angry old white guys and then point to every single executive member of the group whenever we try to argue that point. So they can try to drag them through the mud (and they will anyone who is in that position.... so?) but that's the job. It will also get a tremendous amount of attention from young ethnic folks which is something this group DESPERATELY needs before it's too late. If we're choosing our 2A leaders based on how acceptable the anti-2A people would be of them... we're doing it wrong.

05-10-18, 13:27
I'm glad you had that experience. Liking someone and agreeing with what they've done, or what they believe in, are two different things.

I had a pretty bad accident about a decade ago, I had a couple surgeries and was in a scooter with 3 appendages disabled for a good period of time. During this time one of my co-workers kind of took on the job of helping th invalid out. He appeared at my office door at regular intervals - 'need coffee?' 'you okay?' 'ready to go to lunch?' and always helped out when I loaded to go home. He was a good friend and coworker. About a year later, he killed his wife. That doesn't change how he treated me.

Damn, that's crazy. You're absolutely right though. Obviously Oliver North has quite the past. When I met him, I was somewhat aware of the whole Iran-Contra affair, but it was never really anything I read into until later in life.

I'm not one that really gives a damn about famous people, or loses my shit when I meet them. I'd imagine they wipe their rear the same way I do. With that said, I think I'm fortunate to have spoken with the man, and just the fact that he took the time to do that when I never in a million years expected him to is pretty cool in my book.

05-10-18, 22:05
Apparently Olly supported the 94 AWB:


And before anyone complains about the source r/firearms is very strong in support of the 2A and there is proof provided in the post but I didn’t want to take it and pass it off like I found it

05-10-18, 22:18
Apparently Olly supported the 94 AWB:


And before anyone complains about the source r/firearms is very strong in support of the 2A and there is proof provided in the post but I didn’t want to take it and pass it off like I found it

So did a lot of people who've since seen the error of their prior position. Not saying that's necessarily the case with ON, and the question should be raised, but he should also be given a fair chance to answer it.

Or are you going to say that because *I* was snookered by the propaganda for a brief time, I should be expelled from the NRA and this site?

05-10-18, 23:24
But a lot of people who thought that way, not only don't get to be the face of the NRA, they don't bring Ollie's baggage.
Baggage being his Iran/Contra participation or his advanced age.

It's kind of a game changer for me, I mean what else will he change his mind on?

05-11-18, 01:11
3. From the heartland: Doesn't live in an out-of-touch big city; lives in Dallas in the midst of the Republic of Texas


" From the heartland: Doesn't live in an out-of-touch big city; lives in Dallas in the midst of the Republic of Texas"

Sounds like an oxymoron.

LMFAO, Southlake, Texas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southlake,_Texas) isn't exactly what I'd call the heartland.

"In 2018, data from the American Community Survey revealed that Southlake was the 4th wealthiest city in the United States, based on the median household income of $189,432 and its 2.5% poverty rate"

05-11-18, 07:00
So did a lot of people who've since seen the error of their prior position. Not saying that's necessarily the case with ON, and the question should be raised, but he should also be given a fair chance to answer it.

Or are you going to say that because *I* was snookered by the propaganda for a brief time, I should be expelled from the NRA and this site?

Expelled? Nah. The face of the largest organization that is supposed to fight for our individual right to keep and bear arms? Yeah sorry, I think you could find someone who wasn’t willing to sell out those rights to hold that position.

05-11-18, 07:28
Apparently Olly supported the 94 AWB:


And before anyone complains about the source r/firearms is very strong in support of the 2A and there is proof provided in the post but I didn’t want to take it and pass it off like I found it

You make a valid point. No one should serve at the head of the NRA who supported the 94' assault weapons ban.

05-11-18, 08:10
You make a valid point. No one should serve at the head of the NRA who supported the 94' assault weapons ban.

I would agree and again since we're trying to attract younger shooters in to the sport, why don't we look for someone who isn't so old they might get their Polydent and Preparation H mixed up some morning?

Doc Safari
05-11-18, 09:06
Apparently Olly supported the 94 AWB:


And before anyone complains about the source r/firearms is very strong in support of the 2A and there is proof provided in the post but I didn’t want to take it and pass it off like I found it

Great. Next they'll nominate Jim Zumbo to something.

05-11-18, 14:34
Great. Next they'll nominate Jim Zumbo to something.

I thought Denny Hansen at SWAT Magazine pronounced him "rehabilitated," LOL...

Doc Safari
05-11-18, 14:49
I thought Denny Hansen at SWAT Magazine pronounced him "rehabilitated," LOL...

My take: in the same way you can't fix stupid, you can't fix Fudd either.

Zumbo spouted what rhetoric he had to because he was watching his career melt down faster than a snowcone in June, but deep down inside he still suffers from the "AR's are man-killers" mentality. Eff him.

05-11-18, 14:55
I thought Denny Hansen at SWAT Magazine pronounced him "rehabilitated," LOL...

My take: in the same way you can't fix stupid, you can't fix Fudd either.

Zumbo spouted what rhetoric he had to because he was watching his career melt down faster than a snowcone in June, but deep down inside he still suffers from the "AR's are man-killers" mentality. Eff him.

Apparrent rehab via the Nug.

Doc Safari
05-11-18, 15:00
I actually quit Ted Nugent's chat forum over the Zumbo thing. Telling me he's been rehabilitated don't make it so, Ted.

26 Inf
05-11-18, 15:15
I actually quit Ted Nugent's chat forum over the Zumbo thing. Telling me he's been rehabilitated don't make it so, Ted.

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of men? The Glockster knows! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q061NWVbj-Q