View Full Version : Irán fires missiles over is Israel

05-09-18, 18:06
My understanding is this just occurred.
Perfectly timed irt North Korea and the end of the treaty.
Honestly, it's time Israel handles this in a way that makes it clear they won't accept this, nor have to do this again.

Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted "some" of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported.
Tensions between Israel and Iran are high over Iran's efforts to expand its military presence in Syria, where it is a key ally of President Bashar Assad. Repeated airstrikes attributed to Israel have killed Iranian fighters and prompted threats of reprisal from Tehran. Meantime, President Donald Trump's announcement Tuesday that the U.S. would withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran has triggered uncertainty and threatened to spark more unrest in the Middle East.

05-10-18, 16:39
Read that something like 70 targets engaged, virtually all the Iranian military presence in Syria. Also that the Russians are basically staying in place as long as none of their stuff or pro-regime Syrian stuff is hit.

05-10-18, 17:22
Now that we have someone in the White House who won't abandon Israel to side with the Islamists I believe Israel will stop taking crap from Iran and its proxies.

Doc Safari
05-10-18, 17:31
Well, the next war has begun. Hope it doesn't turn into World War 3.

05-10-18, 18:33
Iran is throwing a hissy-fit over Trump pulling out of the nuke deal. They are lashing out like a friggin' 2yo. They were slapped last night. A firm kick to the balls is coming if they don't throttle back.

I read today that the Israeli Defense Minister said "If it rains in Israel it will pour in Iran".

My prediction: Iran will puss-out and use their proxy dick-suckers Hezbollah to take the next step.

Ned Christiansen
05-10-18, 18:41
2YO behavior is the problem, all points of the compass. So many of the people calling the shots in the world are just... friggin'.... immature as hell. Buncha petulant tykes (and every once it in a while it's us).

05-11-18, 04:40
Iran got hit hard in the biggest air operation by the IAF over Syria since 1973.

Israel has a deal in place with Putin, who was warned about our attacks. The time of the Iranian attack was chosen by Israel, Solemoni was messed with for 6 to 8 weeks prior in order to push him to doing something stupid. It worked, now Iran has no toys to play with in Syria.

Iran has now said they will switch from the covert program to get nukes back to the overt program. Watch for funny thing to happen that will put the program off line. All this while the Iranian people are in the streets demanding the Mullahs go home.

05-11-18, 08:16
I've seen what Iran looked like when the Shah of Iran ran it.
I'm all for freedom of religion, but at some point it has to be balanced with a bit of freedom from religion.
I hit the pews every Sunday and donate both my time and my tithe, but I don't want my religious leaders running my foreign policy in a manner that might likely end the secular world.
If Iran glows we can thank these Mullah's form bringing down the wrath of the rest of the World.

Oh and personally, I think it is a shame that Israel has to come out and justify their self defense in front of the World News Media's talking heads.

05-11-18, 09:04
The funniest thing about walking out of the Iran deal is how people say that because we abandoned the deal, our potential and real enemies won’t trust us to stay in deals.

Shheeeeeeeeeeiitt. We have been screwing over allies and the people working with us around the world for decades- about time we screwed over some enemies instead of abandoning friends and facilitators from South East Asia to the ME.

05-11-18, 12:15
Matthew 24:3, When asked what would be a sign of Jesus glorious return, Jesus said, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars"

In the Book of Ezekiel 38:1-3, the Lord says " I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal". Gog is a person and whoever he is, he is from the land of Magog and is the leader of Tubal and Meshek and a confedceracy of other nations; Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer and Beth Togarmah- Ezekiel 38:5-6. Whoever he is, he will have plans to "attach a peaceful and unsuspecting people"(Israel) verses 11,14 and 18). But, regardless of Gogs plans, the Lord God is agtainst him and ill defeat him soundly. Ezekiel 38-4, 19-23, 39:3-5.

Magog is in a land far north of Israel point of view Ezekiel 38:15, 39:2.

Jeremiah 49:34-39 says that Elam, a nation east of Babylon, west of Persia and south of Media would be conquered and then rise to power again : Just a brief history- Babylon conquered Elam in 596 but then Persia under Cyrus the Great took control of the area and then the Elamites and Medes became part of the Persian Empire. The Medo-Persian Empire ascended to power and conquered Babylon in 539 fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 21:2. This happened during the time of Daniel. Alexander the Great conquest put an end to Persia as a world power but fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel 8. Persia was by then ruled by the Selecucids, the Parthians, the Sassanians, Romans, Byzantines and in 636, the Muslims. In 1501, the state of Iran was founded.

Ezekiel mentions Persia as an ally of Magog (Russia) and the territory (Syria, Turkey, Lebanon)

When Iran and Russia gang up on Israel, God himself will literally defeat those armies with supernatural power and will say "I am the lord God, I will make my Holy name known among my people of Israel.

Ezekiel 39:12 says that the Magog and Persian loses will be so overwhelming that it will take Israel 7 months to collect and burry the bodies to cleanse the land.

Ezekiel 39:14 goes on to say, On that day I will give Gog a burial ground there in Israel, the valley of those who pass by east of the sea, and it will block off those who would pass by. So they will bury Gog there with all his horde, and they will call it the valley of Hamon-gog.

So, lets recap this, the bible says that in the end times, Russia and Iran play a part in trying to destroy Israel. God himself will destroy those who appose Israel. It will literally take an act of God to defend Israel.

