View Full Version : NY Attorney General Resigns

05-07-18, 21:33

Drug abuse and violence against his sex partners. Can these politicians even spell "moral".

05-07-18, 23:13
Hopefully all his dumb ideas on firearms leave office WITH him. :mad:

05-07-18, 23:34
Spitzer liked call girls and this dude likes to beat up women.

What a classy bunch. The people of New York deserve a lot better than this.

05-08-18, 01:20
Hubris: overconfident pride combined with arrogance. When the goddess Nemesis is done with you, there's nothing left but a grease spot...

Great bedtime story.

05-08-18, 01:30
I remember in the movie Gladiator, when Marcus Aurelius asks Maximus to succeed him as emperor, Maximus replies, "With all my heart: No", to which Aurelius replies, "That is why it must be you." Unfortunately, it rings true that the people with the morality to lead justly usually are too humble to be a politician. If you were to test most elected officials, you'd probably find that the percentage that have antisocial personality disorder is probably close to that of the U.S. prison population. Our nation is basically run by serial killers.

05-08-18, 04:45
Trumps tweet in 2013

Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone - next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner

7:10 AM - Sep 11, 2013

EDIT: You gotta to love their "Holier-than-thou' attitude - now we have Soros' right hand man Arrested For Rape And Human Trafficking !

Howard Rubin, widely known as George Soros’ right hand man, has been accused of leading a “human trafficking enterprise” in which he allegedly raped, brutally assaulted and enslaved women in a $8 million Manhattan sex dungeon, according to court documents.


05-08-18, 05:08
Wait, is this the TV show Billions? No that was gov.

So literally, PoundMeToo.

Alex V
05-08-18, 07:22
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

The best is when a local NJ news outlet reported on it saying her was an opponent of Trump but mentioned nothing of him being a Democrat.

I'm telling you guys, the only way we will win is to start putting dead hookers in the trunks of Democratic leaders.

05-08-18, 09:43
I'm telling you guys, the only way we will win is to start putting dead hookers in the trunks of Democratic leaders.

It appears they are ALMOST doing that themselves...so no real need for us to get our hands dirty with that business... just let nature take its course.

05-08-18, 11:43
The scandal isn't that this guy got caught or outed.

The scandal is that the Dems protected one of their own and it only came out now about this guy. The Dems can't walk around in their pussy hats and claim that this is a one sided partisan issue. They protected, they took money from, they ran for office sexual predators- all the while talking about how they are for the women.

That is the real scandal. Like Priest and kid type levels of corruption and malfeasance.

This is like lifeguards drowning kids.

05-08-18, 12:11
The scandal isn't that this guy got caught or outed.

The scandal is that the Dems protected one of their own and it only came out now about this guy. The Dems can't walk around in their pussy hats and claim that this is a one sided partisan issue. They protected, they took money from, they ran for office sexual predators- all the while talking about how they are for the women.

That is the real scandal. Like Priest and kid type levels of corruption and malfeasance.

This is like lifeguards drowning kids.

It really doesn't matter. The left is above reproach, and they have all their minions goosestepping along. Point out this awful thing, and a leftist will point out something that Trump has done, even if it has nothing to do with this. This is the average conversation:

Conservative: "The New York Attorney General physically abused his sexual partners while publicly touting the '#MeToo' movement. Hypocrite much?"

Liberal: "Yeah, well, Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border to keep out immigrants, so who's the real hypocrite?"

Con: "Uh, one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other."

Lib: "No, it's the same, because building a wall is like raping every person in Mexico. Schneiderman raped only a couple people, whereas Trump raped an entire country!"

The next day, the FBI opens an investigation for 123,675,325 counts of rape by Trump, and some liberal congressman proposes a bill to add to the legal definition of rape "Proposing the building of a wall along the Mexican border."

Nothing is logical to the left anymore.

05-08-18, 12:44
Well at least this confirmed pizzagate was far too wildly outlandish to possibly be true. Sex dungeons, please, nobody has a sex dungeon....

05-08-18, 12:52
Well at least this confirmed pizzagate was far too wildly outlandish to possibly be true. Sex dungeons, please, nobody has a sex dungeon....

Between this and that Smallville actress, it makes you wonder. If you are going to go pervert, go full pervert so no one thinks it could be true...

05-08-18, 12:54
The scandal isn't that this guy got caught or outed.

The scandal is that the Dems protected one of their own and it only came out now about this guy. The Dems can't walk around in their pussy hats and claim that this is a one sided partisan issue. They protected, they took money from, they ran for office sexual predators- all the while talking about how they are for the women.

That is the real scandal. Like Priest and kid type levels of corruption and malfeasance.

This is like lifeguards drowning kids.

Business as usual with these pukes. Makes me crack my own teeth.

05-08-18, 13:05
Business as usual with these pukes. Makes me crack my own teeth.

Yep. New York Times coverage features a story about the New Yorker article and Schneiderman's resignation, but even more prominent is the story about how much good Schneiderman was doing before these revelations came out -- almost a "geez, isn't it a shame we're losing such a good guy" type of vibe coming off the reporting.

Meanwhile, anybody on the GOP side does something good, the coverage is all about "yeah, she did something OK, but remember when she told that one guy five years ago that veterans who support democrats are feeble minded? Aren't you outraged by that?"

26 Inf
05-08-18, 16:47
Well at least this confirmed pizzagate was far too wildly outlandish to possibly be true. Sex dungeons, please, nobody has a sex dungeon....

I never had a sex dungeon. I did have a sex.....wait, you mean this isn't a PM...never mind.

05-08-18, 22:36
Gee, another democrat Statist who tells us how the government has our best interest at heart, that we cannot be trusted with our own money, with firearm ownership, with managing our own business endeavors, with housing, etc....and come to find that they are a complete scumbag deviant who is not to be trusted. Maybe society will wake up to the fact that those who wish to control us, decide our fate are covering for the fact that they themselves are not to be trusted. AMF.....good riddance.

05-09-18, 14:50
When that tweet from Trump came out back then, I wondered: What could this guy be guilty of?

Either he's a POS, or he's a sniveling rat waiting to be in the snap trap.

Looks like this one only caught him by the tail. Hopefully justice will slap the kill bar down on his personal life and finances hard.

05-09-18, 16:39

Bu he fought for abortion, for womyn!

05-09-18, 17:19
How did he have time for work?

05-09-18, 17:26
Business as usual with these pukes. Makes me crack my own teeth.

Yes. Bill and Hillary are all for women's rights, stand up for women, represent women, blah blah blah. Just look at Bill's long history, and especially what he did while President and in the oval office. Yet the left revere them both as defenders of women's rights.

05-09-18, 18:12
How did he have time for work?

"Work?!" LOL!