View Full Version : ? on our Facial Recognition Systems

05-09-18, 07:00
Anyone know how accurate our Facial Recognition System are? Hard to understand 92% false positives as a tool.

South Wales Police Defend Facial Recognition System with 92% False Positives

South Wales Police in the United Kingdom have defended their eight-percent accurate facial recognition system, declaring, “no facial recognition system is 100% accurate.”
According to Ars Technica, a “public records request shows that of the 2,470 alerts from the facial recognition system, 2,297 were false positives. In other words, nine out of 10 times, the system erroneously flagged someone as being suspicious or worthy of arrest.”


05-09-18, 07:48
Point the camera at who you want to follow and get a false positive back. Then you can track that person based on the false positive, until they do something so you can open an investigation on them for something that you observe. The false positive isn’t a glitch, it is a feature to look into people you don’t have anything on. A little cynical I know, but how else can you explain it, outside of a system produced by the lowest bidder, and English people are all to similar looking? China I get ;)

05-09-18, 10:52
I wonder if those false positive images are stored/retained.

26 Inf
05-09-18, 11:30
There are a lot of nefarious theories, and some actual possibilities.

In reality, if you have 10,000 folks passing by your camera in a time period and the software alerts you to 100 it has made your job of sifting easier, now you only have 100 to consider instead of 10,000.

FMCDH: 'It is a feature to look into people you don't have anything on.' A police officer can traipse along after you to their heart's content, so long as they don't impede you in any way, or intrude upon private property in which you have standing to object to their presence. Facial recognition, I doan need no stinking facial recognition.