05-11-18, 12:29
The Bible isn't a daily planner or an operating manual for the Universe. We've had so many 'end times' that ended up just being intermissions.

It's a book on on values on how to live your life, not an order of battle.

Doc Safari
05-11-18, 13:13
Matthew 24:3, When asked what would be a sign of Jesus glorious return, Jesus said, "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars"

In the Book of Ezekiel 38:1-3, the Lord says " I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal". Gog is a person and whoever he is, he is from the land of Magog and is the leader of Tubal and Meshek and a confedceracy of other nations; Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer and Beth Togarmah- Ezekiel 38:5-6. Whoever he is, he will have plans to "attach a peaceful and unsuspecting people"(Israel) verses 11,14 and 18). But, regardless of Gogs plans, the Lord God is agtainst him and ill defeat him soundly. Ezekiel 38-4, 19-23, 39:3-5.

Magog is in a land far north of Israel point of view Ezekiel 38:15, 39:2.

Jeremiah 49:34-39 says that Elam, a nation east of Babylon, west of Persia and south of Media would be conquered and then rise to power again : Just a brief history- Babylon conquered Elam in 596 but then Persia under Cyrus the Great took control of the area and then the Elamites and Medes became part of the Persian Empire. The Medo-Persian Empire ascended to power and conquered Babylon in 539 fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 21:2. This happened during the time of Daniel. Alexander the Great conquest put an end to Persia as a world power but fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel 8. Persia was by then ruled by the Selecucids, the Parthians, the Sassanians, Romans, Byzantines and in 636, the Muslims. In 1501, the state of Iran was founded.

Ezekiel mentions Persia as an ally of Magog (Russia) and the territory (Syria, Turkey, Lebanon)

When Iran and Russia gang up on Israel, God himself will literally defeat those armies with supernatural power and will say "I am the lord God, I will make my Holy name known among my people of Israel.

Ezekiel 39:12 says that the Magog and Persian loses will be so overwhelming that it will take Israel 7 months to collect and burry the bodies to cleanse the land.

Ezekiel 39:14 goes on to say, On that day I will give Gog a burial ground there in Israel, the valley of those who pass by east of the sea, and it will block off those who would pass by. So they will bury Gog there with all his horde, and they will call it the valley of Hamon-gog.

So, lets recap this, the bible says that in the end times, Russia and Iran play a part in trying to destroy Israel. God himself will destroy those who appose Israel. It will literally take an act of God to defend Israel.

I don't know about Russia anymore. If you follow Walid Shoebat's website you'd get the impression that the Ezekiel 38-39 war IS Armageddon, and that Erdogan of Turkey could very well turn out to be the Antichrist. He makes a convincing argument which is obviously too lengthy to delve into here.

Here's a little nugget for ya:

"Gog" is a common surname in Eastern Europe:

05-11-18, 15:56
Armageddon is NOT a world war like so many people think. Nor is it a world wide epidemic. Armageddon simply refers to a war that is wages on Israel by Gog and Persia.

The book of Ezekiel just like Revelations was written by prophets/apostles in exile who were writing to the Israelites. The Priest Ezekiel, is called "The Watchman over Israel" by God. John the apostle was the brother of James and Jesus referred to them as the "Sons of Thunder".

God has a great concern for Israel and a lot of the biblical end-times prophecy has to do with Israel and Israel only. The bible, which is Gods sovereign word, indicates that Magog and Persia will plan to attack Israel who at that time will be at peace. Obviously, there is no peace in the middle east as well as peace in Israel/Palestine. But when Gog and Persia attack Israel, God will destroy all who oppose Israel for they oppose God.

There has never in the history of this planet ever been an "end time" that turned out to be an intermission. The end times mark the coming of Christ, but focuses mainly on Israel as a nation.

The bible talks about the Anti-Christ who comes in a Trinity much like God who is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Anti-Christ comes with a false prophet as well as satin. Its a 3 for 1 deal. Israel will be deceived by the false prophet who like the Anti-Christ, is a puppet for Satin. The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will negotiate a peace deal with Israel and then break that deal 3 years later. For the first 3 years, Israel will experience full and complete peace. The false prophet and anti-Christ will most likely come from Israel for the reason that Jews will never allow an outsider to be in any leadership role.

The bible is not as you say, an order of battle, but God did reveal to us what we should watch out for. Every prophecy in the bible has came true except for just 1. Which is the return of our glorious king, Jesus who will rule from the throne of David.

There are things that are happening right now that are setting the stage. The US moving its embassy to Jerusalem, the Syrian war, ISIS, NATO involvement in the middle east, this list goes on.

05-11-18, 16:29
Yeah yeah, I remember you guys (not you specifically) droning on and on about this almost 30 years ago when Desert Shield/Storm kicked off....not impressed yet.

If there is ever any actual peace over there its only those few quiet moments till the Yakety Sax tape flips over and starts playing again

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

05-11-18, 20:19
The Anti-Christ comes with a false prophet as well as satin. Its a 3 for 1 deal. Israel will be deceived by the false prophet who like the Anti-Christ, is a puppet for Satin.

And what does a smooth, glossy fabric have to do with any of this?

05-11-18, 21:20
And what does a smooth, glossy fabric have to do with any of this?

Jesus Christ, what are you thinking... He said that just like there is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; there is the satin, semi-gloss and gloss. Fabric? That is for velvet Elvis's. Or maybe his spell checker doesn't allow him to use the word "satan". Maybe it is devo food cake.
